Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Department of Eat Your Greens!

OOOOPS! Not even a chair for God anymore!
When all else fails, lower your standards!

Has campaigning for political office morphed into the beautiful delivery of a pack of lies?

You decide.
President Obama will soon announce a comprehensive tax plan. It will include taxing the water on which he walks.

If Democrats and Progressives continue in control of  government by the time Obama's daughters are ready for college their tuition and birth control pills will be paid for by Uncle Sam.

Their school cafeteria will serve only nutritious food, again subsidized,by Uncle Sam and selected by bureaucrats who works for the Department of 'Eat Your Greens!'  Their school computers will be free and manufactured by Solyndra, which will have come out of bankruptcy and upon their graduation they will travel, expense free, for one or two years depending upon the job market's ability to offer part time employment. The minimum wage will have risen to $50/hour to offset the decline in work hours and the first $million in income will be tax free.

Everyone will be driving General Motors cars, again subsidized by the government.  These cars will get 40 miles per gallon and will run on methane manufactured from waste collected  from Congressional rest rooms.

The Supreme Court's membership will have increased to 11 members and any time the Court decides a case favoring the Constitution an additional member will be added to make sure fairness is achieved.

The Pentagon will have been downsized and 'squared' and America's military will be supplied by WalMart.  The Navy will be down to ten ships, the Air Force will be solely dependent upon stealth drones leased from the Justice department and Homeland Security Agency.

The Special Forces and Marine Corps will be stationed outside movie theaters and malls and the Coast Guard will patrol our beaches on bikes.

Syria will be down to 1000 citizens, Iran will have taken over Saudi Arabia and Israelis will have moved to America's 57th state.  Our State Department will have arranged for work permits and visas.

As for God.  Houses of worship will be banned from teaching scripture and all Bibles will be published by The New York Times and all religious programs will be  under the supervision of MSNBC.

The American Flag will no longer fly over public buildings because to do so will have become too controversial.

As for America's deficit it will have been paid off by China which will hold first lien on all National Parks and the Chinese will be in charge of 'fracking' any American who still carries a gun.

The March on Crowd will continue to pitch tents wherever they choose and most all Tea Partyers will be in jail.

Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney and George Bush will be in Guantanamo and Rush Limbaugh will be on trial for sedition.

President Obama will be serving this 4th term and will have moved the White House to Hawaii. His handicap will be lower than Tiger Woods and his hoop shot technique will become mandatory for all high school males.

Michelle Obama will have a staff of 200 to manage her travel schedule and she will have become our Ambassador to The U.N.

As for yours truly these memos will have to be cleared by The FBI so I will have gone underground!


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