What is it like to be a police officer in the inner city? What’s it like to respond to a crowd forming around police officers in the projects? Or to question people loitering around a known drug house on the corner? Is the anti-cop Black Lives Matter narrative right? Or are police officers in the inner city honorable civil servants who risk their lives to bring some peace to families who want to live free and clear of gangs? Dennis Prager found out on a night-time ride-along with the LAPD in some of Los Angeles’s worst neighborhoods, and our camera crew captured it. Watch the entire 90-minute video here.
Susan Rice refuses to unmask about masking.
You will not read or hear much about this in the mass media because they do not want to highlight the fact that those in The Obama Administration were up to their eyeballs in questionable, and even illegal, behaviour. (See 1 below.)
Who knows when Sen. Mc Cain will return so the best thing McConnell can do is call for a vote to totally repeal Obamacare and let Republicans fight it out with an entire replacement.
If there are those who will not vote to repeal then they should be run out of the party, taken off committees and left to their own devices. That is what hardball politics is all about.
Repeal is what they should have done in the first instance and Newt warned about this in his: "Understanding Trump." The more comprehensive the more difficult to get anything done. Congress relishes swimming in syrup. They could never have invented the atomic bomb because they cannot comprehend speed. They are deliberate. They chew everything to death, never savoring the taste. How sad indeed.
"Keep it simple stupid" is a sign that should hang above the V P's head in the Senate and The Speaker's head in The House.
And this from a very discouraged friend and fellow memo reader who once held a high up position in government and save me from my professed establishment friends. (See 2 and 2a below.)
Let's hear from Winnie: "Winston Churchill 1899
"Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world."
Then, let's hear a back handed compliment:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=V62s5hgi-Zk
And finally there is big mouth Rosie. (See 3 below.)
My courageous Arab-Israeli reporter friend sticks his neck out once again. (See 4 below.)
Will Israel show Trump how to do it? (See 5 below.)
1) Now Susan Rice Won’t Testify About Unmasking Trump Supporters
Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s planned testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has been postponed, Fox News reports.
She was expected to appear Tuesday in a closed session before the committee, which is looking into whether Rice improperly requested the “unmasking” of U.S. citizens who had communicated with foreigners under surveillance.
Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, a member of the committee, said Friday, “Let’s remember the American people want to get the truth on all these issues … on what Susan Rice may or may not have done.”
Rice originally told an interviewer at PBS, “I know nothing about this,” when asked about the unmaskings, but has since acknowledged she did, in fact, ask for the names of Trump campaign associates to be revealed. She then refused an invitation to testify before the Senate committee looking into the scandal because the request was not bipartisan.
“Unmasking” is when somebody in the intelligence community asks that a previously redacted name of an American citizen who was incidentally overheard by a U.S. intelligence agency while talking to a foreigner. Unmasking is a common practice for national security officials in Susan Rice’s position.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I think that I am getting tired of the GOP. About the only thing positive that I can see that has happened since Jan. 20th is the Supreme Court appointment. They have total control of both the Executive and Legislative sides of govt. and cannot get their acts together to bring us anything except rancor, disagreement, scandal and ridiculous management of the WH. Given the makeup of the other side, I cannot see myself ever voting for the Dems but the way the GOP is running things, it is almost just as bad. And the deficit keeps growing.
The GOP Establishment Decides to Stop President Trump’s Agenda
Conservatives support the repeal of Obamacare, but moderate Republican establishment leaders do not. Guess what? Obamacare is not being repealed.
Conservatives support building a wall along the border with Mexico, but moderate Republican establishment leaders do not. Guess what? The wall has not only not been funded, but it is not being built either.
Conservatives support tax reform, but, again, moderate Republican establishment leaders do not. Guess what? Tax reform is no where to be found.
Conservatives support cutting the size of Washington and cutting spending. Again, this is not happening and it is not for a lack of trying.
Time and time again, the Republican establishment has blocked all those efforts. It is moderate and liberal Republicans who continue to stymie the advance of any and all conservative legislation President Trump supports. They want to grow government, subsidize Obamacare, and reward their own special interests. They have no intention of providing a level playing field where the poor and middle class can compete against the rich. They’ve instead decided on a paternalism that keeps everyone piled on a social safety net with their friends rewarded.
President Trump’s agenda is being held hostage not by conservatives, but by the establishment Republican leaders who smile to his face and betray him and conservatives behind their backs.
Perhaps it is again time for conservative activists to engage in primary fights against the establishment. And this time, they might have a President willing to join them.
3)Push Trump Off A Cliff Again By Rosie

In a new twist to her seemingly continual war against Republican President Donald Trump — marked by moments when she declared Trump is “going down” and comparing his election to the 9/11 terror attacks — O’Donnell shared a provocative online game with her Twitter followers.
The object of “Push Trump Off A Cliff Again” — a mocking spin on Trump’s famous campaign slogan — is exactly as the title indicates. Players can tap a key and have Trump tumble off a cliff, into a volcano, into a manhole — or even get gobbled up by a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Trump’s reactions in the game range from a surprised cry to “Bye!” as well as “I’m really rich.” The game has received over 2.5 million visitors as of Tuesday morning.
The object of “Push Trump Off A Cliff Again” — a mocking spin on Trump’s famous campaign slogan — is exactly as the title indicates. Players can tap a key and have Trump tumble off a cliff, into a volcano, into a manhole — or even get gobbled up by a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Abbas: Shut Up or I will Arrest You!
- Critics say the Palestinian Authority's (PA) Cyber Crime Law, which permits the imprisonment of Palestinians for “liking” or sharing published material on the internet, paves the way for the emergence of a “police state” in PA-controlled territories in the West Bank. They also argue that the law aims to silence criticism of Abbas and the PA leadership.
