Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Dov Fischer. Tutu A Bad Bishop? IAF Pursues. SCOTUS To Act Regarding Mandate. Mass Media Has Crashed and Burned?

Dov Fischer reviews:

My Fourth Annual Year-End Review (Part 1 of 2) — and a Public Announcement to My TAS Readers - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

By Dov Fischer

Inasmuch as the two articles that follow today and next time are among the last things I am writing in pre-Resolution 2021, these run the usual two-part 4,000 (four thousand) words that my annual Year-End reviews always run. First, it was that kind of year to review. Second, it is my homage to the Filibuster that The Woke seek to terminate. And, besides, who makes a New Year’s Resolution without breaking it at least once? So here goes. Part One of Two below:

Year 2021 began as all years under Pelosi begin: with a Trump Christmas Season Impeachment. The year before it had been Ukraine. This year it would be something else. Who even remembers the charges? January 6 had not yet arrived. With each new Christmas Impeachment, Pelosi gained three or four new Republican adherents. The first time she got Mitt Romney to join her Smurf Blue half of the country. Now she was winning over Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and another two or so GOP kamikazes intent on going down suicidally as long as they could take Trump politically with them. At the rate of gaining four Republicans each year, Pelosi will need only thirty more years of annual Christmas Impeachments to bring the burgeoning GOP Congress over to her side. Unfortunately, the Annual Christmas Impeachment apparently was delayed in 2021 by supply-chain problems in delivering the annual “Nancy Pelosi Impeachment Pens” for distribution.

The November 2020 election defined the new year’s first days. While some prefer to focus on Venezuela machines, middle-of-the-night vote dumps, Fox News calling Arizona early, and long voting lines at Chicago cemeteries, others cite these instead:

Let’s say the machines and tallies were accurate.

The election was stolen nonetheless.

Twitter and Facebook had shut down half the discussion while assuring that the other got propagated. Given the tightness of the determining electoral-college states, that alone stole the election.

Social media shut down the New York Post exposé of the Hunter Biden laptop.

Voter harvesting never should have been allowed to deliver ballots.

More than three quarters of European countries do not allow absentee voting, while the November 2020 election treated absentee balloting in America as a religious sacrament.

The few democracies that allow absentee balloting permit it only for the disabled and such, and even then someone needs to show up in person to get the ballot.

Forty-five of 46 European countries require photo ID to vote. But many blue states refuse to mandate it on grounds that Black people supposedly are uniquely unable to produce photo ID for voting, only for check-cashing, concert-ticket-buying, proving age at liquor stores and bars, sports events, driving cars, getting through TSA security at airports, and such. Oh, yeah — and also for employment, like to get hired for a job and prove eligibility. (And the Left says conservatives are “racist” in their perceptions of Black intelligence!)

There is something profoundly dishonest about an “Election Day” that lasts for a month. An election measures a precise 24-hour moment, a snapshot in time. Almost any election on earth will shift by a few points if conducted two weeks later or earlier. Candidates need to throw their best ads at the voters right before voting. It is dishonest to run an election for three and four and six weeks.

When one observes that the exact same people who want 30-day-long voting are the same ones who want voter harvesting, no voter ID, who are willing to dispense with careful comparing of signatures on envelopes with election rolls, want to count ballots that arrive after deadlines, don’t mind missing postmarks, cancel one of three debates, and suppress social media discussion, one sees that this is not democracy, and it does not matter whether the tally machines were built in Venezuela, China, or Hell (Michigan).

Even as the year began and the annual Trump Impeachment passed the House, followed by the annual Senate rejection, January 6 arrived. This live video shows the moment the Capitol was invaded. Where was the massive police and security presence that should have been on hand? Where was the National Guard? The sergeant-at-arms has more than 800 employees who run security for the Capitol, while Capitol Police have 2,300 employees and officers. Beyond that, Metro police can be called. The rally was massive. If these people had come for insurrection, enormous blood would have been spilled. Instead, as evidenced by the video, relatively few removed the barricades, and the rest just followed the flow without any plan. Play Trump’s full actual speech. Listen especially to the embedded link for one minute between 18:00 and 19:00 — and particularly to the words at 18:47-18:56. Oh, wait. You can’t hear it. YouTube has removed it pursuant to its “community guidelines.” Uh-huh. So try this link. Read the transcript: “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” (Emphasis added.) Trump’s only crime was splitting an infinitive. Tsk-tsk.

