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Trump sells California to Mexican drug lords? (See 1 below.)
Iran remains our and the world's real enemy not only in The Middle East. They have spread their tentacles into Venezuela as well.. (See 2 below.)
The U.S. Congress has now been penetrated by elected Muslim Representatives who are hell bent on under-girding our relationship with Israel.
It is obvious if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes a fact and there are plenty who will believe whatever they are told.
Here's a backgrounder on Omar, much of which has not yet been made public, and shows her as such a hypocrite. https://
Hanson on assimilation. (See 3 below.)
Every time another left wing progressive decides to announce they are running for the president two things happen:
a) They will eventually drive the Democrat Party, in the eyes of the public, further to the left and eventually so far left they might drive away potential voters
b) These more middle roader's could be driven into Trump's camp or might not even vote.
It is far to early to conclude this because Democrats will first bloody themselves before selecting their eventual nominee but this seems to be a forming trend until such time as they finally make their selection.
I said the 2020 election began in 2018 after the mid-year election and it would be a rocky time. I failed to add "bloody " as another adjective.
Put on your political seat belt because it is going to be a bumpy and turbulent ride as the Democrats go to war trying to outdo each other.
So far the announced Democrat candidates want to raise taxes, penalize the wealthy for having been successful, give everyone free health care, those who want it a free education, keep our borders porous, replace capitalism and free markets with socialism and misery, pick up where Obama left off and turn America against Israel and select governors who want to amend abortion laws in order to try and ward off the overturn of Roe vs Wade,though there is no evidence such will occur.
If that is not enough they continue to engage in identity politics, slant every piece of news they can against Trump, and poison the air by reminding the nation Trump is an illegitimate president whose neck remains on the impeachment block.
I'll drink to this:
I would like to make one last observation. All the current Democrat announced candidates come across as angry. Being angry is something progressive radicals seem to enjoy. They generally have some cause that ticks them off and are mostly humorless. To them nothing seems "right."
Trump, on the other hand, sure gets mad at the constant attacks, the fake reporting, the effort to impeach him for things he has not done but throughout all the garbage the "Trump-haters" dump on him he projects a sense of humor, loves poking fun at his "detractors" and would be someone you, more likely, would like to and have a meal with since he does not drink.
Meanwhile, today's employment release is the equivalent of 304,000 Pelosi "crumbs" thrown at the "deplorables" as a result of Trump's economic efforts to get growth above the pitiful level Obama had us trapped in while he doubled of our deficits which Trump is also increasing because no one in Congress will allow cuts in spending.
The employment release conveniently comes a few days before Trump delivers his SOTU speech in The House Chambers.
1)President Trump to Announce Sale of California
WASHINGTON DC (AP) - At 12:15 pm today President Trump disclosed that he has reached an agreement with Enrique Pena Nieto, President of Mexico, which provides for the sale of substantially all of the State of California to the country of Mexico. President Trump noted that this deal, which he claims “is his largest real estate deal ever” is a win-win for everyone involved. One of the benefits he says he will highlight during a prime time address from the oval office later this evening, will include using the proceeds received by the US from Mexico to 1) pay for the Wall (fulfilling yet another campaign promise), a wall which will now include the length of the eastern boarder of California, 2) fund all the infrastructure spending in the remaining 49 states and 3) pay to relocate the 67 Republicans that currently reside in California. He also noted that Federal money saved from the reduction of California citizens on US social programs will allow those social programs to be cash positive in less than 3 years.
Mexican President Nieto announced that he has already introduced a bill to the Mexican Congress asking to change his country’s name to MexiCal.
Other benefits President Trump intends to discuss during this evening’s prime time address include:
California will now be able to act as a sanctuary state within MexiCal noting that there is much more room for the refugees who will find the climate in the State of California more desirable than the climate in US cities such as NYC, Detroit or Chicago.
The elimination of the existing border between Mexico and California will allow drugs to flow more freely between Mexico and the users in Hollywood. Drug tunnel diggers at the Tijuana boarder will now be able to use their skills to dig tunnels under Los Angeles to help ease congestion in that city and allow rioters to move about the city’s universities more freely.
The U.S. taxpayer will no longer be on the hook for any future disaster relief required once the next megaquake hits California.
The space in the Capitol and other DC buildings vacated by representatives of California will be fumigated and turned into “time-out rooms” for the press as well as Liberty Centers where US citizens can meet with their congressmen to discuss the pursuit of economic freedom.
Nancy Pelosi released a statement stating that she looks forward to making the Mexican President’s life miserable and prefers the year round weather in Mexico City to that of DC. Her office has already announced a schedule of fund raising activities for what is believed to be an upcoming campaign to run for President of MexiCal.
