How To Start Each Day With A Positive Outlook
1. Open a new folder in your computer. 2. Name it 'Barack Obama'. 3. Send it to the Recycle Bin. 4. Empty the Recycle Bin. 5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?' 6. Firmly Click 'Yes.' 7. Feel better? GOOD! – Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi.
If you want to be discouraged listen to the pollsters whose sampling favors Obama: Trifecta -- The Pollsters Are Trying to Demoralize You (Members Only)
The mainstream media are rigging the news and the polls to make you think that President Obama has the 2012 presidential election in the bag. Are the media and the pollsters trying to demoralize Republicans so they’ll stay home on Election Day? Is this shaping up to be another “Dewey Defeats Truman” moment? Join the discussion with special guest Tammy Bruce, Stephen Green and Scott Ott.
(See 1 below.)
Running on empty! (See 2 and 2a below)
My friend explains Obama (See 3 below)
Peter Schiff issues a scathing attack on Bernanke's recent actions:
A Special Video Message from Peter Schiff
Click here to watch:
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1)The Empty Chair Is Losing
By William L. GensertPresident Obama is headed to defeat in November, and it won't be close. Forget about the polls, and forget about the cadre of delusional Democrats who can't stop telling us how great and successful the last three and a half years have been. Slick Willy can shill all he likes, but seriously, he's preaching to the choir, because the only ones believing his shtick are bought and paid for sycophants, crony capitalists, and members of the mainstream media.
Can you think of a single person who didn't vote for Barack Obama in 2008 but will vote for him this time around? Yet it is easy to find former minions admitting to the dissolution of their belief in the primacy of the "one." These people will not vote for him again -- and they are legion.
Pols like Bill Clinton say what they have to say, and election polls are often designed to say what the designers want them to say. But Americans, ever the social creatures they are, remembering the hopes and dreams they had for a better world in 2008 -- and the hopes and dreams they have today for a better tomorrow -- are reluctant to tell someone taking a poll that they don't like Barack Obama. It doesn't matter how well a case can be made against the man's disastrous and disgraceful leadership; guilt can often preclude telling a stranger they plan to vote against the black guy-- especially today, when all opposition to the president is framed as racist.
Yet, at some point, that curtain closes in the voting booth, and a decision has to be made as to which candidate is better for voters, their children, and the future of America.
When watching the news or any of the president's campaign speeches, it is easy to get the message that Barack Obama is way ahead and can't lose. His successes are portrayed as many and significant, although he needs another term because much still needs to be done. After all, the Republicans have stymied his every selfless effort these last three and a half years, and "we can't go back."
He did his best, and there was nothing more he could have done to improve what was an unprecedented (everything with Barack is unprecedented) decline in economic activity. Didn't Obama call the downturn the "great recession?" The misery the nation feels now is an illusion -- or else, they tell us, it is simply the "new normal."
But usually in mainstream media world, all is well -- and Americans should pay no attention to the price of gasoline, or the unavailability of financing for mortgages or business investment, or the price of groceries and the dearth of jobs. Who needs a job when they have Barack Obama?
The media, Obama, and his adulators have become the "check is in the mail" bloc. Things are better; we just haven't noticed.
Yet there are no real accomplishments, which would be bad enough if it stopped there, but in actuality, everything is much worse since many trusted the "one" in 2008 to solve all the ills of the nation and humanity. All he has done during his tenure is torture the economy into submission with poor decisions, bad legislation, overregulation, and threats of onerous taxation.
It's been said that nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of Americans, but it is also true that no one ever got rich continually assuming that Americans were idiots. You see, just when a demigod like Barack is convinced he has demagogued his way into the hearts and minds of the electorate, the nation wakes up, and a deafening "thud" can be heard as he falls back down to earth.
Seniors see the true danger to Medicare comes from ObamaCare, a legislative nightmare. Obamacare strips $716 billion from Medicare, and as a result, seniors in states like Florida will make their voices heard this Election Day.
