Yes it has reached this level of insanity:
This decision could be a boon for black education and thus the country.
Supreme Court Delivers a Win for Religious Schools | |
Let's hear again from America's designated whiner.
EXCLUSIVE Police Report Proves Plainclothes Electronic Surveillance Unit Members Were Embedded Among Jan. 6 Protesters |
Despite political turmoil, Israel’s ability to confront Iranian threat remains intact
U.S. President Joe Biden’s upcoming Middle East visit should focus on three issues, says Maj. Gen. (ret.) Uzi Dayan: “Iran, Iran and Iran.
Slouching to Saudi Arabia
Biden’s reluctant decision to visit MBS will reset a vital strategic relationship.
By Walter Russell Mead
Future American officials should carefully study the evolution of the Biden administration’s approach to Saudi Arabia. It’s a textbook example of the damage that good intentions can do when linked with weak analysis. Yet the universe is sometimes forgiving. Even after the latest flurry of gaffes, strong and serious leadership from President Biden can put a vital relationship back on its feet.
Democratic opposition to the U.S.-Saudi relationship began soon after Franklin D. Roosevelt met with King Abdul Aziz aboard the Navy heavy cruiser USS Quincy in 1945. The Eisenhower administration’s preference for good relations with the Arab world over support for Israel struck many contemporary Democrats as a favor to American oil companies heavily invested in the kingdom. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ predatory pricing during the 1970s made Arabs generally—and Saudis especially—unpopular. Saudi treatment of women infuriated American feminists, and as climate activists grew more influential in Democratic politics, Saudi oil was seen as a threat to the planet. The Saudi origins of the 9/11 bombers combined with the close ties between the Bush family and the Saudi royals taught a new generation of Democratic activists to loathe the House of Saud.
More recently Saudi tactics in the war in Yemen, the murder of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi opposition to any thaw in U.S.-Iran relations, and the kingdom’s friendly relations with Donald Trump and Jared Kushner sealed Saudi Arabia’s permanent status as a least-favored nation among American Democrats.
Candidate Biden’s rhetoric and, until recently, President Biden’s policy reflected this long and strong tradition in American politics. Candidate Biden vowed to make Saudi Arabia an international pariah. Mr. Biden did his best to shame Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (widely known as MBS) for the brutal and foolish Khashoggi murder. On issue after issue, the Biden administration’s Middle East policy stood in clear opposition to Saudi goals. Reviving the nuclear deal with Iran, a move that would inevitably boost Tehran’s regional power by ending its economic isolation, was the centerpiece of Mr. Biden’s regional agenda. The Americans demanded an end to Saudi participation in the war against Iranian proxies in Yemen, threatened to reduce arms sales to Saudi and its allies, and trumpeted American intentions to wreck the fossil-fuel industry, which is the foundation of Saudi wealth.
But even as the Biden administration boasted of its principled stance against Saudi wrongdoing, a horrible realization was slowly dawning on the White House. Every administration discovers that some of its pet theories about the world turn out to be wrong. Team Biden has gradually learned that almost all the key foreign-policy ideas it brought to the White House don’t work. Iran wasn’t eager to rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Russia wasn’t willing to be sidelined.
Climate activism and human-rights advocacy turned out not to be a viable foundation for American foreign policy in an era of geopolitical conflict. The mix of sanctions against Russia, tariffs on China, anti-fossil-fuel regulatory activism and multitrillion-dollar spending bills ignited a firestorm of inflation. As gasoline prices spiked upward and drove the president’s polls down, the key to Joe Biden’s political future fell into the hands of a crown prince he’d insulted and disdained.
And so, like the desperate and outmaneuvered Emperor Henry IV in 1077, who went to Canossa to perform penance before an offended Pope Gregory VII, Mr. Biden swallowed the bitter pill and announced he would go to Saudi Arabia and meet MBS.
That news infuriated human-rights and climate activists both inside and outside the administration. Asked about the meeting by reporters last Friday, Mr. Biden fudged. “I’m not going to meet MBS,” he said. “I’m going to an international meeting and he’s going to be part of it.” On Sunday Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told CNN that there would be a one-on-one meeting between the prince and the president; the White House appears, sort of, to have denied this.
