Thursday, September 20, 2018

We Have A Pile of Bile Or We Have A Republic If We Can Keep It. Which Is It?

Apparently a CBS news reporter suggested that no matter what Kavanaugh had to say he should not be believed because he needed, instead,  to feel Ford's pain.

Seems to me the last thing Kavanaugh needs to do is feel any more of Ford, if he ever did.

Once again the behaviour of the Despicables and mass media has got to make Putin laugh.  It shows how stupidly vulnerable we are to anything our adversaries want to do to us.

A woman mouths off about something that happened 30 plus years ago against a man who has served his entire life without a "smidgen" of taint and the next thing we know his constitutional rights have been turned against him.  Then, when the person accusing him is inconclusive about whether she will do so to his face, he is accused of being insensitive and disrespectful of her because he will not agree to allow the FBI to investigate her charge.  In other words, it is his responsibility to help prove she is not a liar and/or was so drunk she cannot even remember what her alleged attacker wore, said, when it happened, how many were in the room etc. Yet,  after 30 plus years and at the appropriate time a light bulb went off in her tortured brain.

Democrats on the committee ducked out when they had a chance to hear and question Kavanaugh directly and now they want to stall so they can select their own SCOTUS candidate should they win the mid-term election and re-capture the Senate.

The entire episode reeks with hypocrisy, lies and deceit and the Republicans should push forward and quit playing games. If they cave because they are frightened or succumb to being  bullied they deserve what they get.  As for Feinstein, she may have curried sufficient favor with California radicals to be re-elected but how she can live with herself is another matter. However, when you are surrounded by the likes of Schumer's, Pelosi's, Water's and Schiff's how can you not turn into a pathetic pile of bile.

The main thing is Kavanaugh has been sullied and that has been the entire goal all along by the Despicables failing to totally block his nomination.

Meanwhile, Trump can't even get documents,which have nothing to do with a matter that should never have been classified, released by the same people who might be shamed by these documents. Talk about appealing to the fox to be nice to the chickens in the hen house.

Most Americans don't give a damn about what is going on because they decided a long time ago our government was corrupt.  They don't vote, they don't care and don't want to be bothered.  Neither do they trust the mass media to tell the truth. They are simply fed up with "Potomac Swamp People."  That is not a healthy state of affairs but certainly understandable.

Franklin was prescient when he responded"We have a Republic if we can keep it."

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