And yet January 6 had all the markings and makings of an Insurrection:

Like the Civil War, a formal military command was set up to overthrow the government, reminiscent of the Army of Northern Virginia and its generals Robert E. Lee, Thomas J. Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, James Longstreet, Albert Sidney Johnston, P.G.T. Beauregard, John Bell Hood, and others. Here, similarly famous uprising leaders stood at the fore.

Like the Civil War, it began with several destructive bursts of cannon fire reminiscent of Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard’s attack on Fort Sumter.

Like the Russian Revolution, people came dressed like moose and elks, a sure sign that a massive insurrection had been planned.

Like the American Revolution’s crossing of the Delaware, the leader of the insurrection — in this case, Donald Trump rather than George Washington — gathered his troops in broad daylight and called on them explicitly to behave and follow the law.

Like all famous insurrections and coups, when the mass of humanity entered the Capitol the insurrectionists pulled out their firearms and shot to death several dozen Congressional representatives. They set fire to the capitol building as the British had burned down the White House in the War of 1812. Members of The Squad were found, uh, dismembered. Others were defenestrated. The search continues for Nancy Pelosi.

That was the first week of 2021. Only 51 left.

January was a time when Andrew Cuomo was perhaps the most respected governor in American media, when his Cuomo Brother was CNN’s biggest star, and when Joe Biden gave us all peace of mind, unlike Trump’s incompetent “Operation Warp Speed” that resulted in Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson creating vaccines faster than ever before. Biden’s first important promise was to end the pandemic in no time. History will record he honored his pledge. At no time did he end the pandemic.

Biden did, however, jump in with executive orders. In one fell swoop, in minutes, he converted America from a wildly profitable net exporter of energy to a beggar client dependent once again on tyrannical Arab Muslim sheikhdoms for dirty unregulated fuel production. Putin and Iran gained new oil and gas clients. Gasoline pumps shot up to $4 a gallon and $5 in California. Throughout the economy, inflation soared. Ocasio blamed Manchin. Biden chimed in that his new economic plan would stem the new inflationary pressures by authorizing the printing of trillions more money.

Biden launched his frontal assault on COVID by demonstratively “going to the mattresses.” That search led him to select Kamala Harris. Willie Brown’s protégée showed up in Washington, presumably to serve as Vice President or President of Vice. Kamala’s sneak preview came when she and husband Doug filmed an 83-second “Chanukah Greeting” YouTube video for ignorant Jews and others who would not know Chanukah from a dill pickle resting on a toasted bagel with a shmear. The video was panned widely, so Mamaleh Kamala next hired a Canadian company called “Sinking Ships Enterprises” — really — to employ five children actors to play … five children … in a loopy video where she tried womansplaining the space program to them, filmed during the final Taliban assault on Kabul. As excitement grew throughout the hemisphere that Kamala had arrived, record numbers of Mexicans, Guatemalans, Salvadorans, Hondurans, and Latinxxxxes surged to our southern border to greet her, hoping to catch even a glimpse of history to say they had seen the Veep whose name someday will be remembered alongside other towering subordinate preeminences like Spiro Agnew, Elbridge Gerry, Richard Mentor Johnson, Thomas R.Marshall, and Aaron Burr. Our southern neighbors literally scaled our border walls, just for a peek at Kamala the First who was assigned to the border. Disappointing them, she never visited the border. Meanwhile, on the subject of bagel shmears, compounding all their other failures, Biden-Harris are the first administration to preside over a nationwide cream cheese shortage at bagel shops.

The new Congress saw Democrats promptly suppressing newly elected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene while preserving special committee assignments for documented Jew-haters and related nut jobs like Rashida Tlaib. Ilhan Omar, whose political husbandry came into question again as she was hammered about her marriage to two prior guys, one of whom — oh, brother! — seemed particularly relative, and then her extramarital affair with her campaign’s married media guy (he, not to his sister), ended up divorced from whomever and married to the media guy, Tim Mynett, who also raked in seven figures from Omar’s campaigns. In all, his Omar work brought his company, E Street Group, some $3 million including government COVID bailout funds, riches relatively unattainable in Ilhan’s Somalia. Despite uttering an occasional TV profanity, Ilhan continued to inspire throughout 2021, covering her hair for religious purposes to project and protect her sexual modesty and religious piety.