Atmospherics aside, the failure of his Iran policy ironically offers Mr. Biden a chance to reset the Saudi relationship. While the administration waited and prayed, Iran steadily accelerated its progress toward a nuclear breakout and refused to re-enter the nuclear deal on terms that even a strongly motivated American president can accept. That leaves Mr. Biden no choice; he must tighten security ties with Israel and the Gulf states against a relentlessly hostile Iran. The Saudis want stronger defense ties as much as the Biden administration needs them. That common security interest can be the basis for a renewed partnership. And by arguing that increased Saudi oil production will help isolate Iran and cut its revenue, Mr. Biden may just be able to persuade MBS to pump some more crude.
Netanyahu has week to find majority, prevent Israeli elections
Can he secure the required 61 Knesset seats in that time? The experts are skeptical.
(June 21, 2022 / JNS) With the dramatic announcement on Monday evening by coalition leaders Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid of their intention to dissolve Israel’s government, the nation began bracing itself for its fifth round of elections in three years. A proposed date of Oct. 25 has already been set. However, elections could still be avoided if opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu succeeds in forming a government before the Knesset is dissolved. Can he do it?
Netanyahu currently controls 55 Knesset seats. He needs 61, a bare minimum majority in Israel’s 120-seat parliament. CONTINUE
World Israel News
Iran gives up demand to remove Revolutionary Guards from US terror blacklist
By World Israel News Staff
Vladimir Putin Just ADMITTED What The White House Wants To Hide...
Has Putin made new rules by which the West must respond?
Has Putin made new rules by which the West must respond?
Russia’s New Rules
Author: Tom Luongo
Russia is done with the West. The divorce is nearly complete. In the past few days we’ve heard from all major Russian leaders the same thing, “The West will play by our rules now.”
You can decide for yourselves whether Russia is writing checks they can’t cash, but in the words of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov telling the BBC bluntly, “We do not care about the eyes of the West.” Lavrov has always been the soul of politeness and discretion when dealing with European media.
His open hostility towards his BBC interviewer was not only palpable, it was hard to argue with. He followed that up with:
“I don’t think there’s even room for maneuver left anymore,” Lavrov replied.
“Because both [Prime Minister Boris] Johnson and [Foreign Secretary Liz] Truss say publicly: ’We must defeat Russia, we must bring Russia to its knees. Go on, then, do it.”
Russia’s leadership never talks in such openly blunt terms. It’s almost like Lavrov was channeling comedian Dennis Miller who used to say, “Feeling froggy, take that leap.”
See where it gets you.
Russia knows it has the West on the ropes. We need what they produce and now they are determined to set the rules on who gets them and for what price. It knows that European leaders are puppets with Klaus Schwab’s hand up their asses.
And it knows Davos has zero leverage over Russia’s actions from here on out.
Which brings me to the statements linked above by Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller, speaking at a panel at the St. Petersburg Economic Investment Forum (SPEIF) who just put the situation in the starkest terms there is.
“The game of nominal value of money is over, as this system does not allow to control the supply of resources. …Our product, our rules. We don’t play by the rules we didn’t create.”
Miller’s statement should be thought of as a statement of principle across all theatres of operation for Russia. This doesn’t just apply to natural gas or oil. This is everything, all of Russia’s dealings with the West from here on out will be on its terms not the West’s.
This is clearly the biggest geopolitical middle finger in the post WWII period.
Miller is clearly laying out the rules for a new, commodity-centric monetary system, one based on what Credit Suisse’s Zoltan Poszar called ‘outside money’ — commodities, gold, even bitcoin — rather than the West’s egregious use of ‘inside money’ — debt-based fiat and credit — to perpetuate old colonialist behavior well past its use-by date.
I laid out the basic problem in an article from March after Russia soft-pegged the ruble to gold.
Today’s “Inside Money” standard, known colloquially as the Dollar Reserve standard, is actually what I like to call “Milton Friedman’s Nightmare.” It is nothing more than a system of competitively devalued and inflated debt-based scrips running around drinking each other’s milkshakes until everyone’s glass is empty.
Miller is definitely a glass full kinda guy now.
These comments came after Gazprom began cutting gas flows to Europe through the Nordstream 1 pipeline using the cover story of repaired gas turbines trapped in fascist Canada which couldn’t be shipped back to Siemens because of sanctions.
Now Germany and Canada are trying to figure out how to circumvent the sanctions to get these turbines back.
