Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dov And Me - A Comparison Yet, No Comparison. Oil Stocks and BBL Pricing Clean Coal Development? Soros Wins Again. What Z Might Try. More.

Not a happy camper. I don't own a cell phone so, when I get out of the shower, I will dry myself with an illusive towel so I don't catch pneumonia. me


Dov Fischer and I link in many ways and yet are also at the other end of the spectrum in terms of experiences.

He is Jewish as am I but he is Orthodox and I am Conservative and rarely attend services. He is devout in his belief there is a deity and I am agnostic but strongly believe a healthy society must embrace the concept of a higher authority beyond "mankind" He lost a daughter to a Palestinian assassin while she was visiting Israel, I hope those I cherish  never have such an experience. He was a Rabbi who then pursued a legal practice, became successful and retired so he could  freely express himself. I always felt free to express myself and that probably prolonged the period I had to work. Dov is far more articulate in writing and expressing himself than I could ever hope to be. We are both politically conservative, rely upon common sense to dictate our thoughts and thus, seem to agree on most all topics to date.

One thing should be evident. We both love writing, Dov being far more learned but maybe not in terms of the stock market.

In this memo, I discuss energy and utility stocks and the price of energy. Those more expert suggest the price of energy should rise from current levels to as high as 200/BBL.

I have mentioned, several times, I exposed myself to energy stocks shortly after they they peaked and this caused my performance several years of pain.  In the last year and a half my performance has been enhanced by owning energy stocks. When I began buying energy stocks they were around 20% of the S&P Index, bottomed around 5% and between the decline in technology and the rise in energy stocks the latter now must represent about 7% or slightly more of the S&P Index. I could find out but am too lazy to look..

So what is their future? There are so many pro's and con's but I will highlight the major ones and the connection to the utility sector. Six words/phrases immediately jump out: interest rates, recession, supply and demand, cost of capital, political stupidity and EV's.

If interest rates continue upward, as I suspect they will, it impacts just about everything from earning projections, to improved supply and cost of capital and a potential recession. In isolation this should put pressure on oil stock prices, possibly cause demand to decline as a recession becomes more likely.  Perhaps one has already begun. 

In this case the  Fed which was late in responding could be equally late in overstaying.

Recession:  Obviously this impacts employment and would reduce a certain % of demand. In a period when demand outstrips supply, stock price might not fall as much but it will impact earnings and also might deter efforts to increase supply because previous rises in interest rates would increase the cost of capital and reduced earnings reduces free cash flow.  

Supply and demand: Supply is not likely to increase a great deal because of the previous two words above and demand is likely to shrink modestly so the pressure on pricing should remain but may be by a slightly lower degree.  Two black swan events could alter everything and that is the Ukraine War and a possible confrontation between Israel and Iran.

As Europe returns to using coal and nuclear it is possible China will not be able to absorb all the excessive energy resources available from Russia so a bit more pressure may emerge on pricing. 

Cost of capital: Interest rate rises cause the cost of capital to rise .  A recession might lower demand and make capital more available.  An offset is that many energy companies, Chevron for example, have begun serious expenditures for alternate energy, siphoning off capital for oil and gas production.

Political Stupidity: We have enormous unexplored  oil and gas but a mixture of stupidity and timidity have forced Biden to flee.

If Republicans win overwhelmingly in House elections and actually retake The Senate, even though they may not have the votes to override a Biden veto, they might be able to force his hand.  A long shot but a possibility. If we are in a deep recession there still would be diminished demand but no compelling reason to lower prices further by increasing supply. American companies are reluctant to cut their financial throats. Furthermore, Biden likes to offload on Corporate America so that does not endear their executives to help bail him out of the misery his stupidity /incompetence has caused. 

EV's: This is the most interesting and illusive word. The price of EV's is substantially above the price at which most buyers can afford to purchase, ie. $35,000. Second, with inflation hitting them just for essentials that impedes their ability to buy EV's and even if they are less costly to operate for a variety of factors this reduced operational and repair cost is recaptured over years not weeks. 

Then we come to lithium battery constraints and here you have fire risks, excessive time to recharge, lack of distance/charge, cost of battery replacement. All of these are deterrents but could be solved by benefits rumored to be associated with the "Forever Battery."

A substantial rise in EV purchases would reduce the use of refined oil but the demand on utility companies would offset a great deal of the demand for oil. 

Specific to utility stocks, they are defensive for several reasons during a market under downward pressure.  First, energy demand and earnings are fairly stable, dividends are historically supportive and tend to inch upward and should increase profits from EV sales and thus, earnings be placed in their rate base calculations their earnings could explode. This perhaps, is why utility stocks have been going counter to stocks in general.

Conclusion:  There are more positive pressures for oil prices to rise and thus, the stocks continue to have a relatively bright future. I have yet to mention oil boards are prone to be generous to stockholders to make up for prior years of misery and dividend cuts. Thus, they are repurchasing stock with excess free cash ,while concurrently raising dividends from, already, competitive levels.

Devon Energy (DVN) is a good example. On top of a small fixed dividend they have added and begun paying a monster addition.

Buffett recently loaded up on Chevron and those  I speak with and/or read what they write continue to be positive on the sector.

Addendum:  Pipeline stocks should do well if Republicans win in the mid-term as psychology should improve.  Oil exploration companies like Schlumberger and Halliburton etc. should do better and have been.  Capital expenditures for repair and maintenance has suffered and must be made up even without more demand. Stocks in this sector are at historically low levels but dividends are nothing to write home about.


I have been waiting decades for some such news. The world is endowed with coal but the pollution issue has restrained usage. Coal has improved in terms of scrubbing etc. but now, if this is true, could be the breakthrough I and others have waited for. Hundred's of coal utility plants have been shuttered though China and India continue to build more.


1. An MIT spinout aims to use X-rays to melt rock and repurpose coal and gas plants into deep geothermal wells - effectively transforming dirty fossil-fuel plants into clean ones. The brain behind the concept is a research engineer in MIT's Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Paul Woskov. The engineer has spent the last 14 years developing a method that may bring an abandoned coal power plant back online, entirely carbon-free, within a decade. And his method, which is being commercialized by a company named Quaise Energy, could work on nearly every coal and gas power plant on our planet, according to a press release. Ultimately, the company intends to up the ante by vaporizing enough rock to create the world's deepest holes and capture geothermal energy on a scale large enough to meet human energy needs for millions of years. Imagine that. (Sources:,,


Why not tear up Abe's Gettysburgh Address as well?


The wrong people are asking the Wimps at this excuse for a college, about taking out the Lincoln Bust AND the Gettysburg Address --an original copy.  It should be the parents who want to know why their spending thousands to send their kids to a college run by idiots -- and the Alumni who should be changing their wills to take out any money they were sending to this excuse for a "institute of higher education"! 
 BIBI has a chance of re-election in what will remain a fractious Knesseth.  No way to govern when the stakes are so high.
Knesset dissolves, election date final
Election called for Nov. 1, Yair Lapid to become acting prime minister at the stroke of midnight.

Israel's Knesset dissolved itself on Thursday morning, paving the way for elections later this year.

The elections are expected to be held on November 1.

In the meantime, MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid), who until now has served as Foreign Minister and as Alternate Prime Minister, will take on the role of acting Prime Minister, starting at midnight on Thursday.

Immediately after the Knesset dissolved, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stood up and switched seats with Lapid. Bennett is expected to stay on as Alternate Prime Minister, so as to smooth the transition. Bennett announced Wednesday that he will not run in the upcoming elections.

A small ceremony will be held Thursday in the Prime Minister's Office. Media will not be present.

On Wednesday afternoon, the bill to dissolve the Knesset passed its first reading, paving the way for its second and third readings. However, issues soon arose, namely, that United Torah Judaism's MK Moshe Gafni submitted a lengthy list of objections to various parts of the law, and the Joint Arab List submitted a total of 12,000 objections, each of which would have to be discussed before the bill could go for its second and third votes.

The Arab party's goal, rather than changing parts of the bill, was to delay the vote so as to allow the Judea and Samaria regulations, which had not been extended, to expire. Later on Wednesday afternoon, it was announced that the Joint Arab List's objections had been disqualified.

On Thursday morning, the bill passed its third reading, with 92 voting in favor and 0 voting against the dissolution. The Labor party walked out of the vote, in protest of a different bill failing.

The Judea and Samaria regulations will now be automatically extended for another six months.

Poll: Netanyahu bloc achieves Knesset majority with Shaked's Yamina
New survey finds Yamina under Shaked would win 5 seats, which would give the Netanyahu bloc 63 seats if she joins it.

Ayelet Shaked

A new poll published by the Midgam institute for Channel 12 News Wednesday evening shows that if elections were held today, Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu would win the election to become prime minister again if the Yamina party under the leadership of Ayelet Shaked joined him.

