Tuesday I was playing tennis and my partner went for the ball thinking I could not reach it and he ran into me and knocked me down on my left side and leg.
I went to dr today to have x-rays and no obvious break but wanted me to go for Cat Scan which I did and will get results tomorrow. Concerned about separation. They found arthritis but I knew about that.
Have pain when I walk and may not be able to go to Louisville to hang pictures as planned and be with cousin from Israel who is now teaching at college in California and coming to Savannah for a conference tonight/. Bummer. Not easy typing e mails and thus memos will be suspended for a while.
Caught some of Cohen's testimony today. Nothing new. Know Trump has a checkered past, Playboy image but does not take away his desire to break molds.bring peace and take a fresh approach to failed past efforts.
Having the hearing while he is working hard in Asia was not an elegant move and tells me two things:
Hatred tops decency and Democrats want to set stage for impeaching.
All of their actions will eventually turn off Americans. They place politics and desire for power above everything else.
Meanwhile: Sarsour continues to spew her hatred. (See 1 below.)
It is happening. (See 1a below.)
Current Rant (See 2 below.)
1)Sarsour comments in 20017 that refer to her support for Black Lives Matter; Her belief that the US was founded on terrorism; for blaming the US for its genocide of Native Americans. She blamed the founding of the US on the backs of Mexicans, on undocumented workers and on people with disabilities. Sarsour charges the entire spectrum of American society for being Islamophobes, homophobes, xenophobes, anti-women and anti-immigrant zealots. She demonizes the current Administration who should be totally ostracized, who she characterizes as the enemy. She refuses to condemn terrorism. She dismisses as being “tired” of having to profess her Christianity. Her raison det’re for living is to live for the “oppressed” around the world. She professes her loyalty to radical islamist groups that believe in terrorism. She believes that she lives in under a fascist regime that is worse than 9-11.
- I don't know why as a Muslim community we're acting like we live in a country that is not capable of doing really horrible things. We live in a country that was founded on genocide of Native Americans and indigenous people. We live in a country that was founded on slavery of black people,
- . I'm not going to the White House iftars. I'm not going to go to the meetings if I get invited to any. I will not sit with the enemy, with Islamophobes, with homophobes, with xenophobes, with anti-women and anti-immigrant zealots. Not me sisters and brothers, and I don't believe anybody in the Muslim community should be engaging this next administration.
- . How can you sit with people who have gained access to power on your backs and the backs of your children, on the backs of black people, on the backs of Mexicans and undocumented people, on the backs of people with disabilities? Why would you as a Muslim think that you can sit with someone who has dehumanized you? The reason why I veered off this conversation of Black Lives Matter is for the very reason why I don't stand on any media platform or on any stage or at any press conference condemning terrorism. Let me tell you why. I don't condemn terrorism as a Muslim.
- Sisters and brothers, as Muslims and in front of our children I am tired of standing on stages telling Christians, ‘Oh we believe in the same God that you believe in, we are Americans just like you, we love our children just like you, we have families just like you. I'm tired every single day of our community having to prove their humanity
- . If you are a true Muslim you care about all of our Muslim sisters and brothers, you care about all oppressed people all over the world. Sisters and brothers, I am tired of oppression Olympics. This community needs you more, this community's more oppressed. No sisters and brothers, that is not how we uplift all oppressed communities. We uplift them together; we join hands together. We say free Palestine and free Syria and free Kashmir in the same breath together. That's how we will uplift all the oppressed people around the world.
- I want Muslims to say, masha'Allah sister Linda was a Muslim activist, sister Linda defended our rights and it's because of people like sister Linda and sister Zahra and people at CAIR [a Hamas front group] and people at MLFA [an Islamist group that believes that Islamist terrorists are innocent] and people at MAS [an official front group for the Muslim Brotherhood]and people at ICNA [an Islamist front group that hides known butchers of hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims] and ISNA [an Islamist group that believes in taking over the US], it is because of them and the work that they did and our young people in our MSAs[Islamist groups that defend Islamic terrorism], it is because they stood unapologetically Muslim; they defended our rights to be Muslim; they stood up in the face of tyrants and oppressors and yes the President of the United States of America.
