Saturday, January 19, 2019

Why Democrats Lost The Deplorable Vote and Mueller Popped Their Bias Balloon Making The Mass Media Look Like Buffoons. I Robbed A Bank.

Last night I watched one of the most lucid interviews I have ever seen explaining why Democrats  lost the "Deplorables" and many mid-West states.The interviewee was a retired FBI analyst.

Politicians are like fish in a bowl and they swim where the food is (money.)  Labor unions still
provide votes but they no longer have the wealth and their numbers are declining.  The wealth is now among technology billionaires. They have what the government needs to buy and they, in turn, have the billions Democrats need to run their campaigns.

When Stacey Adams decided to run for governor in Georgia she did not visit Trumpka in D.C.  She went to California.

Democrats can still depend upon the votes of Black Americans and liberal Jews who remain loyal and enslaved to The Party but recent polls suggest The Hispanic Vote is not as secure as it once was because Trump's defense of our borders is beginning to resonate.  However, the big bucks  (blood) is best found in California among those who control and manage the technology companies.

One would think with the Democrat Party moving further left, embracing anti-Semites and promoting those with such views to important committees liberal Jews would finally wake up and smell the stench but that is not happening. (See  1 and 1a  below:The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more >>)

Meanwhile, yesterday the mass media was in a frenzy reporting why the impeachment of Trump was at hand because of the Buzzfeed report but,  later in the evening, Mueller popped their biased  balloon (I addressed this in the morning memo.) and now they again look like biased  buffoons.

Yesterday I admit I robbed a bank .  I am now waiting for the police to arrest me.  When they did not knock on my door  I called the local paper and they promised they would make this front page news. I am now awaiting the police to arrest me.!
Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader that confirms my own suspicions because of lack of prominent reporting. (See 2  below.)
How it is done. (See 3 below.)

The Women’s March Is Melting Down, and It Makes Perfect Sense

Two years into the movement, the Women’s March is melting down. 
Much of the media will blame its decay on the leaders’ unwillingness to denounce anti-Semitism, but that will only be part of the story. The other reason it will ultimately demise is because it was a fraud from the very start.
Despite its clever branding efforts, the Women’s March never represented women as a unified force. Instead, it represented radically liberal women who were upset with the results of the 2016 presidential election.
Man or woman, the march embodied a certain segment of the population that despised President Donald Trump. But instead of labeling themselves as such, its founders claimed to represent half the population.

Obviously, that wasn’t true. 

“The Women’s March does not represent me because it does not represent all women,” Mykala Steadman, a senior at Brigham Young University in Idaho and an intern at The Heritage Foundation, told The Daily Signal.
“The Women’s March does not represent me because I believe in equal rights, not extra rights,” added Deana Bass Williams, a partner at Bass Public Affairs.
“The Women’s March doesn’t represent me because I do not vote with my anatomy, and I do not vote with my wheelchair. I vote with my head, guided by my heart,” said Melissa Ortiz, a visiting fellow with The Independent Women’s Forum who was born with a disability that left her bound to a wheelchair.

Not surprisingly, two years later the movement is falling apart. Hate, as it turns out, is not a sustainable force.

At a different pro-women’s march called the March for Life, men and women took to the streets of Washington, D.C. by the thousands. It was a beautiful celebration of the 46th year for the March for Life, which is an anniversary the Women’s March will never see.
That’s because instead of marching for hate, the March for Life marched for love. Love for the unborn, which is our most fundamental human right.  
Had the Women’s March been founded in love and known what it stood for instead of just what it was against, it would have stood a chance of surviving its most recent scandal with anti-Semitism. But being founded in hate and identity politics, this was enough to divide the movement and bring so much of it down.
The problems of anti-Semitism inside the Women’s March are deep and serious, and warrant every bit of backlash they’ve received. But when the march inevitably ceases to exist, its demise will be about so much more. 
It will remind us that just because women are born with the same body parts doesn’t mean we think and believe the same thing. It will teach us that pretending to speak for a majority when you’re only a fringe minority is a dishonest, fraudulent strategy. 
But most importantly, it will remind us that everyone reaps what they sow. For the Women’s March, that’s divisiveness, anger, and an incredible amount of hate.
I’ll be happy to see it go, because as women, we represent so much more.