According to the poll, the Yamina party under Shaked would win five seats. The Likud would be the largest party with 34 seats, while the Yesh Atid party would place second with 20 seats. The Blue and White party would win nine seats, as would the Religious Zionism party.

The Shas party would receive eight seats, while the United Torah Judaism party would win seven seats. The Joint Arab List would win six seats.

The Labor and Yisrael Beytenu parties would receive five seats each, while the Meretz, Ra'am, and New Hope parties would receive four seats each.

The poll takes on a new relevance following Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's announcement that he would not run in the upcoming elections, leaving Ayelet Shaked as the leader of the Yamina party.

Shaked is believed to be more open to sitting in a coaltiion led by Netanyahu than fellow Yamina Minister Matan Kahana, who may choose to run with another party such as the New Hope party instead.
It can be done. Our ship of state can be righted. beginning with this 4th of July.:
Dear Richard

The American economy is among the most powerful forces for good in the history of humankind. The nation’s economic engine has driven living standards to heights unimaginable at the nation’s founding almost 250 years ago. 

But America has been experiencing trends that are undermining freedom, diminishing the role of the individual at the core of society, and distorting the authority of political institutions.

The COVID-19 lockdown further exacerbated existing trends and undermined the American ethos. With each major shock, the constitutional, civic, and economic guardrails that have long benefited the country are being tested. 

In their latest volume, Reinvigorating Economic Governance, Hoover Institution fellows John Cogan and Kevin Warsh explain—with reason and vigor—the way out of this hole we’ve dug for ourselves. 
The title of this treatise belies its broad application. While it is addressing economic governance, this is a clear-eyed case for the return to America’s foundational principle of natural liberty.

I strongly encourage you to follow this link, download, and read this eBook: 

The authors propose that individuals, ideas, and institutions are the sine qua non of American prosperity. They outline the vital importance of, and point the way back to:

A renewed focus on liberating the individual
Encouraging the spread of new ideas
Ensuring institutions remain true to their intended purpose
This eBook is a breath of fresh air. It shows us how America can return to a country marked by abundance, governed by values of hard work and decency, and secure from foreign adversaries.

If you find it beneficial, please consider forwarding this to a friend or family member who needs their hope restored in the promise of America’s founding ideals.

You can get your copy here.

Thank you,
Greg Stamps | Online Development

Hoover Institution | Stanford University
Does Soros always get his wish? What does he use to wipe he blood off hish ands when he has breakfast?
Soros Prosecutor Freed Violent Offender Now Charged With Killing Homeless Woman
Josh Christenson

George Soros (L) and Chante Antonio Jones (R) / Getty Images and Fairfax County Police Department

A George Soros-backed prosecutor in Virginia released on probation a violent repeat offender who went on to kill an elderly homeless woman—the third case of its kind in the jurisdiction this year.

Fairfax County commonwealth's attorney Steve Descano (D.) in October charged Chante Antonio Jones with assault and battery before releasing him on recognizance, slapping him with just a $212 fine and one-year period of supervised probation. Police on Monday arrested Jones for beating 63-year-old Michelle Huntley to death at a bus stop where she had taken shelter.

The brutal killing last week is just the latest instance in which bail reform and lightened sentencing by so-called criminal justice reform prosecutors have brought deadly consequences. The Washington Free Beacon reported that Descano's office dropped felony charges against a man who was later charged with killing two homeless men in Washington, D.C., and New York City in March. Two months before, another gunman, whom Descano had pleaded out on misdemeanors in 2020, killed an 18-year-old at a bus stop.

"An innocent Virginian lost their life because of the criminal-first, victim-last mentality pushed by far-left prosecutors," Virginia attorney general Jason Miyares (R.) told the Free Beacon. "Continually giving repeat offenders light sentences and allowing them to quickly get back onto the street only encourages more crime and creates more victims."

Jones, who is also known as Siddiq Khashi Salam, is a repeat offender with more than a dozen charges in Fairfax County in the past three years, including larceny, public intoxication, and indecent exposure. Huntley, who was affectionately called "Mama" by residents, according to ABC 7, was found around midnight on June 17 with evidence of trauma to her upper body. First responders rushed her to the hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries days later. Police records show Jones's assault-and-battery charges stemmed from punching someone in the face months before on a block close to the Huntley killing.

Descano's office did not respond to a request for comment. Jones has been charged with aggravated malicious wounding for Huntley's death (a class-two felony carrying a minimum 20-year sentence), pending a medical examiner's report.

Through his Justice and Public Safety PAC, Soros dropped more than half-a-million dollars in 2019 to help elect Descano, along with other left-wing Virginia commonwealth's attorneys like Loudoun County's Buta Biberaj and Arlington County's Parisa Dehghani-Tafti. Each pushed out veteran prosecutors who had served decades in their counties, promising in their campaigns to reduce incarceration and oppose many felony convictions.

Homicides in Fairfax County are set to outpace their 2021 levels, with 12 so far compared with 10 by this point the year before. The rate last year jumped 40 percent from 2020. A full annual police report, however, has not been released by the county in 2022.

Descano's approach to criminal justice, which has enabled repeat offenders, is now fueling recall efforts in Northern Virginia.

"This abhorrent crime was totally preventable," Sean Kennedy, who is running one of the recall efforts, told the Free Beacon. "Virginians for Safe Communities is dedicated to seeing justice done and removing Steve Descano from office for violating his oath to uphold justice and protect the public. … Like Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, Steve Descano poses a clear and present danger to public safety in Fairfax County."

The recall effort has amassed more than half of the roughly required 30,000 signatures to trigger a special election to remove Descano from office, according to Kennedy.
Putting voters to sleep with "wokeness." These Democrats need hearing aids so they can hear their own stupidity
Democrats cater to the woke at their electoral peril
Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein

Progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the "Squad" are leading Democrats to a disaster in the fall midterm elections.Progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the "Squad" are leading Democrats to a disaster in the fall midterm elections. Photo by Nathan Howard/Getty Images

The Democratic Party’s embrace of socialist-leaning politicians — namely “The Squad” — has not only put it on track to lose control of Congress in November. It’s at risk of becoming a marginal party that only appeals to the far left in years to come.

Ezra Klein last year aptly urged Democrats to recognize that most voters “are not liberals, are not woke, and do not see the world in the way that the people who staff and donate to Democratic campaigns do” after he interviewed prescient political analyst David Shor.

National Democrats’ failure to heed this lesson during Joe Biden’s presidency — along with their unwillingness to discredit the far-left economic, social and cultural positions The Squad and others promote — is a drag on the party’s short- and long-term political prospects.

Indeed, The Squad’s core policy positions are wildly out of touch with the broader electorate’s priorities — and with the country’s present needs — which bodes poorly for Democrats’ chances of retaining their congressional majorities in November’s midterm elections.

Amid record-high inflation, fears of a recession, soaring gas prices, rising crime and an immigration crisis, Americans want leaders who support fiscal prudence, enhancing US energy independence, responsible law enforcement and strengthening immigration laws.

Yet The Squad continues to advocate redistributive economic policies that stifle growth, drive up the price of everyday goods and ultimately increase inflation. Their $6 trillion “Green New Deal” calls for massive taxation and spending, forcing the transition away from fossil fuels, dismantling police departments and implementing open-border policies — positions that are not only politically damaging to Democrats but also imprudent, given the challenges facing the country.

The Squad’s criminal-justice and law-enforcement policies are especially damaging — specifically, their support for eliminating cash bail, reducing law-enforcement budgets and not charging perpetrators of nonviolent misdemeanors even if repeat offenders, who are frequently career criminals who go on to commit more serious and often violent crimes.

Notably, in several primary and special elections this year, voters across the country — even in the most liberal cities — decisively rejected these sorts of policies.

The recall of San Francisco’s progressive district attorney, Chesa Boudin, marked the strongest rebuke of far-left crime and policing policies to date, underscoring the political threat Democrats face by being associated with “Defund the police” rhetoric.

And despite Biden’s best efforts to distance the party’s establishment wing from The Squad’s unpopular policing policies as crime rates rise across the country, it’s clear this association will haunt Democrats through November.

Besides rejecting progressive policing policies, American voters have consistently repudiated The Squad’s broader approach to politics, which relies on class-based political warfare, identity politics and disruption for disruption’s sake.

Earlier this year, voters recalled three left-wing San Francisco school-board members, feeling that the board was prioritizing political correctness at the expense of their children’s education. They thought the board pandered to leftist activists’ demands when it advanced a motion to rename buildings named after historical figures — such as Abraham Lincoln — instead of reopening schools.

This recall was evidence the “woke” politics the far left embraces is not only opposed by swing-voters but also by many Democratic constituents. If establishment Democrats continue to cater to this brand of politics, the party will consistently find itself out of step with most American voters and unable to build winning electoral coalitions.