- I'm really tired of having to come to Muslim conferences and have to explain to Muslims why Black Lives Matter is your issue. I'm tired of having to come here and explain that 1/3 of the American Muslim community is African-American. I'm tired of having to explain to you why the killing of unarmed black people, men and women, is wrong and there's no way to justify it. so when I want to say to you sisters and brothers here today is that we didn't need a hashtag that started two years ago to tell us as Muslims that black lives matter because black life always mattered in Islam.
- I did everything that I could possibly do as one person to make sure that we didn't get fascism in the White House. I did my part sisters and brothers. The question is why are we as a Muslim community 15 years after 9/11 in a worse situation than we were even days and months and weeks after 9/11? Why are we as a Muslim community experiencing our second 9/11 moment?
How Chinese Communists Are Infiltrating Universities
The Chinese Communist Party is shelling out huge educational grants to brainwash American students and get them on their side. The Free Beacon reports:
The Chinese government has infiltrated nearly every sector of the U.S. education system via a package of programs and monetary schemes that seek to indoctrinate American children and bring the Communist government’s propaganda into the classroom, according to a new report by a Senate investigatory body.The wide-ranging report by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has found that China has spent nearly $200 million on educational entities known as Confucius Institutes. These programs have been instated in U.S. schools across the country with the mission of indoctrinating students and painting a sympathetic portrait of the Chinese Communist government, according to the report.The institutes are shrouded in mystery and have been the cause of much consternation on Capitol Hill and elsewhere as information about their reach and power in the United States becomes clearer.While the programs appear on their surface to be mundane—mainly focusing on language and cultural issues—the Senate committee found that these institutes constitute a threat to the United States. The Chinese government, the committee found, “is attempting to change the impression in the United States and around the world that China is an economic and security threat.”
Tariffs are only the first step to stop another tide of Communism from infiltrating American institutions. Perhaps a shutdown of Chinese citizens coming to America will be the next necessary solution.
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It is almost March, but still nobody knows what happens on Brexit. It is doubtful there will be a cave by the EU, but who knows. Both sides are acting like idiots. Parliament makes US Congress look good, if that is possible. Everyone has had plenty of time to prepare, so the shock of a hard break may not be nearly as bad as some forecast. Whatever happens, the politics of the UK will be changed, maybe for decades. Surely the economy of the UK is going to change, maybe for much better. We really will not know for another month. The EU will never be the same. This is the inflection point for Europe.
Hopefully you are participating in the bull market, and did not listen to all negative nonsense and sell during the November December drop. So much for the pundits and talking heads pushing the recession in 2019 blather. We don’t hear that anymore. You need to separate any hatred for Trump the person, from all the very good things happening economically There are some increasing risks. As the EU moves possibly to recession and disruption, and as China slows further, it will impact the US economic growth. Home prices are much slower, and may slow further, but that may be good since it will make housing more affordable as mortgages rates stay very low. Rates are stable, and volatility is low. Cap ex is much higher than reported because there is currently no way for the Commerce dept to accurately count investment in technology like software, which is where a large portion of cap ex is being spent. This is improving productivity which the Labor Dept has never been able to measure accurately. I have no data, but in speaking to economists and reading on the topic, it is highly likely that productivity has improved much more than the data suggest. That would help explain why inflation remains low despite wages increasing. Not long ago they were claiming there would be no real deal with China- there will be, they projected more Fed raises- there are none, they claimed recession was imminent- there is none. We could have a new high in stocks.
If Trump gets a real signed deal with China with real enforcement mechanisms, a trade deal with the EU, progress on N Korea, and if the economy stays growing -even at 2% through 2020, and he builds a couple of hundred miles of barrier, Trump probably gets reelected. Mueller will say nothing really damaging, all the Dem resistance and investigations that go nowhere, and the push for socialism and higher taxes and the Green New Deal will possibly cause the Dems to lose seats in Congress. We have a long way to go, but Trump keeps accomplishing major things, while the Dems want us to go socialist, and that is the election. The more the Dems push socialist agendas and far left ideology, the more the country could swing more center right as a reaction. 2020 is going to be a key moment in American history as a moment of choice between far left ideology and center right policies for the next decade.
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