Papers released along with Trump’s statement reveal that a newly incorporated real estate company,pmurT, Inc., which was intimately involved in the deal discussions, will receive a broker fee of $25 billion on the California sale. An anonymous pmurT, Inc. representative has revealed that the profits on the deal are HUGE and will be used to purchase, develop and convert all abandoned US Federal facilities in California into special high end retreats and resorts which will assist California residents with managing their euphoria and transition into the nanny state they have so long desired to be.
The exact northern border of the new MexiCal is still under negotiation. Apparently the White House is concerned that certain members of congress may be unwilling to give up California’s wine country and are suggesting that the northern border align with the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge.
California residents will be issued special blue cards to cross the border into the US so that the total number of California liberals entering the US can be tracked and at any point in time not exceed predetermined levels. Residents that remain in California after the effective date of the sale will not be allowed to seek refugee status in the US in the future.
Mexican President Nieto stated he is thrilled with the deal and is looking forward to declaring Spanish the national language for his newly acquired territory and opening SSL (Spanish as a second language) schools throughout California. He also noted that funding for the transaction would come from the Mexican drug cartels, which have agreed to provide low interest loans to Mexico so long as they are allowed to move their cash out of Switzerland and the Cayman Islands back into Mexico tax free. He also said he considers the fact that a Disney park will now be located within his country an added bonus
White House representatives refused to confirm rumors that a similar deal was in the works for the sale of Northeastern states from NY through Maine, to Canada.
President Trump wrapped up his statement stating, “this deal is HUGE and will help Make America, albeit a little smaller, Great Again”.
2) America’s Real Enemy in the Middle East – Iran
Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Congress and the presidents alike have had no sustained policy review to establish militarily achievable objectives, coherent political goals, or even a workable definition of “the enemy” to guide lawmakers and military leaders.
Republicans and Democrats both removed governments with no plan for succession or the societal stresses and open warfare that would ensue. Without an updated Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), we “plinked terrorists” in various countries with drones or airplanes, assassinating at least four American citizens, and killing others as “collateral damage.”
American soldiers have been killed fighting in various countries, including several in Africa. We are spending billions “training” various militaries and militias and hoping they will fight who and how we want them to. Iran’s backing of rebels in Yemen is called the “Saudi war” to avoid dealing with the implications. The “Israel-Palestinian conflict” is to be resolved by creating an extra Arab state while the Palestinians definitively and publicly want to resolve it by eliminating the Jewish one.
President Trump ran against American military involvement in Syria and Afghanistan, and for a hard line on Iran. There is still no complete policy — and sometimes not even a particularly well-articulated policy — but it does appear that America’s focus has changed from retail to wholesale. From executing individual terrorists and recapturing pieces of territory to operating against the malign influence that funds and organizes large-scale Shiite — and Sunni — terror. From terror groups to a terror country.
To Iran.
After years of silence, in his “exit interview” as IDF Chief of Staff, LTG Gadi Eisenkot detailed Israel’s strikes against Iranian targets in Syria, explaining that Israel’s goal had always been to prevent the establishment of Iranian bases and missile factories there. “We struck thousands of targets,” he said, and the Iranians – unable to ensure their own security against Israeli air superiority – have been moving out. As if to punctuate his comments, Israel stuck a series of buildings at Damascus International Airport said to house a secret Iranian intelligence facility.
The administration has firmly supported Israel’s position.
European governments, despite their announced intention to follow the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, or “Iran deal”) have been trending a harder line since Trump’s re-imposition of sanctions on Iran, and particularly since the discovery of at least two Iranian-sponsored assassination plots on European soil. In a recent meeting, officials from countries including France, Britain, and Germany, told Iranian envoys that Europe would not tolerate Iran’s ballistic missile tests or aggressive behavior. The Iranians walked out.
The Warsaw conference is scheduled for mid-February; 70 countries were invited, including Israel and all of the EU members, but not Iran. A State Department announcement said the meeting “will address a range of critical issues including terrorism and extremism, missile development and proliferation, maritime trade and security, and threats posed by proxy groups across the region.” Code for Iran.
Iran denounced the conference as a “desperate anti-Iran circus,” but the “circus” is taking place in the middle of Europe. Iran’s oil exports have fallen 60 percent since last spring, and are likely to fall further as the original waivers on certain major oil importers are about to expire. Now the prospect of reduced relations with Europe – particularly Germany – has to be bone chilling for the Mullahs.
