Thursday, September 27, 2012

Buy My Booklet and Free 2016 Video!

"A Conservative Capitalist Offers: Eleven Lessons and a Bonus Lesson for Raising America's Youth Born and Yet To Be Born"

By Dick Berkowitz - Non Expert

I wrote this booklet because I believe a strong country must rest on a solid family unit.Brokaw's "Greatest Generation" has morphed into "A Confused, Dependent and Compromised Generation."

I  hope this booklet will provide a guide to alter this trend.
Please Buy My Booklet - Half The Proceeds Go To "The Wounded Warrior Project!"
You can now order a .pdf version from that you can download and read on your computer, or even print out if you want. 

The booklet only costs $5.99.

Also feel free to forward this to anyone on your own e mail list and encourage others to order a copy.


More grist for the mill or just more noise?  Time will tell. (See 1 and 1a below)
Sowell: Obama vs Obama part 3. (See 2 below.)
A friend and fellow memo reader made this observation which was discussed by Dana Perino: "

Good morning Dick. some thoughts from last night's tossing and turning. While I am ignoring all of those media associated polls, when  Gallup and Rasmusen indicate a slight Obama lead or even, it begs the following question for me. The swing states all have Republican governors. Their unemployment rates are lower than the country averages and their budgets are all balanced. Why is this? Simply because they have reduced costs, reduced burdensome regulations and taxes. These are all of the programs Romney wants to implement and 180 degrees  opposite Obama's plan to  increase taxes and spend more. 

Obviously those states have the winning combination as evidenced by Obama wanting to take part of the credit for their success. In your opinion, why isn't that message resonating with those swing state voters?  Is it because Romney is not making that point on the stump? Obviously, since we are not hearing his speeches we do not know what he is saying. Do you hear anything about this type of strategy difference from your connected friends?

If logic doesn't work for those states how about the shock treatment  " A nation that is failing intuitively will mean that those states will also ultimately fail"  Bottom line, the swing states better think about the nation as a whole not just about themselves on election day."

My response: "Your point is well taken.It is perverse but the swing states have improved economies because their Republican governors are doing what Romney would do for the nation and thus the voters in those states seem not to be connecting the dots.

My connected friends tell me the Romney Campaign is not going to listen to others.  They have their plan and believe it is a winning one and that the debate will reverse the momentum in his favor. That remains to be seen.

Meanwhile the committed are early voting and that does have an impact because subsequent events cannot change their vote.

My own personal view is that the polls are not as bad as they imply but no doubt Obama has the momentum and the money and Romney campaign funds have been hurt by those who are buying into the belief that Obama has already won."  
Let the good times roll. (See 3 below.)
Russian perspective o America's survival. (See 4 below.)

It is an eye-opener. Share it with others.


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