Beyond politics, at a time democratic norms and values are under attack around the world and anti-Semitism is on the rise here at home, we cannot overlook the damaging effect of The Squad’s demonization of Israel and history of anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Squad members like Rep. Ilhan Omar repeatedly bash Israel.“Squad” members like Rep. Ilhan Omar repeatedly bash Israel.Lenin Nolly/ZUMA Press Wire

Democratic Squad members consistently single out Israel — the world’s only Jewish state and the only democracy in the Middle East — and label it an “apartheid state,” which is a patently false claim used as a rallying cry by extremists who seek Israel’s destruction.

In that same vein, Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib have pushed anti-Semitic conspiracies — by suggesting that Jews use their money to buy American support for Israel — and have compared America and Israel to the Taliban.

Now more than ever, Democrats need to reject these false claims and make clear that they stand with democracies around the world, from Ukraine to Israel, and against anti-Semitism.

National Democrats can no longer cater to The Squad and its brand of fringe politics while overlooking the larger political forces at play.

If the Democratic Party’s establishment wing continues to associate itself with The Squad — whose members exist on the fringes of the political spectrum and prioritize political correctness and “wokeness” over the real issues that matter to most Americans — the party will suffer electorally in 2022, 2024 and beyond.

Douglas Schoen is founder and partner in Schoen Cooperman Research, a polling and consulting firm, whose past clients include President Bill Clinton and former Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Andrew Stein is a former New York City Council president.
I had lunch Wed.,June 29, with a dear friend and fellow memo reader. He believes, before the Ukraine War ends, Z might just repay those who have reluctantly helped him and attack Russia with the weapons provided by the West out of desperation. 

Once again, for the want of a nail a nation was lost that might have been saved. Like Barbara Streisand's hit song: "Promises ,Promises" and Chamberlain, France and Germany are content to sacrifice the territory of others. With friends like that who needs enemies?

In New Poll, 89% of Ukrainians Reject Ceding Land to Reach Peace With Russia

Ukrainians back Zelensky’s position that peace talks can’t grant Russia land it has seized, WSJ-NORC poll finds

By Aaron Zitner 


On another topic, I learned from my dear departed brilliant friend, Hank Abraham, the Political Science professor at U.Va and recognized authority on the history of SCOTUS,  Chief Justice Roberts saw his role was to  maintain comity among the 8 Justices.  Though he might not have failed he also has not succeeded. This group will remain philosophically split and distant because they were chosen for their strong ideological beliefs/stances and would be deemed turncoats if they worked in unison for the good of the country.  The same with members of Congress. Re-election takes precedence over doing what is right by the nation.  This is a tragic state of affairs.  Can we bring back the days of Tip and Ron?


Did they ever think they could volunteer?


Secret Service wasn’t contacted by Jan. 6 committee before Hutchinson testimony

by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter 

The committee investigating the events surrounding the Capitol riot did not reach out to the Secret Service about some of the biggest allegations made by Cassidy Hutchinson about former President Donald Trump prior to her high-profile testimony on Tuesday, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.

The Washington Examiner has learned from an individual close to the Secret Service that it had not been contacted for its thoughts on the videotaped claims by the former aide to Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows before her public testimony, and a source close to the Secret Service said Tuesday was the first time the agency had heard the claims about Trump allegedly trying to grab the steering wheel in the presidential vehicle and lunging toward a Secret Service agent on Jan. 6.

Several people involved in the events of the day have reportedly disputed Hutchinson’s testimony before the House Jan. 6 committee, which is led by Democrats. Tuesday's hearing with Hutchinson was a surprise, announced just a day before. The committee previously said it would not hold any more hearings after last week's events until July.

Hutchinson claimed in the hearing that the story had been recounted to her on Jan. 6 by Anthony “Tony” Ornato, then the White House's deputy chief of staff for operations, as Robert “Bobby” Engel, then head of Trump's security detail, listened. She was not in the vehicle when the supposed altercation took place.

Anthony Guglielmi, the chief of communications for the U.S. Secret Service, told the Washington Examiner that there was “new information” alleged by Hutchinson in the hearing. Guglielmi asserted that “we are willing to make anyone in the Secret Service available to comment on the record” about the events in question, including the allegations of a physical altercation.


More display of Biden weakness.


Iran and the US resume indirect nuclear talks in Qatar

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani and U.S. special envoy for Iran Robert Malley are negotiating from separate rooms in a Doha hotel. / JNS)

Indirect nuclear talks between the United States and Iran resumed Tuesday in Doha, Qatar, Iranian state media reported.

Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani and U.S. special envoy for Iran Robert Malley are negotiating from separate rooms in a Doha hotel, reported Reuters. The talks aim to revive the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran, the U.S. and other world powers.

Kani met with European Union envoy Enrique Mora, who is shuttling between the two sides. Iran refuses to hold direct talks.

One Iranian and one European official told Reuters last week that Iran had dropped the demand to remove its Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) from the U.S. Foreign Terrorist Organization list. However, Iran still has two remaining demands, one involving sanctions.


Americans Don't Want to Serve in Biden's Woke Military

By Sarah Arnold


Henry Kissinger And Andrew Roberts: 'There Are Three Possible Outcomes To This War'
interview with Andrew Roberts via The Spectator
Bye Bye Ghislaine

British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced on Tuesday to 20 years in prison for her role in grooming minor teenage girls for financier Jeffrey Epstein.



Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Will Putin Push Himself Over The Cliff? my Simplistic Way Of Looking At Abortions. Dakota Johnson Not Deterred By Shades.



Will Putin push himself over the cliff?


Putin’s Troops Are Rejecting Orders As Invasion Falls Apart

( )- According to a statement from the British Ministry of Defense over the weekend, soldiers on both sides of the Ukraine conflict are having problems with morale. But Russian troops looked to be particularly disturbed.

The British MoD detailed how entire Russian troops were defying commands as the fighting became more vicious and bloody in an online intelligence bulletin.

The bulletin states that combat units from both sides are engaged in intensive action in the Donbas and are probably experiencing “variable morale.”

Ukrainian troops have probably lost some soldiers to desertion, while morale in Russia is likely to be still very low. There are still instances of whole Russian units defying orders, with soldiers and superiors engaging in armed stand-offs.

Despite the increasingly intense fighting, almost little has changed on the front line, according to British defense sources. Ukrainian and Russian troops have conducted significant artillery bombardments on axes to the north, east, and south of the city of Severodonetsk.

Severodonetsk, a city in eastern Ukraine that has seen some of the heaviest battles since the start of the crisis, is adjacent to a hamlet that Moscow said Russian soldiers had gained control of over the weekend.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Sunday that it had gained control of the village of Metyolkine, which had only 800 inhabitants before the fighting. Ukrainian fighters in the town have reportedly surrendered to the Russians, according to the Russian TASS state news agency. This gives Russia yet another victory in the area and brings them one step closer to achieving the Kremlin’s objective of “liberating” the separatist regions in the east.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson underlined his government’s commitment to Ukraine after returning to the UK during his most recent trip to Kyiv. Johnson predicted that the British government would back Ukraine financially and with military hardware for a very long time.

As he arrived at RAF Brize Norton in England, Johnson told reporters that when Ukraine fatigue is setting in, it is imperative to convey that we are with them for the long haul. We are giving them the strategic resilience that they need.

“The Russians are making inch-by-inch progress, and it is crucial for us to demonstrate what we already know. Ukraine can win and will win,” said Johnson.

The remarks came during an unexpected trip to Ukraine, the third since the invasion started on February 24.


I have a simplistic way of looking at abortion and it satisfies the legal conundrum a former SCOTUS created through legislation in order to satisfy the radical wing of the Democrat Party that could not have their cake through legislation. 

It goes as follows:

If you invite someone to your home you have an obligation regarding their safety and overall welfare. If they happen to be an underage kid you are responsible they not drink, take drugs leave your home under the influence of some dangerous substance 

When a woman becomes pregnant she assumes a responsibility.  Her doctor will tell her to cut out alcohol, not take drugs, stop smoking, only gain a certain amount of weight and eat a prescribed healthy diet, get plenty of rest etc,  

Mothers have assumed a moral obligation, whether they realize it or not. The child, they carry, at this point in terms of the law, has no legal rights to sue if the mother ignores the doctor's advice and the baby, is born and has health issues related to the mother's actions.

Medical science, however, has not only allowed us to learn more about the fetus' development but neonatology has vastly improved the ability of that fetus to be born prematurely yet, live a normal life.

At that point, in my eyes, the mother has a greater moral responsibility because that future child has a right to live and be able to pursue happiness which takes precedence over the mother except in the case of a threat to the mother's health and life. Here I find an exception of a known versus and unknown.

If the mother chooses to abort, I believe that is more in the realm of an assassination.  At this point the Constitution, if interpreted in a stricter manner, leaves the decision to applicable state laws and thus ,the current Justices made the correct decision.