Workers and commuters see the price of gasoline as a function of Barack's desire to be the one who breaks America's dependency on fossil fuels. Yet like everything Obama does, he seeks to do it backwards. Because he can't make alternative energy cheap enough to overwhelm fossil fuels as the main source of energy in America, he chooses to make fossil fuels so expensive that his green energy dreams seem cheap by comparison. Gasoline at $4 a gallon and necessarily skyrocketing electric bills are the "new normal." Didn't you know?
If people's lives have to be destroyed to usher in this new era, then, so be it. They should be grateful that the destruction of their hopes and dreams is in service of the greater Barack Obama good. History books will not remember the individual whose life was ruined today, but they will certainly remember Obama as the man who saved humanity from what might have happened in a hundred years. And isn't that what's important?
Small business understands that Obama built this. They understand this so well that there are trillions of dollars sitting on the sidelines awaiting his departure next January. They may have supported him in 2008, but does anyone think business owners, long demonized by Barack and minions, are going to vote for Mr. Obama again? No, they will run kicking and screaming to the polls to vote for anyone but the man who has destroyed their incomes and futures, and those of their children.
States with a culture of coal mining are also running away from Barack. After all, miners have families, and killing King Coal has not only hurt the interests of America and Americans, but slain the future of an industry long important to the nation's prosperity. Who needs cheap energy anyway?
The United Coal Miners Union sat out the Democrat National Convention. Although they didn't jump ship, they weren't about to support the moron killing coal jobs while making electricity more expensive and ceding energy independence in the process. I suspect that Obama will get few miner votes this election.
I believe that the administration's war on coal and the slow realization that the EPA's future plan for war on fracking have already won Ohio and Pennsylvania for Mitt Romney, despite what the polls say. A union member working in the fossil fuel industry is never going to admit to supporting a Republican, yet he still wants to feed his family and send his kids to college...and maybe someday even retire. Four more years of Barack, and he won't even have a job.
At the Democrat National Convention, John Kerry said Americans should "ask Osama bin Laden if he's better off now than he was four years ago."
The answer would be "no," just as it is for most Americans, because Obama is killing us. Bin Laden at least has the luxury of being dead; the job is finished.
For us, Obama needs another 4 years.
On November 6, 2012, Americans will flock to the polls to ensure that Barack Obama does not get another term to finish the job he started, and the empty chair will lose in a landslide.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2)As He Re-Creates The Grapes Of Wrath, Obama Is Out Of Ideas
By Peter Ferrara
President Obama started his Democratic Convention nomination acceptance speech with one overriding truth: “But when all is said and done – when you pick up that ballot to vote – you will face the clearest choice of any time in a generation. It will be a choice between two different paths for America. A choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future.”
Truer words were never spoken. Because America is deciding in this election whether it wants to ditch the economic system that made us the richest, most prosperous nation in the history of the world, for the hope and change not for something better, but for something supposedly fairer, like socialism and communism is supposedly fairer than capitalism.
Churchill understood the choice perfectly. He said, “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.”
Obama immediately then plunged into falsehood in his convention speech, saying right after the above, “Ours is a fight to restore the values that built the largest middle class and the strongest economy the world has known.” But that is not what Obama is fighting for. As the Bible says, “By their fruits ye shall know them.”
As noted in last week’s commentary, middle class incomes have fallen precipitously under President Obama, down from $54,983 in January, 2009, the month he entered office, to $50,964 by June, 2012, a decline of 7.3%, or $4,019 per family. Moreover, the decline in middle class incomes since the recession technically ended in June, 2009, has been nearly twice as great as the decline during the recession, which is unprecedented. As for the strongest economy the world has known, economic growth under Obamanomics, during the recovery, after the recession, has been mired at about half the historic U.S. average, only about one-fourth to one-third as much as during the typical recovery after a recession. What Obamanomics has delivered is the worst economic recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.
The rhetoric about the middle class is straight from self-professed radical extremist Saul Alinsky, and his book Rules for Radicals, preaching that left wing socialist economics would be socially accepted if it was advanced as a program for the middle class. Obama was actually an instructor in Alinsky’s social manipulation methods for the radical Left front group ACORN during his days as a street agitator (“community organizer”).
