This from dear friend and fellow memo reader after watching Trump in Poland:
"Watching Trump in Poland I had these thoughts:
- The left says this President is against immigration
- They purposely leave out a missing remark......"illegal"
- Michelle Obama dressed like Jackie Kennedy but not First Lady Trump
- The left ridicules how Melania speaks English
- The left ignores her speaking 6 languages
- Listen to her speak and where she came from. Examine her accomplishments. Is she not the model example of a legal immigrant????"
Also from a longtime friend and fellow memo reader:
American males are working less? (See 1 below.)
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- Kim's column of July 7. (See 2 below.)
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- This from a very bright former institutional client. (See 3 below.)
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- Just a random article about the wonderful world of Islam. (See 4 below.)
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- In the previous memo I posted Krauthammer's op ed regarding N Korea and his conclusion that we would accept their nuclear status as a fait accompli.
Perhaps he is correct but a nuclear N Korea is a different animal than China, Russia and other nations that are nuclear. I believe we cannot stand aside regarding N Korea and /or Iran going nuclear but then I am a blood thirsty conservative who is too old to fight and too simplistic to accept the brilliance of those who allowed the world to become the mess it is in now.
I guess the phrase "54-40 or fight" and "Don't tread on me," always stuck in my craw and guided my thinking. Duck the challenge from bullies and you wind up feeding them and eventually they will eat your lunch.
If anyone believes you can negotiate with N Korea to voluntarily rid themselves of their only bargaining chip, since they have nothing else but poverty to sell, then that person needs to be in our State Department in the Obama section on pacifism, fecklessness and surrender.
We can either respond to their attack or leave them in ashes first. Those, lamentably, are the two rational choices and anything else is a pipe dream unless we can assassinate their leader and bring about regime change and even then it might not be enough.
As for having China pull our chestnut out that too is unlikely because anything that benefits us must more than benefit them and they are not so blind as to believe helping remove N Korea, as an irritant, meets the test.
Don't forget, we sold scrap iron to Japan up until a few weeks before Pearl Harbour.
What goes around, all too often, comes around in the form of destructive attacks and Hobson Choices.
Since we no longer teach history in public schools, this is some worthless knowledge that all grade students should be required to learn so they know that America, at least, has a governing president. (See 5 below.)
Since we no longer teach history in public schools, this is some worthless knowledge that all grade students should be required to learn so they know that America, at least, has a governing president. (See 5 below.)
- Dick
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- Young men are working less and playing video games more, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research study published Monday.
- Men ages 21 to 30 years old worked 12 percent fewer hours in 2015 than they did in 2000, the economists found. Around 15 percent of young men worked zero weeks in 2015, a rate nearly double that of 2000.Since 2004, young men have increasingly allocated more of their free time to playing video games and other computer-related activities, according to the study. Thirty-five percent of young men are living at home with their parents or a close relative, up 12 percent since 2000.The results of the economists’ research are interesting, considering there are 10 million American men ages 24 to 64 that have completely dropped out of the workforce. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in June that there were nearly 6 million jobs waiting to be filled. The U.S. job market has consistently posted gains around or above 200,000 new jobs per month in 2017.The results of Monday’s study could suggest that, instead of actively seeking work in an economy with millions of open jobs, young men are choosing to stay at home and play video games.Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience.