At the same time Miller pledged more gas to China (up 67% yoy through May) because Russia is interested in energy stability for its friends, while its enemies can starve.
Reuters is reporting that “Russia’s Gazprom increased gas supplies to China by 67% in the first five months of this year, the company’s CEO Alexei Miller said on Thursday.”
It was also on Wednesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping held their second phone call since the Ukraine war began. Xi told Putin that China is “willing to continue to offer mutual support (to Russia) on issues concerning core interests and major concerns such as sovereignty and security,” as quoted in state broadcaster CCTV.
The arrogance of EU commissars never ceases to amaze me. These people all but declare war on Russia and then act shocked (Shocked, I say!) that Russia then treats them like that.
On the same day that four members of the EU Commission — France, Italy, Germany and Romania — approve fast-tracking Ukraine’s membership application, France’s Emmanuel Macron urges Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to go to the bargaining table with Russia.
Even if Zelenskyy were to make those overtures to Russia, given his public statements on what his terms are, there would be absolutely zero chance that Russia would agree to show up for talks.
At this point I see nothing more than Russia continuing to grind out the Ukrainian army, taking what territory they want and then shepherding through local elections by the conquered territory to either become independent states or part of Russia.
It’s likely the latter at this point since Russia is now issuing Russian passports in regions they’ve taken from Ukraine, which the EU, of course, will refuse to honor until no one cares what they think anymore.
The rules are changing rapidly. Looking ahead there is a real danger that what Russia has set in motion leads to something no one wants to contemplate. Of course the West helped create this situation by forcing Putin’s hand to invade Ukraine, so who’s to blame about where this all leads to may, ultimately, be an irrelevant point.
Let’s hope the noises coming from the West about the sanctions having gone too far and the chest-beating of the worst US and British neocons is no longer being taken seriously by anyone with their fingers anywhere near the launch codes.
If that’s the case than these new rules will be grudgingly accepted only after a lot of borders have been redrawn, new alliances formed and a different world order established.
This morning at the President Putin declared the old world order dead. He finished his speech where he detailed how the West was committing suicide to suit the wishes of The Davos Crowd with the following definitive statement:
“Russia is entering the coming era as a powerful sovereign country. We will definitely use the enormous new opportunities that time opens up for us. And we will become even stronger.”
Putin is correct here. Russia is getting stronger by the day. The West took their best shot at destroying Russia and missed the mark. He clearly identified the real culprits for Europe’s and the US’s problems, subservience to an oligarch class who feel entitled to rule the world.
When the war started I wrote about what I thought Putin’s intentions were. Then it was speculation:
Russia held all the cards in the negotiations over Ukraine and we recklessly pursued a policy of insults and amateurish propaganda, refusing to believe Russia wouldn’t make her final stand.
By putting boots on the ground, planes in the air and missiles up the ass of every Ukrainian military installation across the country, Russia turned the ‘might makes right’ argument of the US and Europe on its head.
The game has changed because the rules have changed. It’s no longer a game of rhetorical chicken and virtue signaling.
Today it is fact. When Putin made his move on Ukraine the ultimate goal was the end of Russia treating the West as an equal and leading the Global South out of what he has called “vassalage.” The reason Putin is hated is because he realizes there are two types of countries, “sovereigns” and “vassals.”
It’s been his life’s work to make Russia into a ‘sovereign’ state free from the West.
From Russia’s perspective their military operation in Ukraine was their Declaration of Independence from the old ‘rules-based order’ of the post-WWII era. Justified or not, we are now in a new age.
The question is now, how many will survive into it.
I have been reporting and explaining the genesis of this for several years.
Just another tragedy that did not have to be had the FBI been on their toes and Obama had not created the circumstance.
The American Spectator: The Campus Wars Against the Jews
by Rabbi Dov Fischer
It is rather a challenging time these days for committed, devoted Jewish college students on liberal campuses. They don’t know how to fight, only to defend and whine, and their life experiences in being “nice” have left them utterly unprepared for the vicious Jew-hating, even Nazi-like, campaigning against them and Israel they have encountered in college.
