Monday, February 11, 2019

UNC Goes Bonkers Erickson Reverses Course. America Seeks Legal Immigration.

Erickson changes his mind:

I’ll Be Voting for President Trump and Vice President Pence in 2020

This week in 2016, I declared I would be “Never Trump.” A friend suggested I use a hashtag that had started circulating on Twitter, i.e #NeverTrump. The piece exploded and pushed me into a whirlwind of coverage. Despite lots of pressure, protestors literally on my front porch, and harassment directed towards my family, I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016. I voted third party.
Some of my concerns about President Trump remain. I still struggle on the character issue and I understand Christian friends who would rather sit it out than get involved. But I also recognize that we cannot have the Trump Administration policies without President Trump and there is much to like...
It does not take much or long to contaminate the blessings/fruit of a republic but liberals are well on their way to perdition by allowing such tripe to infect the ranks of the Democrat Party. (See 1 and 1a below.)
America wants "legal" immigration. (See 2 below.)Dick
Sarsour Invite Rattles Jewish UNC


The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is hosting their Minority Health Conference (MHC) on February 22 featuring keynote speaker Linda Sarsour. Sarsour is known for her hostility towards Israel, having said“Northing is creepier than Zionism” and advising Muslims not to “humanize” Israelis. Sarsour once tweeted against the feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a survivor of genital mutilation, by saying she wishes she could take Ali’s vagina away.
The MHC Planning Committee is composed of UNC students. Public records indicate that a co-chair, Afsaneh Mortazavi, and two other Planning Committee members – Teja Vemuganti and Karla Jiminez – signed an anti-Israel petition provided to the Durham, NC City Council in 2018. The petition led to Durham becoming the first city in the United States to ban police trainings specifically with Israel. A UNC faculty member told me, “Given that multiple Planning Committee members signed the anti-Israel petition, there is clearly pre-existing bias.”

Sarsour is a leading figure in the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel which many view as anti-Semitic since it singles out Israel. Having gained fame and power as a Women’s March organizer, Sarsour is using this position to promote BDS as a feminist cause and has alienated many Jewish women by declaring Zionists cannot be feminists. Many have also criticized Women’s March leaders for their association with the notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.

On January 29, North Carolina Hillel (the organization that represents Jewish life for students on 13 campuses across the state), publicly stated on its website, “While we appreciate the role Ms. Sarsour has played in highlighting gender and racial inequality in this country, her track record of supporting efforts to demonize and delegitimize Israel run counter to the goals and spirit of the conference…Ms. Sarsour’s presence has already made some Jewish students reconsider their participation in this conference. They fear they will be made to feel unwelcome and forced to choose between their commitment to the health of minorities and their support of Israel. This is a false choice, as Israel is a world leader in medical research and global humanitarian aid, and committed to improved health of all its populations.”

Amy Rosenthal, a Chapel-Hill resident and co-founder of the North Carolina Coalition for Israel told me, “Linda Sarsour is a master manipulator. She uses the suffering of disadvantaged communities to foment hate against Israel and with it the Jewish people – that is her true agenda.”

I contacted Dean Barbara K. Rimer of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, the host sponsor, and then Khadija Jahfiya and Afsaneh Mortazavi, the two student Conference Co-Chairs, with questions for this article. They directed me to Layla Dowdy, the Gillings School’s Director of Communications and Marketing, who responded to me with a letter very similar to the Gillings School statement on the matter. While UNC states this is a student-run conference, the students ostensibly in charge directed me to their school’s communications director for further assistance.

A community member forwarded me a January 24 email in which Dean Rimer wrote, “As our statement shows, it is not the Gillings School that is hosting Linda Sarsour but the Minority Health Conference. Our school did not ask Sarsour to speak. Students plan and execute the conference. They invited her. I did not invite her, and the school did not invite her. They wanted a forum to showcase various advocates. As this has unfolded, it is not what any of us would have preferred. We are meeting with representatives of Hillel to arrive at a solution that will demonstrate our commitment to all populations and our recognition of how Jewish people may feel about the event. We cannot uninvite her based on the North Carolina Restore Free Speech Act” [House Bill 527].

Without responding directly to my questions, Dean Rimer sent me a brief statement on January 29 stating “members of her leadership team” have met with “leaders of NC Hillel” and “with other community members.” Rimer told me, “This has been a learning opportunity for us all — the student organizers, our student affairs and communications professionals and myself included. I look forward to continued listening and dialogue for greater understanding.”
UNC junior Ariel Freedman told me, “As a Jewish student, I would be hesitant to attend any conference in which the keynote speaker has used platforms unrelated to Israel to denounce the Jewish state. I agree with North Carolina Hillel’s statement that Linda Sarsour’s previous attacks on Israel and its supporters run counter to the goals of the School of Public Health’s Minority Student Caucus, which aims to bring people together. In this setting, Jewish students are having to choose between their passion for public health and their support for Israel. All students should feel welcome and safe at all campus events.”