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- 2) Today’s Washington is overrun by two kinds of crimes. By Kimberley StrasselThe first is the still-speculative kind, which the Washington press corps obsesses over— Trump -Russia collusion, obstruction of justice—despite no evidence of its existence. By all accounts, special counsel Robert Mueller’s growing team of Democratic lawyers intends to devote itself to this fiction.Yet if Mr. Mueller were serious about bringing down a threat to the nation, or even carving himself a place in history, he’d be tackling the second kind of crime, the real kind. These are the crimes that occur constantly and actually harm national security, even if they’re routinely ignored by a self-interested media. We are talking of course about the serial leaking of sensitive information, the daily profession of a new government elite akin to an organized crime network.Lucky for Mr. Mueller, he doesn’t even need his army of legal investigators to get an immediate handle on this mafia. He can instead stroll down to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. That’s the purview of Sen. Ron Johnson, who keeps dogged oversight of government among his many self-set tasks.That mission resulted this week in a shocking staff analysis of the recent deluge of secret-spilling, and the manner in which these unauthorized disclosures are harming national security. It’s the first congressional scrutiny of the leaks—and notable for its straight-up nature. This is no partisan document. It’s a bloodless accounting of a national-security failure, perpetrated by dozens of government employees willfully breaking the law.The first 126 days of the Trump administration featured 125 stories that leaked harmful information. Just under one a day. The committee staff judged the stories against a 2009 Barack Obama executive order that laid out what counted as information likely to damage national security. And as it chose to not include borderline leaks or “palace intrigue” stories, that number is an understatement.For reference, the first 126 days of the Obama term featured 18 stories that met the criteria. Ten of those were actually leaks about George W. Bush’s “torture memo,” which Mr. Obama released.The Trump leaks show the sweeping nature of this enterprise, coming as they have from “U.S. officials,” “former U.S. officials,” “senior U.S. officials,” “intelligence officials,” “national security officials,” “Justice Department officials,” “defense officials” and “law-enforcement officials.” One story cited more than two dozen anonymous sources. Alarmingly, the titles, and the nature of the information disclosed, indicate that many leaks are coming directly from the U.S. intelligence community.What’s been disclosed? The contents of wiretapped information. The names of individuals the U.S. monitors, and where they are located. The communications channels used to monitor targets. Which agencies are monitoring. Intelligence intercepts. FBI interviews. Grand jury subpoenas. Secret surveillance-court details. Internal discussions. Military operations intelligence. The contents of the president’s calls with foreign leaders.The analysis lays out the real and the assumed fallout. One clear example is the May stories hyperventilating that Mr. Trump shared classified intelligence with the Russians. Subsequent leaks suggested Israel provided the intelligence, about Islamic State. This revelation caused a diplomatic incident, and reportedly a change in the way Israel shares with the U.S. Even former Obama CIA Director John Brennan called the leak “appalling.”How many foreign allies are pulling back? How many will work with a U.S. government that has disclosed military plans, weapons systems and cybersecurity tactics? What have our enemies learned? One March story divulged sensitive FBI data on U.S. border vulnerabilities, in hopes of undercutting Mr. Trump’s travel order.The Johnson report doesn’t go here, but let’s go ourselves: This is lawbreaking, in the aid of a political hit job. The leaking syndicate can’t claim whistleblower status, since it has yet to leak a piece of evidence showing Trump wrongdoing. This is about taking out a president. And with a role model like James Comey —who wrote secret memos with the express purpose of leaking and launching a special counsel—that’s no surprise.But as Mr. Mueller surely knows, the Espionage Act doesn’t trifle with intentions. As even the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has noted, leaks enjoy “no First Amendment protection, regardless of the motives,” and no accused leaker “has ever been acquitted based on a finding that the public interest was so great” that it justified unlawful disclosure.Mr. Mueller is sitting astride a leak crime wave, run by a bureaucratic underworld that is happy to harm U.S. interests if it maims a president. He can dig four years into Trump hearsay and innuendo. Or he can, more immediately, take action that would rein in the lawbreakers and restore some calm to the Capitol and the media. That’s how to really promote law and order.
