Sunday, October 11, 2020

If You Hate Trump and Vote For Biden-Harris, Then You Obviously Hate America. Roller Coaster Will Continue. 3/4th's There.

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It seems every possible deck has been stacked against Trump.  The latest is the change in the  debate format so Biden will be able to avoid the voters and continue to hide in the basement.

There is a way to flush him out, vote against his nonsense and cowardice.

Whether you realize it or not, if your hatred of Trump causes you to vote for Biden-Harris then you hate America.

A synopsis of what the election is about :



Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader:

Anyone who is younger than 60 years old should be aware of what former Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev said during an address to the United Nations in 1959...."Your children's children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but, we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism.
We will not have to fight you. We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands. The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not"
It was September 29, 1959, when Nikita Khrushchev delivered his prediction for America at the United Nations.  At that time, just the word "communism" was feared throughout our nation. Remember this. Socialism leads to Communism How do you create a Socialist State?
There are eight levels of control:
1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.
3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government . That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.
6) Education - Take control of what people read, listen to and take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from the government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.
8)Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the rich with the support of the poor.
Here is our scary future: Six of those levels are already being pushed - ARE YOU AWAKE?!!
All of these levels are being worked on including erasing history, and destroying monuments now.
Another thing that happens when tyrants take over, they remove the police and put their own henchmen in their place.
Sound familiar?
Are you awake?
I pray you are!


5 Ways Hunter Biden’s Business Deals Empowered China at America’s Expense

no exit from the roller coasteranytime 

By Salena Zito

CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP, Pennsylvania — He has no idea which candidate he's going to vote for next month.

The 36-year-old registered Republican and conservative found President Trump’s comportment so distasteful in 2016 that he voted for Hillary Clinton. Since then, he found himself reluctantly liking Trump’s accomplishments and started leaning toward voting for Trump in 2020. But he puts the brakes on supporting Trump every time the president says something he thinks is outrageous.

“I just want this chaos to end,” he says in frustration. “That is what I am going to vote for, no chaos.”

This suburban voter, like many others who might decide this election, now leans more toward Joe Biden. He is not alone.

Many voters going into this election next month believe if Biden wins the presidency, the constant disruption, chaos, and social unrest will recede because Trump will no longer be president. Some of them are actually hinging their vote on that. Those exasperated voters and every reporter who spins that reasoning are as wrong about that as they were in their belief that the 2016 election was all about Trump.
It never was.

Click here for the full story.


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