Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Pompeo Assures Bibi. I just Post It! Romney Becomes A Three R.

 Democrat Platform in three words: Everything for everyone.

NASA PHOTO of Palestinians on Mars!

Pompeo assures Israel regarding our slowed withdrawal from Syria.

Bibi, like all humans, has faults but it would be insane for Israelis not to return him and his party to power  at this critical time.

The last thing our administration and Trump need  is learn about new Israeli leadership. (See 1 below.)
Radical left continues more sick "piling on."

I do not make this up, I just post what is being said and/or written.(See 2 below.)


Romney seems to have chosen to replace McCain as the Party's odd man out, the Republican Recreant Renegade and expert on morality.

I am in total agreement Trump's personality has worn thin and any moral authority he ever had has dissipated.  That said, the constant attacks, the incessant berating are also uncalled for.  Those who hate Trump, who attack him may believe they are "holier than thou" but they too are out of bounds.

One day we will probably look back and realize we handled our embarrassment over Trump in an equally embarrassing manner for which we should be ashamed unless we choose to remain in denial as we have about the corruption that occurred during Obama's 8 years and those who sought to prevent Trump from becoming president while continuing their illegal folly after his victory.

Not sure Trump needs to be so "in your face."  Catch more flies with honey than vinegar.  But then, what good are flies?(See 2a below.)
A dear friend and fellow memo reader and a Christian responds to my posting on campus anti-Semitism:

“Funding” is indeed the secret. In the same way the government forced educational institutions to adopt women’s sports programs (Title IX) despite advice from nearly all sectors of the educational establishment, save the far left faculties,   under the threat of defunding their science,, programs, the government could force them to adopt anti-anti-Semitic activity, hold classes in religious tolerance, etc., etc. Administrations could, had they the fortitude to do so, clamp down on all the hateful rhetoric now so prevalent on college campuses, discontinue the charters of all organizations that practiced anti-Semitism in any way, etc., etc. Whether they would is another story but you’re right, the cash drawer is the way to their hearts. Of course, our government has seen little reason to do so to date since there is no organized effort to stop it at the grass roots. Indeed, some at the grass roots seems to encourage this sort of misbehavior. How else to explain Antifa, Black Lives Matter,, etc., etc.  Where are the adults in the room, where are the alumni organizations and the ACLU when you need them? Despite their big talk, they’re nowhere to be seen, that’s where. What we need is a grass roots revolution; back to 1776!  E-"

Pompeo Reassures Israel that U.S. Has Its Support Despite Syria Pullout

By Jack Davis

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo affirmed Tuesday that the United States will continue to fully support the state of Israel even after U.S. troops end their mission in Syria.

President Donald Trump announced last month that the U.S. would bring the troops home, having accomplished the purpose they set out to achieve.
Pompeo met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tuesday in Brazil, the Washington Examiner reported. Both were attending the inauguration of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

The removal of troops will not change American policy toward those who seek to harm Israel, Pompeo said.“We will continue to fight ISIS and Iranian aggression,” he said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Pompeo said Trump’s plan to remove U.S. troops from Syria “in no way changes anything that this administration is working on alongside Israel.”
“The counter-ISIS campaign continues, our efforts to counter Iranian aggression continue and our commitment to Middle East stability and the protection of Israel continues in the same way it did before that decision was made,” he said.
Pompeo promised that he and Netanyahu would ensure that as circumstances change, Israel will be protected. “We will work closely together to make sure we get this right,” Pompeo said, according to the Times of Israel.

Pompeo also pledged U.S. support for Israel’s efforts against Hezbollah along the Lebanese-Israeli border, where terrorists have dug tunnels to infiltrate into Israel, prompting attacks from Israeli forces.

“We understand the threat that that violation of Israeli sovereignty presents to the region and the country, that threat from Iranian Hezbollah,” he said.
Pompeo later tweeted about the meeting : “Delighted to see @IsraeliPM@Netanyahu in #Brazil. I affirmed the commitment of the Trump Administration and the American people to ensuring #Israel’s security; the United States fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself. The U.S.-Israeli alliance is strong.”

Netanyahu, who spoke prior to the meeting, said he and Pompeo would be “discussing our, the intense cooperation between Israel and the United States which will also deal with the questions following the decision, the American decision, on Syria and how to intensify even further our intelligence and operational cooperation in Syria and elsewhere to block Iranian aggression in the Middle East.”

“That’s a common aim, and I have to say that I’m also very appreciative of the support, strong support and unequivocal support that you and the president gave our efforts at self-defense against Syria and Hezbollah just in the last few days,” Netanyahu told Pompeo.

State Department spokesman Robert Palladino later said Pompeo and Netanyahu “discussed the unacceptable threat that regional aggression and provocation by Iran and its agents poses to Israeli and regional security.”
Pompeo also reiterated America’s commitment to Israel’s right to self-defense.
2)"The president is a raving lunatic who's like two news cycles away from humping parked cars." HBO's Bill Maher

When Trump "goes out there and whips people up, it's like a Mussolini rally." MSNBC's Joe Scarborough

Trump is "always attacking black people." CNN's Jeffrey Tobin

"Donald Trump talks like a racist, thinks like a racist, makes statements like a racist.  Conjures emotions that give succor and support to white supremacists and white nationalists." NYT's Michael Eric Dyson

"Our president is a disturbed person." NYT's Thomas Friedman

"[T]he exact pattern that Hitler has... He is evil, he is evil." MSNBC's Michele Reiner

"Trump is a Nazi." Director Judd Apatow

"He is the imperial wizard of the new white supremacy... Our first neo-Nazi president." New Republic's Bob Moser


Trump does Team MAGA proud at Cabinet meeting

President Trump's masterful press conference during today's Cabinet meeting should berequired viewing (without left-wing media commentary) by all US citizens, especially those who claim the president is out of touch or out of control.
He answered a full range of questions calmly and completely -- ranging from the attempted palace coup by Mitt Romney to the timeline for the Syrian withdrawal and of course the failure of the Democrats to do their constitutional duty and defend the US border.
Some of the highlights as the president tried to educate the assembled reporters about the difference between Fake News and the real thing:
--On the Wall funding and the government shutdown: "This is national security we're talking about, just like we talked about the military, just like we're talking about Syria or Afghanistan or all these different places. I mean, we spend in Afghanistan more in one month than what we're talking about for the wall."
--On European criticism of his foreign policy: "I shouldn't be popular in Europe. I want Europe to pay. I don't care about Europe. I'm not elected by Europeans, I'm elected by American taxpayers, frankly. If I were popular in Europe, I wouldn’t be doing my job."
--On Fake News reporting that Trump planned to pull the troops out of Syria immediately and then changed his mind because of the goading of some mythical "adult in the room": We're getting out and we're getting out smart. I never said I'm getting out tomorrow."
--On Romney's despicable op-Ed in the Washington Post, the president responded with wit and restraint: "I will say this, if he fought really hard against President Obama like he does against me, he would have won the election. If he fought the way he fights me, I'm telling you, he would have won the election." LOL. Sad but true!
There was a lot more. The president was sharp, judicious and authoritative. Of course, that didn't go over well with the left wing media, so they immediately starting savaging him. Different Day Same Shit.

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