Thursday, September 27, 2018

Smoke Away Male America! Kavanaugh Made Midgets Out Of The Democrats.

At the end of Ms Ford's testimony Sen.Graham was interviewed and he concluded the entire episode has been one of purposeful delay on the part of the Democrats. Their coordinated effort spearheaded by Feinstein is suspect and the Democrat call for an FBI investigation is pure theater.  No address, no date, no facts but The FBI is supposed to turn emotion into the basis for an investigation.

It is pay back time on the part of Democrats and they, apparently, were able to get a willing shill to lend her questionable claims, contrived or otherwise, as the tar with which to paint Kavanaugh.

Again, if Ms Ford is telling the truth,Kavanaugh deserves to be prevented from moving to The SCOTUS. I still suspect he is not the Dr. Hyde, Democrats would have you believe he is but , unless he rises to the occasion. I believe he is toast because there are enough Republicans among the four hold-outs to block him.  If he has the numbers then a few Democrats might vote in is favor because it would cost them nothing and they might win a few votes for being "profiles in disputable courage."

Soon we will hear from Kavanaugh and we will learn what he can do to overcome the 5 minute structure that did not produce truth.  Can he dig himself out is the question?

One thing seems certain, non-consensual sex, sex that is consensual and then denied as such and anything women want to claim regarding sex has replaced smoking pot as the basis for losing political support. For pot smokers that has to be a relief. Smoke away male America!
Kavanaugh turned haughty and arrogant Senators into sniveling midgets.

His testimony brought tears to my own eyes.  I hope his testimony burns into Feinstein's black heart along with all her disgusting cohorts who should not be able to look in the mirror without being ashamed of what low life path they chose in order to destroy a good man in support of their sick leader "Upchuck" Schumer.

Feinstein did a lot of back peddling trying to shift any blame to him. More despicable behaviour. She looked pathetic.

If it is possible to make despicable's more so then he did just that.

If he is not approved the nation will suffer.

Time will tell.

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