In order to compete with the radical stable of announced Democrats, Biden had to come up with the word depicting "embarrassment." (See 1 below.)
Several of my liberal friends and fellow memo readers argue there is no crisis/invasion and that Trump manufactured one.
My general response suggests if we did not prevent the efforts of illegals we would be flooded so the fact that we stopped the "invasion" does not mean there was not one. Secondly, if you ask the families of a loved ones killed and/or attacked and harmed by illegal immigrants I suspect they would say it was for real. Third, we are sure spending a lot of money on illegals. The amount spent is calculated at $150 billion annually and the number of supposed illegal immigrants is stated to be some 20 million. My calculation comes to $750/person and that assumes none are working , which we know they are. How did the number get to where it is estimated to be and it indicates we have been invaded. Finally, we really have a drug problem of massive proportions and a lot of the supply comes from the south so , once again, I submit we are being invaded with drugs.
The reason my liberal friends cannot bring themselves to see or talk about an invasion is it would destroy their argument because they hate Trump, think he is vulgar and unsuited to be president and state he is the worst president ever so they have to see everything he does or tries to do through a prism of denial.
If by invasion they are referring to tanks and men shooting guns as planes drop bombs from overhead then we are not being invaded. The invasion we are undergoing is far more subtle. (See 2 below.)
I was thinking about the recent succession of presidents and it is clear 9/11 and subsequent events and GW's presidency along with McCain and Romney's bumbling campaigns led us to accept and elect Obama.
Obama's may have initially mesmerized us but eventually his emptiness and haughtiness and Hillary's campaign performance led us to elect Trump.
Trump is a better president than his detractors and haters will allow and this is why they and their mass media friends demand we focus on his personality and ill behaviour, at times, rather than his accomplishments which are extraordinary actually.
They cannot nor wish to separate the man from his record because doing so would leave them denuded.
We live in dangerous times and the decline in American character and education, and you know the rest, was not caused by GW, Obama and Trump. America's unraveling began long before their tenure as president,
I have no idea who we will elect in 2020 but if the current crop of Democrat candidates result in the nomination of one then I hope and pray Trump wins. With all his many faults he also has been willing to touch third rails and is doing his best to rectify wrong policies and unburden us from a lot of self defeating political stupidity.
Meanwhile, he is doing so while facing an onslaught of mean spirited resistance and abuse no president in my lifetime has had to endure.
I am prepared to continue to shake my head at times because that is a small price to pay for his accomplishments and efforts to put the train back on the tracks.
Had the media of the day focused on Babe Ruth's drinking, rather than his home run production, I doubt he would have earned the title of "Sultan."
1) A Tree Grows in Warsaw
. . . And the Editor Checks in With Benny Avni at the United Nations
It’s amazing, to us at least, that so little comment is being issued in respect of the Warsaw meeting on the Middle East. What comment there has been out of Europe has mainly related to the Munich conference, where America was subjected the usual condescension from France and Germany — capped off by a nauseating speech by Vice President Biden saying America had become an “embarrassment.”
What a contrast with the parley in Warsaw. Ministers from all sorts of countries came together in what Secretary of State Pompeo called a “testament to our seriousness.” Said he: “Arab and Israeli leaders were in the same room, sharing a meal and exchanging views. They all came together for a single reason, to discuss the real threats to our respective people emanating from the Middle East.”
“Something big” is how that is characterized by our Benny Avni, who has covered all this for more than a generation.
It’s a mark of how determined the left is to deny the result of the 2016 election in America that the Warsaw parley is being met with not just short shrift but hostility. “Few Are Inspired,” was the headline phrase over the New York Times’ editorial. It saw the news as “how few major powers are cheering along” in a parley that it put down as an “anti-mullah pep rally.”
If it were such rally, what is wrong with that? No less a figure than President Obama conceded — in one of his interviews with Jeffrey Goldberg — that the Supreme Leader in Iran is an anti-semite. Iran is maneuvering aggressively against Israel and the Sunni Arab regimes across the Middle East. The Times thinks it’s Mr. Trump’s fault that Germany, France, Russia, and China aren’t with us.