It was another Godwin’s Law year of everyone calling everyone else a “Nazi” and a “Hitler,” reflecting social media’s impact on a coarsening American culture that also utterly has abandoned the subject of fact-based history as a worthy academic discipline amid Critical Race Theory’s bogus New York Times 1619 Project. Even as every Hollywood director, producer, and screenwriter must include at least one Holocaust movie on a résumé, most American movie-goers still have no idea what a real Hitler is, a real Holocaust, a real Nazi. No, a Holocaust is not  when the government forces a vaccine or a mask, even in situations that are insanely indefensible as public policy and deeply offensive to civil liberties (for example, forcing a person with severe lung disease to wear a mask in a hygienic medical setting where the only thing the mask accomplishes is to cut off his or her limited air supply … and so many more such inane examples).

Among the six million Jews and the millions of others tattooed with numbers on their wrists, corralled into ghettoes, rounded up into cattle cars, gassed, cremated, with gold extracted after death from their dental fillings and their corpses’ fat used for soap and skin for lamp shades in the 1940s, and otherwise forced into slave labor at I.G. Farben, most of them would have exchanged those Nazis, that Yellow Star, and that Holocaust for forcible masking and vaccinating instead. But this is 2021, an era when an Ocasio can compare America’s southern border to Auschwitz and can predict that the world has only ten years left because the climate now has passed the point of no return. As a result, environmental activists from Ocasio to Grinning Green Greta increasingly were vowing in 2021 never to bear children because such kids will not live to age ten before the sun destroys the earth, melting plastic straws in milk shakes. So the Green movement does have at least two precious benefits: no forthcoming Ocasio or Greta kids, and more milk shakes for the rest of us.

Major League Baseball virtue-signaled in mid-2021 by moving its All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver, where voting laws parallel those of Georgia and where Stacey Abrams also never was elected governor. Coca-Cola and other woke corporations initially joined the parade. In time, the boycott fizzled, and G-d demonstrated a bit of wry humor. How? By arranging for the Atlanta Braves to win the World Series, forcing MLB’s woke management not only to beg spritely to return baseball to Atlanta but even to champion politically incorrect Indian scalping tomahawks in support of the Braves, who stuck with their Indian sobriquet. No World Series game had a score of seven-up. The Woke, who actually know almost nothing of baseball — a sport that, like hockey, mostly has resisted Kaepernick-and-LeBron influences — were disappointed that the team opposing the Braves, the Houston Astros, offered no better: the state with the most abortion-restricted laws on the books. So there still is room to love baseball. And click this 2021 NHL link — from New York yet — to see in 104 seconds why America is not yet down for the count.
Dershowitz has a negative view of  Archbishop Tutu

Dershowitz: Bishop Tutu Was a Dangerous Anti-Semite
the late Anglican archbishop Desmond Tutu

At a time when the statues of good people who had done bad things are being torn down, the world must reckon with the mixed legacy of Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu, even in the immediate aftermath of his death.

He did much good in fighting apartheid but he also has long history of ugly hatred toward the Jewish people, the Jewish religion and the Jewish state. He not only believed in anti-Semitism, he actively promoted and legitimated Jew hatred among his many followers and admirers around the world.

Tutu minimized the suffering of those killed in the Holocaust. He has attacked the "Jewish" — not Israeli — "lobby" as too "powerful" and "scary." He has invoked classic anti-Semitic stereotypes and tropes about Jewish "arrogance," "power" and "money." He has characterized Jews a "peculiar people," and has accused "the Jews" of causing many of the world’s problems.

Tutu’s good deeds should not shield him from accountability for his long history of anti-Jewish bigotry.

Let the record speak for itself, so that history may judge Tutu on the basis of his own words — words that he has often repeated and that others repeat, because Tutu is a role model for so many people around the world.

Here are some of Tutu’s hateful words, carefully documented in a petition by prominent South Africans to terminate him as a "patron" of the two South African Holocaust Centers, because he used his status with these fine institutions as legitimization for his anti-Jewish rhetoric.

I have publicized Tutu’s evil words in the past, but they warrant republication now that he is being lionized all over the world.

He minimized the suffering of those murdered in the Holocaust by asserting that "the gas chambers" made for "a neater death" than did Apartheid. He complained of "the Jewish Monopoly of the Holocaust," and demanded that its victims must "forgive the Nazis for the Holocaust," while refusing to forgive the "Jewish people" for "persecute[ing] others."

Tutu asserted that Zionism has "very many parallels with racism," thus echoing the notorious and discredited "Zionism equals racism" resolution passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations and subsequently rescinded.