The academic campaign against Israel is Nazi-like. It is led by Arab Muslims, often backed by self-hating Jewish leftist stooges, most of whom — truly — are not even Jews. In today’s America, as many as 40 percent of people who present as “Jews” are not Jews. (I lay this out in much greater detail here.) In the anti-Israel camps, they predominate. Simply put, a Jew is someone born to a Jewish mother or who converts to the Judaism of the Torah — comprising both the Written Law and the Oral Law — a Judaism that includes kosher food and Sabbath observance. That definition has been the only definition of a Jew for more than 3,300 years. Anyone not born to a Jewish mother or otherwise born to a maternal line where the first “Jewish” matron actually “converted” without assuming the lifestyle of a kosher kitchen, Sabbath observance, and the like is not Jewish. Thus, for example, despite her fancy certificatewhen she “converted” to marry playwright Arthur Miller, Marilyn Monroe was never Jewish.
So the “good news” is that most “Jews” who oppose Israel are not even Jews in the first place.
Twenty years ago, a leading Arab Muslim Jew-hater, Omar Barghouti, proposed a “BDS” program to boycott Israel, divest from corporations dealing with Israel, and to sanction Israel. The BDS campaign has failed miserably. More investors now put their money in Israel than ever before — billions and billions. They will continue doing so because Israel is an amazing investment vehicle, a start-up free-and-democratic nation with a uniquely educated and motivated population.
Computer chips? Intel Israel. CT scans? Israel. Waze GPS? Israel. Drawing water out of thin air for parched desert-like countries? Israel.
But on American “progressive” woke liberal-arts college campuses, students are brain-fed radical-left Intersectionalist garbage. For example, we know they have no idea what Americais. They are fed falsified “1619” history instead of true American history. They have no idea how Communism has murdered hundreds of millions. They don’t know about the blood shed brutally by Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Castro. Even what little they know about Hitler is mostly perverted from the truth. That is how AOC, a standard-bearer for the Campus Ignorant, can compare ICE on our southern border to German Nazis and can compare our shelters for the Undocumented, where we feed them and clothe them and even assure they have ample baby formula, to Dachau and Auschwitz.
Ironically, many of these “progressive” anti-Israel college students actually are more Nazi-like than they realize. Remember: Not all Nazis murdered Jews with their hands or by building gas chambers or crematoria. Most Nazis simply voted quietly for Hitler and lined the streets cheering while Hitler’s motorcades drove by. Yet they, too, were Nazis. They were the ones who gave him power to destroy.
The Woke on America’s campuses today, as did Hitler’s minions, single out the Jews for BDS. They can’t boycott Arab Muslim countries because those dictatorships don’t produce anything meaningful. But college kids could boycott China, right? China is a hateful totalitarian dictatorship, the source of the Wuhan virus we call COVID, torturer of Uighur Muslims, suppressor of Hong Kong. If they sincerely cared about freedom and human rights, college kids could boycott Nike sports shoes, Apple iPhones, and all devices made in China, right? But they don’t.
Instead, like Hitler, with an entire globe from which to choose, they pinpoint the Jews — only the Jews. The one and only country in the world with a Jewish majority. That is their extent of foreign affairs activism. They try to mask their anti-Semitism by saying they are “only anti-Israel and anti-Zionist, not anti-Jewish.”
Understand with crystal clarity: Israel and Zionism are core to Judaism. You cannot be “against anti-Semitism” but also against Israel and Zionism. It’s not either-or. Anyone against Israel and Zionism by definition is anti-Semitic. Period. Open the Bible. Abraham was a Zionist. So was Isaac. And Jacob. And Moses. And Joshua. And the Judges. And Kings Saul, David, Solomon, and all the Biblical kings. And the Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and all the Biblical prophets. And all the rabbis of the Talmud. And Maimonides. And Yehudah Halevi. Zionism is at Judaism’s core.
Yes, you can be against a particular government in Israel, just as American patriots can oppose government policies in America. Those political preferences can align with deep loving attitudes towards America. Indeed, love for America can inform opposition to those whose foolish policies would destroy her greatness. In the same way, it is OK to oppose a Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu or Naftali Bennett government.
So a person can love Israel, yet hate its government. But that is not what “BDS” is. BDS is a Nazi-like ideology that says the one Jewish-majority country in the world uniquely deserves to be boycotted, divested, sanctioned. None others. Not Cuba. Not Venezuela. Not Qatar, Yemen, Saudi Arabia. Not China. Not Russia.