What I also find disgusting are the physical and abusive attacks on the Justices and efforts to disrupt and threaten their lives and that of their families.  It becomes more cynical and hypocritical because it is being allowed by this current AG at the time a lynch mob of rabid Democrats and two pitiful Rino's seek to lynch a former president so he will be unable to run for office again.  The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to  amaze me. Like petulant children in a candy store liberals cannot handle rejection or a decision that says you cannot have your way.

No will I stop there because there is a law which the mobs are breaking and which the AG is knowingly choosing not to enforce and thus, sets a terrible precedent. This is the same AG who might have become a Justice.

Many earlier rulings have been overturned, ie. Dred Scott etc.  Justices are under no obligation to let stand bad law, unconstitutional law etc.


Dakota Johnson sees things in black and white when it comes to Cancel Culture though she starred in: " Fifty Shades of Grey!"




Dakota Johnson, a third-generation Hollywood star, has come out to slam cancel culture as "horrifying" and said you just cannot cancel "a human being" like they are "an appointment."

As part of an in-depth interview with Vanity Fair, the young actress, aged 32, talked about her personal experiences with growing up in Hollywood as the daughter of actor Don Johnson and actress Melanie Griffith and the granddaughter of actress Tippi Hedren child star Peter Griffith, stated the periodical in a recent segment that was officially published this past Tuesday

"My life is incredibly lucky and privileged, and the life I led growing up was remarkable—the places I went and how we lived and what we were able to experience," stated the superstar in the interview. "But we also struggled with internal family dynamics and situations and events that are so traumatic."

Johnson spoke out about spending her entire childhood on the road between places such as Paris and San Francisco before she continued on to talk about what she labeled as the "heartbreaking" concept these days of "cancel culture."

"What I struggle with in terms of cancel culture is the term cancel culture—the whole concept behind canceling a human being, like they’re an appointment," Dakota explained. "No person will not make mistakes in their life."

"The point of being alive is figuring it out," she stated. "Hurting other people, harming other people is not okay. There are consequences for those actions."

"But the concept of the Twitterverse deciding if someone just all of a sudden doesn’t exist anymore is horrifying, heartbreaking, and wrong," the actress went on. "I do think that it will pass. I believe that people want to live in a better world, ultimately. Also, Twitter makes up like, what, 12 percent of the world? I mean, some of these people can’t even spell."

In one section of the interview, she started to speak up about the "psychotic" filming process she went through for the trilogy "Fifty-Shades Of Grey," which made her a well-known name.

She then went into detail, explaining that E.L. James, the author of the book series that goes by Erika, has "a lot of creative control, all day, every day, and she just demanded that certain things happen" and that she "signed up to do a very different version of the film we ended up making."

When questioned about if Dakota regretted starring in the films, she stated no.

"No. I don’t think it’s a matter of regret. If I had known…" stated Johnson while slowing letting her voice trial off. "If I had known at the time that’s what it was going to be like, I don’t think anyone would’ve done it. It would’ve been like, ‘Oh, this is psychotic.’ But no, I don’t regret it."


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Things Worth Repeating. An Et Tu Brute Moment? Is Lynn Right? I See You. Destroyed From Within - Pearl Harbor Two? Whitey Snookered?

Somethings are worth repeating. This is one of the most honest and straight forward op ed's about a very contentious subject. 

When government rushes in before it can succeed at what it commits to do it simply undercuts faith in government and verifies all the bad jokes and lack of faith citizens have.

As I noted previously, Biden was driven to accomplish his clean environment goal for political reasons and to pacify a radical element in his party. He was premature and thus, fell on his ass. 

Consequently he also caused the inflation battle we are currently experiencing and everything went down hill from there.
As I have said time and again liberal's are arrogant enough to believe if they say it, it must be so.

Well most of the time it ain't

 Erie half built Pa. solar farm shows renewables aren’t ready for prime time

By Salena Zito

PORTAGE, Pa. — The pitch to the people of Cambria County when the Maple Hill Solar Farm was first announced two years ago was that the $200 million project would create 150 megawatts of electricity while eliminating 150,000 tons of carbon emissions that fossil fuel plants would have emitted — and that it would employ 250 workers at peak construction.

Even the Appalachian region’s reputation for cloudy weather was going to be overcome by technological advances that made the solar panels more efficient.

In short, the promise of the Green New Deal had come to coal country. In fact, the solar panel farm was to be constructed on an old coalmine strip.

With the exception of the reliably cloudy weather, though, none of it has lived up to its promise — to the frustration of the owners of the solar farm, climate change activists and the men and women who looked forward to new jobs to replace the ones lost in coal.

Climb to the top of the mountain where the solar farm is and you see thousands of racking systems spread across hundreds of acres that hold solar modules — but no panels.

The scene is jarring. The question is: Why?

The answer is Joe Biden  — or at least that was the answer until a week ago, when Mr. Biden finally waived the tariffs on solar panels from Southeast Asia he had enacted after Auxin Solar filed an inquiry into whether China was circumventing tariffs.

The delay caused by the ensuing Commerce Department investigation has stalled solar farms like this one for months — others permanently — and threatened the climate change goals Mr. Biden laid out at his inauguration.

“The tariffs derailed renewable projects across the country,” said Tom Rumsey, senior vice president of Competitive Power Ventures, the developer behind Maple Hill. “Lifting the tariffs has helped, but here at this solar panel farm, we’re expecting it to go commercial second quarter next year.”

The uncertainty of the tariffs caused over 315 projects to be cancelled or delayed, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association, the industry’s top trade organization.

On the same day Mr. Biden lifted the tariffs, he also announced he was going to use wartime powers granted under the Defense Production Act to ramp up solar equipment production to speed up American-made clean energy manufacturing.

That’s the other rub: We don’t make solar panels in this country.

“The capability to manufacture the amount that you’re going to need, well that’s going to take probably over a decade,” explained Mr. Rumsey.

“And it’s not just build them — then where are you going to get the raw materials needed that go into them? That’s the part no one talks about. Yes, you can assemble them in the United States. You’re still going back to China, to the mines that everybody hates,” he said.

Solar energy requires rare earth minerals, and China holds most of them, primarily in Xinjiang, where manufacturing is tainted by the use of forced labor.

The problem here is the problem everywhere with renewable energy: It’s just not ready for prime time — at least not ready enough to produce the energy needed to keep this country humming.

Energy has become just another polarized “us versus them” issue, with climate activists treating it with religious fervor. Statements like “the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change,” by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., make it extraordinarily difficult to have a pragmatic discussion about how to balance an “all of the above” solution to energy.

The other less visible problem at this facility is wages. Shawn Steffee, the business agent for the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 154, said the jobs available for this solar farm are a slap in the face — and won’t help the power plant workers who lost their jobs. “We were told these jobs were going to be family-sustaining jobs. Well, $16 an hour is not a family-sustaining wage,” Mr. Steffee said, shaking his head. “I honestly don’t know anyone who has gotten a green energy job.”

Mr. Rumsey said you’ll never hear his company talk green jobs: “That’s a political statement. We never say ‘green jobs.’ Why? Because it takes a day and a half to put up a wind turbine and once you construct the solar projects — and there are construction jobs there, for sure — but once they’re constructed, that’s it. There’s no operating jobs. There’s nothing,” he said honestly.

Mr. Rumsey, who has spent years in the energy industry, said ten years ago he was telling Republicans that they needed to be adaptable on climate change — and eventually, he said, they were. Today he is having the same conversation with Democrats, who want full renewable use to have started yesterday.

“There is no technology right now that you can simply call that can come up quickly if you have a bunch of wind or solar cut out, or go away — because like nuclear, you start it and you’re running,” he said.

Steady supply is an issue, Mr. Rumsey said of the renewable industry: “Battery storage just doesn’t have the capacity duration. There is no technology that can do it, other than natural gas. Our struggle is trying to break through the mindset that any new natural gas is just more dependence on fossil fuel.”

The hard truth is that renewables aren’t ready to play the role in the national energy mix that activists and politicians claim. But instead of acknowledging that an all-of-the-above approach keeps our electricity going while reducing our carbon emissions, the Biden administration remains beholden to a Democratic base resistant to compromise.

The worst part isn’t just the wind whistling among the thousands of empty racks that make up Maple Hill or the temporary, low-paying jobs to install the panels: It’s the blackouts that, according to the Washington Post, could hit much of the country this summer.

Many of the coal fired power plants that for decades lit our homes and kept us cool in the summer have gone offline, having been driven out of existence. But the country doesn’t have reliable renewable energy infrastructure to replace it.

And if that wasn’t enough, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission predicts electricity prices will rise as much as 233% over last summer’s prices, which will go nicely with the prices Americans are paying at pump.