Secretary Pompeo’s swing through the Middle East was, in part, to solidify American relations with its Sunni allies and assure them that their concerns about Iran are, in fact, America’s concerns. But he had two other messages. First, that Israel is a partner in American thinking and planning — something the Arab states need to hear from the American government. Secondly, they need to know that the American military is a partner, not the answer to other countries’ problems. “We will continue to assist … and ‘assist’ is the key phrase,” Pompeo said.
The policy as it is emerging is far from perfect. Some friends of the United States are rightly unhappy that the American focus on Iran may lower the heat on the increasingly radical and aggressive but still-NATO-ally Turkey. That would be a mistake and could make the president’s other goals more difficult to achieve. But after 20 years of playing “whack-a-mole” against terrorists, the U.S. has finally focused on the source of chaos across the Middle East: Iran.
3) On Assimilation
The idea of rapid assimilation, integration, intermarriage, and Americanization was once melting-pot clear. Immigrants arrived in the U.S. eager to find something better (whether economically, politically, culturally, or socially) than what they left behind.
So they accepted the premise that the general core of American customs, traditions, and protocols, such as free-market economics, protections of private property, the chauvinism of a middle class, legal transparency, due process, an independent judiciary, the rule of law as defined by the Constitution, republican and consensual government, freedoms as outlined in the Bill of Rights, separation of church and state — within a general landscape of both Christian predominance and tolerance of competing faiths, rationalism, and ongoing expansion of civil rights.
To do otherwise and reject such a menu, was seen as an absurd paradox: Why would an emigrant leave an apparently less pleasant place simply to replicate its institutions in his new home and thereby contribute to re-creating the original problems that he had fled from?
(That is not to say that people are rational, as Texans and Floridians discover when some California refugees start imposing their destructive California tastes upon arrival in the very no-income-tax, less regulated, and smaller-government states they sought out.)
Under the brutal bargain of assimilation, the immigrant in turn enriched, but did not tamper with, these immutable core values of the United States, and yet they did so in a variety of valuable and peripheral ways: food, fashion, music, art, literature, sports, entertainment, etc. America became a more culturally “diverse” and intriguing place, even as core Americanism itself stayed the same, and even as the superficial appearances of Americans were not always the same as the majority population in 1776.
After two or three generations, assimilation was mostly complete. Italian Americans were no longer really Italians and were no more likely to prefer pasta over hamburgers than any other Americans.
Names such as Cuomo, Pataki, Pelosi, or Giuliani give no more hint to one’s politics than did Smith, Jones, and Baker. Japanese Americans in my Central California youth often had Buddhist sports leagues and Japanese language and culture classes for the assimilating third generation, but all such programs are now mostly over, and I know almost no Japanese Americans under 70 who speak Japanese or who are Buddhists.
In reference to Tom Brokaw and his complaints about the tardiness of assimilating the Hispanic diaspora, he was wrong only in suggesting that the slowing of integration was due to Latinos only. In fact, we the host were as culpable as La Raza activists. For decades, elites have encouraged bilingual education, interpreters, open borders, and identity politics, and they have grown soft on contextualizing the cynicism and often amorality of the Mexican government — and to such a degree that now all the career enhancements are on the side of overemphasizing tribal identity (often in ludicrous fashion, as we saw with the transparent contortions of Elizabeth Warren and Kevin de León) as essential rather than incidental to one’s persona.
This institutionalization of the salad bowl occurred unfortunately during a climate of mass, illegal, non-meritocratic, and non-diverse immigration, especially from areas of impoverished southern Mexico and Central America, whose emigrants arrived so often without a high-school diploma, legality, English fluency, or capital.
At the very time when we should have doubled down on the melting pot, we abandoned it — and ended up with an open border and a paradox of millions risking their lives to get into the U.S., and yet so often upon arrival becoming de facto critics, in the manner of their advocates, of their new home, while so often romanticizing the country that under no circumstances they wished to return to.
If we were to close the border to illegal immigration, make legal immigration diverse, meritocratic, legal, and measured, encourage rapid integration and assimilation, then the Chicano-studies department would be as common or uncommon as the Irish-studies or Cuban-studies department. Speaking Spanish would be as valuable a linguistic asset as fluency in German and French (a mark or erudition, and nice and impressive to possess but not particularly useful in the practical sense in the everyday U.S.).
Oddly, one reason that we keep seeing these weird polls suggesting that Hispanic support for Trump can gyrate at times to nearly 40 or 50 percent approval is that much of the downside of illegal immigration falls not on its advocates, but most heavily on the Latino middle classes, whose schools, neighborhoods, social services, and security are often so often adversely affected through illegal immigration.
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