Monday, February 11, 2019

Are California Moguls Funding Their Own Economic Demise? Power Over Governance?

Finally dawning on Democrats that  "O-C"is a boon to Trump. (See 1, 1a, 1b and 1c below.)

The Democrat's announced candidates  are so far left even voters in California are unable to relate  because most of them came here to enjoy the free benefits of America. Now, they are concerned America will soon become Venezuela.

The Democrat Party has become the home of anti-Semitism and division between the races. Their announced candidates offer solutions to problems their radical progressive policies and identity politics style of campaigning created. They are proposing socialism as the economic elixir to the problems their party helped foster.

In Georgia, the Democrat Party is readying Stacey Abrams to unseat Sen. Perdue. Her recent candidacy for governor was built on a subtle house of race cards.  She cannot embrace and/or acknowledge the progress our state has made because it would undercut her ability to rake in campaign money from California billionaire moguls who are demonized by her Party for being wealthy.

Why these billionaires are willing to fund their own economic death because they have been sold a bill of white guilt could become a "Harvard" case study.

Abrams , like so many liberals, is a bright, angry unhappy person who continues to see America as it once was and cannot let go of that image because she would then have nothing to live and campaign for because her life is defined by bitter resentment.

She does not represent me, she does not reflect my view and thus I will not vote for her in her quest to beat Sen Perdue.
Trump is in Texas today asking Democrats to finish what they already voted, started and allocated money for and is called a "wall."  Apparently, if they finished the project they fear it would help Trump.  I thought Democrats were elected and interested in doing what is best for our nation.  Perhaps they rally seek power over governance.

The Democrats’ Identity Meltdown

The furies they unleashed are consuming their own. Where’s Barack?

The Governor's Mansion stands near the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond, Virginia, Feb. 9.
A second woman has now accused Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax of rape, this time at Duke University in 2000. Another woman has accused Mr. Fairfax of raping her at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Mr. Fairfax denies both allegations and is demanding an FBI investigation, but many Democrats are also calling on him to resign.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Mark Herring, next in line for Governor if both Messrs. Northam and Fairfax resign, also appeared in blackface in the 1980s. Democrats are more forgiving of Mr. Herring, perhaps because next in line for Governor would be the Republican Speaker of the House of Delegates.

Imagine the cognitive Democratic dissonance if Mr. Fairfax, who is black, is forced to resign because of unproved accusations of sexual assault that he denies, while the two white men survive despite racial offenses that they admit.

If Democrats think these furies will be confined to Virginia, look at Elizabeth Warren as she launches her presidential campaign. It turns out she wrote “American Indian” on her 1986 registration card for the Texas legal bar—confirmation that she had claimed Native American ancestry, perhaps to assist her career, despite earlier denials. Republicans are calling her dishonest, while some Democrats accuse her of “cultural appropriation,” the ultimate identify politics sin.


Bernie Sanders has already had to apologize for a male staffer’s alleged transgressions during the 2016 campaign, and you can bet the press is gearing up for a #MeToo exam of every male candidate. This will all get worse as the 2020 Democratic primaries unfold.

Republicans can hardly believe their luck as they watch Democrats destroy themselves with the same weaponized outrage that has long been used against them. They also see the double standards, knowing that a Republican in similar straits would already have been forced from office. Given that Brett Kavanaugh was libeled only months ago as a gang rapist with no evidence, Republicans might be forgiven someschadenfreude as they now see the torments of identity politics turned upon the tormentors.


When this poison was directed at Republicans, we lamented how this wasn’t good for America. Now that the attacks are on Democrats, we say the same: This is no good for the country or the Democratic Party.

Sexual assault deserves to be punished, but the accused also deserve legal and political due process. The evidence or lack of it should matter. A photo with men in blackface and KKK garb is offensive, but the mistakes of youth for politicians who have since shown zero evidence of racial bias deserve some perspective. Politics would be better with a little forbearance in judging adults solely by their worst moments from college.

The problem for Democrats is that the ideology of race, gender and class is now so deeply ingrained on the political left that no one dares to challenge it. A presidential candidate who tried would be taking a big risk.

That leaves Mr. Obama, the only Democrat with the personal and political standing to explain the perils of using race and gender as all-purpose, indiscriminate political weapons. Surely he can see how this is damaging the party’s electoral prospects. Democrats may be too far gone to listen, in which case the only discipline would be political defeat.


The Case for Amy Klobuchar

A Minnesota pragmatist could help Democrats beat Trump in 2020.

