Sunday, January 27, 2019

RIP Howard Morrison! The Next Three Weeks.

Yesterday a dear friend, Howard Morrison, passed away.

I did not meet Howard until I moved to Savannah, though we worked next door to each other for many years when we both lived in Atlanta.

Howard was a rational liberal.  We developed a warm friendship and  one unfulfilled desire was for us to write a joint LTE to prove that the lamb and lion could bed down together. I sent him my version but he was then too ill to perform his part. Nor did we ever resolve who was the lion and who was the lamb.

Howard spearheaded many positive programs that helped make Savannah a better place and he will be missed.

His wife Mary survives him and is, herself, a very gracious lady who was protective and devoted to her man. RIP Howard.

In the next three weeks several things will be discovered:

a)  Are any House Democrats willing to vote to protect our borders and vote money for various types of barriers or are they unwilling to go against Speaker Pelosi?  In other words, are they willing to put our country's interest first even at the risk of  personal retribution?

b) Are enough Democrat members of The House willing to solve the immigration issue which has remained a thorn for 3 decades even if it means giving Trump a victory for accomplishing  what other presidents have foot balled?

c) Are there enough Republican House and Senate members willing to accept language leading towards allowing illegal immigrants a path to citizenship?

Are Republicans smart and courageous  enough to propose sensible solutions or will they continue to cower because of the Coulter's.

d)  Is Congress so dysfunctional voter disgust will simply continue to grow?

e) Can Trump re-format his message enough  so that it will rally voters to put increasing pressure on Democrats  thereby,  forcing them to act in the interest of our nation even if, by doing so,  they run the risk of elevating Trump's 2020 re-election chances?

f) It is evident all the Democrat lies and resistance about Trump's desire to fund a "wall" has nothing to do with building a "wall," the type of "wall," the length of a "wall," the cost of a "wall" and most of all the immorality of a wall."

These are, and always have been, Democrat ploys to thwart Trump from being able to claim another victorious campaign commitment. We know Democrats have voted for walls and greater funding in the past.  We know they have not torn down any walls because of immorality. We have videos and plenty of speeches that contradict their lies regarding their rationale for now resisting Trump.

They have simply taken advantage of Trump's ability to turn off voters by reason of his brash personality and uncharacteristic presidential behavior.

g) I seriously doubt Trump will shut the government down at the end of 3 weeks and I seriously doubt Pelosi and Schumer will negotiate in good faith so it will be up to "renegade" Democrats to force them to do so because winning is what these two are about, continuing to stiff Trump is what they are about, setting the stage for his being voted out of office is what they are all about and impeaching him, if possible, is what they are about.

Continuing in power, maintaining control and radicalizing America is what the Democrat Party's mission has become. Obama, promised he would change America so citizens, like myself, would no longer recognize our nation and, frankly, no longer believe it can return to what we once believed it to be - a nation of free people, willing to abide by the rule of law.  A nation that believed in free markets, provided opportunity and upward mobility for all because we cared about being educated, because our societal foundation rested upon a strong family unit. We were a people who believed the written words of our constitution had meaning and government was formed to serve the people not choke them, not control them, not spy on them, not disembowel them of their inalienable God given  rights etc..

In three weeks we the people will be given an answer is Congress our enemy? Was POGO right?

Meanwhile, this from a wise, dear friend and fellow memo reader. (See 1 below.)

This same friend and fellow memo reader went on to explain Brexit and England's residual obligations. (See 1a below.)
Who do you believe anymore? (See 2 and 2a below.)
1)Congress has about three weeks to stop their partisan bickering and fix our
very broken immigration system. Since they have been too involved in staking
out territory to do any creative thinking, some guidance may be in order.

1.       The first and most important priority is to seal the Southern
border. Our nation is blesses with oceans on both sides, and a relatively
friendly and innocuous nation to our North. Some have proposed walling
California off from the rest of the nation, but that is beyond the scope of
this discussion. Sealing the border effectively will require construction of
high barriers in certain areas. We have over 300 miles of such barrier
already and, when in place, they have reduced cross-border incursions by
over 90 percent. Technology and people are vital in addition to the
barriers. All it takes to cross a 20 foot wall is a 21 foot ladder. We need
someone to greet them on this side.

2.       We need migrant workers. There is a very successful program in
place, the H2B visa program, which permits workers to enter the USA for a
10-month period, after which they must go home for 2-months. Such workers
are screened, and criminals and unhealthy individuals are eliminated.
Unfortunately, the number of visas available is very small. This program
should be expanded bigly, and agricultural work should be permitted.

 .       We educate the intelligent and worthy from all over the world. When
their education is finished we send them home to help their nation prosper.
We need a program that encourages these bright individuals to stay and

4.      The "catch-and-release" program, where we apprehend an illegal
immigrant and then release him within our borders to await justice is simply
stupid. Other nations scoff. "Catch and release into the country from which
they jumped our border" makes a lot more sense. And if Mexico objects to us
kicking a Guatemalan back into Mexico; well, they shouldn't have let him in
in the first place.

Our immigration system must select immigrants who:
1.      Want to be here for the right reasons
2.      Have the proper skills and attitude
3.      Are healthy and wish to work (welfare should not be available for
         the first 5 years of residence)
4.      Want to be assimilated into our way of life
5.      Will swear fealty to our Constitution and laws
         Others should be turned back.

God Bless America


"The bosom of America is open to receive not only the Opulent and
respectable Stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all Nations and
Religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and
privileges, if by decency and propriety of conduct they appear to merit the
enjoyment." -George Washington

1a)To help you understand Brexit:

Dave Davis decides not to renew his golf club membership.