Obama then went on the attack in his convention speech, saying, “Now our friends at the Republican convention were more than happy to talk about everything they think is wrong with America, but they don’t have much to say about how they’d make it right. They want your vote, but they don’t want you to know their plan.”
That couldn’t be more wrong. Romney has detailed a very specific tax plan based on a 20% across the board cut in income tax rates for everyone, perfectly analogous to Reagan’s 25% across the board tax rate cut in 1981 that precipitated the greatest economic boom in world history, whatSteve Forbes rightly called “an economic golden age.” Cuts in tax rates promote economic growth by enabling producers to keep a higher percentage of their production, expanding incentives for increased productive activity, such as savings, investment, starting businesses, expanding businesses, creating jobs, entrepreneurship, and work. Tax rate cuts are the only tax cuts that promote growth. Reigniting economic growth is the foundation for reducing the deficit.
Those tax rate cuts would directly benefit the middle class by cutting the rates that apply to middle class incomes and below. Romney also proposes extending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class. Romney would in addition repeal all the middle class tax increases in Obamacare, including the individual mandate. He would repeal as well the death tax, which trashes successful small businesses at the death of their owners, and the Alternative Minimum Tax, which threatens the middle class in high tax states.
The middle class would also benefit indirectly from the tax rate cuts for higher income taxpayers, due to the resulting increased jobs, and the higher wages and incomes that arise from increased demand for labor and from higher productivity due to increased capital investment.
Moreover, the Romney/Ryan ticket offers the most detailed budget plan in any election campaign in American history in the Ryan budget, which merely restores federal spending to the long term, historical, postwar average over the last nearly 70 years of 20% of GDP. Romney’s economic plan would greatly benefit, however, from more specifics regarding monetary policy. Essential to stimulating booming economic growth is a stable dollar, which can only be achieved by tying monetary policy to real world guides like the price of gold and other precious metals. That would be accomplished by replacing discretionary monetary policy, which has only caused business cycles involving periodic troublesome recessions, with an established price rule focusing monetary policy on following the market prices of gold and other precious metals. Without a stable dollar, even tax rate cuts and other pro-growth policies will be ineffectual.
It was Obama, however, who only talked about his plans for the future with vague rhetoric in his convention speech. But his plans for a second term are part of the public record. He has already enacted increases in the top tax rates for virtually every major federal tax effective January 1, when the tax increases of Obamacare go into effect, and the Bush tax cuts expire, which Obama refuses to renew for the nation’s successful small businesses, job creators, and investors. As a result, the top two income tax rates would jump nearly 20%, the capital gains tax rate would soar by nearly 60%, the tax on dividends would nearly triple, the Medicare payroll tax rate would rocket up by 62% for these disfavored taxpayers, and the death tax would rise from the grave with a 57% increase. That is all on top of a corporate tax rate that is the highest in the world under Obama, except for the socialist one party state of Cameroon. This will drive tax rates well beyond the Clinton era tax rates, but Obama and his propagandists won’t stop using the outdated talking point that they are only bringing back those rates.
That is a prescription for renewed recession rather than restoration of the American Dream and the strongest economy the world has known. That would only reduce rather than increase federal revenue, sharply increasing rather than reducing deficits and debt.
Moreover, Obama’s budget policies for a second term and beyond were already specified in full detail in his own 2013 federal budget. That budget proposed $47 trillion in federal spending over the next 10 years, making him the biggest government spender in world history by far. By 2022, he would be spending $5.82 trillion in that one year alone, the most by any government in world history.
That budget also proposes $6.7 trillion in additional deficits over the next 10 years, on top of the $5.3 trillion over the four years of Obama’s reign of error so far, according to the Obama Administration’s own numbers. That would leave the national debt held by the public at nearly $20 trillion by 2022, up from $5.8 trillion in 2008, and gross federal debt at nearly $26 trillion, over 100% of projected GDP, again according to Obama’s own OMB.