He accused the Jews of Israel of doing "things that even Apartheid South Africa had not done." He said that "the Jews thought they had a monopoly of God: Jesus was angry that they could shut out other human beings." He implied that Israel might someday consider as an option "to perpetrate genocide and exterminate all Palestinians."

He complained that Americans "are scared . . . to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful — very powerful." He accused Jews — not Israelis — of exhibiting "an arrogance — the arrogance of power because Jews are a powerful lobby in this land and all kinds of people woo their support."

"You know as well as I do that, somehow, the Israeli government is placed on a pedestal [in the U.S.] and to criticize it is to be immediately dubbed anti-Semitic, as if Palestinians were not Semitic."

He compared Israel to Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union and Apartheid South Africa, saying that they too were once "very powerful" but they "bit the dust," as will "unjust" Israel.

He denied that Israel is a "civilized democracy" and singled out Israel — one of the world’s most open democracies — as a nation guilty of "censorship of their media."

He urged the Cape Town Opera to refuse to perform George Gershwin’s "Porgy and Bess" in Tel Aviv and called for a total cultural boycott of Jewish Israel, while encouraging performers to visit the most repressive regimes in the world.

He claimed that his God sides with the Palestinians, whom he compares to the Israelites under bondage in Egypt, and has sought to explain, if not justify, how Israeli actions lead directly to suicide bombings and other forms of terrorism.

He was far more vocal about Israel’s imperfections than about the genocides in Rwanda, Darfur and Cambodia. . While attacking Israel for its "collective killed punishment" of Palestinians — which he claims is worse than what Apartheid South Africa did — he himself called for the collective punishment of Jewish academics and businesses in Israel by demanding boycotts of all Jewish (but not Muslim or Christian) Israelis.

When confronted with his double standard against Jews, he justified it on phony theological grounds: "Whether Jews like it or not, they are a peculiar people. They can’t ever hope to be judged by the same standards which are used for other people." There is a name for non-Jews who hold Jews to a double standard: It is called anti-Semitism.

Tutu acknowledged having been frequently accused of being anti-Semitic," to which he has offered two responses: "Tough luck;" and "my dentist’s name is Dr. Cohen."

Many decent people in South Africa have become aware of Tutu’s bigotry, because they have seen and heard it up close.

The rest of the world must now recognize that the Bishop is no saint.

When it comes to Jews, he is an unrepentant sinner.

Even in death, his evil deeds must be recounted and considered in any honest reckoning of his decidedly mixed legacy, and in any decision whether to honor him with statues of other forms of canonization, especially at a time of increasing Antisemitism throughout the world.

A longer version was of the preceding article was published by Gatestone. 
Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard Law School and and the author most recently of "The Case for Color Blind Equality in the Age of Identity Politics," and "The Case for Vaccine Mandates," Hot Books (2021).​ Read more of Alan Dershowitz''s reports — Here. 
IAF in pursuit of Iranian  weapon storages:

Israel said to strike key Syrian port of Latakia, causing ‘massive’ damage
Videos posted to social media show huge explosions and fires raging across the port, likely from secondary explosions of Iranian munitions, in second attack on facility this month


Israeli warplanes fired a number of missiles at the port of the coastal city of Latakia early Tuesday morning, causing large explosions and fires, in the second alleged Israeli strike in a month on the key facility.

For years, Israel avoided conducting strikes against the Latakia port due to the large presence of Russian forces nearby, despite Iran allegedly using the terminal to transport advanced munitions through it to its proxies in the region, notably the Lebanese Hezbollah terror group.
The Supreme Court Justices will hear Biden's Mandate decision in early January. It is a monumental case and their decision could either unleash the bureaucracy or restrict their ability to do whatever they wish notwithstanding, constitutional restraints and, in the process, put a bridle on this president. He not only needs roping in but he also needs to be held accountable for breaking laws simply for political reasons. Stay tuned.
Star has it about right:

More Government, Less Religion -- the Progressive Doctrine

By Star Parker


There is a federal solution but Biden is incapable of knowing what to do:

White House in Damage Control Mode After Biden Said There's 'No Federal Solution' to the Pandemic

By Katie Pavlich


The mainstream-media has crashed and burned if judged by reporting the truth.

If 2020 and 2021 have confirmed anything, it is that the mainstream media is thoroughly dishonest. Most people suspected this already, but the past couple of years proved beyond a doubt that those suspicions were correct.

More specifically, 2021 has made it clear that the mainstream media is a propaganda arm of political and corporate elitists.

