Monday, September 24, 2018

Two Observations. A Medal of Honor General's Take. Did Kim Do It Again? Rosenstein. Low Life's - Resign!

Several astute observations.  The first from a very dear friend and fellow memo reader:  "Was talking to a cousin of mine in Baltimore this morning, who is a Trumpster like you. He made a very astute observation that if Trump was president in the 1930’s, 6 million Jews would not have been annihilated. Interesting ‘What if.”


This is my own.  When women broke the glass ceiling and liberated themselves they also became quite promiscuous when it came to increased sexual activity. This is a recorded fact and there are plenty of books that tell the story I reviewed "Sex Matters" by Mona Charen, just a few weeks ago.

Today, as these same women have aged and attitudes have changed  what many called a "fling" is now remembered as rape.  Just a thought.  You decide.
New rant. (See 1 below.)
Generals operate in a non-democratic atmosphere where they generally do not have to take a lot of crap. Politicians take crap all the time and often turn into crap in the process. (See 2 below.)

Did Kim do it again? (See 3 and 3a below.)
I believe The NYT would love to force Trump to fire Rosenstein at this time. He should avoid doing so until after the mid-terms if he chooses to do so.. 

Even if Rosenstein is a worm, Trump should refrain because it would be mis-interpreted and turned against him. (See 4 and 4a below.)

Those who serve President Trump and believe they are also serving the nation by proceeding to mock him and act in ways that block his ability to govern are low life's and if they had any integrity, self-respect and/or decency they would resign.
No one in his right mind believes Ms. Ford does not have a right to impugn another person's character if they believe they have been sexually aggrieved. She might be mistaken and, if so, will have to pay the price for her mistake.

Where everything stinks to high heaven is that Kavanaugh is given  no presumption of innocence,  The accusation has been accepted as factual because it serves the political interests of slimy Democrats. It flies in the face of everything we believe in regarding American jurisprudence. The repugnant mob have decided to take things in their own hands. This is what Georgia did to Leo Frank.  They lynched him and then a future governor pardoned him after he was dead.

In the case of Kavanaugh, Democrats have decided smearing him suits their intended purpose and are using a questionable and unproven accusation by a feminist to do so.  This is the new law that Democrats trot out when they need to engage in character assassination and America seems willing to buy into this crap.

If this is the Democrat's America, I want no part of it because it will prove Cuomo was partially correct. Though we might have been great at one time we are no more.

Add to this their desire to turn our nation into a Socialist one and I sure do not want to be around when their entire fraud collapses.I fear for my progeny.
1)  Brexit is looking more like a hard break than agreement. Apparently the EU totally rejected the Chequers approach May presented, and it sounds like it was an unpleasant discussion. Unclear where they go from here, but the November 1 drop dead date is fast approaching, and agreement seems unlikely now. Companies, hospitals, and individuals are stocking up on goods imported from the EU so that there will not be shortages if and when the break comes in March. It is likely the EU will suffer more than the UK in this, as Trump is very likely to do whatever he can to step in with bilateral agreements, and the capital markets will find a way to move forward instantly. After a short period of chaos and disruption, life will go on in the UK, and then others like Hungary, Poland, Italy may be emboldened to create more problems for the EU. Add to this, the tensions inside the German coalition government recently, Macron below 30% approval and dropping, and things in the EU look dicey. Surely not a place to be invested for now.

Trudeau seems to be trying to play hardball with Trump and to look tough, counting on Congress to force Trump to back down. Big mistake. Mexico is all in to do the deal with Trump on a bilateral basis, and Congress will be in a mess if the Dems win the House, so it is very unclear what will happen with NAFTA. I expect Trudeau will back down because Canada loses big if he does not. My bet is Canada folds in the end and a new NAFTA deal is approved after a lot of noise in Congress. With Brexit about to blow up, the EU cannot afford a breakdown of trade with the US and the UK at the same time. They will do a deal with Trump. It is clear the Chinese and the US are talking behind the curtain. Japan and S Korea will also soon conclude trade deals. Then it is on to reconfigure WTO so it actually works. In the end, not a huge amount will change with all of them other than China. But it will reset how trade deals are done in the future by the US, and that will be to our long term benefit.