And the thing is, Israel is a good place. Arab Muslims have full equal rights in Israel. The present governing coalition there exists because an Arab Muslim party gives them the determining majority. There is an Arab Muslim on Israel’s Supreme Court. (How many in America?) Israel pays families a “child allowance” to encourage parents to have more kids. Guess what? Israel pays that same bounty to Arab Muslim Israelis to have more kids, too. Apartheid? Arab Muslims receive all the same benefits that Jews do in Israel.
By contrast, for those searching for Mideast apartheid, Saudi Arabia has no synagogues. It also has no Jews. Almost no Christians or churches either. Arab Muslim countries expelled their 800,000 Jews and confiscated all their property in the 1940s and 1950s when Israel was born. Those Jews fled mostly to Israel. That is why, despite the Big Lie among the Woke, Israel’s demography is majority dark-skinned Sephardic, not Caucasian Ashkenazic.
Arab Muslim countries are virtually universally racist and bigoted. They truly are one-religion-only despotic lands. There are no Jewish parties in Qatar, Yemen, and those other lands. Even in the part of Judea and Samaria now called the “Palestine Authority,” the only Jews are those who abandoned their Judaism and married Arab Muslims there. Otherwise, pure apartheid. A Jew is not allowed to purchase land there. Any Arab who secretly offers to sell land to a Jew gets executed. Apartheid, pure and simple.
Certain student governments on certain woke liberal-arts colleges target Israel and only Israel. Consider: They call for bans of Sabra hummus, an American-Canadian chick-peas joint-venture company based in Astoria, Queens with factories in Southern California, Virginia, and Queens. Yet they are boycotted. Why? Their name. Sabra — the nickname for Israelis. So, since the hummus is “Israel-style,” i.e. kosher Mideast style, it is Sabra. So boycott them.
Even as these ignoramuses on campuses vote to boycott Israel, all their administrations respond by asserting there will be no boycotts nor divestments.
But what about the committed Jews on campus? What about their voices? Their pro-Israel activism?
Their problem is that they do not know how to fight. They whine. At best, they defend. They react. They never seize the offensive. It is painfully pathetic to watch.
Except for American football, there is no sport where players conceivably can win merely by playing defense. In baseball, you can score only on offense. Likewise, in basketball and hockey. Even in football, although you theoretically can win solely by scoring defensively — with “pick six” interception returns, recovering fumbles in the other team’s end zone, and scoring safeties — that is no prescription for success. Ultimately, you cannot win unless you go on the offensive.
Jews grow up, being taught to be nice. “Be nice, Marvin. Be nice, Seymour. Be nice, Sidney.”
Well, to win on college campuses, no one is going to beat these Nazis and their self-hating pseudo-Jewish quislings merely by being “nice.” Rather, the squeaky wheel gets the oil, not the whining tire. Jews on campus need to fight. They need to fight hard and to take the fight to the Jew-haters, not just wait for the campus Nazis to attack. Don’t wait for BDS resolutions to oppose. Instead, demand your own BDS initiatives against China. Demand BDS against despotic apartheid Muslim countries. Investigate and expose anti-Israel professors who violate campus rules by posting against Israel on official campus websites. Until cancel culture is abandoned, why not demand canceling them?
And stop whining.
Read Dov Fischer every Monday and Thursday in The American Spectator and follow him on Twitter at @DovFischerRabbi.
Newsweek-Logo - Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens
The Scourge of Antisemitism Has Returned to America | Opinion
…..We had become comfortable here in America over the last three quarters of a century. Gone were the restricted neighborhoods and their country clubs of yesteryear. America's centers of higher education abandoned their quotas and fully opened their doors to us.
We took the reprieve that this acceptance granted us and used our energy in the pursuit of noble goals. We fought antisemitism abroad. We picketed Soviet consulates, smuggled in prayer books, and rallied in Washington. CONTINUE
The crisis impacting women only gets ignored
By Salena Zito
In short, no one has been hit harder in the past year in this country than women under age 45, no matter their socioeconomic status. The strain it is placing on them is palpable.
As with the baby formula shortage, people knew this was coming. In early May, Edgewell Personal Care, the company that makes Playtex, warned in its second quarter earnings report that a lack of raw materials, transportation problems, supply chain constraints, and manufacturing labor shortages had hurt the supply of tampons.
Any woman can tell you unequivocally that tampons are a necessity. One cannot simply wait it out until the price goes down or until there is more stock. Monthly periods aren’t optional.
Click for the full story:
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