Maple Hill is a symbol of both promise and overreach. Eventually, it will be productive. But without clear minds to manage the energy mix, the financial pain and inconvenience Americans are experiencing will only continue, or get worse.


Did I/we get played?  lynn never believed anything would come of it and sad: "so what who cares etc."

If this truly is so and turns out to be a side show it will be tragic because, speaking only for myself, it will be an et tu Brute moment for me.


Durham Played You For A Fool!

John Durham and Bill Barr finally ran out of the clock on Spygate. Why are you surprised?

By Emerald Robinson

It’s the summer of 2022 — and where are all those Durham indictments you were promised? And where's that much-discussed Durham report? Do you know that you’ve been played for a fool yet — or are you still watching Fox News? Maybe you need another year to figure out the entire game. Maybe you still believe Bill Barr! Didn’t that legendary windbag tell us that the wheels of justice grind very slow but justice is coming?

Let’s turn back the clock two years — in case you forgot what AG Bagpipes promised the American public.

Twitter avatar for @newsmaxNewsmax @newsmax

"The attorney general is saying that Americans will recognize some names under investigation as a part of US attorney John Durham’s ongoing investigation. But the attorney general is saying those names won’t include Obama or Biden." @EmeraldRobinson reports.

June 10th 2020

Indictments are coming!

People will know the names of these people!

Criminal prosecutions! Not just a report!

Notice that (then) AG Bill Barr promises justice for the Russia Hoax while at the very same time excluding Obama and Biden as subjects of the Durham investigation.

That’s the moment that you should have known: the fix is in.

The entire “tick tock” narrative that followed was brought to you (mostly) by Fox News and Bill Barr.

People ask me all the time how I knew — all the way back in the early months of 2020 — that the Durham investigation was a sham. (What do I mean by a sham —you ask? I mean a counterfeit of real justice — a ploy — a ruse to mislead the public.) It wasn’t because I had sources at the FBI or the DOJ. I correctly predicted the Durham investigation was a joke because the Huber investigation was a joke, and because the Hillary Clinton email investigation was a joke, and because the Huma Abedin laptop investigation was a joke, and because the Jeffrey Epstein investigation was a joke….

You get the idea.

I correctly predicted that the federal government doesn’t really investigate itself in order to successfully prosecute Democrats. Call it Emerald’s Law.

DURHAM INVESTIGATION: There hasn’t been a lot of movement but reports are saying there were will most likely not be any indictment before the election. Newsmax TV’s @EmeraldRobinson shares more details.

September 28th 2020

The people who disagreed with me (publicly at the time) all worked at Fox News, or appeared on Fox News, or were guests on Fox News — and these people were all in the business of misleading their audience because the GOP establishment wanted its voters to be fooled. Bill Barr didn’t really want to arrest or prosecute Democrats — and certainly not in 2020. After all, the GOP establishment was busy collaborating with Democrats in 2020 to steal the November election from President Trump — or don’t you remember?

In other words: the Durham investigation was simply the clean-up phase of Spygate disguised as an investigation of Spygate. This was perfectly obvious at the time — and it remains obvious today. It doesn’t take two years for the DOJ to prosecute its targets. You know that — right? Just ask Roger Stone. When the DOJ really wants to prosecute you, it’s easy to tell because two dozen special agents in SWAT gear appear at your door in a pre-dawn raid with a CNN camera crew already stationed across the street.

And that’s just for the crime of “lying to Congress.”

Did you really think that John Durham need two years to bring serious indictments against the Spygate plotters? Did you really fail to notice that his low-level indictments came just as the statue of limitations expired? Or that Durham brought minimal charges that were always going to bring minimal sentences?

That’s because John Durham was the cleaner.

Don't tell me that you actually believed that one guy at the DOJ was going to investigate how the DOJ and the FBI and the CIA were trying to sabotage President Trump all by himself? All the majors players in Spygate walked away while Durham sent you on a wild goose chase hunting for commas in charging documents — and that wild goose chase was so successful in conservative media that you’re still talking about two low-level guys getting charged with process crimes four years after Durham supposedly started his investigation.

Durham kept you high on the hopium for four years. That was his real job. He actually made you think that Spygate plotters were going to be prosecuted during the Biden Administration — or the Third Obama Administration as it should properly be called. It’s almost as if you somehow forgot that Obama and Biden were the ones who met on January 5th, 2017 to conceal the Obama Administration’s illegal spying on the Trump campaign (since Trump was now President-Elect) and to formally launch the Russia Hoax.

So the joke is on you.

As I said on Twitter at the time: “At the current rate of speed that Durham’s investigation moves, we can expect the guilty to be prosecuted sometime during the second Hunter Biden administration.”

One of the giant red flags about the Durham investigation from the very beginning was that he allowed Democrat super-attorney (and 2016 Hillary Clinton general counsel) Marc Elias to run around for years interfering in our elections. Durham even allowed the Democrats’ “dirty-ops-org-disguised-as-a-law-firm” Perkins-Coie to separate itself legally from Elias just three weeks before he charged their employee Michael Sussmann! Elias was so certain that Durham was a nothing-burger that he even took over the Black Lives Matter corporate franchise while Durham was still investigating!

How’s that for justice?

You should also notice by now that Democrats never have to play stupid games like “tick tock trust the plan” because they’re too busy actually fabricating evidence, planting false media stories, and falsely prosecuting Trump officials like General Flynn, George Papadopoulos, and Paul Manafort.

They’re too busy getting simpletons like (then) AG Jeff Sessions to recuse himself in order to bring down the Trump Administration.

In fact, the Spygate plotters (Obama, Biden, Rice) are currently in control of the White House — in case you hadn’t noticed. How’s that for getting away with it? Sure, Durham made a valiant attempt to transfer the blame for the whole scandal onto Hillary Clinton and her campaign aides — but Hillary Clinton wasn’t meeting with James Comey about the Russia Hoax in the White House and texting Peter Strozk and Lisa Page was she?

Durham even tried to get the American public to believe that the FBI and the CIA had somehow been fooled by Hillary Clinton into investigating Trump. That’s right: the FBI and the CIA claimed to be innocent rubes who were deliberately led astray by Lady Macbeth. Spygate was reduced to something about the Alfa Bank, and whether Michael Sussmann told the FBI that he represented a client when he dropped off “information” on thumb drives at Langley seemingly three days a week in 2017.

The Sussmann media coverage was absurd from the start — but every conservative media outlet on Earth ran these stupidities with a straight face in 2022. There were moments during the trial of Michael Sussmann when it was easy to believe that Sussmann’s case had more to do with Perkins Coie billing the Clinton campaign for two thumb drives — rather than, you know, participating in a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the sitting President.

That’s what happens when you reduce a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the sitting President into a single charge of lying to the FBI. The elephant in the room transforms into a fly, and then the fly gets swatted.

Durham’s job was to run out the clock during the Trump Administration — he was there to protect Obama and Biden and the national security state from any accountability. Think about it. Why did you trust Durham at all? You trusted John Durham because you were told to trust him by Bill Barr — and the same people who told you to trust Barr were the ones who told you to trust Rod Rosenstein. Before that, you were told that Matt Whitaker was riding to the rescue. Do you even remember being told to trust John Huber? And who can forget trusting Jeff Sessions?

Do you see where this is going?

Let’s ask a different question: why do you need to trust anybody? The Left burns down entire cities in coordinated riots to achieve its political objectives. The Left tries to assassinate a conservative Supreme Court justice to stop anti-abortion legislation right after forcing a liberal Supreme Court justice into retirement in order to install an even more left-wing justice. The Left, in other words, trusts nobody because it only cares about results.

Meanwhile, you were told: sit back and watch the show.

You were told: trust the plan.

The question is: why were you dumb enough to believe Durham in the first place?


Caroline Glick: This is why the Bennett-Lapid gov’t really fell
“Mideast News Hour” with Caroline Glick and guest Dr. Gadi Taub


Israel's AI-powered system that can 'SEE' through walls: Algorithm tracks live objects inside a building to determine if they are adults, children or animals to better prepare soldiers before they attack

Camero-Tech's Xaver 1000 uses algorithms to track targets behind an obstacle

It can determine if a person is sitting, standing or lying down 

The system also tells users if they are adults, children or animals

The system is being used by the Israeli military 


The Israeli military is using AI-powered detection system that lets soldiers see through walls before attacking.

Designed in part with Camero-Tech, Xaver 1000 uses algorithms to track targets behind an obstacle, which are then displayed on a screen fitted in the center of the device.

Xaver 1000, which users place directly on the wall, produces such high resolution displays that users can determine if a person is sitting, standing or lying down.

The system is also capable of providing measurements of targets and determining if the image is of an adult, child or animal, allowing soldiers or police officers to know what they are up against on the other side of the wall.

