Isi is a friend and fellow memo reader whose op eds I frequently post. (See 1 below.)
Liberal WAPO "fact checkers" ignore facts. Why? Factually speaking they must prefer being biased and like their pay checks. (See 2 below.)
One might conclude the hypocrisy and double standards going on in Virginia would anger blacks and along with Trump's economic policies, which have opened jobs for those willing to work would have an impact but those enslaved, whether by force or voluntarily, seem incapable of thinking independently.
If there ever was a time for Trump to break away from watching TV and Tweeting and reaching out to and informing the black community about the benefits his policies have brought to their community, it is now.
Attacking the hypocrisy of Virginia's leadership might be a feel good political act but it is a misplaced act of vanity and a lost opportunity of spreading reality.
After going to the wall in Texas, start going to Black Churches.
Trump's SOTU address proved he understands what America hungers to hear and has writers capable of crafting speeches that are effective.
He does not have to relinquish pursuing his agenda because he is making speeches that are uplifting and signify he is willing to negotiate for part of a loaf.
It is high time to rid himself of the Edward Hyde visage and become more Dr. Jekyll.
Sen. Warren leaves her tent and announces she wants to be president. and live in the comfort of The White House.
1) Progressive Jews and Anti-Semitism
My father was a combat photographer in World War II, who filmed our front line troops in Europe from Omaha Beach through the liberation of Paris and the Battle of the Bulge to Berlin in ruins. He also filmed the liberation of Dachau, an experience so painful he never spoke about it to me until the last year of his life, at age ninety-eight. He could hardly speak. He was crying so hard his frail body was shaking, as he gasped out, “I’m sorry to be so weak.”
In my father’s last years, many things fell away, but he always gave charity to one group, the Anti-Defamation League, the voice of conscience of American Jews fighting to purge our society of the scourge of anti-Semitism.
No more. Now the ADL is just one more left-wing group, “a radical extension of the Democratic Party,” according to Isi Leibler, a prominent worldwide Jewish leader writing in the Jerusalem Post. The only anti-Semitism that it will fight is that of the tiny fringe group of white supremacists. The greater danger of the radical left and Muslim activists gets a pass. The Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement, declared anti-Semitic by the American government, is supported by Democratic politicians and so ADL won’t fight it. ADL actively supports the Marxist anti-Semitic group Black Lives Matter, which “incorporates anti-Israel passages in its platform and campaigns against anti-boycott legislation.”
ADL’s moral collapse is even greater than Leibler had space to enumerate. ADL won’t fight anti-Semitism, even violence against Jewish youngsters on campus, organized by Muslim Brotherhood front groups, because progressive multi-culturism privileges Muslims over Jews. And it utterly refuses to confront the Democrat party mainstreaming anti-Semitism from three out of its four main voting blocs – blacks, new Hispanics, and leftists.
Today in America, Leibler writes, Jews and Israel’s biggest supporters are Evangelicals. American Jewish leaders are betraying the trust of their community, putting their liberal agenda ahead of protecting Jews at home and Israel abroad.
Jewish identity has become submerged by progressivism. Indeed, left-wing Jews wishing to be regarded as “progressive” are discovering that a prerequisite to their acceptance requires a hostile attitude to Israel.
It all began with Obama, says Leibler. Before Obama, Jewish leaders were not intimidated. Their job was to speak out in defense of Israel. No more.
Obama had pro-Israel congressmen spied on by our intelligence services for opposing his pro-Iran policies. In a favorite Obama technique for suppression, pro-Israel groups were harassed and suppressed by the IRS.
Barack Obama treated Israel “as a rogue state.” He groveled before the Iranians and treated Israeli defenders and Arab terrorists as moral equivalents. “The response by the majority of the American Jewish establishment, who were previously never reticent about raising their voices, was a deafening silence,” writes Liebler.
Jewish leadership caved to Obama’s bullying. They knew that criticizing Obama would be punished severely by liberal activists, jeopardize their funding, and bring down even more hostile attacks from President Obama.
Many Jewish liberals are “so ignorant of their heritage that they regarded social justice and their Democratic political affiliation as the foremost factors in their Jewish identity.”
This past decade has been one of unprecedented passivity and cowardice by the Jewish establishment. It failed to speak out against Obama’s anti-Israel bias and remained silent when the ADL, J Street, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the National Council of Jewish Women, progressive rabbis and other Jews engaged in the primitive defamation of Trump from Jewish platforms.