While there have been a few shining examples of independent and mostly unbiased journalism in the MSM, these moments are as rare as Loch Ness Monster sightings... and are almost as unbelievable. The public has been lied to so consistently that sometimes we ignore legitimate journalism when it pops up because it's safer to assume the media is disingenuous at all times.

I've noticed that there's been a wash of commercials lately paid for by major legacy media platforms like The New York Times desperately trying to convince the masses that they are still relevant. The messaging is essentially that they are the only "true source" of news information in a desperate bid to beg people to start subscribing and reading their hot garbage once again. Leftist media is crumbling, with online propaganda peddlers and clickbait prostitutes like Buzzfeed and Vox imploding from lack of outside investment. The lack of profits is obvious, and the layoffs have been aggressive.

These platforms survived for the past few years on tech media hype and initial startup capital, but the free money has run out and now they don't know what to do. Buzzfeed's scheme was to go public and sell shares, but this plan failed so completely, and the company's stock plunged so hard that the event has exposed all other fledgling tech media to wider scrutiny. In other words, no one has faith in these outlets, at least not enough to invest in them, and now the veil of their supposed "success" has been lifted. Buzzfeed used to claim they were worth $1.5 billion; reality revealed they are worth almost nothing.

Legacy media has seen its audience numbers plummet over the past 10 years, but the last year, in particular, has been especially unkind to them. All of the major corporate news channels saw their audience ratings decline in the past year, with CNN seeing the largest drop overall. CNN saw an epic decline of 68 percent in its primetime numbers in 2021, while MSNBC now has the smallest prime-time audience it has seen since 2016. Fox also dealt with audience declines but continues to remain the most-watched cable news outlet by far.

Some might blame the loss of election coverage, but it's not as if there hasn't been enough news to hype in 2021. With millions of people still working from home and facing intermittent COVID restrictions this year (in blue states), you would think that this would represent a captive audience for the fear machine. Hell, even YouTube and other social media are forcing MSM content into our faces daily. Yet, their numbers are still plunging, and now YouTube has removed the "Dislike" button just to protect corporate media and the White House from the hilarious bombardment of thumbs-down they receive on every video.

So, where are people turning for their news if not the mainstream? While stats are not as well-tracked for independent sources, it is obvious from viewership and subscription numbers that alternative media is quickly becoming the dominant force in information. My own audience numbers have jumped at least 30 percent in the past two years alone, and this seems to be the trend across the board for conservative and libertarian media. Websites like Social Blade which tracks YouTube channel stats support the conclusion that the alternative media is becoming the go-to media.

Why is this happening? It's actually been a long time coming. Mainstream media numbers have been in decline for many years and their audience age brackets have been increasing dramatically. This accelerated after 2016 when the mainstream media mask came off completely and what we now know as the "Culture War" revealed itself. For example, the migration of audiences is undeniable in entertainment and pop culture media.

Mainstream platforms funded by a steady cash flow from the corporate coffers of Disney, Time Warner, Comcast, Viacom, etc, used to reign supreme in entertainment publications. Moderately sized tech media operations clamored to remain in the good graces of these corporations in exchange for favors and special access. Now, operations with billions of dollars behind them are being thwarted by low-cost do-it-yourself YouTube channels like Geeks And Gamers, The Quartering, Nerdrotic, Clownfish TV, etc. The bloodletting has been so horrific that social media companies (with a shared agenda) have partnered with the majors to suppress these types of channels, demonetizing them or blocking some of them completely.

Alternative channels get so much attention because they offer something people want... an honest opinion and analysis, instead of an opinion bought and paid for with corporate advertising dollars.

In the political and social sphere, there have been numerous success stories, including Joe Rogan's podcast, Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Blaze TV's You Are Here, Tim Pool the list goes on and on. In economic media, outlets like Zero Hedge continue to bring in millions of readers that most other mainstream institutions wish they had.

To be sure, some of these information sources are still playing catch-up to those of us once considered "conspiracy theorists" a couple of decades ago. That's OK. I have been working and publishing within the alternative media for 16 years now, and I don't think many who are new to the field realize how much Americans have broken free from the mainstream narrative in that time. At the time I got started, to even dream of the audience numbers we now have was considered foolish, and I continue to find great hope in the growth of independent journalism overall.

The fact of the matter is, for decades corporate institutions conned the masses into believing only they were qualified to act as gatekeepers and guardians of the information bottleneck. Only they were the true "journalists." They have now lost the respect of the public and their gatekeeping is over. And on that note, let’s examine just a few of the reasons why trust in the mainstream has imploded. Let’s look at some of the biggest lies perpetuated by the MSM in 2021...