Designed in part with Camero-Tech, Xaver 1000 uses algorithms to track targets behind an obstacle, which are then displayed on a screen fitted in the center of the device

The device is designed like a diamond with four flaps that open outward.

A single user can operate it, which is done by placing it flat up against a wall.

There is a 10.1-inch display at the center with a navigational system that allows the user to search around a room to see what may be hiding inside.

Camero-Tech claims the new XAVER-1000 is an 'essential system' for militaries, law enforcement officers, intelligence units, and search and rescue teams.

Another technology that's able to see through walls made its debut in December 2020, but this innovation is a satellite orbiting Earth.

The system is also capable of providing measurements of targets and determine if the image is of an adult, child or animal, allowing soldiers or police officers to know what they are up against on the other side of the wall

Called Capella-2, it can create high resolution images of nearly any place on our planet using radar – and is powerful enough to penetrate the walls of buildings.

Capella-2, designed by Capella Space, uses Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), which can view the Earth regardless of air visibility, cloud covering or time of day - and is the same technology NASA has used since the 1970s.

SAR shoots powerful radio signals to 'illuminate' a point of interest, and collects data on the echo of each pulse that bounces back, interpreting them to create a detailed image.

'Ghost' images that appear to show the inside of structures is due to the satellite beaming down its own signal, and not just collecting light, which sometimes allows it to penetrate structures.

The satellite is capable of 50cm x 50cm resolution imaging with its latest update called Spotlight mode that allows for long exposures up to 60 seconds over an area of interest (AOI), which results in 'crystal clear' imagery.

Capella is currently testing a single device, but has obtained contracts with government agencies, including the National Reconnaissance Office and the US Air Force.

But Capella insists that the technology can't be used to spy on people in their homes, and although the radar waves can penetrate walls, they say they cannot image anything inside.

The company explains: 'The technology uses radio waves, which are capable of traveling through walls (like cell phones and Wi-Fi).

'But, as we know, even cell phone and Wi-Fi signals weaken as they move further away from a cellular tower or a Wi-Fi access point. Radar signals are the same: They can travel through walls, but are far too weak to image or see anything indoors.'

An image of Chiyoda City skyscrapers in Tokyo appears to make the towers see-through, with streets visible on the other side.

However, the firm says the layover effect is caused by 'imagery distortion giving the buildings a ghost-like appearance.'

It continues: 'What appears as a black and white optical satellite image is in reality a visual representation of the radar data — the reflectance of radio waves against the Earth's surface and manmade objects.'

Capella says their innovation is a way to help people around the world utilize space to improve their businesses and lives by monitoring everything from climate to crop fields and infrastructure.


                                                                 Bless his heart


Comments from friends and fellow memo readers:
Yep, we may have the dumbest president in history--of the world, and presidents of other countries know it. The question is, can we win more votes than the Left can steal? RF
I believe, even though I do not spend much time analyzing the polls, that Biden's ratings cratering is b/c even persons with low/average
intelligence can see how weak he is in how he acts & speaks.  People want a strong, forceful, resolute, decisive President, and he is not it.  BR
What gives?

Biden sneaking amnesty through for a million illegal border-crossers

Who says crime doesn't pay?

When you can cross the border illegally, and not only be allowed to stay here, collect big benefits, and actually be allowed to apply for citizenship as a reward for your lawbreaking, why wouldn't you come without papers instead of come the legal way? You'd be a fool not to. Applying legally and waiting years for entry at great personal expense with no adjacent benefits is a fool's errand, given the Biden administration's current policies.

That's the shocking reality revealed in a report from the Washington Examiner showing that the Biden administration is now .... ever so quietly ... dropping charges against tens of thousands of unvetted illegal border crossers and visa overstayers, leaving them with clean records and incredibly, the "right" to apply for green cards and U.S. citizenship. If the current pace of that continues, at least a million are going to be effectively amnestied by 2024, the Examiner reports. 

Federal prosecutors are quietly dismissing stacks of cases against illegal immigrants [sic] under a Biden administration mandate that could be on pace to effectively pardon 1 million people by 2024, according to leaked information reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Attorneys for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have begun to throw out tens of thousands of the 2 million backlogged cases in immigration court following a political appointee's order not to go after illegal border crossers from before the November 2020 election.

"This is a de facto amnesty," said an ICE federal prosecutor who spoke with the Washington Examiner on the condition of anonymity.

Nothig like a little queue-jumping to get the job done.

Jason Hopkins, who serves as investigations manager at the Immigration Reform Law Institute, who first warned about that memo, has been keeping an eye on this policy and its Biden administration perpetrator who's the top lawyer at ICE.

Back in April, Hopkins wrote this piece for AT, summing up Doyle this way:

To further understand how unserious this administration is about enforcing immigration law, it's imperative to look at the author of this memo: Kerry Doyle.  Appointed in September 2021, Doyle serves as the principal legal adviser of ICE, making her the agency's top prosecutor in all removal proceedings.  Before her appointment, Doyle worked for years as an immigration attorney in the Boston area.

Doyle adamantly opposed ICE enforcement actions and doggedly supported sanctuary city measures during her career as an immigration attorney.  As recently as 2020, she spoke in favor of a Massachusetts bill, the "Safe Communities Act," that would have applied sanctuary city policies statewide and claimed that ICE was an "agency that is currently out of control."

Further investigation by my organization, the Immigration Reform Law Institute, found other incendiary remarks by Doyle.

Speaking before the Boston City Council in September 2019, Doyle accused ICE of being "a tool of almost terror to the immigrant [sic] community" and wanted the Boston Police Department (BPD) to believe as much.  In that same testimony, she adamantly opposed the idea of the BPD sharing intelligence information with federal immigration officials. 

Now she's at ICE and doing the full Chesa Boudin thing, which is shirking her actual job duties and collecting a big paycheck. According to the Examiner, it's bad — the numbers are big:

Doyle's mandate to close out cases took effect on April 25. An indicator of how quickly ICE has moved is the number of cases wiped out in those two months. Between 60,000 and 80,000 cases have been closed, according to the ICE attorney. The total case closures since the start of fiscal year 2022 last October is more than 97,000, according to data from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a research organization at Syracuse University in New York. Case closures eight months into 2022 are already up fourfold from all of 2021, another sign of how quickly ICE prosecutors are moving to clear the books.

If the agency's 1,200 prosecutors keep the current pace of 60,000-80,000 case closures every two months, ICE could hit 360,000 to 480,000 closed cases by next April and 1 million by early summer 2024, months before the presidential election.

That kind of underperformance in any job would be a firing offense, but not at Joe Biden's ICE, because Joe wants it that way.

The biggest outrage is that the illegals who have had their cases dropped are now completely free to apply for permanent residency and U.S. citizenship, well ahead of the vetted (legal) immigrants still waiting in line to enter the states:

The tens of thousands of noncitizens who have been cleared from the immigration court dockets over the past eight weeks may now apply to become permanent legal residents, the prerequisite to becoming a U.S. citizen. An illegal border crosser is barred from applying for legal permanent residency as long as his or her case is pending in court. With no case pending, they may apply. Once approved, they may apply for adjustment of status to citizenship after five years.

"All those removable aliens will be able to live and work in the United States indefinitely — which, in this context, means forever or at least until they themselves decide to leave. That is the definition of an amnesty," Arthur wrote.

Legal permanent residents no longer have to extend their temporary work permits — they have permanent approval to work in the country. Once citizens, they are afforded the same ability to apply for any federal, state, or local benefits and assistance.

Which rather brings to full circle the Republican charge that Biden is importing Democrat voters as he casts the border wide open. The Doyle memo purportedly only covers illegals who came to the states before November 2020. Does anyone believe that that won't be extended to those who came after 2020? The illegals, who are now surging in in record numbers from more than 100 countries, are reading it that way. And with Joe Biden on track to at least attempt to steal the midterms and perhaps the 2024 election to ensure a permanent blue nation, why wouldn't they be right? Why wouldn't this amnesty go on and on and on, extending every few years? With illegals now big consumers of government benefits, and Biden turning every benefit-doling government agency into a voter registration station, why wouldn't that be all about creating new Democrat voters?

Illegals already serve to pad Democrat congressional seats in dead districts where few are entitled to vote — and the million that have been allowed in amount to a full three congressional seats if they all move the same place. Now that they are being put on the fast track to citizenship, they become even more valuable to Democrats, who have only socialism and wokesterism to sell to the rest of the voters, as newly minted voters. 

Increasingly, it's getting clear what this let-them-all-in Biden immigration policy is about. First thing a Republican-led Congress must do is force these characters into fulfilling their oaths of office to uphold the law is to demand the end to these policies or else impeach these scofflaws out of their jobs. One can only hope that Republicans will be motivated by some decent survival instinct amid this legal travesty.


