Monday, September 24, 2018

Is There A Ford In Your Future? Will Kavanaugh and The Pusillanimous Republican Party Survive The Democrat's Trial By Fire?

                                                                                   Or possibly just another sun-bathing feminist
This needs re-posting because it is that good.(See 1 below.)
I see a pattern.  Do you? (See 2 below.)
Monday evening we went to the beautiful Art Deco, Lucas Theater to see a showing of Clint Eastwood's documentary about the life of  Johnny Mercer.  The showing was free and  part of the 37th Annual Savannah Coastal Jazz Festival.

Eastwood obviously loves Savannah having helped to put it on the map when he produced Arendt's: "Garden of Good and Evil" movie.

We live near "Moon River" and where young "Johnny" lived with his parents and played with the locals.

Mercer was truly one of the greats and Eastwood did a remarkable job of bringing this lyricist's life to the screen.  It is a must see film.
Signs of the times:

The Republican Senate Must Confirm Kavanaugh or Democrats Will Do Even Worse

This will be the beginning, not the end, of false accusations, smears, and lies to ruin people and their families.  Read in browser »

Next: The Resistance Over Kavanaugh Will Get Violent

Bussing in protestors, the Resistance is prepared to get violent over Kavanaugh. It's the next step.  Read in browser »

Mitch McConnell Discovers His Spine

Whatever it is that finally lit a fire in Mitch McConnell’s britches, this Kavanaugh statement was one of his best ever.  Read in browser »

The Reaction to Martha McCallum's Kavanaugh Interview Speaks Volumes

So many of the comments speak volumes about those who don't believe Kavanaugh  Read in browser »

Here's Why Reporters Are So Quick to Believe Kavanaugh's Accusers

This is a religious exercise about repenting of not covering news in a class conscious way. But now they're woke.  Read in browser »

New York Times Outs Kavanaugh's Latest Victim. Only She Denies It.

The lady supports Kavanaugh and you'd never know about her had the Times not outed her to claim her as a victim.  Read in browser » (See 3 below.)
1) Kavanaugh: Feminism is Just Another Lefty Tribalism

The way to think about the political riptides of Kavanaugh Witch Hunt is through the lens of anthropology. Imagine that we are bug-hunters observing the Noble Savages of a heretofore undiscovered tribe in the Amazon rainforest.
This is what human communal life was like before the invention of the law: life in villages where everybody knows everybody’s business and remembers everything -- or think they remember everything -- that was ever said or done for the last 20 years.
 And all that matters is, my tribe against your tribe. To the death.
 Some ways back, a pack of notorious patriarchs decided that this was not perhaps the best way to advance the interests of trade, and so they decreed the Common Law, which is nothing more than a bunch of lawyers deciding, in a tedious and boring process, how to soften the barbarous instincts of tribal conflict with the notion we now call “due process.”
 So, in our modern Anglo-American legal system we have abandoned the old form of conflict resolution -- of my tribe versus your tribe and no holds barred -- with a new form, the trial at law featuring judge, prosecution and defense, rules of evidence, all conducted before a jury. When you can get justice from a court then you don’t need “my tribe right or wrong” anymore.
 So why are we all behaving like hunter-gatherer tribesmen and tribeswomen of olden times? I explain it all with my theory of the left as the Great Reaction.
 Here’s how the left got us here.
 When people leave their little tribal village and migrate to the big world of the city and its marketplace for goods and for labor, it is terrifying. Sure, everyone wants to get out of the poverty and the stifling hierarchy of the village, but when they get to the city they panic and immediately hunker down into a tribal ethnic enclave and their young men form an urban gang to protect their tribal ethnic enclave. When these people go to work in a factory, what do they do? They form a labor union to “protect” themselves from the terrifying power of their employer.
 But eventually people will assimilate to the culture of the city.  If not for the left.
 It has been the world-historical role of the left to power the neo-tribalism of city newcomers into an almost world-conquering secular religion. Marx and Gramsci and Marcuse and Alinsky sold the frightened new arrivals in the city a fake class -- and now gender and race -- tribalism to replace the tribalism of the kindred they left behind in their ancestral village. And it hasn’t helped a bit.
 This is nothing less than a world-historical tragedy. Without the left, the workers would have slowly muddled through and become competent city dwellers, much as I describe in my Road to the Middle Class. Alas, no. Instead of slowly assimilating to the bourgeois tribe, the left taught the workers to form a class tribe, led of course by lefties. And so the working class became class soldiers, drafted by the left into a global class war. What a cool idea, for the left.
 What we are seeing right now with the feminists and #MeToo and #BelieveAllWomen and the Kavanaugh moment is another tragedy, midwived by the left: a gender tribal war.
 In the official narrative, we were to hear women roar as they stormed the citadel of male patriarchy, to demolish male supremacy, let women control their fertility, and climb up the corporate ladder. Yeah, right.
 With a modicum of goodwill and good sense, women could have gently entered into the public square and given to it, in the words of German sociologist Georg Simmel, “a more feminine sensibility.” But the left doesn’t believe in that. So they launched a gender war on everything middle-class -- marriage, morality, abortion, divorce, microaggressions, safe spaces -- and what have we got?
 Well, I would say we have got the rather sad case of Christine Blasey Ford. Whatever really happened to her in her teenage years we may never know. Today, and forever after, she is a victim, a draftee thrown into the meat-grinder of the left’s gender trench war.
 In my view, the women believers in the left’s secular religion of feminism are being led into darkness in exactly the same way the workers were led into a box canyon of class warfare a hundred years ago.
 That’s the problem with all this neo-tribal warfare, of class, of race, of gender, this “culture of activism.” When the “activists” have finished using their “little darlings” for their power games they abandon them on the side of the road, hungry and wounded, rather like Christine Blasey Ford this very minute.
 My question is: how much longer are we going to allow the left to continue with its destructive tribalism of class and race and gender? We moderns are better than that.
 Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.
2) First, you need an incident.  It can be a killing, it can be a Supreme Court Nomination, it can actually be anything as long as the mass media can turn it into something bigger than life so they can reap a profit and perpetuate it for a period of time.

