Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Backlogged? More Complaints Against anti-Semitism Slurs. Perhaps Why Americans Reject Vaccinations? Hillary Keeps Moaning.

Biden and the top Pentagon Brass cannot tell the truth if it is fed to them on a spoon.


The United States told Israel it was unlikely to deliver refueling tankers before 2024, amid tensions between the two nations over how to deal with Iran’s nuclear program.

By David Sanger, NYT     

A United States Air Force KC-46 jet in flight this year. KC-46 refueling tankers could prove critical to Israel in efforts to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Elaine Thompson/Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Israel asked the Biden administration last week to speed up the delivery of refueling tankers that could prove critical to striking Iran’s nuclear facilities, but it was told that the aircraft were back-ordered and it was unlikely that its first one would be ready until late 2024, according to U.S. and Israeli officials.

The Israeli defense minister, Benny Gantz, made the request last week when he met with Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III and other senior officials in Washington. Details were reported earlier by Yedioth Ahronoth, an Israeli newspaper.



HonestReporting Lodges Complaints Following London Police’s Dismissal of Anti-Muslim Slur Claims Against Jews
Eleven days ago, the British Broadcasting Corporation falsely claimed that Jewish youths on the receiving end of an antisemitic tirade had themselves made “racial slurs” during the abuse. The Metropolitan Police found no evidence to support this claim. The BBC should now retract all allegations and apologize.
+ Taking action against BBC bias


Head of ADL Blasts Muslim Advocacy Org CAIR for ‘Blatant Antisemitism’


This has started to happen in America.  What a brave Mom!


Perhaps this is why Biden is upset more Americans chose not to get the vaccination?

Hillary is always moaning and bitching.  Maybe it is because she is a bitch. Who gives a damn what this anti-"deplorable" thinks. Poor Bill he remains "former president stuckee."

Hillary Clinton Slams Congressional Republicans, Issues Horror Movie Statement
By Mark Hale Latest News

The loss of a presidential election must come as a tremendous blow to the losing candidate. After throwing oneself, heart and soul, into what is now a two-year process, suddenly it’s over. The rallies, the interviews, the constant activity abruptly end.

After taking time to regroup, most losing candidates accept their defeat and move on to the next chapter of their lives.

But five years after losing the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton remains stuck in denial. She cannot let go. She is obsessed, she is angry and she is bitter.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Willie Geist that aired on Friday, Clinton slammed Republicans for supporting former President Donald Trump. She said they have “hung their spines up on the wall.”

Breaking: Why Doctors In The Know No Longer Prescribe Blood Pressure Meds - hands
An interesting visual — like something straight out of a horror movie.

The former first lady told Geist, “[Trump] has no basis at all in law or fact. There’s not a single credible piece of evidence. He does not care. He wants to destroy this country’s institutions.

“And sadly, the Republican Party has gone along with him. … People who I knew, that I served with, who fall in line on the outrageous accusations they make, whether it’s against Dr. Tony Fauci or pretending that what happened on Jan. 6 wasn’t an insurrection — honestly, they have hung their spines up on the wall as they walk into their offices. They have no conscience, they have no spine.”

“And we are seeing the results of a party that has been taken over by a demagogue, and we know from history that’s not good news, that’s scary news,” she warned. “We have to do much more than we’re doing now to fight back against this very organized effort to undermine our elections.”

“I worry that, still, too many people are like, ‘Oh, you know, it can’t be that bad’ or, ‘It can’t go that far.’ It’s a failure of imagination,” she said.

“There is no sense of duty or honor on the part of many of the people that worked for Trump. They don’t want to cooperate. Probably they’re complicitous in some way and they don’t want that to be proven. But I am very worried, and it didn’t end with his defeat.”

Oh, the irony.

It’s been said a thousand times, but I’ll say it again because it applies so well here: Once again, a Democrat is accusing Republicans of things Democrats have done.

After a quarter of a century in the limelight, this woman is desperate to remain relevant.

This week, Clinton released a cringeworthy video of herself tearfully reading a portion of the victory speech she would have delivered had she prevailed in 2016. This was used to promote an online class she is hosting called “The Power of Resilience.”

We’ve been through a lot with Clinton over the years.

One of her most outrageous unforced errors came at a campaign stop in 2008. She claimed she had once landed in Bosnia “under sniper fire.” Unfortunately for Hillary, a video showed several local children bearing flowers to greet Hillary on the tarmac. When the lie was finally revealed, Hillary said she “misspoke.”

Another memorable moment came during a Senate hearing about the attacks on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Asked what may have prompted the attack, Clinton uttered those unforgettable words, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

Remember when she said you could put half of Trump’s supporters into a “basket of deplorables“?

This woman has lied and cheated and even invented a conspiracy theory to try to steal the presidency. Yet she still has the gall to say that Republicans who still support Trump have “no conscience” and have “hung their spines up on the wall.”

A long time ago, Hillary Clinton made the decision to do whatever it took to gain power. Except she didn’t hang her spine up on a wall. She hung up her soul.

via westernjournal



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