The Jan. 6 "Insurrection"

Probably one of the fakest news stories of the decade. The mainstream media has relentlessly parroted the propaganda that the conservative protest on Jan. 6 was some kind of planned attempt at a national takeover and violent coup resulting in multiple deaths. The reality was much less sexy.

First, the FBI has been forced to admit there is little evidence supporting the claim that the protest was an organized coup. And when an institution that is extremely hostile to patriots admits this, you know the government has nothing.

Not a single death originally attributed to the Jan. 6 protesters was actually caused by them, so that tall tale has been tossed in the memory hole. While there was some violence and an unarmed protester was shot and killed by police (Ashli Babbitt), the result of the event was nothing close to an insurrection. Protesters walked in, milled around for a little while, some people took some souvenirs, and then everyone left. It can barely be considered a "riot." Compare this to the BLM riots across the country which resulted in multiple actual killings by people directly participating, not to mention billions of dollars in property damage. The media called these riots "peaceful protests" while attacking the Jan. 6 participants as monsters.

Dangerous Words from A Dangerous Man...

In 1977, Lloyd Darland did such of good job of revealing the government's most secret and frightening scam that he was arrested and jailed for writing this book. It was quickly banished, but when I found an old copy, it was clear why his lost book had been suppressed. It will certainly shock you, and could anger you.

Click Here to Read Chapter 1 Now...

When conservatives protest something at least we go to the source instead of burning down the homes and businesses of innocent people. And I want to explain something else to leftists because I don't think they get it. When you do see a conservative "insurrection" (rebellion against centralized tyranny), they will not be unarmed like we were on Jan. 6, and they will not stop until all corrupt elements of the establishment are removed from power. If you were hiding under your beds over the events of Jan. 6, you really have no clue.

The Texas Power Grid Failure

Wow, what a politically charged mess the coverage of this event was. Multiple people die from a freak winter storm hitting Texas and taking down parts of their independent power grid and the first thing the mainstream media does is write stories about how this "proves they could never secede." These people are obsessed with centralization to the point that they lose their minds if you generate your own electricity.

Paul Krugman, a notorious propagandist for the establishment, went on a tirade in The New York Times dismissing any and all evidence that federally funded Wind Turbine failures led to the Texas power grid crisis. The facts on this are buried to this day.

The numbers prove Paul Krugman and the MSM utterly wrong. The Mises Institute published a comprehensive article on this based on analysis from the Institute for Energy Research, but I'll summarize:

The MSM and Paul Krugman argued that the entire incident was caused by Texas' ill-prepared natural gas-powered grid and that Wind Turbines had nothing to do with it. By extension, the MSM asserted that this makes any notion of a state like Texas becoming independent from centralized governance and a centralized grid "laughable." It's important to note that Krugman offers no real stats to support his arguments. An "economist" should know better.

The truth is that failing wind turbines were indeed the primary source of the grid decline. Leading up to the winter storm in February, wind turbines were generating around 28 percent of Texas power while natural gas was providing 43 percent. By the end of the freeze, wind power had dropped to 6 percent while natural gas took up the slack and increased to 65 percent of the grid. In other words, Krugman either lied, or he was oblivious to the actual stats; while there were failures in some natural gas plants, the majority of the fault was in federally funded wind power. During the grid down crisis, natural gas lost 7 percent of its overall output while the federally funded wind turbines lost 47 percent output. THIS IS A FACT.

Also keep in mind that power demand in the state skyrocketed at this time breaking all previous records, perhaps because over a million people had just transplanted to Texas in a matter of months. And here is where we find what is likely the core motive behind the media's lies about Texas. The establishment does not want Americans to migrate and congregate to fight against the mandates.

Texas is a top region where liberty-minded people are relocating, so it makes sense that the media would try to turn a tragedy caused by federal green energy incentives into an attack on a state they see as a bastion of hope against medical tyranny.

Fauci's Gain of Function Research

Anthony Fauci is perhaps the highest-paid liar in recent history, but his lies go beyond simply acting as a spin doctor for the government. The COVID pandemic has luckily resulted in a very low average Infection Fatality Rate (only 0.27 percent), meaning, over 99.7 percent of the population at any given time have very little to worry about from the virus. With the mild Omicron variant now in circulation, the death numbers are falling even further. However, there have been fatalities that did not need to happen, and Fauci is partly to blame.