In reality, those projected deficits and debt are grossly low balled. CBO projects that on our current course, under current policies, federal spending would soar to 30% of GDP by 2027, 40% by 2040, 50% by 2060, and 80% by 2080. President Obama’s policies would not take us off that course because he explicitly rejects entitlement reform to reduce spending, instead adding or expanding grossly underestimated new entitlements in Obamacare. Moreover, CBO projects that on our current course, under current policies, federal debt held by the public would rocket to 140% of GDP by 2030, 220% by 2040, and 320% by 2050, on its way to over 700% by 2080, a prescription for social collapse just like Greece. President Obama’s policies would not take us off that course, because his policies would not reduce spending, and his tax increases are more likely to reduce revenues rather than increase them.
Of course, Obama persisted in his convention speech, saying, “We’re offering a better path – a future where we keep investing in wind and solar and clean coal, where farmers and scientists harness new biofuels to power our cars and trucks….” That echoed his 2012 State of the Union Address, where he said, “I will not cede the wind or solar or battery industry to China…because we refuse to make the same commitment here.”
But in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, we learned from Professor Patrick Chovanec of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management in Beijing just how those wind, solar, and biofuels industries are doing in China. Chovanec writes,
“President Barack Obama has held up China’s investments in green energy and high speed rail as examples of the kind of state-led industrial policy that America should be emulating. The real lesson is precisely the opposite. State subsidies have spawned dozens of Chinese Solyndras that are now on the verge of collapse. Unveiled in 2010, Beijing’s 12th Five-Year Plan identified solar and wind power and electric automobiles as ‘strategic emerging industries’ that would receive substantial state support….Barely two years later, all three industries are in dire straits.”
Notice that Obama is looking to the state-led industrial policy and Five Year Plans of Communist China as the model for America, rather than the traditional policies that have made America “the strongest economy the world has known.” Those traditional policies can be found in the Romney/Ryan platform, which he ridicules, following again the prescription in Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. China was never building wind, and solar, and electric car batteries for its own use, but to sell to suicidal westerners in Europe and America. To power its own economy, it is feverishly building out coal.
Similarly, at the American Thinker website on September 12, Steve McCann recounts the story of Spain, which is just a few years ahead of us. McCann writes,
“In 1999 and 2000, when Spain adopted the euro as its currency, interest rates fell to historic lows as the European Central Bank…made money easily available. So Spain’s banks, its property developers, and the every day home-buyers…embarked on a frenzy of commercial and residential building and buying. From 1996 to 2007, Spanish property values tripled. Spain has a massive social safety net which accounts for a vast majority of its government spending [absorbing] nearly 46% of the country’s [GDP]….Despite this, the Spanish government embarked on one of the most ambitious green energy programs in Europe, pouring untold billions of euros into solar and wind energy.”
McCann explains how this has all turned out for Spain, so parallel to where we have been in America:
“Their real estate bubble burst in 2007-2008. The construction industry collapsed, throwing hundreds of thousands out of work. Home prices have fallen by nearly 50%, leaving many homeowners owning property worth less than their mortgages. Spanish banks were left with a mounting pile of bad debts which have required major bailouts from the government and the European Central Bank….[T]he nation entered into a recession, causing many businesses and industries to cut back or close…Further, the green industry collapsed, as it turned out that each new job created cost nearly $800,000, while for every four jobs created, nine were lost [because of high energy costs and misallocation of capital].
Obama’s favored alternative energy sources are inherently doomed to failure because their energy is so diffuse, while the energy in traditional fossil fuels is so concentrated. That is why the market has so rightly chosen those.