Britain sent its foreign minister to Warsaw, the Times notes, but France and Germany sent lower-level envoys, “apparently reluctant to be part of such a bellicose bashing.” Or maybe they preferred to lurk at Munich and turn what the Wall Street Journal this morning calls “deaf ears” to Vice President Pence’s call for help on Iran, while applauding a former vice president — Joseph Biden — as he says how embarrassing he finds his own country.
Mr. Biden is supposedly wrestling, yet again, with the painful question of whether to run for president. If he does, his suggestion in Munich that America is an embarrassment could become his campaign slogan. Meantime, it looks to us like the administration is doing relatively well in Europe. Secretary Pompeo has shown himself to be an adroit operator in search of more enthusiastic partners than those in old Europe are proving to be.
“Something big” is how that is characterized by our Benny Avni, who has covered all this for more than a generation.
It’s a mark of how determined the left is to deny the result of the 2016 election in America that the Warsaw parley is being met with not just short shrift but hostility. “Few Are Inspired,” was the headline phrase over the New York Times’ editorial. It saw the news as “how few major powers are cheering along” in a parley that it put down as an “anti-mullah pep rally.”
If it were such rally, what is wrong with that? No less a figure than President Obama conceded — in one of his interviews with Jeffrey Goldberg — that the Supreme Leader in Iran is an anti-semite. Iran is maneuvering aggressively against Israel and the Sunni Arab regimes across the Middle East. The Times thinks it’s Mr. Trump’s fault that Germany, France, Russia, and China aren’t with us.
Britain sent its foreign minister to Warsaw, the Times notes, but France and Germany sent lower-level envoys, “apparently reluctant to be part of such a bellicose bashing.” Or maybe they preferred to lurk at Munich and turn what the Wall Street Journal this morning calls “deaf ears” to Vice President Pence’s call for help on Iran, while applauding a former vice president — Joseph Biden — as he says how embarrassing he finds his own country.
Mr. Biden is supposedly wrestling, yet again, with the painful question of whether to run for president. If he does, his suggestion in Munich that America is an embarrassment could become his campaign slogan. Meantime, it looks to us like the administration is doing relatively well in Europe. Secretary Pompeo has shown himself to be an adroit operator in search of more enthusiastic partners than those in old Europe are proving to be.
Trump wins on border security with emergency declaration and funding by Congress
By Charlie Kirk
President Trump won a strategic victory Friday when he signed legislation to avoid another government shutdown and provide a down payment on border security funding – and then declared a national emergency to get billions of dollars more needed to protect our southern border.After insisting for well over a month that the president would never get any funding for a border wall, congressional Democrats meekly backed down in the face of President Trump’s unwavering commitment to border security, giving the White House nearly $1.4 billion for 55 miles of new fencing along the border.
“The fact is a wall is an immorality,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said during the partial government shutdown, joking that she would only give the president $1 out of the $5.7 billion he requested. The president’s request was based on advice from law enforcement experts.
“There’s not going to be any wall money in the legislation,” Pelosi later reiterated.
While the government funding bill passed by Congress and signed by the president Friday isn’t a perfect solution to the ongoing border crisis, it’s certainly an important start.
By getting the Democrats to abandon their obstructionist position, President Trump shifted the momentum of the debate in his favor, setting the stage for him to take executive action to finish the job.
Some conservatives argue that the president should have rejected the government funding bill passed by Congress because it did not include the full $5.7 billion needed for a border wall. But this criticism misses the bigger picture.
Now that Congress has agreed to border barriers in principle, President Trump has a much stronger hand to play when it comes time to secure the remaining funds.
Make no mistake: President Trump isn’t finished fighting for real border security, and he won’t be until our communities are finally protected from the drugs and crime flowing across our southern border.
Even if Congress refuses to provide another dime in wall funding, the nearly $1.4 billion down payment it agreed to represents a big chunk of the president’s request. And the executive actions the president announced add more than $8.1 billion in funding for a border wall and other border security measures.
Trump is the first president in a generation who is willing to take political risks to secure our border. His declaration of a national emergency proves that he won’t settle for anything less than a fully funded wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
As for the government funding bill, it’s over a billion times better than the best offer Speaker Pelosi ever put on the table. That alone is enough to make it a victory worth savoring.
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