Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Memo And Market Comments. Does Seattle Coach Have A Prayer. U.N Human Rights Council. Hanson Reviews New Book. Michelle Speaks.

Everything about Communism is emptiness

                                                  Always save the best for last.
My Memos:

I thought a few comments in order because of changes in my memos format etc.

1)  I have been asked to add a number of people lately and happy to do so. I am always glad to add additional readers. 

2)There is so much news-wise of late the amount of daily memos has increased.  Some of this is due to the fact that I have not been able to play tennis etc. because of recent surgery.  Visited Dr's PA today and was told not to think about playing tennis for a few more months but can hit and take a lesson or two and return to gym for upper body exercising.

3) Specific to my memos: I am conservative, as any memo reader knows, but am willing to post other material if I deem it worthy, factual and well written.  I do not fact check so always use your own discretion as to what you wish to believe.  If I am told something I post is not accurate I will always post retractions.

4) My focus remains The Middle East, politics, markets and sardonic humor and satire. I am updating my recent market comments (see below.)

5) I always invite your comments and will always respond.

6) I am, by nature, a pessimist, distrustful of politicians, believe government is more a problem than a solution but since we need government that creates a conflict.

7) I believe we need, minimally, a two party system but the current radical Democrat Party is both a disgrace and a danger. Pelosi has allowed The House to become infected with dangerous radicals, some of whom Obama  allowed them to immigrate and become citizens. I also believe Obama was, is and will continue to be a threat to our nation.

8) I recognize I have a responsibility to be authentic in what I post and rational in what I say and write.

9) I always have some technical issues. Some are of my making, some are because the services I use frequently change their input  formats and I am not always aware of how to align with these changes.  My own computer guru is outstanding and is able to get me back on track but not immediately so errors persist for which I apologize.

10) Finally, my purpose in writing memos is two-fold:

a) I love writing, it provides me an outlet for getting what I think off my chest and b) I hope, for the serious minded, it will make you think and realize your own responsibility, as a citizen, to participate and be informed.

You are entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to your facts if they are not truly such.  We have lost the ability to engage in discourse and that is unhealthy if not totally tragic.

 A republic/democracy thrives because of freedoms and particularly the ability to be informed and become educated so our thinking is reasoned, unbiased and not infected with prejudices.  We all have our issues and biases and hopefully these memos help you to overcome some of them.

Thank you for being a memo reader.

If what I write is "uncouth" I do not wish to be but I yield to no one who is offended because they feel otherwise than I do. Suck it up and, perhaps, rethink your own position.


Judicial Watch Lawsuit Forces Release of DOJ Memo Declining Criminal Prosecution for Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter

Judicial Watch announced that it received productions of new records totaling 102 pages from the Department of Justice (DOJ) related to the shooting of January 6 protestor Ashli Babbitt that include a memo recommending “that the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia decline for criminal prosecution the fatal shooting of Ashli McEntee [Babbitt],” also noting that the shooter, U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, “did not create a police report or documents” related to the shooting of Babbitt.

READ MORE++++++++++++++++++They're a Good for Nothing Party 

By Matt Vespa


Not so sure. Progress yes:

Victory Over CRT Is Within Grasp. Here’s How Civics Can Prevail.

By Goldwater Institute


Turley and McCarthy: January 6 Committee Reveals Itself to Be a Kangaroo Court 

By Julio Rosas


White House Again Refuses to Condemn Illegal Protests at Justices' Homes

By Spencer Brown




Does a Seattle-area coach have a prayer in his Supreme Court case?

By Salena Zito

CAMP HILL, Pennsylvania — With 48 seconds to go in a high school football matchup last fall between Cedar Cliff and Cocalico, the game came down to a shootout between the two central Pennsylvania rivals.

To say that the intensity level was through the roof would be an understatement. Yet when the game ended, the two teams met in the end zone and prayed together.

It is more common than not on any given fall Friday night in this country to see a coach praying silently on the field both before and after a local high school football game.

Most of the time, the teammates gather arm-in-arm and either participate or bow their heads respectfully. Most of the time, the parents and community members in the stands either don’t see the silent reflection or think nothing of it.

And most of the time, coaches are not fired or suspended for simply expressing their faith while in public. That was not the case, however, seven years ago, when Seattle-area assistant football coach Joe Kennedy was suspended for praying before and after his high school football games. It was a practice he had done without notice or controversy for several years until Click for the full story: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/community-family/does-a-seattle-area-coach-have-a-prayer-in-his-supreme-court-case 
IN FOCUS: Israel and the Dysfunctional UN Human Rights Council
One of the damning features of the UN Human Rights Council is its permanent obsession with Israel, where the pro-Palestinian lobby has succeeded in making Israel the only country to appear as a permanent item on the council’s agenda. The systematic singling out of Israel by the council is seen by many countries as one of the key flaws that show its biased ineffectiveness.

+ UNHRC's dubious members
Hanson reviews new book:
Book Review: Is 'The Dying Citizen' A Prediction Of America's Future?

America’s ongoing and seemingly-constant crises have left Americans scrambling to find a sense of normalcy and safety. Just in time, to cut through the chaotic bombardment of conflicting messages and opinions while providing a voice of calm assurance and reason, is noted conservative scholar Victor Davis Hanson in his latest book, “The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization are Destroying the Idea of America”.
Updated market comments

Markets are driven by what investors think regarding news pertaining to corporate earnings/prospects, consumer statistics, domestic politics and world events etc. Collective psychology moves markets.

Specific to a single company, like Abbott, the failure to make acceptable uncontaminated  baby formula is proving devastating.