On the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health Facebook page, a UNC health care employee commented, “Evidently Ms. Sarsour is for minority health as long as it does not include a Jewish minority. Please boycott her talk.” A local resident, Deborah Friedman, commented: “Antisemitism isn’t a good look for UNC.”

Many members of the local Jewish community have contacted me regarding this issue. While some have asked UNC to cancel Sarsour’s speech, others are concerned about free speech issues and want UNC to insist upon an extensive question and answer period in which the community is allowed to challenge Sarsour.

Marcia Harris, a former UNC administrator with over 30 years of experience on campus, wrote a letter to the school newspaper expressing strong concerns about Sarsour and pointing out that when Sarsour spoke at Dartmouth College, she dismissed and mocked a student because he was a “young white man.” Harris asks, “Does our School of Public Health really want to taint its fine reputation by welcoming such a vile individual to UNC?”

1a) Less than a month since her “apology” for previous anti-Semitic statements, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeted out more anti-Semitic tropes.
Commenting on the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, Omar wrote, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.”

Omar was referring to Jewish money (“Benjamins” being $100 bills) and its assumed influence on American politicians, a common anti-Semitic trope.
In response, Batya Ungar-Sargon, the opinion editor of The Forward tweeted, “Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel.”
“AIPAC!” tweeted Omar, managing to reply with yet another seemingly anti-Semitic comment. AIPAC is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies.

Omar’s comments caused outrage on Capitol Hill.
The Republican Jewish Coalition called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to take action, asking if Democrats would “care to comment on the outrageous anti-Semitism being spewed by one of your fêted members?”
Democratic Congressman Max Rose, a freshmen from New York), tweeted, “When someone uses hateful and offensive tropes against people of any faith, I will not be silent. Congresswoman Omar’s statements are deeply hurtful to Jews, including myself.”
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley also weighed in, tweeting, “To see this at the UN was a fight every day. This CANNOT be tolerated in our own Congress by anyone of either party. In a time of increased anti semitism, we all must be held to account. No excuses.”

To see this at the UN was a fight every day. This CANNOT be tolerated in our own Congress by anyone of either party. In a time of increased anti semitism, we all must be held to account. No excuses. ❤️🇺🇸

Last week, Republican Kevin McCarthy, House minority leader, called on the Democratic Party to take disciplinary action against Omar as well as Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for their comments about Israel that were anti-Semitic. Both of the newly-elected congresswomen are pro-BDS, the Boycott, Divest and Sanction Movement against Israel that falls under the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism.
Democrats appointed Omar to the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee. Tlaib was appointed to Financial Services committee.
“There’s situations in our conference where a member does something that is wrong — I think you’ve seen from my own actions that I take action about it,” McCarthy said, referring to his censure of fellow Republican Congressman Steve King after King asked in an interview when the terms “white nationalist” and “white supremacist” became offensive.
“I think when they stay silent, they are just as guilty,” McCarthy added.
Last week, Omar called for the complete defunding of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). “Let’s stand firm; #Not1Dollar for DHS,” she tweeted. Referring to President Trump as Individual 1, she called the idea of a barrier on the U.S.’ southern border a “hateful wall.”
Earlier in the week, Omar wrote a letter to USA Powerlifting advocating against the organization’s policy of excluding biological males who identify as transgender females from completing with women.
Omar said it was “myth” that biological men who identify as women have a “direct competitive advantage” in such competitions, The Daily Caller reported.
Omar wrote the letter on behalf of JayCee Cooper, a constituent who is a biological male but identifies as a female. She also recommended that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison investigate the organization’s “discriminatory behavior.
In response, Roukaya Almougrabi, an Arab-Israeli Muslim woman who is a world champion in the sport and who has been featured on Clarion Project, said,
“Why is this discrimination? She has the body of a man. Even if a woman takes steroids, it is still not the same as competing with a man. It’s totally different and it’s not fair that I would have to compete with someone who is biologically a man.
“Sometimes when I compete, it’s against women who use steroids, and I don’t. It’s a total bummer. But I compete anyway. But if my rival would be a man and not a woman, that would be even more unfair. And I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Almost 100 percent of competitors agree.
“As a human being and as an Arab Muslim, I accept transgenders, gays, lesbians. The fact that I’m a Muslim doesn’t give me the right to criticize anyone. We accept and we embrace them. It’s not discrimination.
“Yet, it would be discrimination if someone like that competes. I spoke with a judge about this, and she told me about a transgender woman who wanted to compete and they wouldn’t let her. The woman said it’s wrong that she can’t compete. The judge told her that she could compete, but only with fellow transgenders and that would be fair.”
2) America Wants Legal Immigrants

Virtually everyone knows America has a big illegal immigration problem. But we also have a *legal* immigration problem: Current U.S. immigration policy is not serving the best interests of America. Is there a way to protect American citizens and still welcome newcomers to our shores? Reihan Salam offers an insightful solution. 

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