Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sugar Shock Interview Ends Now On To Poor Kavanaugh.

I had to post the above twice to emphasize how syrupy things started off  and ended with after the lunch break.

Sen Mazie Hurono is the white equivalent of Maxine Waters. Sickening display and plenty of self-congratulatory self serving commentary and soft ball questions.  Is there something in Hawaiian pineapples that makes everything so sweet and syrupy?

Sens. Blumenthal and "Spartacus" Booker would make perfect mates for Mazie. While they praise Ms Ford's courageousness, their manipulative behaviour and that of  their cohorts helped cause  the grief Ford claims she and her family are undergoing.

Before this is sickening drama ends, Ms Ford could come out as the heroic American equivalent of Joan D'arc.

If Ms Ford actually is telling the truth and not living a manipulated dream then Kavanaugh should be tarred and feathered but if, as I suspect, this is all mainly manufactured to destroy him then every committee Democrat should be lynched.

At this point the questioning about who is paying for Ford's legal help will probably evoke more sympathy.

No one asked her what Kavanaugh was wearing nor has anyone asked her for more actual facts and because of the way the hearing  was structured more competent interrogators were muzzled.  This because 11 white Republican men were frightened at the prospect of  biased optics.  The five minute method of questioning might give all these blowhards an opportunity to play to their constituents but it did nothing to serve the voters who pay their salaries and support our bloated government.  If this is what takes place in DC, it is little wonder why Americans are fed up with politicians and rightfully prefer a business man to get some actual things done.

The Arizona investigator ended by trying to offer reasons why her performance was awful and crippled

By this time this charade is behind us I would not be surprised if Ms. Ford did not become the Democrat's heroic nominee for president.
Now on to  poor old Kavanaugh.

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