This is what I  love about the stock market.  You can liken it to a chess game where your opponent's moves equate with an array of news that must first be analyzed and then you interpret what his/her next move will be and it's impact, ie. has the future been discounted and already priced in the market and/or pa articular stock? 

Predicting  must be the consequence of analysis rather than guessing to eliminate as many variables as humanly possible. Luck is a factor as is a cool temperament.

In my last market comment the market had just soared and, though I thought it could move a bit higher, I wrote that it would retest and,
frankly, it has done more than retest.

What is now driving the market are the following:

What will The Fed do, ie. raise rates by what amount?  The betting has shifted to 3/4% versus 1/2% because inflation continues to spiral upward.  If The Fed raises rates by 3/4 of a point the market could take comfort they mean business or conclude The Fed is scared the patient is sicker than the market thought.

The Ukraine War has gone on the back pages but it's effect on raw materials and grain etc. continues to create supply problems. Oil continues to inch upward so prospects of inflation subsiding quickly are not in sight though I do believe inflation is beginning to top out because at 8% plus you are now getting consumer blowback.

A further negative wage demands now favor unions putting pressure on corporate margins/earnings. Multiples have come down from 20 plus to 16 plus but many analysts, I believe, have yet to reduce estimates to more realistic levels so earning multiples still remain somewhat extended.

The talk of recession has now spread so the question becomes sharp and sustained or modest and a faster resumption/recovery.

For the time being, I see a somewhat less threatening recession but I do believe, within the next several quarters, we will experience a suppressed and moderately declining GDP as we enter 2023.  Biden spent too much COVID related money and The Fed. reacted too late and this excess must be washed out as The Fed begins to improve it's balance sheet. In other words, liquidity is being withdrawn at the same time rates are rising.  This could prove a  serious negative as the consumer cuts back their purchasing and focuses on essentials as opposed to wants. 

There are always black swans paddling which can throw a big wrench into any forecast.

I do not believe the market has reached it's final low from which the next bull market begins.  Though we have experienced volatility and a 20% decline, confirming we have switched to a bear market, we have not witnessed a wash out panic selling day which historically marks the end of the fever associated with overvaluations.

The backdrop curtain against which all market elements/drama play out is blackening for sure. The mid-terms favor Republicans and they should capture The House and maybe add a few Senate seats but I doubt they will gain enough to over-ride a Biden pen and cell phone decision.

Biden's mental acuity continues to decline and, no doubt, it is evident he has no plans to confront the issues he created and now must face.
The blame game only goes so far and it is evident the buck stopped a while ago and he does not comprehend this fact.

China continues launching ships, making inroads in the Pacific and we continue to shrink our capabilities. Domestically, the sleeping giant of "deplorables" has finally awoken but it is too late for America to regain it's former state of domestic tranquility and dominance as a trusted major power any time soon if at all. 

American leadership is aged and unwell. Our adversaries have gained and even exceeded us in many instances. I continue to believe China is our major concern longer term but Iran could become a nearer term disrupter and challenge us and even further expose our deficiencies.

How this all resolves is anyone's guess so I will end with my oft used phrase - but what do I know.
Two pieces of news that pretty much tells you were we are:
Why the January 6th committee is suddenly in disarray

The Committee on January 6 postponed their hearing for Wednesday, and no one seems to know why. One of the members said that it was due to technological difficulties, but did not elaborate.

17 months of preparing clearly wasn't enough to prepare for today.

And what's even more hilarious is that the top two Democrats on the committee are apparently having an internal fight about what the committee is actually supposed to be doing.

Few Americans actually care about this dog and pony show. But you can bet Democrats will continue to beat this drum until the November elections.

White House press secretary laughs off questions about Biden's health

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre laughed off questions about Joe Biden's stamina and health yesterday while warning that those are questions we shouldn't be asking. 

She also explained that she "struggles" to keep up with him.

"That is not a question that we should be even asking," she added. "Just look at the work he does. And look how he's delivering for the American public."

Delivering what? Higher prices? A tanking economy? Supply chain shortages?
Now let's hear from dear Michelle. Yes, the one who was not proud of America until her husband worked his magic like Billy Daniel's used to sing:

Obama Threatens Voters
By News Alerts

Democrats just don’t stop.

In another attempt to fan the flames of unrest, former First Lady Michelle Obama gave a speech at Culture of Democracy Summit where she boldly claimed that Democracy was “fading.”

The entire summits overall goal is to encourage more liberals to participate in elections such as the November midterm elections and in 2024.
According to Fox, Obama stood on stage where she said, “No one has the luxury to sit out or stay at home just because you’re not feeling excited enough. If you don’t vote, other people will.”

She then added, “I have said it before, but it’s important for us all to remember it’s not just about who you vote for. It’s not about whether you’re a Republican, Democrat or independent.”

“This is so much bigger than that,” Michelle added. “Because right now when we look around at everything that is happening with voting and our democracy, it is clear that we’re seeing a deep discrepancy between what we tell ourselves about this country and what we see with our own eyes.”
Adding, “I want to implore every American who cares about our democracy not to just get angry or dejected. I want you to get active. We’ve got to change the way we think about our democracy. And we’ve got to change the way we participate in it. Not just every two or four years, but as a routine part of the way we all live.”

Maybe the Obamas should have hold Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media this before they pushed the Trump-Russia collusion stories.


Makes sense to me.  It all starts with the family and too many  American families are broken, overly stressed juggling more balls than they can handle.  The offspring suffers from lack of parental involvement so they turn to other distractions which are mostly negative.



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