McCann reports that in just 4 years Spain has more than doubled its national debt, similarly to Obama. As a result, it has to pay 5 times the interest on its debt that Germany does, contributing to further economic decline. The European Central Bank now buys its bonds, in return for dictated spending cuts. McCann concludes,
“As it loses its sovereignty, Spain finds itself in a vortex from which it cannot escape. It has entered into a second recession” where Obama is taking us, with “no money to combat this dilemma, as the private sector is collapsing, and so, as a result, are tax revenues, while the government is stuck with massive social programs.” Following the same path as Obama’s jobs depression, Spain’s unemployment rate is now 24.6%, 52.9% for those 16-24. Spain thus follows Greece: “People are withdrawing and hoarding what cash they have, and many are moving to other countries. Tax revenues thus continue to decline, and few businesses will contemplate a start-up or move to Spain under these circumstances. The nation cannot cut spending beyond a certain point without fomenting a national upheaval, and it cannot promote programs to grow the economy. A financial and social collapse is thus inevitable.”
This is precisely the road Obama is offering to America, and worse. Just as Obamacare distracted Obama from jobs these past few years, he has said a focus in his second term will be global warming. He said in his convention speech, “And yes, my plan will continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet – because climate change is not a hoax.” But global warming regulation is profoundly anti-jobs, sharply raising the cost of the fossil fuels that have powered the industrial revolution, to the point of phasing them out in favor of the much more costly, energy diffuse, alternative fuels, that have no prayer of maintaining the industrial revolution.
The science does not support the theory of catastrophic, man caused, global warming. Obama and his liberals believe in it because it justifies the big government, anti-business and anti-capitalism policies they want to pursue.
Obama in his convention speech went on to emphasize policies of increased government spending for education, community colleges, energy conservation, and infrastructure construction — “roads, bridges and runways.” None of that is a new idea. Obamanomics has only proved that such increased government spending will not drive an economic recovery boom. The speech only further proved that Obama is out of ideas, and doesn’t know how to fix the economy.
Obama closed on the attack, saying “Over and over, we have been told by our opponents that bigger tax cuts and fewer regulations are the only way; that since government can’t do everything, it should do almost nothing….[But] a freedom which only asks what’s in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals.”
But Ryan’s budget proposes to spend $40 trillion over the next 10 years, and would only return America to the long term, postwar, historical average of federal spending at 20% of GDP. That is not a government that would do almost nothing. It does not involve promoting a freedom that asks only what’s in it for me, without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism. Obama’s rhetoric is just expressing how a Marxist sees capitalism.
Finally, the essential message of Obama’s convention speech was encapsulated in this: “And the truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up for decades. It will require common effort, shared responsibility, and the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one.” What this means is that again, Obama is out of ideas, and doesn’t know how to fix the economy. Instead, he is offering us the bold, persistent experimentation of the Great Depression, whatever that means.
And if Obama is reelected to lead us back into recession next year, we will be enjoying an historical reenactment of the Depression, going back into a steep recession before coming out of the last one. That quote shows where Obama’s head us, back in the depression, and The Grapes of Wrath. And that is where he will take the rest of us if we are stupid enough to reelect him.
2a)Surrender, American-style
Ruthie Blum - Israel Hayom
The attacks against United States embassies and consulates in the Islamic world this week were to be anticipated. Though the ostensible spark for the violence that left U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and other Americans dead or wounded was a trailer of an amateur film called “Innocence of Muslims,” the real impetus was the anniversary of 9/11.
So far, the main carnage has taken place in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen, but the Islamic frenzy has begun to spread to many other parts of the region, as well. Protests by Muslims against the “Great Satan” have erupted in Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Israel and the Gaza Strip.
Mass anti-American demonstrations — some planned and others spontaneous — are not merely common among fundamentalist Muslims; they are part and parcel of the concerted campaign to destroy the West. This political-religious phenomenon is not due to excessive Western power and imperialism, as apologists on the Left purport. On the contrary, it is directly correlated to liberal Western values, perceived in the radical Islamist world as depravity and weakness.
All of the issues that Americans, Europeans, and Israelis battle over at the ballot box — such as the best way to achieve the greatest amount of equality for men, women, gays, and ethnic groups — are precisely those which the jihadists believe the Quran is telling them to eradicate and replace with Shariah law.