1a) Call in the Clowns
Regardless of what the leftist fake news media would have us believe, there are some real problems in the Democrat party at several levels that could very well damage it for a long time.
Not thinking is one of them, making false assumptions based on past success’s is another.

Among the first things for conservatives to seriously consider before over-reacting to the Left’s antics, is to know that if what falls from their mouths is any evidence of their intellectual acumen, then what we are really witnessing now, under Pelosi and Schumer, is not a serious political party debating what’s good for America, but a circus side show with Trump as the ring master.

Common sense appears to be totally lacking, overtaken by Marxist ideology. Crowing about the rule of law or constitutional restraints are simply erratic thought processes on our part if we do not understand the Left’s real mission, a socialized one world government with them in charge. The consequences of an out of date document (the US Constitution) that limits government, not encourages it, is the key to how and why they behave as they do.

In defense of their objectives, they utter comments of absolute stupidity in the belief the masses will agree with them. How about this quote, supposedly from a Vermont State Democratic Senator: “We must be able to arrest people before they commit crimes. By registering guns and knowing who has them, we can do that, if they have guns they are pretty likely to commit a crime.” How about, “Homicide is the leading cause of murder.” by Shelia Jackson Lee; or “May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers means little…” That’s from the Democrat House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Oh yes, she has more. For example: “If we hadn’t fought the war on terror, the VA wouldn’t be having so many problems.”  I like this one, also from the incredible Nancy Pelosi: “Building a wall will violate the rights of millions of illegals.” She also said: “We should only deport illegal aliens if they do something illegal,” and this gem, “Just because someone is here illegally doesn’t mean they broke any of our laws.”

We can’t leave out Maxine Water: “The next Supreme Court Justice should be an illegal immigrant.” Did she really say that? Don’t forget Hank Johnson, the Rep. from Atlanta, Ga. who opined, at a finance sub-committee hearing his fear that the island of Guam could be in danger of capsizing if the US Marine Corps landed a brigade of marines there.

Chuckie Schumer can’t be left out. He said: “Time and time again, we find “Progressive” laws getting struck down. And, it’s always, always the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says, and it’s time for that to end.”  Say what?

Indian princess & Presidential hopeful, Elizabeth Warren told us: “we need judges to be advocates of Progressive laws, not people who will bow to the whims of the Constitution, putting its extremist values of freedom of speech and freedom of religion against our agenda.”   And not to be omitted, Sen. Cory Booker opined: “we’re sick and tired of the Constitution sitting in the National Archives, manipulating everything we do.”

These silly Progressive clowns, really believe that they want to run our government but without the constraints of law. They make up laws as they go along like children do in the school play ground. To even consider that idea could quite possibly ignite another bloody civil war. Are we ready for that?

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! 



An FBI agent who exposed Hillary Clinton's corruption has been found dead.



On 18 June 2018, the disreputable website Neon Nettle reported that an FBI agent was murdered as part of a conspiracy to cover up the corruption of Hillary Clinton, who unsuccessfully ran for the presidency of the U.S. in 2016:
An FBI Special Agent, who was anticipated to expose the extent of Clinton and Obama malpractice and corruption in the “Operation Fast and Furious” cover-up before a US Federal Grand Jury, has been found dead at his home.
The FBI official’s wife was also found dead at the scene with the couple both being murdered using the 52-year-old agent’s own gun.Special Agent David Raynor was “stabbed multiple times” and “shot twice with his own weapon,” according to local media reports. Raynor’s tragic death comes just one day before he was due to testify before a US Federal Grand Jury.
He was widely expected to testify that Hillary Clinton acted illegally to protect Obama administration crimes while covering up the Fast and Furious scandal.
But there’s no mystery surrounding how Raynor died — Anne Arundel County Police Lt. 
Ryan Frashure told us officers witnessed Raynor’s turning his gun on himself on 7 March 2018:
There is nothing in the investigation that turned up evidence indicating it’s anything other than a domestic-related suicide. When our officers confronted [Raynor], he committed suicide in front of our officers. He was given verbal commands to drop the weapon, and when [officers] were approaching him, that’s when he put the gun to his head.