- “What is laughable is that this law carries penalties that are tougher than those imposed on thieves and sex offenders… the law, in its present form, is designed to limit the freedom of the media and punish people for simple matters.” — Journalist in Ramallah.
- This latest dictatorial move in the PA-controlled territories might also serve to remind the international community about the current readiness of the Palestinian leadership for statehood, and what such statehood would look like. In its current incarnation, that state would fit in just fine with its brutal Arab neighbors.
A new Palestinian law combating information technology (IT) crimes has sparked a wave of protests from Palestinian journalists and human rights organizations.
The controversial Cyber Crime Law, signed by Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas on July 11, permits the imprisonment of Palestinians for “liking” or sharing published material on the internet.
Critics say the law paves the way for the emergence of a “police state” in PA-controlled territories in the West Bank. They also argue that the law aims to silence criticism of Abbas and the PA leadership.
The new law comes on the heels of the PA's recent decision to block more than 20 Palestinian websites accused of publishing comments and articles critical of the PA leadership.
The law was approved by Abbas himself, without review by the Palestinian parliament, known as the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). The PLC has been paralyzed for the past decade, as a result of the power struggle between Abbas's PA and Hamas — the Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip.
In the absence of parliamentary life, Abbas and his senior officials and advisors have felt free to pass their own laws to serve their interests and promote their personal and political agendas.
In the view of Palestinian journalists and human rights advocates, the new Cyber Crime Law will further restrict freedom of expression, especially on social media, which will now be closely monitored by the PA security forces. They say that the law makes a mockery of the PA leadership's motto that the “sky is the limit when it comes to freedom of expression.”
Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
The absence of a free and independent media in the PA-controlled territories has prompted many Palestinian journalists, bloggers and political activists to resort to Facebook and Twitter. There, they express their opinions, air their grievances, and discuss taboo issues — such as financial and administrative corruption among the top brass of the Palestinian Authority leadership.
The new law legalizes what has long been happening in the PA-controlled territories, however. PA security forces have long targeted Palestinians who post critical and controversial comments on social media.
Hardly a week passes without two or three Palestinians arrested or summoned for interrogation by the PA security forces regarding a Facebook or Twitter posting or comment. Many Palestinians have been taken into custody for “liking” or sharing a post, article or photo that was deemed offensive to Abbas or a senior PA official.
Yet, the Cyber Crime Law is indeed a watershed in repression: prior to it, no law existed that prohibited Palestinians from expressing their views on social media platforms.
Now, anyone who commits the offense of establishing a website with the intent of disseminating news that could “undermine the safety of the state or its internal or external security” is liable to a prison sentence and fine. The law also aims to punish anyone who promotes such news by “liking” or sharing it.
Palestinian journalists identify themselves as the real targets of the Cyber Crime Law. One journalist in Ramallah remarked:
“What is laughable is that this law carries penalties that are tougher than those imposed on thieves and sex offenders. This is a law with a purely political goal, although it has some positive aspects such as preventing extortion, fraud and impersonation on social media. But the law, in its present form, is designed to limit the freedom of the media and punish people for simple matters.”
Jihad Barakat, a Palestinian journalist who was recently arrested by the Palestinian Authority security forces for filming the motorcade of PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah while it was passing through an Israeli military checkpoint, expressed outrage over the new law. He too said that the law was aimed at curbing freedom of expression and intimidating critics of the PA.
“This is a dangerous law,” Barakat complained. “The law should conform with public freedoms and not be used to curb them.” Barakat later was charged with “begging and loitering in a public place in suspicious circumstances.” He was arrested because his filming of the PA prime minister at the checkpoint was considered embarrassing and offensive.
Palestinian journalists and human rights activists point out that the law contains ambiguous references, such as the “undermining or endangering of the safety of the state.”
Journalist Shatha Hammad said that she and her colleagues were not sure what this phrase actually means.
“As journalists, we are confused,” she said. “We don't know what type of news or postings which are considered — according to this law — a threat to the security of the state.” She also pointed out that the new law comes amid a continued crackdown by the PA on Palestinian journalists and activists over their Facebook postings.
Alarmed by the new law, several Palestinian journalists and writers said it paves the way for the emergence of a repressive regime whose goal is to suppress public freedoms and violate the privacy of people.
“This law is aimed at providing the Palestinian Authority with a legal cover to suppress the voices of its opponents,” explained Palestinian writer Ahmed Al-Najjar.
“In this way, the PA can arrest any journalist or ordinary citizen for publishing an article or posting something on social media that is deemed harmful to the security of the state. This is a bleak scenario that makes it clear that we are facing a repressive police system. This dangerous law drives the final nail in the coffin of public freedoms.”
The Ramallah-based Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haq joined the chorus of critics of the new law restricting freedom of expression. “The law was issued by President Abbas without being presented to the public,” the organization said. “It was issued in a very secretive manner.”
Al-Haq also noted that the PA leadership turned down requests and appeals by Palestinian groups and individuals to receive copies of the new law before it was passed. The organization went on to denounce the law as a “Sword of Damocles” over the head of Palestinian journalists.
The Cyber Crime Law showcases the fact that the Palestinian Authority regime is being run as a one-man show.
This latest dictatorial move in the PA-controlled territories might also serve to remind the international community about the current readiness of the Palestinian leadership for statehood, and what such statehood would look like. In its current incarnation, that state would fit in just fine with its brutal Arab neighbors.
Khaled Abu Toameh, an award-winning journalist and television producer, is based in Jerusalem.
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