Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Warren Discovers She Is Jewish And Will Be Running Against Bibi! Trump Detractors Rethink? day Democrats might see the virtue in being accommodating instead of  vicious jerks.
From a dear friend and fellow memo reader: One of the funniest comments I read about the Super Bowl was: “If I wanted to watch guys failing at scoring for three hours, I would have just taken my buddies to a single's bar.”
This is not about The Super Bowl but it is very factual:

Senator Warren has concluded she needed more "wampum" than she could raise so she will be folding her tent and announcing she is bowing out of the race for president.

However,  after taking a new DNA Test she discovered  she is Jewish and will now be running against BIBI. Stay tuned!  (See 1 below.)
Can you believe this?  What I have been saying.

Focus on what Trump does and realize sometimes what he says and how he says it is his unorthodox style of being able to do what he does.(See 2 below.)
1) Elizabeth Warren Caught Lying About Heritage 
By TTN Staff

Elizabeth Warren has been caught yet again lying about her heritage. This time it was on her Texas State Bar Registration Card where she explicitly states her race is Native American.

According to The Daily Wire:

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed American Indian ancestry in her application for the State Bar of Texas, according to a new report documenting the previously undisclosed example of Warren claiming American Indian ancestry.

"Warren filled out the card by hand in neat blue ink and signed it," The Washington Post reported. "Dated April 1986, it is the first document to surface showing Warren making the claim in her own handwriting. Her office didn’t dispute its authenticity."
The Post notes that this latest revelation is likely to cause problems for Warren because Democrats "want a nominee who can move beyond any problems in their past and present a strong challenge to President Trump."

"The Texas bar registration card is significant, among other reasons, because it removes any doubt that Warren directly claimed the identity," the Post added. "In other instances, Warren has declined to say whether she or an assistant filled out forms."

President Trump has repeatedly taken aim at Warren over the fact that she used a false race to differentiate herself.

Shock: Even Trump Critics Admit He's Been Winning On Foreign Policy 

IBD Editorial

Foreign Affairs: At the tail end of his State of the Union address Tuesday night, as President Donald Trump touted his foreign policy achievements, Democrats sat stone faced. Not a surprise. But outside the House chamber, even some of Trump's harshest critics have grudgingly acknowledged that he's had several big wins.

Shortly before the November 2016 elections, a group of 50 top Republican foreign policy experts signed an unprecedented letter forcefully denouncing the Republican candidate for president.

"From a foreign policy perspective, Donald Trump is not qualified to be president and commander-in-chief," the letter stated. "Indeed, we are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our country's national security and well-being."
It went on: "Mr. Trump lacks the character, values, and experience to be President. He weakens U.S. moral authority as the leader of the free world. ... He continues to display an alarming ignorance of basic facts of contemporary international politics. ... He has little understanding of America's vital national interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances, and the democratic values on which U.S. foreign policy must be based."

Not Qualified?

Now, two years into the Trump presidency, even former Obama administration officials are admitting that, while Trump's methods are certainly unorthodox, he is getting results that those Republican foreign policy experts — with their deep understanding of "complex diplomatic challenges" — could only dream about.
An article in Politico — a liberal news outlet — reports that Trump's harshest critics "are grudgingly conceding that Trump's bulldozer mentality" is producing results "that have long troubled U.S. leaders" but where "there was little or no movement until Trump took office."
Politico quotes Obama's NATO ambassador, Ivo Daalder, who called Trump a "disrupter" and noted that "this is leading to some very healthy debate about what are our goals."
The article goes on to list several major Trump victories.

On Venezuela, which had been descending into socialist chaos throughout Obama's eight years in office, Politico notes that one of the first things Trump did when taking office was to impose sanctions. Obama had refused to do so out of "fear that it could undermine diplomacy."
Now, Venezuela is on the cusp of shedding socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro. And by being the first to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela's legitimate leader, "Trump forced the issue on the international stage," and forced other countries to follow his lead.
On Afghanistan, Trump announced a major breakthrough in talks with the Taliban. "Even some of Trump's skeptics say this is the best chance yet of ending the 17-year-old war," Politico notes.

North Korea and NATO

On North Korea, where previous administrations stood by as the communist nation developed its nuclear weapons program, top State Department officials say that Kim Jong Un has, for the first time, agreed to the "dismantlement and destruction of North Korea's plutonium and uranium enrichment facilities."
Politico says that "some North Korea analysts are hailing it as a significant sign of progress."
On NATO, Trump managed to get allies to do something that previous presidents couldn't: get them to boost their defense spending.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg gave Trump credit for this turnaround, saying "we see some real money and some real results. And we see that the clear message from President Donald Trump is having an impact."

Progress on China

Then there's Trump's progress on China — another festering problem that experts failed to resolve. As a result of his willingness to risk an all-out trade war, Politico notes, "there's a growing bipartisan consensus in Congress and beyond that Beijing is exploiting the West's trade rules."
Meanwhile, National Public Radio, of all places, acknowledged that Trump has arguably been tougher on Russia than his predecessors, just as Trump repeatedly insisted.

Substance vs Rhetoric

"When you actually look at the substance of what this administration has done, not the rhetoric but the substance, this administration has been much tougher on Russia than any in the post-Cold War era," Daniel Vajdich, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, told NPR.
Vajdich goes on to list examples, including agreeing to send lethal weapons to Ukraine — which Obama refused to do — sanctions on Russian oligarchs, and aggressively pushing U.S. energy exports.
That's to say nothing of Trump's swift defeat of ISIS, which came after years of Obama telling the country that victory would be elusive. Or Trump's muscular defense of Israel. Or the president's decision to pull out of Obama agreements that conservatives had derided as dangerous or toothless.
This isn't to say that Trump hasn't made mistakes. Or that there won't be setbacks. Or that the world isn't still full of dangers. Name one president who could make such claims. Nor is this to say that Trump doesn't exaggerate and bend the truth.

But it should be clear by now that Trump's aggressive and abrasive manner is working on the foreign stage in ways that his critics never expected.
It should also be clear that those policy experts who warned that Trump "would put at risk our country's national security and well-being" are looking more foolish by the day.

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