Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Next Century Will Not Be The Same. More Guessing. About Time. More.


Today, a nation  that once was the butt of all jokes is now a pre-imminent power.  That country is China. In the past they did not present a threat but today they not only present a threat but also probably a threat to which we cannot adequately respond .  China both stole and developed their way to superior status when it comes to their military capabilities and their prowess as a commercial juggernaut. Therefore, the next century will not resemble the past where America was a dominant force.

To make matters worse, China and Russia have created an alliance that enhances the latter's threat as well.  Putin may eventually find the hug from Xi will be stifling but until that occurs this alliance spells potential trouble.

While this has been occurring, the West, specifically NATO, has atrophied. and become disorganized.  Their dependence upon American leadership has been hurt by America's lack of leadership and the fact is  the current president has no well thought strategy. Biden has been more interested in the socialization of the military than improving  it's fighting capability.  His disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan sent a chilling message to our adversaries how weak and disorganized America has become.

One of the biggest problems is something I attribute to Kissinger, ie. we have learned to accept defeat. This was a totally foreign concept  before politics began to supplant America's military superiority and mental desire to win.

A major factor in all of this is the fact that we are so heavily indebted. We no longer enjoy the same degree of financial flexibility.  Entitlements now trump every decision pertaining to military  spending.  Also,  America  is no longer politically united.  We have allowed a strong element of Socialism/Marxism to impact every societal institution.  We are no longer a united America. Politically,  we are weakened 


More speculation:

Israel National News 

F-35 aircraft

F-35 aircraftAharon Krohn/Flash90

The IDF has begun preparing for a general war against Iran, including but not limited to an attack on that country’s nuclear facilities, Israel Hayom reported.

The new operational plans include the option of an “exchange of blows” – both direct and indirect – of varying strengths between the two countries.

According to the report, Israel is only partially prepared for a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, after the preparations for a strike were abandoned in the previous decade following the signing of the “Iran deal.” The plans were renewed and accelerated this year, but it will take another 3-5 years until they are properly ready.

It is about time:

Justice Thomas Is Listening! Potential SCOTUS Hearing- Major Call To Action On Election Integrity
P. Byrne, “There is a secret case that has made its way to the Supreme Court that no one has ben made aware of yet – that’s not true there has been one article about it.  It is sealed and it is within the Supreme Court.  I will be sharing more about it when I am allowed to more specifically, but I have been cleared to share that much with you…It is within the Supreme Court and it is all sealed up.”

by Kari Donovan

Exclusive: Justice Thomas Is Listening! Potential SCOTUS Hearing- Major Call To Action On Election Integrity
A prominent call to action is right here- to all Americans concerned about the integrity of elections and civil rights in the United States. Finally, after many ups and downs over the past year since the 2020 Presidential election, several people see promise in a new filing at the US Supreme Court by Kelly Sorelle.

President Donald J. Trump got historic numbers of Blacks and Latino votes- those voters were disenfranchised and that is illegal because the states took money from the Federal Government, under the Voting Rights Act of 1964 and HAVA, to secure safe and fair elections for minorities. Something needs to be done.


In Case You Missed It

Many people think the threat of the Iranian nuclear bomb and the Hezbollah stranglehold that could prevent decisive military action is simply Israel’s or the Gulf State’s problem. However, the Islamic Republic of Iran has global hegemonic ambitions and has  been consistently building up Hezbollah terror bases in the triborder area of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil for years. To understand more about Hezbollah’s growing presence in the Western hemisphere, please be sure to watch this incredibly informative webinar.

Watch Here
When crime comes knocking on your own door:


Democrat hater's of Trump know no boundaries.  Why?  Because he threatened to give  government back to "we the people".



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