By The Editorial Board

Amy Klobuchar is running for President, and perhaps she can be the Democrats’ consensus candidate. “We are tired—of the shutdowns and the showdowns, of the gridlock and the grandstanding,” the Minnesota Senator said Sunday, standing amid falling snow in a Minneapolis park. “Our nation must be governed not from chaos but from opportunity.” Though Ms. Klobuchar won’t be the first choice of the socialist left, she is running as a candidate who is liberal enough while also a sharp contrast in temperament to President Trump.
At 58, she’s a generation younger than Joe Biden, her potential middle-of-the-road competitor. With 12 years in the Senate, she has more experience than Julián Castro or Beto O’Rourke. She’s a Midwesterner, and Democrats need to win back Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio.
As a woman, she ticks the identity-politics box. Yet she doesn’t carry the baggage of Elizabeth Warren (who impersonated a Native American), Kamala Harris (whose zeal as a prosecutor is passé), or Kirsten Gillibrand (whose politics have “evolved” faster than the flu virus).
Unlike most 2020 contenders, Ms. Klobuchar hasn’t parroted lefty slogans. Asked last year about abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, she said it would be better to focus on changing its policies, adding: “We are always going to need immigration enforcement.” She advocates letting people buy into Medicare, rather than forcing it on everybody, while still saying universal health-care is the goal.
Ms. Klobuchar once called her approach “pretty pragmatic.” In 2007 she passed a billtightening safety standards for pool drains, after a few young children were hurt or killed by the suction. In 2011 she stood up for the nutritional value of tomato paste, when the Agriculture Department was debating if school-lunch pizza should continue to count as a vegetable serving.
More recently, she has focused on lowering prescription drug prices and boosting privacy online. Critics of her record in the Senate say she plays small ball. Ms. Klobuchar responds that she simply knows how to get things done. Minnesotans clearly take her side. During her re-election last year, she won 60% of the vote, including every congressional district.
But when Democrats outside Minnesota are asked about Amy Klobuchar, they reply: Amy who? In a national survey last month, 49% said they’d never heard of her. Another 21% didn’t know enough to have an opinion. Even in neighboring Iowa, Ms. Klobuchar was the first 2020 choice for only 3% of Democrats, according to a December poll. She was tied with—gulp—Michael Bloomberg
She is also getting criticism, albeit anonymously, as a tough boss who mistreated her staff. She has had some of the highest staff turnover on Capitol Hill, but the stories would have more credibility if the critics lent their names. Perhaps the Senator is simply less tolerant of millennial demands. The stories are notable mainly because they contrast with Ms. Klobuchar’s Minnesota Nice public persona.

Another question is how far Ms. Klobuchar will go to raise her profile. Last week she quietly co-sponsored the Senate resolution on a Green New Deal. Running on a pledge to eliminate fossil fuels in 10 years? Mr. Trump can only hope. If Ms. Klobuchar, already a solid liberal, feels the need to zag further left, she could lose the strongest argument for her candidacy: She may be the Democrat best able to beat Mr. Trump.

1b) Dateline Washington….It was revealed this morning that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a paid operative of the Republican National Committee.  House Democrats led by Representative Nadler of New York and Representative Schiff of California plan to hold emergency closed-door hearings on this  very serious matter, which is making a laughing stock of the Democrat (Socialist) Party.  

This information was leaked by an unknown source. 

Among the first to discredit the Ocasio-Cortez’ “Green” proposals was Senator Elizabeth Warren of 
Massachusetts.  “Such deception of the public cannot go without the most severe condemnation” 

stated the Senator, well-known for her honesty and forthrightness.  A similar disavowal is expected 

from Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey sometime this afternoon. (once he looks up the  

meaning of disavowal)

A Democrat presidential candidate conference, hosted by George Soros, is planned for Valentine’s Day where they will unveil new proposals for controlling the population of the United States.  

Stay tuned.

The Heritage Foundation

Get your chocolates and roses ready ahead of time, it’s going to be a busy week. Here is what you need to know. Sen. Marco Rubio, R.-Fla, will be at Heritage today to discuss the latest political developments and the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. Also, as Congress’ border security deadline approaches, Heritage experts offer analysis on President Trump’s State of the Union address and if it helped him win hearts and minds. Plus, a breakdown of the ultra-liberal Green New Deal and brand-new Heritage research to help us find solutions to make our schools safer one year after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Take notes, we have your conservative policy solutions right here.—Michelle Cordero
Venezuela is at a tipping point. Under the devastating socialist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro, Venezuelans have no food, medicine, or opportunity. But recently, hope has sprung, and Venezuela's people have a chance to oust Maduro and his regime for good. Today, Sen. Marco Rubio, R.-Fla, will speak at an event hosted by The Heritage Foundation and the International Republican Institute to discuss the latest political developments in Venezuela, Interim President Juan Guaidó, and next steps for U.S. policy. Watch the event live and listen to this week’s “Heritage Explains” podcast to get up to speed on the evolving crisis.
Congress’ border security deadline is approaching.
Lawmakers are working on a bipartisan border security plan this week in order to avert another government shutdown. President Trump’s short-term spending bill expires Feb. 15. During his State of the Union address last week, Trump said he would send a “commonsense proposal” to end the crisis on the southern border that includes not only humanitarian assistance, but “more law enforcement, drug detection at our ports, closing loopholes that enable child smuggling, and plans for a new physical barrier or wall to secure the vast areas between our ports of entry.” Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow in Heritage’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, said, “These are exactly the kinds of actions that need to be taken to remedy our border problem.” Read more analysis from Heritage experts on Trump’s State of the Union address.
The Green New Deal is a raw deal for the American people.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., released their mega climate and energy initiative called the Green New Deal last week. The bill aims to fundamentally transform how people produce energy, harvest crops, raise livestock, build homes, drive cars, and manufacture goods. All within 10 years. "We all want clean and affordable energy to fuel our economy and improve our lives,” said Nick Loris, Heritage’s Herbert and Joyce Morgan fellow. “But the so-called Green New Deal would make energy unaffordable and devastate the economy, hitting working-class Americans the hardest.” Loris also says the deal would produce no meaningful climate benefit. Read Loris’ commentary for more facts on the Green New Deal...

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