Second, find a group that is willing to gather in the street to protest what is portrayed as an injustice.
Obama was quite adept at doing this having been a disciple of Saul Alinsky's thinking/playbook.

Third, make sure the protesters have appropriate signage, slogans, are angry, tattooed, abusive and are paid in cash. If they are indoors make sure they are disruptive.

Fourth, to accomplish three above you need wealthy sponsors and there is none better than George Soros who made his first billion by breaking the bank of England. Soros has his own view of what the world should become and in order to get there he needs chaos.

Fifth, once you have met all four conditions  you can then stir up what Mencken called "Boobus Americanus." This was his inelegant term for unwashed American's whom Hillary called  "deplorables." Once again, Obama portrayed them as gun carrying, bible thumping, miserable church going people/bigots who were racially insensitive.

It so happens these people live between the east and west coast bookends which are inhabited by "real" red blooded Americans who patronize kneelers, set cultural tones for everyone else and engage in hypocrisy. They talk but don't walk and they ignore the misdeeds of their own until they are exposed and then they become very self-righteous. They also hate Trump because he won over their anointed.

Sixth, depending upon how specious and flimsy are their causes and supporting facts, the damage their "movements" cause, their tirades can last a long time, become a permanent part of our social fabric and/or pass as a blip on the way to history's dust bin.

On of the most lingering "movements" is the "Politically Correct" one. It  has caused a great deal of damage because it professes to care about the downtrodden, the forgotten man as it were.

Seventh and final circumstance is the fact that these causes generally are typed as a movement, a war, a march or described by some other type action word. This creates a sense of gravitas and adds meaning. What elite would want to associate with an insignificant cause?

Personally, I particularly favor the word "movement" because it so identifies with excrement.

We are currently witnessing another "movement' which hearkens back to the ad "Is There A Ford in Your Future?"

This Ford Movement could turn out to be a flash in the pan try by distraught Democrats or could prove effective in upsetting the apple cart and turn citizen against citizen, thereby, creating chaos which is the ultimate goal of those who hate America, desire power in order to turn our nation into another failed experiment with Socialism.

Eight. If there is an accuser it is best to have one who will claim the event involved  a sexual abuse. This is the preferred charge and that same occurred eons ago so the episode turns into a he said she said event . Why? Because facts become hostage to a theatrical performance and since  men must bend over backwards to be overly respectful of women, even to the point of admitting they are guilty before the fact,  and then try to dig themselves out of the self-imposed hole by avoiding the pre-arranged lynching..

Specific in the case of Judge Kavanaugh, he will be lucky if he is allowed to assume his position as a sullied Justice. After all there is a price to pay when one is unacceptable to the lefties.

Stay tuned, we might know whether Kavanaugh survives after Thursday and whether the Pusillanimous Republican Party  survives in November.
3) Yale Law School professors teaching an odd lesson

Yale Law School graduates are considered the elite of the elite (though Harvard Law School would dispute that title), even though the school famously does not emphasize the actual practice of law. Yale Law’s much smaller size means that admission is more competitive than its bigger neighbor in Cambridge.  Bill and Hillary Clinton and Brett Kavanaugh only scratch the surface of its list of distinguished alumni.   
Yesterday, 31 classes were cancelled at Yale School to enable students to go to Washington, DC. Aryssa Damron writes at the Free Beacon:

Professors at Yale Law School, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's alma mater, cancelled class on Monday to allow students to protest Kavanaugh's confirmation in light of sexual assault allegations made against him.

One professor, James Forman, cancelled his Criminal Law class in an email to his students, writing "I just received a request to cancel class on Monday. I understand that some students want to go to D.C. to protest or otherwise engage with the Kavanaugh hearings. Criminal Law is cancelled"

Not all classes were cancelled though, according to Yale Law spokeswoman Debra Krozer.
"Yale Law School did not cancel all classes," she said. "Many faculty members chose to reschedule or cancel their own classes today. And some held classes as usual."
Law & Crime reports that 31 classes were cancelled due to the protests. Yale Law School students and alumni have organized "sit ins" against Kavanaugh's nomination both on Yale's campus and in Washington, D.C.
As my friend Ed Lasky wryly notes: “Guilty until proven innocent. Nice lesson for Yale Law students.”

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