Sunday, January 20, 2019

Toxic Femininity? I Believe Hoover Set Up MLK Another Rant. Traitorous Democrats.


Toxic femininity?


Today we celebrate the death/assassination of MLK.  He was one of my hero's. Even he was flawed as all humans but he stood head and shoulders above most mortals.

I had the good fortune to attend the dinner for him in Atlanta, celebrating his receiving The Nobel Peace Prize.  It was given to me by a client firm whose business bought tickets but no one was willing to use them and attend.

I still believed MLK was set up by Hoover and now that I see how The FBI has been sullied by Comey and his crowd of gum shoes my conviction has simply been re-inforced.


What I find so despicable is that Democrats are so hell bent to rid America of a duly elected president they do not seem to give a damn about the damage they are doing to the authority and stature of this president. and beyond, the entire office and apparatus of the president.

Their desire to regain power is of such demoniacal proportions they seem willing to do anything they can, believe anything they hear or read in order to besmirch and sully him.

One day, those who hate Trump and support the efforts of Pelosi, Schumer and their crowd will look back in remorse if they have a conscience, are capable of shame and care about their "beloved" nation.

They profess they are the modern day equivalent of Paul Revere's but I believe they are misguided traitors bent on damaging this country.

It is one thing to have philosophical disagreements, to dig ones heels in and engage in reasonable  tactics to further one's cause but it is entirely another matter to behave as Democrats have been doing for the last several years.

There is much about Trump that gives pause, to be embarrassed, even turned off, but there is nothing to support the actions adopted by the Democrats. Their level of hypocrisy has reached heights that are unfathomable on any rational  level.
Ross rants. (See 1 below.)
Trump should give State of The Union from the home of a relative killed by an illegal immigrant.
1)There was a study done by liberal economists during the Obama years that claimed that contract work was a growing issue and protections were needed for these workers. The authors of the study have now retracted it as they discovered contract labor grew when unemployment under Obama grew, but now that we have low unemployment, contract labor and freelancers has again shrunk from almost 16% to 10%, which is the rough historic average. Many of those people choose to do part time like Uber drivers, or writers, or waiters because they have other things they are doing that require them to not be full time.  It also turns out that many of these independent contractors earn more than some full time workers. Half of the 1.6 million people who do part time gig work, also hold full time jobs, so they get benefits from the regular job. There are now 900,000 fewer people doing part time jobs as under Obama because they now have full time jobs. Duh. So when you hear the liberals proclaim part timers need new protections, it is total BS. Almost all part timers and freelancers today choose to do that instead of a full time job. They do not want or need new entitlements and regulations. Trump has set up regional associations for freelancers to get group healthcare and short term insurance. Liberals want the US to have the European system of labor laws which as we see has created high unemployment and protests, and a slow economy.

The EU is now in a real box. They claim they will not negotiate anything with May. OK, so then there may be a hard Brexit, exports to the UK will be hampered, labor will have a harder time moving back and forth, and the EU economy will suffer when it cannot afford to. It likely would cause a real recession in the EU. Trump will step in and offer May a free trade agreement and other help. The EU is the big loser. While there would be some disruption in the UK, life will go on, and for the better, free of EU regulations and constraints, and free from immigration problems. Farmers in the EU will still need to export their products, and will demand access to the UK. German exporters need the UK market. The financial markets operate mainly in London for many types of markets, and the EU will be harmed if they think they can just go on without the UK capital markets. It is as stupid as Pelosi and the border security issues. If May gets some backbone, which she is being forced to do, then the EU has no choice but to back down. It is doubtful there will be another referendum. She has the added benefit of Trump threatening to impose 25% auto tariffs on the EU just as the Brexit mess hits the wall, and the tariffs really crush the EU exports. Brexit is not over. Now the real negotiation begins.