He is at the golf club returning his locker key when the membership secretary, Mr Barnier, sees him.

"Hello Mr Davis", says Mr Barnier. "I'm sorry to hear you are no longer renewing your club membership, if you would like to come to my office we can settle your account”.

“But I have settled my bar bill." says Mr Davis.

"Ah yes Mr Davis", says Mr Barnier, "but there are other matters that need settlement.”

In Mr Barniers office, Mr Davis explains again that he has settled his bar bill so wonders what else he can possibly owe the Golf Club?

"Well Mr Davis" begins Mr Barnier, "you did agree to buy one of our Club Jackets”.

"Yes" agrees Mr Davis "I did agree to buy a jacket but I haven't received it yet". "As soon as you supply the jacket I will send you a cheque for the full amount”.

"That will not be possible" explains Mr Barnier. "As you are no longer a club member you will not be entitled to buy one of our jackets”!

"But you still want me to pay for it?" Asks Mr Davis.

"Yes" says Mr Barnier, "That will be £500 for the jacket. Now there is also your bar bill”.

"But I've already settled my bar bill" says Mr Davis.

"Yes" says Mr Barnier, "but as you can appreciate, we need to place our orders from the Brewery in advance to ensure our bar is properly stocked". "You regularly used to spend at least £50 a week in the bar so we have placed orders with the brewery accordingly for the coming year. You therefore owe us £2600 for the year”.

"Will you still allow me to have these drinks?" asks Mr Davis. 

"No of course not Mr Davis". "You are no longer a club member!” 

"Next is your restaurant bill" continues Mr Barnier.  "In the same manner we have to make arrangements in advance with our catering suppliers, your average restaurant bill was in the order of £300 a month, so we'll require payment of £3600 for the next year”. 

"I don't suppose you'll be letting me have these meals either" asks Mr Davis. 

"No, of course not" says an irritated Mr Barnier, "you are no longer a club member!”

"Then of course" Mr Barnier continues, "there are repairs to the clubhouse roof”.

"Clubhouse roof" exclaims Mr Davis, "What's that got to do with me?

"Well it still needs to be repaired and the builders are coming in next week", your share of the bill is £2000”.

"I see" says Mr Davis, "anything else?”.

"Now you mention it" says Mr Barnier, "there is Fred the Barman's pension". "We would like you to pay £5 a week towards Fred's pension when he retires next month". "He's not well you know so I doubt we'll need to ask you for payment for longer than about five years, so £1300 should do it”.

"This brings your total bill to £10,000" says Mr Barnier.

"Let me get this straight" says Mr Davis, "you want me to pay £500 for a jacket you won't let me have, £2600 for beverages you won't let me drink and £3600 for food you won't let me eat, all beneath a roof I won't be allowed under and not served by a bloke who's going to retire next month!”

"Yes, it's all perfectly clear and quite reasonable" says Mr Barnier.

"Piss off!" says Mr Davis.

Now we understand what Brexit is all about!!!!! D---

2)Should We Believe Ilhan Omar’s Apology Over Anti-Semitic Tweet?

slurs…then apologize.

The question is, should we believe Ilhan Omar’s apology over an anti-Semitic tweet? 
the answer is, I can’t tell you what to think. I can only tell you of my experience as a 
Ilhan Omar’s 2012 tweet reads like exactly out of the playbook of hate imams. These 
are imams and religious leaders who use a medieval Hadith (second-hand sayings 
about the life and times of the prophet) to justify that Jew-hatred and dehumanization of 
the Jewish people.
Hadiths are second hand sources (not primary religious texts like the Quran) that have 
made it on the same hierarchal playing field as the Quran through dogmatic reliance. 
Hadiths invoked by hate imams across the U.S. that call for an apocalyptic war with the 
Jews, and include passages that say even the natural world would turn against the Jew 
in the last hours.
This is as dehumanizing at it gets and there is absolutely no excuse for it, whether it’s 
coming out of any tier of religious texts or individuals. Ilhan Omar’s play of sticking with 
a grossly heinous tweet and playing innocent and confused at the justified horror over it 
is exactly what hate imams do. 
Here’s what these Jew-hating religious leaders do: 
  • Incident occurs over Israel/Palestine.
  • Hate imams take to pulpits with sermon dehumanizing Israelis, invoking conspiracy
  •  theories. 
  • Sermon is sometimes broadcast on YouTube and remains uploaded with no further
  •  apology or common sense from mosque that hired the hate imam. 
  • Sermon reaches the attention of the public. 
  • Public finds sermon offensive. 
  • Hate imam and mosque are unapologetic. 
  • Public outrage reaches media, starts going viral. 
  • Imam gathers together interfaith “allies” now used as a background prop as a limp 
  • public apology is made. 
  • Public believes limp apology.
  • Nothing changes with imam or mosque to introduce alternative messaging or 
  • stimulate greater self-awareness.
  • Rinse, repeat. 
In my experience with hate imams, they need to be removed. Period. They need to be 
removed because there is always a pattern of behavior in how they conduct themselves,
 as evidenced here.
The same pattern of behavior exists with Ilhan Omar: 
  • In the CNN Game Changer series segment, Ilhan Omar couldn’t differentiate 
  • between an opinion of Senator Lindsey Graham and an accusation against him. 
  • Ilhan Omar demonstrates disturbing leniency toward terrorism, including asking for 
  • life insurance for terrorists’ families. 
  • In 2016, Ilhan Omar wrote a letter to a judge requesting a more lenient sentence 
  • on behalf of a Minnesota man who was accused of trying to join ISIS. 
Whether or not you believe her apology is sincere, I will quote one American who 
tweeted the following about Ilhan Omar: “You have a duty to be better informed.”

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