Despite the fact that the largest Level 4 virology lab in Asia is in Wuhan, China, right down the street from the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak, the mainstream media at the behest of the government and the medical establishment has fought tooth and nail to deny any connection. If this was a murder investigation, it would be like a detective walking in a room to find a dead body and a guy with a bloody knife and then buying the suspect ice cream and sending him on his merry way. If you didn't witness the actual stabbing, why investigate further?

Why were the U.S. government and the media so adamant about ignoring the obvious? Maybe because government agencies like the NIAD and NIH under the direction of Anthony Fauci were involved in funding clandestine "Gain of Function" research of coronaviruses at that very lab in Wuhan. This would explain why the initial strain of COVID that spread around the world was a 96 percent match to samples held at the lab for at least seven years. The other 4 percent could be attributed to genetic manipulation through gain of function.

Fauci denied any involvement in gain of function research, which is predominantly used for the weaponization of a virus or other microorganisms. The media violently defended him and accused anyone critical of Fauci of being crackpot conspiracy theorists. Well, it turns out he was lying again. The release of over 900 documents related to coronavirus research funded by the U.S. government in Wuhan proves the media either blindly defended Fauci without looking at the evidence or that they share the same agenda.

"Transitory" Stagflation 

Mainstream media denial of U.S. inflation has been commonplace for some time. Now, they can't hide it anymore. With price inflation hitting 40-year highs (according to official numbers), the pocketbook of the average American is now taking a massive hit, and it’s only going to get worse from here on.

The media appears to be specifically invested in hiding real economic data from the public and protecting the Federal Reserve and central banking practices in general. I won't get into my theories on why this is the case, I'll only say that an unprepared populace is an easy to control populace when an economic crash occurs.

COVID Keeping Audiences from The Movie Theaters?

The movie industry was on the decline well before the covid pandemic happened, and it is undeniable that this was largely due to the extreme leftist propaganda implanted into Hollywood films since 2016. Yes, it was bad before then, but nowhere near as bad as it has become in the past five years. Hollywood calls this politicization of films "inclusivity," but having more black and brown people in films is not the issue. Rather, it is the injection of leftist woke ideology and cultism into everything from films to TV series to commercials.

The culture war is very real, and sadly, the biggest mistake of conservatives was to mostly ignore that fight in popular entertainment until recently. There is hope, however, and it is found in the mantra of "Get Woke Go Broke!" Audiences are voting with their wallets and the consensus is that they do not want woke politics poisoning their entertainment. For the past couple of years, leftists in the media have said that the crash in theater profits has been caused by public fear over covid. This excuse was recently destroyed by the latest Spiderman film, which has no woke politics and had audiences coming to theaters by the millions. The film made over $1 billion in five days.

Clearly, COVID is not a factor at all, but if you look at almost every failed movie this past year there is a thread that connects them... woke propaganda. No one wants it, no one likes it. The media has no other means of denying it any longer.

There are many other lies I did not get a chance to cover here, but I think you get the picture. Who knows what the next year will bring in terms of spin from our media gatekeepers? At least, for now, the alternative media has stepped up to fill the void and bring facts where there was once only deception. In order to get rid of the truth, they will have to get rid of us. Otherwise, the free market has spoken.

To truth and knowledge,

Brandon Smith


Media Mostly Omits the Late Desmond Tutu’s Troubling Comments About Israel and Jews

By Jackson Richman - 

Desmond Tutu, the prominent archbishop, died on Sunday at the age of 90. While his legacy in fighting apartheid in South Africa was rightly heralded in media coverage of his death, his history of troubling comments about Jews was mostly omitted.

Outlets including the Associated Press, NBC News, the BBC, NPR, and CBS News omitted any mention of Tutu’s comments. Those outlets and others also failed to mention that Tutu’s support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS movement against Israel. BDS is anti-Semitic, according to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee.

Tutu also minimized and distorted the memory of the Holocaust. He once said that “the gas chambers” during the Holocaust made for “a neater death” than South Africa’s apartheid policies. Such rhetoric is anti-Semitic, according to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, whose working definition of anti-Semitism has been adopted by dozens of countries including the United States.

In 1984, Tutu compared Israel to Nazi Germany by accusing the Jewish state of “collaboration” with South Africa’s apartheid government, which is “carrying out policies that are so reminiscent of Hitler’s Aryan madness.” While Israel unfortunately had ties with the apartheid regime, what was happening in South Africa, while immoral, was nothing remotely close to the Holocaust, which, unlike apartheid South Africa, had concentration and death camps. According to the IHRA, “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is an example of anti-Semitism.