Biden keep experiencing one disappointment after the other:


Reality Bites Biden

by Jonathan Schanzer, Washington Examiner

For a president who sought to walk away from the Middle East, focus American foreign policy toward its traditional alliances, and end America's oil dependency, Joe Biden's policy of treating the Saudis like a "pariah" never made much sense. His forthcoming visit to the desert kingdom is an acknowledgment of that.

The public has simply had it with the Middle East after watching successive governments fail to transform the region over two decades through hot wars, drone wars, and wars for hearts and minds. College students are too young to remember 9/11. Older Americans remember but now resent the blood and treasure squandered for little to no gain. The war on terrorism is over (or perhaps it's on hold until the next major attack). For better or worse, gone are the days of exporting traditional American values abroad. Americans are more interested in yelling at each other about vaccines, masks, and other facets of the culture war.

Along with redeployments, pivoting from the Middle East meant that America was giving up on trying to engineer regime changes. Yet this was exactly what Biden seemed to want. After the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 at the hands of a Saudi hit squad in Turkey, the president and his party wanted to punish Riyadh. Saudi human rights abuses at home, including the imprisonment of regime detractors, further angered Democrats (and Republicans in smaller numbers). A poorly prosecuted war in Yemen that killed far too many civilians only made things worse. The primary target was the crown prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, known more commonly as MBS — the country's de facto ruler and the king's designated successor whose ascent, some Democrats reasoned, could theoretically still be derailed before it becomes de jure.

Ironically, even as the crown prince fought off these heavyweight detractors, he pushed his backward country into the 21st century. The dreaded mutawa (religious police) are now nowhere to be seen. Radical clerics are losing influence. Women are driving and can travel without permission from male custodians. In other words, some of the reforms that America tried to encourage over the past two decades are now occurring without intense engagement from Washington, and at a time when Saudi-U.S. relations have been the most strained.

The crown prince, like a cornered boxer, played "rope-a-dope" while his American detractors exhausted themselves. There was no knockout blow. The fight ended when it was overtaken by other events. Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine in February thrust the world into an energy crisis. America, in an effort to calibrate its sanctions against the Kremlin while keeping energy flowing, now needs alignment with the government that sits atop the world's largest proven oil reserves. Saudi Arabia can also sway the oil cartel OPEC to increase production.

Of course, America can produce its own fossil fuels. A few short years ago, this country was virtually energy independent. For purported environmental reasons, however, this president eschews domestic energy production. So long as that is true, Biden needs to rely on the foreign policy formula that has guided the U.S.-Saudi relationship for the better part of a century: a reliable supply of Saudi oil in exchange for American security and diplomatic backing.

In other words, after two years of unforced errors, the president has submitted to the superiority of the status quo. His forthcoming visit to Saudi Arabia next month is an acknowledgment of that fact.

But Biden's visit has an interesting wrinkle. He'll be flying to Saudi Arabia directly from Israel. The itinerary of his trip alone suggests extraordinary diplomatic opportunities, a chance to not merely embrace the success of Sunni-Israel cooperation but build on it.

The Saudis and Israelis have quietly grown closer over the last decade, due in large part to the mutual disdain for American-led nuclear diplomacy with their shared enemy, the Islamic Republic of Iran. This disdain was a basis for the normalization agreements of 2020 brokered by the Trump administration between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.

Saudi Arabia was rumored to be next in line if Trump won a second term. Remarkably, however, when Biden took office, he disavowed the momentum of his predecessor, despite the significant diplomatic achievements that suddenly appeared possible. Partisan politics was clearly at play. The State Department spokesman for a time would not even utter the words "Abraham Accords."

But there was more to Biden's ambivalence. He understood that America's dangerous diplomacy with the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism contributed significantly to the budding Saudi-Israeli alliance. He was vice president when the wrong-headed nuclear bargaining with Iran began under Barack Obama, and he continues to support a policy of enriching the clerical regime in exchange for fleeting nuclear concessions. This further strained ties with Riyadh, and to a lesser extent Israel.

Recently, however, the landscape has started to shift. The obstinance of Tehran has ground the recent nuclear talks to a halt. The U.S. team, despite embarrassing attempts to appease the regime, has seemingly run out of concessions, while the Iranian team refuses to budge. The White House is slowly adjusting to a new realization, namely that the regime in Iran may not want to join the community of responsible nations, as Obama and Biden naively believed.

Meanwhile, the Saudis and Israelis recently engaged in a diplomatic agreement that signaled mutual recognition. Egypt sought to hand control of two Red Sea islands — Tiran and Sanafir — to Saudi Arabia. However, the islands were subject to the 1979 peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. In order for Egypt to complete the transfer, Israel was required to bless the deal. It did.

Suddenly, Biden was poised to take Saudi-Israeli normalization to the next level. He simply needed to embrace the policy of normalization that his predecessor had harnessed.

With the announcement of his Middle East trip next month, Biden made his pivot. But now, new complications loom. The Israeli political system is convulsing in the wake of a collapsed governing coalition. Elections are slated for October.

It's unclear whether Biden will seek to advance normalization with a caretaker government. On the one hand, any steps in this direction will unquestionably be respected and implemented by future Israeli governments. On the other hand, major diplomatic initiatives like this are rarely taken with caretaker governments, owing to America's stated policy of staying out of others' electoral politics. A U.S.-brokered agreement would likely provide a boost to the tandem leadership of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid as they fend off a challenge from former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Whether Biden waits until the autumn or forges ahead now for a rare foreign policy win remains to be seen. Ironically, it may all hinge on decisions made by the royal court in Riyadh. Regardless of the outcome, the president's forthcoming Middle East visit is a course correction that was long overdue.


Turkey Supports Hamas, Which Means an Alliance With Israel Isn't Going To Happen

by Jonathan Schanzer

Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak's excellent essay of June 7 asks three vital questions. First, can Israel and Turkey restore their alliance? Second, how do recent world events affect this effort? Lastly, is reconciliation desirable?

Let's work backwards. There is no doubt that reconciliation with Turkey is desirable, at least from Israel's perspective. The tensions with Turkey are unwanted across the security establishment. And normalization with Muslim states is broadly welcomed by the public. Turkey, for its part, is now also signaling that it wishes to reconcile after years of antagonizing the Jewish state and supporting its enemies. One might ask, however, whether Ankara's intentions are pure. The effort to draw Israel near appears to stem from the presumption that Jewish power is the key to realigning with Washington. That's not the ideal motivation. But rapprochement for any reason is probably preferable to open hostilities.

Regarding the second question, Yanarocak has done an admirable job examining the ways in which recent global crises and opportunities may impact decision-making in Ankara and Jerusalem. But the operative word is "may." These are unknowns.

The key question, in my view, is the author's first one: can Israel and Turkey restore their alliance? This is worth unpacking further.

I recently asked a senior Israeli diplomat what he believed would come of the recent efforts to reset relations. His answer was disheartening. He predicted that Turkey and Israel would at no time soon enjoy a warm peace akin to what Jerusalem now enjoys with the United Arab Emirates. Rather, he predicted that the relationship would look like the "cold peace" that has historically characterized ties between Israel and Egypt. As he then went on to clarify, he did not have in mind the current lukewarm relations with Abdel Fatah el-Sisi's Egypt, but rather the cold peace of the 1980s to early 2000s, when Hosni Mubarak was in power and—despite robust security cooperation—anti-Israel sentiment was effectively state policy. Such is the profoundly hostile atmosphere that the Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has carefully cultivated during his two-decade rule.

The Israeli military brass is no less pessimistic. Under no foreseeable circumstance will the IDF restore the defense ties of the 1990s, when it shared some of its coveted technology with the Turkish military. Trust has been thoroughly eroded by Ankara's cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda affiliate groups in Syria, and even Islamic State. Equally corrosive is the Erdoğan government's permissive attitude toward the presence of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on its soil, as recently revealed by the narrowly thwarted plots against Israelis.

More troubling still, perhaps, is the Turkish government's support for Hamas. The Islamist group's political activists, fundraisers, and even terrorist operatives roam freely throughout the country with the blessing of Erdoğan, who has frequently hosted its most senior leaders and posed for pictures with them. Take, for instance, Saleh Arouri, a top Hamas military commander, who planned and financed the 2014 kidnapping and killing of three teenagers in the West Bank, thus sparking that year's war in Gaza. Today, Arouri shuttles between Lebanon and Turkey, assembling Hamas rocket arsenals in Lebanon that are intended to draw the latter country into a two-front conflict with Israel at a later date. This was revealed in a letter to the UN submitted by the Israeli delegation in 2018.

Yes, the Turkish military has traditionally been a bastion of secularism to counter this kind of jihadist activity in Turkey. But that has simply ceased to be the case. Israel's defense establishment no longer trusts its Turkish counterparts to fulfill their historic role of anti-Islamist bulwark after years of watching jihadists of all stripes, Sunni and Shiite alike, enjoy a warm welcome in the country. Retired Israeli military figures have said as much to me in off-the-record conversations.