Harvesting Democratic 


Liberals want to impose the California voting model on all 50 states.

By  The Editorial Board

Democrats in Congress are making election reform their top legislative priority, and we’ve criticized it as a majority protection act. To understand why, consider that Democrats are trying to do for the country what they’ve done with election laws in California.

The Golden State is where Republican candidates went to bed on election night in November with leads in most of their competitive House races, only to lose in the ensuing weeks of vote counting. In Orange County, Young Kim was poised to become the first Korean-American woman in Congress, with a sizable lead on Election Day over her Democratic opponent. She lost by three percentage points. Republican Rep. Mimi Walters’s 6,074-vote lead on Nov. 6 turned into an 11,866-vote loss to Democrat Katie Porter.

The GOP wipe out came after the Democrats who dominate Sacramento passed laws aimed at greasing their voting machine. The project started in 2015 when California became the second state after Oregon to move to automatic voter registration.

Can’t be bothered to register? California does it for you, automatically adding to its rolls any person who has any interaction with its Department of Motor Vehicles. The system is already a threat to ballot integrity, with the DMV acknowledging in September it had incorrectly registered 23,000 voters.
In 2016 California passed the Voter’s Choice Act, which allows counties to mail every voter a ballot. Lots of Californians use mail voting, though previously they had to request it. Now ballots arrive automatically, whether voters want one or not. Thirteen million California voters received ballots in the mail last year, compared to about nine million in 2014.

The biggest score for Democrats is a separate 2016 law pushed heavily by unions that legalized what’s known as ballot harvesting. This allows any person—union activists, canvassers, community organizers, campaign staff—to show up at homes and collect mail ballots on behalf of voters.

California law also allows counting mail ballots postmarked or delivered on Election Day, as well as same-day registration and liberal use of provisional ballots. This year the Democratic vote totals piled up long after the polls closed. Fred Whitaker, chairman of the Orange County GOP, has estimated that an extraordinary 250,000 mail-votes were dropped off on Election Day thanks to harvesting.
All of this is carefully designed to enhance Democratic turnout. Media stories have detailed a sophisticated operation that pinpointed Democratic voters and deployed volunteers to harvest door-to-door. Republicans struggled to get conservatives to hand ballots over to strangers, and Democrats can’t be blamed for better organization.
But California law also creates opportunity for fraud and coercion. Voters in a 2017 special election for an open seat in the California state Assembly reported activists harassed them at their doors to fill out ballots for specific candidates and hand them over.
This creates opportunities for harvesters to “help” voters complete their ballots, or even pay to finish them, and it’s easy for the unscrupulous to lose ballots they think may go for the wrong candidate. This is why ballot harvesting is illegal in many states, or at least limited to drop-offs by family members.
House Democrats are now moving to impose much of this on the other 49 states. Their For the People Act, or H.R.1, would require all states to adopt automatic voter registration based on names in state and federal agency databases. This means anyone receiving federal food stamps in, say, Ohio, would be automatically registered to vote.
The bill also requires states to allow same-day and online voter registration. It mandates looser rules on provisional ballots, requires every state to provide two weeks of early voting, prohibits restrictions on mail voting, and limits states’ ability to remove voters from rolls. Oh, and it will require that the United States Postal Service deliver ballots for free. Vote harvesting isn’t in H.R.1 but give Democrats time.
All this is an affront to the American tradition of letting states set their own election rules. Few states have automatic registration, on the principle that voting is voluntary. Even liberal Slate magazine, in suggesting that the House bill would “Save American Democracy,” acknowledged that some of the bill might not survive Supreme Court scrutiny.
California has become a one-party state, and Democrats have used their dominance to make it even harder for Republicans to compete. Now they want to use their new House majority to do the same for the rest of America. The Senate can stop them for now, but look out in 2021.

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