When these jihadists witness their nemeses shunning swords in favor of plow shears — preferring Hollywood and high-tech to honor killings — they are spurred into action, not lulled into emulation. Indeed, if there’s one thing they know how to spot thousands of miles away, it is chinks in their enemies’ armor.
This is not a new phenomenon. Nor did it rear its ugly head on Sept. 11, 2001 — the day many clueless Americans woke up to a bloody reality about which they had been blissfully ignorant until it literally came crashing down on their heads.
Let us go back 22 years earlier. On Nov. 4, 1979, after the Islamic Revolution in Iran had ousted the Shah and replaced him with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a grass-roots group called “Muslim Students Following the Imam’s Line” stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took its entire staff hostage for 444 days.
During the planning stage of the operation (originally intended to last less than a week), one prominent member of a pro-Khomeini umbrella organization was asked to contribute to the endeavor. The 23-year-old civil engineering student — Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — was enthusiastic, but suggested that they take over the “Marxist anti-God” Soviet Embassy instead. His proposal was immediately ruled out, however, on the grounds that the Soviets wouldn’t mess around; they would slaughter every hostage-taker on the spot. The Americans, on the other hand, were more likely to let the Iranian government come to their rescue.
This assumption would turn out to be even more accurate than they had hoped. In fact, when they did scale the walls and begin to descend upon the frightened staff members, the Marines on duty were ordered by the charge d'affairs (acting ambassador) of the embassy to put down their weapons and — with the rest of the staff — “surrender with your head held high.”
As it would emerge, when days turned into weeks, and then months, and finally more than a year, President Jimmy Carter was surrendering with his head held so high that it got lodged in the clouds, where it has remained ever since.
This week was not merely a horrifying reminder of the consequences of Carter’s policies; it was a direct descendant of them — down to a disturbing detail barely noted in the mainstream media.
The American Marines stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo did not have bullets in their rifles at the time of the attack. This means that even if they had been given the green light to shoot the angry mobs, they would not have been able to act on it.
U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson can take the credit for that. How proud of herself she must be that she had forbidden the very men in uniform posted there to protect the building and its occupants to carry live ammunition. But even if she is now feeling that maybe it wasn’t such a wise directive, after all, her bosses at the State Department are probably patting her on the back for a job well done. She wouldn’t want to antagonize the Muslim Brotherhood, after all — especially not after a Coptic Christian had the gall to portray the Prophet Muhammad as a bisexual pedophile.
To add irony to insult, Patterson was not at her embassy during the attack, because she was in Washington. She undoubtedly had to brief President Obama ahead of the private meeting he arranged with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi for later this month at the U.N.
There has been speculation about whether the U.S. president will actually go through with what promises to be a groveling session with the Arab leader, since Morsi barely condemned the embassy attack. Furthermore, coming on the heels of Obama’s “inability” to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the same time period — due to the president’s scheduled appearance on “Letterman” — such a tête-à-tête might not go over so big with some swing voters.
Personally, I’d wager the sum of the aid package that Obama is trying to convince Congress to heap on Morsi — and that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is attempting to hand over without congressional approval — that Obama will keep the date. He’s just as adept at surrendering with his head held high as Carter, after all. The question is whether the American people are going to follow suit in November.
Ruthie Blum is the author of To Hell in a Handbasket: Carter, Obama, and the ‘Arab Spring,’ now available on Amazon and in bookstores in Europe and North America.
3)Obama Is a Spokesmodel for Tyranny
By Stella Paul
Barack Obama is not a real president, though he does play one on TV. So what is he? It's my contention that the bizarre creature currently residing in the White House is an attractive spokesmodel for our destruction, sponsored by America'smortal foes.
The time for politely mincing words is over. After the Democrats booed God and Jerusalem at their national convention; after Obama refused to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as Israel faces nuclear destruction; after Obamaenthroned the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the Middle East and then apologized for America when our embassies were fatally attacked there on 9/11 -- well, really, what's the point of making nice?
