Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Abysmal Ignorance and Hate Increasingly On Display!

Democrats tell us a wall to protect our borders is immoral.  Then why are doors not immoral?
This is very well worth posting but I cannot do it in a format that is centralized the way I would like but because it is so important I am sending as a stand alone.

This kind of insanity (anti-Semitism) starts small, then gathers momentum as it expands, then begins to become socially acceptable, then  is embraced among wider social  circles and eventually becomes politically "kosher" and  embraced by elitist Democrats  and assorted progressive radicals.

In fact, many among the radical left have already begun to equate Trump with Hitler, believing they are demonstrating how knowledgeable and caring they are.  Actually, by doing so, they are displaying their abysmal ignorance and true lack of knowledge.

Teaching/learning  about The Holocaust is occurring less and less and the current crop of students are among the dumbest of any generation when it comes to knowing  history of any kind. Consequently, they are the ones who are the easiest picking regarding  propaganda from the increasingly radicalized left whose influence is expanding among those who call themselves Democrats and who comprise the Trump Hater crowd,.

Note the names of the esteemed universities whose cowardly administrators either condone or look the other way.

The lessons of The Holocaust should be taught not to protect Jews but to protect mankind from man's inhumanity to his fellow man.
Wonders never cease.  Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader:

Click to read --> https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-arab-states-should-join-israel-to-fight-iran-urges-saudi-pundit/


Quotes from Jewish Students in 2018
Source credit: NBC, "A student with an Israeli flag sits underneath a swastika painted on Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity." 2015 incident, for illustrative purposes. 
In 2018, AMCHA's Student Voices Tracker documented150 painful testimonies from Jewish students across the country about how campus antisemitism has affected them. Here are just some of their voices, which remind us of how critical it is to continue our vital efforts on their behalf.


Columbia University: "It shouldn’t surprise anyone at this point. If you weren’t already aware, Columbia itself is a breeding ground for antisemitism… "

Pomona College: "I find it frustrating that all Jewish issues have become so politicized on our campus. Students feel like they can’t be active as Jews, even with something as simple as having Shabbat, without being forced into getting involved in politics, especially with this controversial issue that often gets very personal if you don’t hold a certain narrow set of beliefs. It has a chilling effect on the Jewish community on a campus which prides itself on helping communities express themselves."


Duke University: "I was just torn apart. I started crying. I didn’t know how to react to it, because I was so angry about it... Seeing the swastika drawn over something I painted with my peers at Duke upsets me beyond words. I was speechless... It feels like there is no safe space from anti-Semitism."

University of Tennessee Knoxville: "A climate has emerged at the University of Tennessee over the past fortnight that is unsafe for the Jewish community... It is hard to comprehend exactly how an administration can fail the Jewish community twice within such a short span of days... I am appalled."


University of Michigan: "I was faced with an excruciating choice: being forced to decide between my identity as a progressive Zionist and my identity as a social justice activist. Dialogue did not seem like a realistic option, so I stood there, torn apart."

University of California Davis: "Anti-Semitism is very real and alive on our campus. Jewish students should not have to be scared of walking on campus. Students are choosing not to openly identify as Jews through our clothing. Feeling targeted takes away from our studies, greatly affects our mental well-being, and contributes to an environment at UC Davis where we do not feel safe."


University of Massachusetts Amherst: "I soon realized...that UMass is not a comfortable (and questionably safe) place for Jewish students."

Indiana University: "I felt sick. I literally thought I was going to cry or throw up [upon seeing an antisemitic post on Greekrant about Jews at Indiana University]."


Tufts University: "I am a Jew of Israeli descent with Israeli family. I am entering my third year at Tufts with the same fear that I felt when I was called a ‘Zionist scum,’ an anti-Semitic slur, my first year. Jewish students are frequently discriminated against in conspiratorial terms and age-old tropes on Tufts Secrets, an anonymous Facebook page. I no longer question why Tufts Friends of Israel is the only culture club at Tufts that requires a security detail at the majority of our events…"

CUNY John Jay College: "There [is] a group of clubs who will not co-sponsor events with us, and the clubs who do will receive heavy push-back for collaborating with Hillel... [This past fall], a John Jay graduate was hanging out in club row talking to other SJP members about how she would like to physically hurt an unspecified person. When her friends saw me, they asked the graduate, ‘don’t you want to deck everyone in the face?’ She replied, while staring at me, ‘I want to deck my enemies.' The graduate’s friends then started to mockingly chant 'Free Palestine.'"


Stanford University: "[A student who posted on Facebook during the summer that he would 'physically fight Zionists on campus next year'] has been one of the most aggressive and prolific anti-Israel figures at Stanford… Now, he’s calling for violence against pro-Israel students. He will be an RA in a dormitory next year, and this is unacceptable, as he could quite literally threaten the safety of the students in the dormitory."

CUNY John Jay College: "All I did was attend a Hillel event. This was the only indicator that I was a Zionist — with the word ‘Zionist’ left up to interpretation. Because of that, students were pressured not to talk to me and friends of mine were constantly told to abandon me."


New York University: "When the open goal is to make me personally as a Zionist feel uncomfortable on campus, things start to feel unsafe."

Barnard College: "It was my first personal exposure to antisemitism. Throughout the school year, I felt less and less safe being a Jewish student at Barnard… this has been a wake-up call."


Duke University: "I was deeply disturbed and, to be honest, frightened. I’m Jewish and these vile anti-Semitic threats, including the image of a gun pointing to a Jew, really rattled me."

Columbia University: "There have been many antisemitic occurrences on campus and talks against Jewish students, and the university has done nothing to protect us."


Brown University: "Over the years, Jewish students, including BSI [Brown Students for Israel] members, have been bullied, harassed, silenced, slandered and subjected to anti-Semitism and even to threats of violence on College Hill."

George Washington University: "Students who are otherwise comfortable with their Jewish and Zionist identities at GW are being scared into silence and shunned from certain social circles on campus."


University of Illinois Urbana Champaign: "The BDS movement has meant divisiveness, antisemitism and intolerance for our campus."

University of Minnesota: "[The BDS referendum] has bred discrimination and silencing of the Jewish community. The community I love has been attacked. My friends have been slandered. It is so disheartening that when a community comes out to ask for support, they are met with this type of hatred, especially on a college campus."


University of Illinois Urbana Champaign: "The UIUC Divest campaign has led to increased animosity, intolerance and even acts of hate against Jewish students…"

University of Nebraska Lincoln: "As a Jew, I felt more fear in the Nebraska Union than I felt while hiding in a bomb shelter in Israel…"


University of California Los Angeles: "It’s a really unfortunate reality that Jewish students on campus get used to this kind of discrimination and anti-Semitic incidents."

San Francisco State University: "The atmosphere on campus is beyond difficult or upsetting, it has evolved into something frightening and ugly..."

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