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- 3) I would not like to work at a newspaper, or FOX news. There is a constant battle to fill pages, or airtime, with "stuff", no matter how banal it is.This challenge is even greater in the dull days of summer when a lot of people go on vacation. Editors resort to desperate measures to feed the hungry monster, a beast which is even more monstrous now that many/most news sites are publishing 24X7 via the Internet.Thus in a bizarre act of madness, the editors at Barron's selected a report I wrote. You may see it via the link below.It is not even a very good report. I just banged it out in a hurry and it is pretty superficial. However, it a few days (or hours) it will be no longer remembered, which is fine with me. My goal is for the stock to go up so even if the research is at the kindergarten level, which this is, I am OK with the final outcome.
http://www.barrons.com/articles/ross-stores-a-retailer-with- 25-upside-1499428003? shareToken=ste0c7d5f2a06c4d9b8 e130b986b047b1a - Bob - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 4)The Rage of Islam
To preserve his irrational sense of honor, the Muslim man must blame others for any wrongdoing. Conforming to this perverse logic, United Nations Human Rights Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, Dubravka Šimonović, blames Israel for the violence committed by Palestinian men against their own women. If Israel’s retaliatory attacks were indeed the cause, shouldn’t the Israeli women be even more abused by their husbands? But that is not the case.It begins in the home. Family life is a microcosm of the surrounding culture. Inside and outside the Islamic home, there is oppression, subordination, envy, animosity, shame, enslavement, and emotional and physical pain for any deviation. Muslim women are among the poorest, most oppressed, and least educated in the world, caged by their cumbrous shrouds in the insufferable desert heat, by their misogynist sharia laws, and by their chauvinist husbands. The 7th-century Bedouin woman’s attempt at privacy and protection has become a symbol of humiliation, servitude, and protection from men who are raised to lack restraint. Thus clad and maltreated, there is no natural interaction between the sexes, such as is found elsewhere. Not only are the women deprived of freedom and individuality, but they are also denied sunlight and Vitamin D, and more likely to develop osteoporosis, experience pelvic fracture during childbirth, and have babies who are disposed to seizures.The Muslim family is a hatchery for abnormal behavior, its dynamics providing constant frustration. Just as Islam seeks to dominate all other religions, so the man seeks to dominate all within his dominion -- the employer who humiliates his employee, the husband who beats his wife, and the father who kills his daughter for his “honor.” It is seen in the pain needlessly inflicted on cattle brought to slaughter during the Islamic holiday of Eid. The sounds of the men’s sadistic torture, and animals bleating and bleeding in the streets, increase their indifference to cruelty and the value of life. All of these are nurtured within the family.While the Jewish state sounds alarms to take immediate shelter from incoming rockets, the Palestinians provide no shelter. Rather, they often position their launch sites at schools or hospitals, adding women and children as human shields to increase the death toll from Israel’s reprisals and garner more world “compassion.” While Israel provides playground shelters, Hamas teaches children to decapitate with swords, handle automatic rifles, and employs them to construct terror tunnels. Irreverence for life is widespread throughout Islamic culture, and is both cause and consequence for Palestinian anger and aggression. It cannot be attributed to Israel’s retaliations.Another assault on Islamic women is the Female Genital Mutilation performed on young girls -- an excruciating, barbaric procedure of castration done without anesthesia to suppress her sexual desires, guarantee her virginity and ensure faithfulness before marriage. The risks include interference with normal female bodily functions, infections, exsanguination, and death, and psychological impairment as the young cannot emotionally rebel against their parents. They face another agonizing reversal surgery prior to marriage. How long before this, too, is blamed on Israel?While boys and girls in Western cultures learn to communicate and socialize with each other, pursue their choice of careers and mate for marriage, Muslim youths are kept apart. The sexual attraction found throughout the entire natural world is spurned by Islam as “shameful”; they attach an unhealthy negativity to all aspects of sexuality. Social segregation leads to discomfort, fear, and hostility. Arab men learn to hate women and indulge in homosexual behavior with boys or effeminate men (considered an acceptable substitute), thereby emasculating the victimized male. The result is sexual confusion. The intense sexual repression and misogyny emerge as the rage