Monday, September 24, 2018

Kavanaugh The Contemporary Custer. Democrats And Their Pound Of Flesh Tactics. DC The Viper Infested City. Speaking Solely For Myself.

When I think of Kavanaugh I think of Custer.  When I think of Feinstein I think of a pimp.

Meanwhile, Democrats have shown themselves again to be what they always have been, scalpers who want their pound of flesh. If that means turning the Constitution and respect for law upside down so be it .

Their goal has and always seems win at any cost and if that means being hypocrite gutter types so be that as well.

It is pile on time and I suspect, before this tragic episode is over, many more women  will join the parade claiming they have been abused by Kavanaugh. This should send another chilling message to the truly talented, honorable, and competent, the last thing you want to do is serve your nation.  This is what progressives seek because those who lust for power and are willing to heel and do anything it takes are deemed  best suited to govern. Ted Kennedy ,Waters, Schumer, Pelosi and Booker and their sanctimonious ilk fit the mold and immediately come to mind..

The biggest threat to liberals are independents capable of reasoning. Radical liberals are expert at turning "Boobus Americanus" against anyone attacked by the most specious of charges because  unwashed thinkers react emotionally. They are simply incapable of standing aside and reasoning objectively.They perform like fish in a bowl responding to food.

One would like to think Democrats will overplay their hand.  Maybe there was a time when that would have been a decent bet. I no longer believe that to be the case. Why? Because mass media "prostitutes" make their living off sensationalism and therefore, facts have become a worthless commodity.

Furthermore, I am not sure polls mean much any more because those questioned no longer care to tell the truth due to their contempt for the mass media. Nevertheless, when a flaky allegation such as the one  offered by Ms. Ford, can turn 60% of the nation against a nominee like Kavanaugh then something is rotten. 
Perhaps Kavanaugh is the high school creep Ms. Ford has alleged but what ensued prior to her salacious charge during the hearing process and subsequently should be deemed  a national disgrace. What has been allowed to take place  reveals the level of character that has infused its way into the Democrat Party and most particularly their side of the Senate aisle. Set this against the background of some of the highest officials in the Justice Department, The FBI, leaders of our various intelligence agencies who have testified concerning the entire sordid investigations regarding Russian Collusion, efforts to entrap and spy on Trump campaign and Administration personnel and the shameless arrogance of the likes of Brennan and all the other scalawags and one should feel nothing but remorse for our nation.

It is evident to me, D.C, our seat of power city, has become infested with corrupt viper leadership that cannot instill confidence.  I may not speak for many, nor is it my intention to do so.  I simply speak for myself and I am not at all joyous about doing so.

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