Forget calling Obama "incompetent." This tiresome meme presupposes that Obama wants to do what's right for America but doesn't know how. Does anyone honestly believe that anymore?
Yes, he's incompetent, in that he's a fairly unimpressive bloke with no skills, imagination, or ability to learn, who couldn't run a third-rate laundromat.
But so what? His sponsors didn't install him for his competence. They installed him so that he could strut on the runways of the world, showing off his fashionable skin color and perfectly creased pants, while babbling whatever useful venom they put on his teleprompter.
As the body of America's Libyan ambassador was dragged through the streets and three other American embassy workers lay dead, we learned that Obama attended only 38% of his intelligence briefings in 2012. In fact, he didn't attend a singleintelligence briefing in the week preceding 9/11. So ask yourself: would the outcome be any different if he had?
Of course not. Does L'Oréal spokesmodel Beyoncé attend board meetings in which the location of new factories or other nitty-gritty corporate business is decided? Why should she? Her job is to go out there and look good and sell the brand.
And thus our Spokesmodel-in-Chief, who found no opening in his schedule to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu, somehow made the time to appear on the 9/11 radio show of "The Pimp with a Limp," fly to Las Vegas, and clown around with David Letterman. Next up is a fundraiser at the 40/40 Club in Manhattan with fellow spokesmodel Beyoncé, and a whirlwind of similar brand-promoting frippery, as the world burns.
If you haven't figured out the nature of the brand that Obama is promoting, the Democrats helpfully informed us in their opening convention video: "The government is the only thing we all belong to." We all belong to the government, and the government is Obama -- so we all belong to Obama, that exciting celebrity with the big smile who loves to give us free stuff. And now that we've been docilely collectivized, our celebrity friend, "President Obama," can deliver us into submission at the hands of those who despise us.
And thus, "President Obama" will have "more flexibility" to surrender to the Russians, whose warships he displayed at his convention, after his election. And when rabid Islamists storm American embassies, and sodomize and murder an American ambassador, the reaction of "President Obama's" White House is to abjectly apologize to the protestors for America's right to free speech. Meanwhile, "President Obama" weakens and undermines America's military, leaving us ever more vulnerable in an increasingly chaotic world.
Who is this "President Obama" who puts such an appealing face on our destruction? Just a few weeks before the election, we still don't really know. Two gripping documentaries, 2016 and Dreams From My Real Father, portray different aspects of his background, exposing the America-hating fervor of his various mentors.
A blockbuster hit, 2016 examines the anti-colonial politics of his purported father, the Harvard-educated Kenyan governmental economist, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. With its glossy production values brought to you by Schindler's Listproducer Gerald Molen, 2016 takes us on a fast-paced tour of Obama Sr.'s worldview, in which villainous America and the West must be humbled for deliberately ravaging the third world. Along the way, we meet freedom-hating influences on "President Obama," including terrorist emeritus Bill Ayers, leading Israel-basher Professor Edward Said, and card-carrying Communist agitator Frank Marshall Davis.
It's Frank Marshall Davis who takes center stage in Joel Gilbert's fascinating documentary, Dreams From My Real Father. Gilbert contends that Davis was Obama's biological father and deploys some compelling physical and circumstantial evidence to make his point. Even Obama's pre-presidential nose job can't mask the physical resemblance of the two men, and Frank Marshall Davis's side job as a pornographer allowed him access to Obama's teen mother, as Gilbert's photo cache dismayingly proves.
But whoever spawned "President Obama," the end result is the empty, angry Spokesmodel-in-Chief, whose sponsors now hold our fate in their hands. While Obama preens and prances around the country, the real workers continue their destruction of our national security and economy, strangling us with a $16-trillion debt and another threatened downgrade. The Spokesmodel saw no need to attend any job council meetings as 23 million Americans suffered without work; those jobs could be destroyed without any personal input from him.
Now the Spokesmodel's contract is up for renewal, and like all successful celebrities, he's demanding we pay a higher price for his services. If he wins, many Americans may be forced to pay the ultimate price.
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