and rape seen in the youths who are sent to the lands of the infidel. The husbands remain unhappy, confused, and violent. Yet Israel is blamed for the degenerate behavior with which Islamic society is riddled.In some Muslim societies, consanguineous marriages are encouraged, often producing sick, dysfunctional children -- suitable, perhaps, for jihad martyrdom. Polygamous marriages with as many as four wives are also acceptable but deprive all of the intimacy and security found in faithful monogamous marriages. The effects of polygamy are favoritism and divisiveness, neglect, deprivation, jealousy, and bitterness. The women are stuck in a loveless marriage, beaten into submission, and robbed of friendships. Further, the Koran and Hadith sanction beating wives, with encouragement and guidelines provided on television by the Mufti of Gaza.The children in such arrangements often grow to be resentful of their half-siblings, disrespectful of or deeply angry at their father, while feeling contempt and shame at their mother’s subservience. A loveless household breeds scorn and provides the perfect setting for the young male to become a stern husband and father, an unquestioning suicidal murderer, or a deranged sadist who receives sexual satisfaction from causing pain and degradation.All the aforesaid fester in the daily life of the Islamic home.For fourteen centuries, Mohammed’s examples of looting, enslavement, decapitation, and conquest have been the paradigm for his followers. The price of constant war and bloodshed has been their humanity. Islam keeps its adherents unschooled and severely restricted, lacking in compassion, courtesy, industry, and deficient in empathy for the suffering of others. Instead of yielding happiness, comfort, and security for its people, this religious, political, cultural, and economical ideology produces indoctrinated partisans, dedicated to hate the infidel and conquer land for their god. To feed the war machine, there must be constant illiteracy, stress, anger, blame, shame, and no bonds to love or family. The individuals are kept focused on their own anxieties and the state’s passion for a caliphate, taught during prayers five times daily.A study conducted by Oxford University has shown that the male must make as many as 34 head-to-prayer mat contacts five times per day, often resulting in a zebibah (or prayer bump) and traumatic brain injury along with mental disorders. The practice is known to cause irritation, aggression, depression, and cognitive impairment, all to feed the cult and war mentality. Known as TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), it can affect thinking (memory, reasoning), sensation (touch, taste, smell), language (communication, expression, understanding), and emotion (depression, anxiety, personality change, aggression, social inaptness). It can cause epilepsy, and increases the conditions for age-related Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and other brain disorders.Simonovic is sympathetic to the culture but cannot define it. Apart from prayer rugs, Islam has produced nothing but state-of-the-art terrorism techniques over the centuries. Their cultural accomplishments are kept to a minimum with half the people’s brain power confined under hijabs and burqas, and the other half driven to riot, kill, or commit suicide, as the outworking of the aberrant behavior that is inculcated from cradle to grave. Creativity flourishes in a free society; slave states produce tears.The greatest fear to Muslim men may now well be the threat of modernization and the liberation of women. Throughout fourteen hundred years of history, the men have had their humbled dhimmis, the social and sexual inferiors that have bolstered their self-worth and warped sense of honor. The culture of the West and of Israel threaten Muslim male dominance. Add to this, their sense of resentment that their beleaguered and despised neighbor, Israel, has proven to be culturally, economically, and militarily superior to the Palestinians, a horde that has failed to produce a similar or better society during the same time, despite the world’s generosity.It is obvious that the violence inherent within the Muslim male has its roots in the lurid instability of the home, the mosque, and their society in general. Tragically, instead of addressing the real source of the problem, Muslims are trained to blame anything but themselves. Islam has had many “whipping boys.” Blaming Israel’s retaliatory actions for Muslim violence, as proclaimed by Ms. Simonovic, is like accusing the victim of antagonizing his attacker by defending himself.Disturbingly, Islam appears to have been masterfully crafted to be the antithesis of Judaism and Christianity that preceded it. The Bible celebrates life; the Koran sacrifices it. Wife-beating is merely one of innumerable components that form the atrocity of Islam and threaten the survival of humankind. - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 5)Things You Never Knew About 25 US Presidents Nor Need To Know!
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