Jewish groups have always been scrupulously bipartisan as a bedrock principle. Fighting anti-Semitism and promoting Jewish American interests was never partisan. But after Obama radicalized the party, that went out the window. Leibler calls out the hysteria sweeping through the Jewish community, as progressive rabbis and their lay leaders call Trump racist, an anti-Semite, and even a Nazi sympathizer.
This, despite the fact that to date, Trump has unquestionably been the most positive president toward Israel and has a converted Jewish daughter who is religiously observant. He introduced significant beneficial policies, such as ceasing financial aid to Palestinian terrorists, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and promoting the case for Israel at the UN and international forums.
Meanwhile, they support rabid black and Muslim anti-Semites wherever they may be – on campus, in Congress, leading the pussy-hat Women’s March, Farrakhan supporters in Congress, in the social justice movement.
Jewish silence has already sowed the wind.
What must have shocked and sent shivers down the spines of Jews even remotely supportive of Israel was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi‘s appointment of (Ilan Omar) this antisemitic newly elected congresswoman to the prestigious and powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee, which oversees foreign aid and such national security issues as terrorism and the proliferation of nonconventional weapons.Isi Leibler was born before the Holocaust. He has seen it happen before. He is calling out American Jewish leadership for their cowardice and collusion with the forces of left-wing hate. He says the appointment of Ilan Omar to the Foreign Affairs Committee is a wake up call.
When anti-Semitism rules, none of us are safe.
WaPo Fact Checkers Strike Out Big On The SOTU
By Katrine Pierson
As soon as President Trump finished his State of the Union address Tuesday night, The Washington Post deployed its fact-checkers to blunt any positive narrative that might come of the President’s unifying speech.
“President Trump’s State of the Union speech once again was chock-full of stretched facts and dubious figures,” the article begins, employing the standard terminology used by liberal reporters when they want to accuse the President of lying, but can’t find any actual falsehoods in his remarks.
While most of their so-called fact checks were opinionated and/or arbitrary in nature — for instance, they waved away President Trump’s accurate assertion that more Americans are employed today than ever before by pointing out that “the U.S. population is growing” — some of their more dubious claims demand a fact check of their own.
These are three of my favorite examples:
First, the Post took exception to President Trump’s claim that “Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth ... And then, we had the case of the governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth.”
The article included a particularly lengthy fact-check on the statement, arguing that the President’s description of the New York law was inaccurate because the law requires a “health-care practitioner” to make a “good faith judgment” that an abortion is necessary before ripping a baby from its mother’s womb moments before birth.
The Post’s defense of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, meanwhile, relied solely on the explanation proffered by his office, which sought to defuse the controversy over his apparent endorsement of infanticide by absurdly claiming that the governor was referring to medical treatment, not ending the life of a baby.
The Post also took issue with President Trump’s assertion “the United States was being treated very unfairly by NATO — but now we have secured a $100 billion increase in defense spending from NATO allies.”
While they conceded that the President was correct about the $100 billion number, the Post’s fact-checkers insisted that President Trump does not deserve credit for the increase, since it is just a fulfillment of a spending pledge made at a 2014 NATO summit. While it’s true that President Obama was in office when the Europeans made their pledge, the Post neglects to credit President Trump for applying the pressure needed to get our NATO allies to actually honor that commitment.
Perhaps the most ridiculous “fact check” came in response to the President’s remark that “If I had not been elected president of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea.”
Despite the fact that President Trump qualified his statement with the words “in my opinion,” the Post nonetheless felt compelled to “fact check” the unprovable claim, declaring that “Trump exaggerates the possibility of war, which had been heightened by his own harsh rhetoric.”
The Post also failed to mention that President Obama specifically identified North Korea as America’s greatest national security threat in a conversation with his newly-elected successor during the transition, telling then President-elect Trump that war with North Korea was imminent.
“He told me he was very close to going into war,” President Trump said at a press conference in 2018. “That could have been a world war very easily.”
In its flailing attempt to detract from the impact of the President’s inspiring speech, The Washington Post blurred fact with opinion, disputed figures even while conceding that they were technically accurate, and treated political spin from Democrat politicians as tantamount to a refutation of President Trump’s claims.
Despite their best efforts, though, the Post and other liberal media outlets were unable to deceive Americans, who overwhelmingly approved of the State of the Union address.
Liberals should just give up on the idea of trying to convince everyone that President Trump isn’t telling the truth. They’re not very good at it, because they still don’t understand that the whole reason the American people elected Donald Trump is that he tells the truth so convincingly.
Katrina Pierson is a senior adviser for Donald J. Trump for President Inc.
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