Trends in office now are the need to provide the snowflakes with amenities like in a hotel. They demand a free gym, food court and other space to hang in. Office buildings are being modified to provide these things, but the question remains who is paying for all this stuff in a recession, or when the kiddies finally grow up and go back to work at their desk full time instead of having some play time during the day. Not an easy decision as to what to provide and who pays for what. One other trend is in retail where selling was overdone and now there are still opportunities to buy retail centers and buildings that still have good tenants at good prices. Online is still only 15% of all retail so stores are not going away, they are just being reconfigured and the weak retailers are disappearing in a cyclical shake out as retail operations change. Lastly there is a big shift to secondary, and even more tertiary markets now that prime coastal markets are overvalued. Cities like Denver, Austin, Pittsburgh, Raleigh and more are in now. Lots of companies are moving from the left coast to where it is cheaper and easier to run a business free from all the regulation and taxes. While San Fran and Silicon Valley are still attracting a lot of smart kids, because that is where the big action is, there are many other cities attracting smart kids who are happy in secondary cities where they can  afford to live well. Tech is now spread much more widely, and that trend will continue, but San Fran is still the sweet spot for new grads in many cases. Today, most major investors are seeking to preserve value, and make a decent, risk adjusted return. Few are still seeking the homerun that could be had a few years ago. That day is over.

The polls claim many voters do not connect the tax cut to the booming economy. I always believed many voters do not understand any of the basics of the economy or much else. If all they know is the press saying the tax cut only benefited companies and the wealthy, I guess they believe it, but then how do they explain 4.2% GDP and 3.9% unemployment and more money in their paycheck. I still believe in the end they will vote to continue the increased income and job security. The feel good stuff.

The Kavanaugh spectacle by the Dems has reached a disgusting new low in politics. All four “witnesses” named by Ford, including a woman she went to high school with, say it never happened. The leaves zero saying it did happen. In addition, her therapist is very unlikely to have written down 4 boys instead of 2, given that the session was in his office where it was quiet and uninterrupted, and meant to help her. Four does not sound like two, and the number 4 looks nothing like a 2. Presumably she went on to describe the incident to him so it seems impossible he got it wrong. The ABA which is a left leaning group, gave Kavanaugh the highest possible accolades and recommendation. The FBI gave him a clean report six times, with not even a hint of any sexual abuse ever coming out. Her parents were declared bankrupt by Kavanaugh’s mother who was the judge, so Ford is not objective about him. Maybe she sees this as payback for what must have been a trauma for her when they went bankrupt. The Dems announced before anyone was named, that they would stop any pick by Trump, no matter who it was, or what they had to do. The script is right out of the Dem playbook for Anita Hill, except Anita Hill was proven by Arlen Specter and the FBI to have lied. However the Dems were able to trash Thomas’ reputation. We do not know how Ford came to write this letter, but why was she doing a lie detector test and hiring a activist DC left wing lawyer in August if she was not planning to testify against him. If she needed a lawyer there are plenty of low profile excellent lawyers in CA. The Dems knew the only claim they could get to have legs was sexual abuse, just like in the Thomas hearings. They intend to demolish Kavanaugh’s reputation even if he is confirmed, just as they did to Thomas. Right now, every witness, including her own therapist, has contradicted Ford. Nobody has backed up her claims in any way. However, that has not stopped the press from condemning him. Her legal team is selected out of the left wing activist legal community in DC, now including McCabe’s lawyer. Their demands that he testify first would reverse jurisprudence as it has been practiced in America since 1776. Their claims this is rushed is utter nonsense. And now they say they want to move to impeach him after January, even though there is no evidence been presented yet other than the Washington Post interview. We have never even seen the unredacted letter. Now another woman from Yale makes a claim that also has no witness and that several from her Yale class who have no connection to Kavanaugh, claim never happened. She has now admitted she was drunk and unsure of the facts. It will not surprise me if one more smear claim shows up which is likely why they wanted to delay the hearing. Now the sleaze Avanetti claims he has “evidence”. Someone is coordinating this whole thing to get Kavanaugh stopped. This is out of control now. It is clear the key voters in November are suburban women, so this is the perfect set up to create anger among those voters and deflect from the booming economy, just as election season is at its prime. You have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not see what is really occurring here, and how the Dems are using and abusing her. The Dems are severely undermining the legal system and the constitution, and it is a dangerous road they are on. When the full story of the FBI and DOJ trying to undermine Trump, comes out, it will be even more dangerous and disgraceful.  It amounts to nothing less than an attempted soft coup to unseat Trump. This is really bad stuff we are witnessing.

Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady calls for honesty and courage in Kavanaugh showdown

Editor’s note: Maj. Gen. Patrick Henry Brady was awarded the United States military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, and is former president of the Medal of Honor Society.
I am again amazed at the craven cowardice of our politicians and even so-called conservative pundits. If I hear one more time from Fox News commentators that we must take Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation seriously, I will barf. Would they take it seriously if it were directed at them?
Even the fascist left would be outraged if such charges were leveled at them. The difference is, the left would ignore it if it involved one of theirs.
The news media are hoping someone will treat Dr. Ford harshly – that is, honestly – so they can sic the vipers from among the far-left feminist radicals and biased media on them and sink Brett Kavanagh.
Let me be the first
Ford’s charges are not only outrageous, they are evil. Why do I say that?
This woman is not a dingbat; she is obviously bright and therefore knows the allegations she made are not provable – that the truth absolutely can never be known. She also knows no sane legal authority would take such a case, 36 years old, in which the accuser does not know the year or place it happened, and in which all three people she claims were present as eyewitnesses deny her allegations. Therefore, knowing this vile and unprovable allegation could destroy a man and his family, why did she do such a thing?
The answer is abortion on demand.
The left hates and fears Kavanaugh because he is a Catholic and seems to practice his faith, unlike some judges. Plus there are cowards on the Republican side who are anxious to harm Trump.
I have often said that Adam’s rib was the greatest investment in history. In my faith, a woman, Mary, is revered above every creature in God’s universe. Women are already equal if not superior to men, certainly in my family. But feminists are not fighting for equality; they want privilege and power and will use any means to get it and damn the human costs. Dr. Ford, who reportedly wore a “pussy hat” to a California demonstration protesting Trump, and her lawyers are leftist activists.
Why would the U.S. Senate let such people jerk them around? The demands by Ford and her attorneys are patently absurd – such as insisting Kavanaugh testify first, defending himself against her accusations before she makes them – yet the Senate is groveling to accommodate them.
How in the hell do we get rid of these media-phobic cowards in the Senate? The demands will not stop and will not change one Democrat vote.
There is one politician in the D.C. swamp who does not cower before the media, and that’s President Donald J. Trump. We need to find more like him. Right now, we have too many politicians who would kill a baby on its birthday and who believe you can marry your cat. Their side survives by slander and calumny without regard for human beings.
The sooner America realizes we are not divided by politics – we are divided by good and evil – the sooner we will be able to fix this mess.

Game-Changer: Journalist Uncovers Devastating Contradiction to WaPo’s Ford Story

The controversy surrounding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is exploding … but at the same time, details from his accuser are imploding.