In the same speech, Tutu doubled down on comments that were decried as anti-Semitic.

“I was immediately accused of being anti-Semitic,” he said. “I am sad because I think that it is a sensitivity in this instance that comes from an arrogance — the arrogance of power because Jews are a powerful lobby in this land and all kinds of people woo their support.” Alleging that there is, to paraphrase, “a Jewish lobby” echoes the anti-Semitic trope of the Jews controlling institutions and people.

He made similar comments in 2002.

“People are scared in [America] to say wrong is wrong, because the Jewish lobby is powerful, very powerful. Well, so what? Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin were all-powerful, but, in the end, they bit the dust,” he said.

In 1989, at Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance memorial museum, Yad Vashem, Tutu said that the Nazis should be forgiven for the Shoah. “We pray for those who made it happen, help us to forgive them and help us so that we, in our turn, will not make others suffer,” he said.

This rightfully incensed fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, who responded, “For anyone in Jerusalem, at Yad Vashem, to speak about forgiveness would be, in my view, a disturbing lack of sensitivity toward the Jewish victims and their survivors. I hope that was not the intention of Bishop Tutu.”

Yes, Tutu should be remembered as a central figure in the struggle against South African apartheid. However, his history of anti-Semitism must not be forgotten.

The post Media Mostly Omits the Late Desmond Tutu’s Troubling Comments About Israel and Jews first appeared on Mediaite.


Six Facts the Left Doesn't Want You To Know About Global Warming
.By David Simon
Six Facts the Left Doesn't Want You To Know About Global WarmingNASA
President Biden implores us that climate change is an “existential threat” to humanity. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry preaches to us that “[t]he climate crisis as a whole is a national security threat because it is disruptive to the daily lives of human beings all over the world.” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns us that in 2030, “the world is going to end … if we don’t address climate change.”
Hold on to your wallet. The Left’s global warming Chicken Littles insist that the sky is falling but don’t want you to know six key facts.
First, in his new book “Unsettled,” Obama Administration Department of Energy chief scientist Steven Koonin shows that the models relied upon by the Left to predict future global warming are so poor that they cannot even reproduce the temperature changes in the 20th century.
If these models cannot reproduce past temperatures already known when the models were developed, how can they possibly reliably predict temperatures decades into the future?
Second, Koonin’s book also documents that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s own analysis indicates that any negative economic impact that global warming eventually may have will be so modest that it warrants no action.
Third, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the UN IPPC do not claim that a link has been established between global warming and natural disaster
In 2020, the NOAA stated: “it is premature to conclude with high confidence that increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from human activities have had a detectable impact on Atlantic basin hurricane activity,” and “changes in tropical cyclone activity … are not yet detectable.”
The UN IPPC, the Wall Street Journal reported, “says that it too lacks evidence to show that warming is making storms and flooding worse.”
Fourth, as the earth’s temperature has risen, natural disasters have become far less deadly.
Since 1920, the planet’s temperature has risen by 1.29 degrees Celsius and world population has quadrupled from less than two billion to over seven and half billion – yet EM-DAT, The International Disaster Database, reports that the number of people killed by natural disasters has declined by over 80 percent, from almost 550,000 per year to less than 100,000 per year.
Fifth, some of the world’s best scientists believe that global warming will be beneficial rather than harmful.
In 2017, a group of eminent scientists – such as Richard Lindzen of MIT and William Happer of Princeton – wrote that “[o]bservations [over the last] 25 years … show that warming from increased atmospheric CO2 will be benign.”
Carbon dioxide, they noted, “is not a pollutant but a major benefit to agriculture and other life on Earth.”
Sixth, global warming saves lives. A study published in 2015 by the British medical journal The Lancet found that cold kills over 17 times more people than heat.
This study by 22 scientists from around the world – which examined over 74 million deaths in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States in 1985-2012, “the largest dataset ever collected to assess temperature-health associations”– reported that cold caused 7.29 percent of these deaths, while heat caused only 0.42 percent.
And small changes in the temperature matter: “moderately hot and cold temperatures” caused 88.85 percent of the temperature-related deaths, while “extreme” temperatures caused only 11.15 percent.
We must not let the Left bully us into draconian action with unfounded claims of a looming climate catastrophe. Know the facts. Global warming is not a problem.



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