If you stuck with an all equity strategy, you are back doing quite well. Stocks are up 10% since Christmas day, and 6% since Jan 1. What happened? Someone started the false theory, the economy is slowing badly, consumers are getting into trouble, housing is collapsing along with autos, and the market will decline even further. Talk of recession in 2019 became the mantra even though there was nothing on which to base such a forecast. It was all BS. But it got grabbed by the algo trading programs, and then fed by the dumb press, and by young analysts and talking heads who need to look prescient. Suddenly the algo programs began to sell, and then the other algos took the recession story and selling, and began to sell. That just reinforced the other algos to sell even more. Plus you had typical year end selling by funds who need to take tax losses or even up their portfolios. Weak retail investors panicked and sold. Finally the adults stepped in and said this is nonsense, there is no recession, PE’s are at very attractive levels, the Fed backed off so as not to feed the frenzy, and China started to negotiate. But nothing changed in the US economy. It just kept growing. Dimon stated publicly the consumer is in very good shape. Rates declined so now all of a sudden the housing issue mitigated even though rates were never the real problem. Now we get pundits projecting a 15% rise in stock prices this year.  The market is already up 10% from the bottom at Christmas, so maybe that is a realistic projection. I am not so sure, but at least for now the sentiment is back to positive. My all equity portfolio is up approximately 7.5% since Jan 1, so I am a happy camper so far this year. Over three years ended this week, I have a compound, time adjusted, annual return of 11% over several years in spite of the December downturn which caused only a very small loss and the first loss in over 6 years, so I am staying with all equity and fully invested. I still believe fixed income is not worth the risk of loss and minimal return, and annuities are simply a very bad place for your money as they eat fees for minimal return, and no liquidity, plus they have tax issues. My risk tolerance and economic view is likely not for many of you, but it has paid off very well for many years for me. You need to decide on what is good for you.

Why does CA have 25% of all homeless?  Because they give them the most entitlements and freedom from the cops pushing them off the streets. Same reason they have the most illegal aliens and highest taxes. Portland is severely harmed, like San Fran, by homeless living in the entry of stores, and using these areas as their bathroom, and chasing away customers.  Seattle has a severe homeless problem. Now DeBlasio has aided and abetted the homeless problem returning to NYC because they are welcomed, as opposed to being chased away. For years it was great to not have panhandlers on the subway. They are back. You might observe that the bulk of the homeless in the US are all in left wing cities with big homeless entitlement programs, and no enforcement by the cops. The left never seems to understand there is a permanent underclass who are addicts or alcoholics, and the last thing cities need is to keep giving these people lots of entitlements and political support which just helps them sustain their destructive lifestyle. Giuliani proved that his broken windows policing strategy and chasing away the homeless made a huge difference to the quality of life in NYC. It is the same story with universal guaranteed income. If someone is not working now, they are lazy, addicted or drunk, or a violent felon. If we pay them a guaranteed income on top of food stamps, subsidized housing, free medical care, and other entitlements, they will just say- this works, so why work since I can’t earn as much working, and I am free to do whatever I want.  That is exactly what Sweden and Canada found, which led them to cancel these programs. The elite do not understand that these people do not think nor function like the rest of us, which is why they are on drugs and alcohol. What they need is forced rehab.

The Buzzfeed fake news is a new low point in American journalism which had already sunk to a disgraceful sewer. 20 years ago Connie Chun gave a speech where she castigated journalism for its race to report before they get facts. It has been clear for two years that most of the press hates Trump, and will say anything and promote any story, true or not, if it is anti-Trump. They clearly impacted the midterms, and will work overtime in 2020 to defeat Trump and Republicans. CNN, NBC, ABC, NY Times and Washington Post might as well just admit they actively support the DNC. They all jumped on the Buzzfeed story along with bugeye Schiff and other Dems to claim it is the start of the end of the Trump presidency, regardless of the fact that not one of them ever asked Mueller if it is true. For Mueller to publicly refute the story is unprecedented, yet some reporters for some of those organizations claim Mueller did not really refute the story.   What is the interpretation of, “the story is not true” if not that the story is not true. That just shows how badly the press is intent to seize anything that attacks Trump, even when proven to be a lie they try to claim maybe it is really true because they want it to be. Facts be damned. There is no credibility left in the American press. It is very damaging to democracy in this country. The press and the left claim Trump needs to stop saying fake news and he is dangerous to democracy for saying such things. How about, the press needs to be accurate and objective, and not publish fake news.

Trump has offered a middle ground with specifics developed by the experts at border patrol. The Dems of course claim it is totally unacceptable in every respect even though it has many things they have voted for and say they support now. I assume Pelosi figures this is a start point and the Dems will continue to say end the shutdown and we will then negotiate that which we already said is rejected and nonnegotiable. Trump needs to stand firm. Why end the shut down just to have the Dems say, no to everything again and no to a barrier that the border patrol says they need and that the Dems voted for over many years. This is far from ending, and now the Dems look like they are intransigent

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