These concerns date back at least to the failed coup of June 2016, which gave Erdoğan a pretext to purge the defense establishment of loyalists of the Pennsylvania-based religious scholar Fethullah Gulen. Erdoğan proceeded to gut the military and rebuild it to his liking. Formerly the strongest check on the president's power, it is now a shell of what it once was, unable to safeguard the secular character of the Turkish state that had been the vision of the the founding father of the modern republic, Kamal Ataturk.

And the military is not the only institution that Erdoğan has gutted. The police, the judiciary, and the media are among the other pillars of Turkish society that he has slowly dismantled. The end result is a country under tight centralized control. For Israel, then, rapprochement is only as dependable as Erdoğan himself. And the Turkish strongman's antagonistic foreign policy has been consistently colored by populism and Islamism, both of which traditionally feed on anti-Israel sentiment in the Muslim world.

Those who still hold out hope for Turkey's future point to the elections slated to take place next year, which could theoretically topple Erdoğan. To be sure, there are liberal forces at work doing everything possible to bring that about. But at this point, with so many levers of control at his fingertips, pessimists (or perhaps realists) fear that Erdoğan will not allow that to happen.

Despite all of this, there are still those in Israel who suggest that the trade relationship alone justifies preserving the fiction of peace with Turkey. In 2020, Israeli exports to Turkey totaled some $1.5 billion, with Turkish exports to Israel exceeding $4.6 billion. Many Israelis enjoy vacations in nearby Turkey—a half million in 2019 alone. And many more like to transit the convenient Istanbul airport when flying to the Far East and Europe.

Yet after the recent revelations of Iranian operatives trying to kidnap Israelis in Turkey, Jerusalem is warning citizens not to travel there. Turkey, for its part, is already struggling with a burgeoning economic crisis, and can little afford to lose the influx of Israeli tourism dollars. It is also concerned that the news of Iranian terrorists roaming free in the country may deter other nationals from visiting. Sensitive to this, Israeli leaders—including President Isaac Herzog and Foreign Minister (and soon-to-be interim Prime Minister) Yair Lapid—have tried to work with the Turks to mitigate the damage, in a clear effort to keep rapprochement on track.

Whether these efforts are worthwhile remains to be seen. At best, reconciliation is a long-term investment—a bet on the future of Turkey, long after Erdoğan is gone. Until then, Israel can try to perpetuate the fiction of mending fences with a regime that is increasingly autocratic and consistently anti-Israel. Indeed, cold peace is an optimistic outcome for a government that still hosts a Hamas headquarters in the heart of Istanbul.

Will the government that follows be able to break meaningfully from Erdoğan's corrupted institutions and disgraceful policies? That remains to be seen. But I am not sanguine.


China continues to own America. Japan tried and failed but they were not interested in destroying our nation. They did that when they attacked Pearl Harbor. 

When it comes to China our open society plays into their hands and supports their goals.  Wakeup America!


 China’s takeover by stealth.  An interesting read!

It's too late for you and me, but you might consider encouraging  your grandkids to study and learn Chinese!

 Four reasons why China is fast becoming the dominant power in the world....

 1. They have a very low tolerance for crime. The death sentence is swiftly and routinely used for terrorists, murderers, and drug traffickers.

 2. Very low tolerance for Religion. They do not believe there is a magic man in the sky.  No such thing as a God.  Almost no religious killings, and getting rid of the Indigenous Chinese Muslim population as fast as they can.

 3. They have not been involved in any expensive wars or invaded any country for the last seventy years 

 4. Their primary weapon of choice to conquer the world is Finance, and countries around the world are falling fast.

 Not just the USA but all world is in trouble?

 In the near future, China will employ millions of American workers and dominate thousands of small communities all over the United States. Chinese acquisition of US businesses set a new all-time record last year, and it is on pace to shatter that record this year.

 The Smithfield Foods acquisition is a great example. Smithfield Foods is the largest pork producer and processor in the world. It has facilities in 26 US states, and it employs tens of thousands of Americans. It directly owns 460 farms and has contracts with about 2,100 others. But now a Chinese company has bought it for $ 4.7 billion, and that means that the Chinese will now be the most important employer in dozens of rural communities all over America.

 Thanks in part to our massively bloated trade deficit with China, the Chinese have trillions of dollars to spend. They are only just starting to exercise their economic muscle.

 It is important to keep in mind that there is often not much of a difference between "the Chinese government" and "the Chinese corporations".   In 2011, 43 percent of all profits in China were produced by companies where the Chinese government had a controlling interest 

 Last year a Chinese company spent $2.6B to purchase AMC entertainment, one of the largest movie theater chains in the United States. Chinese companies control more movie ticket sales than anyone else in the world.

 But China is not just relying on acquisitions to expand its economic power.

 "Economic beachheads" are being established all over America. For example, Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group, Inc. recently broke ground on a $100M plant in Thomasville, Alabama. Many of the residents of Thomasville, Alabama will be glad to have jobs, but it will also become yet another community that will now be heavily dependent on Communist China.

 And guess where else Chinese companies are putting down roots?  DETROIT.

 Chinese-owned companies are investing in American businesses and new vehicle technology, selling everything from seat belts to shock absorbers in retail stores, and hiring experienced engineers and designers in an effort to soak up the talent and expertise of domestic automakers and their suppliers.

 If you recently purchased an "American-made" vehicle, there is a really good chance that it has a number of Chinese parts in it. Industry analysts are hard-pressed to put a number on the Chinese suppliers in the United States.

 China is very interested in acquiring energy resources in the United States.

 For example, China is actually mining for coal in the mountains of Tennessee. Guizhou Gouchuang Energy Holdings Group spent 616 million dollars to acquire Triple H Coal Co. in Jacksboro, Tennessee.

 At the time, that acquisition really didn't make much news, but now a group of conservatives in Tennessee is trying to stop the Chinese from blowing up their mountains and taking their coal.

 And pretty soon China may want to build entire cities in the United States just like they have been doing in other countries. Right now China is actually building a city larger than Manhattan just outside Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

 Are you starting to get the picture yet? China is on the rise and has been for a long time while America plays political games 

 If you doubt this, just read the following:

 When you total up all imports and exports, China is now the number one trading nation on the entire planet.

 # Overall, the US has run a trade deficit with China over the past decade that comes to more than 23 trillion dollars.

 # China has more foreign currency reserves than anyone else on the planet.

 # China now has the largest new car market in the entire world.

 # China now produces more than twice as many automobiles as does the United States.

 # After being bailed out by US taxpayers, GM is involved in 11 joint ventures with Chinese companies.

 # China is the number one gold producer in the world.

 # The uniforms for the US Olympic team were made in China (not since 2008)

 # 85% of all artificial Christmas trees the world over are made in China.

 # The new World Trade Center tower in New York includes glass imported from China.

 # China now consumes more energy than does the United States.

 # China is now in aggregate the leading manufacturer of goods in the entire world.

 # China uses more cement than the rest of the world combined.

 # China is now the number one producer of wind and solar power on the entire globe.

 # China produces 3 times as much coal and 11 times as much steel as the United States does.

 # China produces more than 90 percent of the global supply of rare earth elements.

 # China is now the number one supplier of components that are critical to the operation of any national defense system.

 # In published scientific research articles, China will become number one in the world very shortly.  And what we have seen so far may just be the tip of the iceberg.


Whitey snookered again.  Is it Pearl Harbor all over again but this time by a more subtle method?


BLM Leader Says White People Need To Come To Their BBQ Event

( This weekend was the first official Juneteenth National holiday after President Biden signed the bill making it a federal holiday last year. But not all black activists want Juneteenth to be celebrated nationally.

Sure, they want it to be a national holiday. Some of them just prefer white people stay out of it.

In a tweet last Monday, Cal State LA Pan-African Studies professor Melina Abdullah instructed all white people not to ask if they can attend a Juneteenth cookout. Abdullah said the national holiday is only for blacks. White people, she “black-splained,” should consider June 19 Reparations day.

How about white people do what they want?

Considering Washington DC’s Juneteenth celebration ended up in a shootout, maybe steering clear was a good idea for everybody, not just white people.

It is rather ironic that black activists demanded Juneteenth become a national holiday while at the same time demanding white people not celebrate it.

National holidays are supposed to be something Americans share. But not anymore.

Then again, Congress only voted to make this a holiday as a way to placate the radical Black Lives Matter activists who burned cities to the ground in the summer of 2020.

Abdullah is the co-founder of the Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter. How much do you want to bet her Juneteenth cookout was held at the multi-million-dollar LA mansion purchased by BLM?

Having it there certainly would’ve been safer.

On Sunday, a Juneteenth music festival in Washington DC devolved into chaos after a shooting left a 15-year-old boy dead and three others injured, including a police officer.