At the center of the firestorm is a claim by University of Palo Alto Professor Christine Blasey Ford that the widely respected federal judge groped her at a drunken party nearly 40 years ago. Her memory of the alleged incident is hazy at best, and it looks increasingly unlikely that the incident happened as she said.
Still, The Washington Post knows a scoop when it sees one. Eager to jump on the story, the newspaper published an article on Sept. 16 that seemed to side with Ford, or at least treat her scandalous claim as credible.
On Saturday, however, well-known journalist Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal tore into The Post’s story. In a series of thought-provoking tweets on her Twitter account, Strassel pointed out a big problem with the anti-Kavanaugh story … and at the very least, it leaves serious questions for the newspaper to answer.
Strassel explained that The Washington Post story that torpedoed Kavanaugh’s confirmation has a major inaccuracy at its core, and that the newspaper’s explanation for this error makes no sense.
In notes from the family therapist to whom Ford described the alleged assault in 2012, there are four boys mentioned as being involved in the incident, which, if true, happened when the Supreme Court nominee was just 17.
However, Ford claimed that those notes were actually wrong — which is exactly what The Post told its readers:
“The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room,” The Post reported.
However, Strassel reported that she’d obtained an email written by Emma Brown, the reporter who wrote the story, to alleged witness Mark Judge. The email was written the day The Post story appeared.
The email describes a different makeup of the party — it was not four boys, as The Post reported. It was three boys and two girls.
So, according to Strassel, what Brown wrote in an email to Judge was different from the account presented in The Post’s story. The Post reporter was writing one thing in an email, and something different in the newspaper for the public.
“Wait, say what?” declared Strassel on Twitter. “WaPo reports publicly that Ford says it was ‘four boys,’ even after WaPo reporter tells Judge that Ford had told her it was three boys and a girl.”
And that, Strassel wrote on Twitter, is a “huge problem” for Ford’s credbility, as well as the credibility of The Washington Post.
“This was just a week ago, and we have Ford giving two different accounts of who was present,” Strassel continued. “Four boys. No, three boys, one girl. Either way, therapist notes from 2012 definitively say four boys, which Ford didn’t dispute. But now… a girl!”
She went on to point out that The Washington Post appeared to publish details of Ford’s claim that it knew were inaccurate.
“Reporter has for a week had the names of those Ford listed as present. One is a woman. Yet it writes a story saying FOUR BOYS. Why?” asked Strassel. “Maybe a mistake. But if so, why did WaPo never correct the narrative?”
Leland Keyser — the one woman who supposedly witnessed the decades-old alleged incident but was never identified, or even mentioned, in The Washington Post account — was also apparently never contacted by The Post until it quoted her for a story follow-up story a full week after its original story appeared. (While Keyser told The Post she believes Ford, it’s much more important to note that she also told the newspaper she doesn’t remember the party.)
“She has lived in the DC area a long time. The paper had no trouble tracking down the other two men (btw, who also denied such party). And why not publish Keyser’s name? It published the other men’s names,” Strassel pointed out.
Strassel quoted the update from The Post that contained another damning fact: “Before her name became public, Ford told The Post she did not think Keyser would remember the party because nothing remarkable had happened there, as far as Keyser was aware.”
“That is WaPo admitting that it had the name, and had Ford’s response to what would clearly be a Keyser denial, but NEVER PUT IT OUT THERE,” posted Strassel. “Again, why? A lot of people have a lot questions to answer.”

Here’s the bottom line: Even if media outlets like The Washington Post weren’t tripping over themselves to bring down Kavanaugh without doing due diligence, the accuser’s claims contradict themselves, and the coverage of the story is not making that clear.

The Washington Post story left out a female character its reporter was clearly aware of, according to the email to Judge.
That woman, now identified as Leland Keyser, has told The Post she doesn’t remember the party in question. All three boys who are now men have denied Ford’s story outright. If The Post had included Keyser in its initial story, it would have b
That doesn’t sound like it has the ring of truth. It sounds like someone mis-remembering or blatantly exaggerating a memory in order to derail a nominee they dislike, all at the very last minute.
And it looks like The Washington Post is doing its best to help.
3a) Lib NYT Drops Bomb On New Kavanaugh AccusationsTN
 by: TTN Staff

A new accuser has stepped forward alleging sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee. The loosely based allegation does not seem to add up and one of the authors has stated that the alleged 'victim' only came forward because the Democrats came looking.

In a piece by the New York Times, the new allegation was discussed, but they buried the fact that the woman was not sure it was Kavanaugh and they were not able to corroborate her story over the last week.

According to the New York Times:
Judge Kavanaugh’s prospects were further clouded on Sunday when The New Yorker reported on a new allegation of sexual impropriety: A woman who went to Yale with Judge Kavanaugh said that, during a drunken dormitory party their freshman year, he exposed himself to her, thrust his penis into her face and caused her to touch it without her consent.

In a statement, Judge Kavanaugh denied the allegation from the woman, Deborah Ramirez, and called it “a smear, plain and simple.” The New Yorker did not confirm with other eyewitnesses that Judge Kavanaugh was at the party.

The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.
The Times also discussed the problems with the witnesses named by Kavanaugh's first accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford:
Two other potential witnesses identified by Dr. Blasey — who she says were not in the room at the time of the assault — have provided statements to the Judiciary Committee to the same effect. One man, Patrick J. Smyth, told committee Republicans in a letter last week that he had “no knowledge of the party in question.” And a woman, Leland Keyser, told the Republicans through a lawyer that she “does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”
This information further bolsters the assumption this is a witch hunt by the left and this is nothing more than a conspiracy. The truth is important here, but it seems to become more diluted by the day.

4)Deputy AG Rosenstein Resigning
by: AAN Staff

UPDATE 10:59 AM ET: Pete Williams of NBC is reporting that "Rosenstein has said if Trump wants him gone, they'll have to fire him, and that Rosenstein will refuse to resign and go quietly," according to a tweet from Christina Wilkie of CNBC.
It is being reported that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is resigning. CNBC is reporting the new development.
The news is being corroborated by Axios:
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge.

Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so plans to step down.

Background: Rosenstein talked last year invoking the 25th Amendment and wearing a wire during Trump meetings, the N.Y. Times' Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt reported last week. He denied both allegations.
This story is developing. Continue to check back with AAN as new information becomes available.

4a) The Rebellion at Justice

Don’t fire Rosenstein, but do release the 2016 FBI-Justice documents.

The Editorial Board

Donald Trump keeps saying that the November election is a referendum on him, so a key part of the Democratic strategy is feeding the narrative of chaos in the White House: Trump-baiting so he’ll overreact. That’s probably the best way to look at the New York Times story on Friday that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein contemplated wearing a wire at the White House and removing the President via the 25th Amendment.

Mr. Trump is so far avoiding the advice that he instantly fire Mr. Rosenstein, and rightly so. The alleged comments were made in spring 2017 and it isn’t clear how much is true. The story is based on an account by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe about a meeting among Justice officials in May 2017. Mr. McCabe was part of the Jim Comey FBI tong that wants to elect a Democratic Congress and impeach Mr. Trump.

Mr. Rosenstein says he “never pursued or authorized recording the President and any suggestion that I have ever advocated for the removal of the President is absolutely false.” The idea of using the 25th Amendment to remove a President who isn’t physically incapacitated is so dumb that only pundits looking for attention would propose it.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer immediately warned Mr. Trump not to fire Mr. Rosenstein, which in today’s Washington means that he wants Mr. Trump to fire him. Then he’ll have another media conflagration his candidates can ride to retake Congress.
Mr. Rosenstein was no doubt feeling beleaguered in May 2017, and a day after the alleged meeting he appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller. But Mr. Trump was partly responsible for that mess.
Mr. Rosenstein had written an excellent memo explaining why Mr. Comey deserved to be fired as FBI director. But Mr. Trump, taking the anti-Trump media bait, told NBC that the real reason he fired Mr. Comey was because he refused to say publicly that he wasn’t investigating Mr. Trump. Then the President tweeted falsely that there may be tapes of Mr. Comey’s White House meetings. Mr. Comey leaked his own memos, and a political uproar left Mr. Rosenstein feeling used.
That was 16 months ago. Mr. Mueller has since brought many indictments against former Trump associates but he hasn’t provided a sliver of evidence about the Russia-Trump collusion narrative that was supposed to justify the investigation. The immediate battle now is over the midterm election and whether Mr. Trump can stay in office as the impeachment assault begins from Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats. Mr. Trump can make personnel changes after the midterms if Republicans still hold the Senate and he can get someone confirmed.
Meanwhile on Friday, President Trump walked back his earlier decision to declassify a host of documents related to the Justice Department and FBI investigations during the 2016 election campaign. This is an odd decision and looks like a mistake.
“I met with the DOJ concerning the declassification of various UNREDACTED documents. They agreed to release them but stated that so doing may have a perceived negative impact on the Russia probe. Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release,” Mr. Trump tweeted Friday.
But releasing documents to the public isn’t a coverup. It’s an act of transparency. Mr. Trump needs to declassify the documents because the FBI and Justice have consistently stonewalled Congress. Releasing documents at this stage can’t hurt the Mueller probe. As for the allies, sometimes U.S. democratic accountability has to take precedence over the potential embarrassment of British intelligence.
Releasing the documents would let Americans see for themselves how the FBI and Justice Department justified their decision to start their counterintelligence probe of the Trump campaign and seek a warrant to spy on Carter Page; and whether or how they vetted the notorious Steele dossier. The unredacted emails and texts of Jim Comey’s FBI team might also reveal political motivation.
Mr. Trump has agreed to let the Justice Department Inspector General review the documents “on an expedited basis,” but time is of the essence. If Democrats take the House, they will shut down any attempt to scrutinize the actions of the FBI and Justice in 2016.
We keep reading that Mr. Trump threatens the independence of the Justice Department, but he has less influence over his own political appointees at Justice than any President we can recall. Much of this is due to his own self-indulgence and falsehoods, but there is no evidence that any investigation has been stopped or interfered with due to White House pressure. Declassify and release the documents, Mr. President.

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