Sunday, December 12, 2021

So It Goes. SCWA Events. FAIR Review. Mark Levine Dec. 14 Program Outstanding. Wallace Leaves.

My father was President of the ZOA's Southeast region and I have been a Zionist as long as I remember.
And so it continues to go.

Texas man charged with threatening Chabad rabbis

Christopher Stephen Brown is facing up to five years in federal prison after he allegedly threatened to 'tear out' rabbis' eyes and tongues and kill as many as he could.


Connecting local and global Communities

In case you missed it, our interesting November program is now available on the 
SCWA YouTube channel!.

Dr. Jeannie Johnson,  Associate Professor of Political Science at Utah State University and Founding Director of the Center for Anticipatory Intelligence presented:

"Strategic Culture and the Warfighter: What America's Counterinsurgency Past Says About its Security Future
The way U.S. Marines fight and the strategic outcomes they are able to achieve are determined both by warfighting practices endemic to Marine Corps culture as well as boundaries imposed by the wider U.S. national culture it serves.  The field of strategic culture examines the ways in which both organizational and national cultures influence decision-making and behavior within a strategic community.  The lessons a nation chooses to learn from its engagements are often more cultural than rational.  Exploring the lessons the U.S. has drawn, and those it has ignored, from the last twenty years of counterinsurgent fighting provides critical insight into how the U.S. strategic community is likely to face a future of mixed-method great power conflict.

Dr. Jeannie Johnson is an Associate Professor in the Political Science Department at Utah State University and is the Director of USU's Center for Anticipatory Intelligence (CAI).  Dr. Johnson’s primary research interest, Strategic Culture, examines the impact of national and organizational cultures on the formation of security policy.  Dr. Johnson co-founded the Center for Anticipatory Intelligence in 2018 with the vision of creating a cross-disciplinary, leading-edge initiative dedicated to researching, addressing, and teaching threat analysis and resilience modeling that fuses expertise in national security and geopolitics. 
Prior to her academic career, Dr. Johnson worked within the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Intelligence as a member of the Balkan Task Force from 1998-1999 and served with the U.S. State Department in Embassies in Paris and Zagreb.  The Cultural Topography analytic method she pioneered with co-author Matt Berrett was featured in CIA’s June 2011 edition of Studies in Intelligence.
Dr. Johnson has conducted in-depth research on U.S. national and military service cultures, including critical blind spots in our foreign and security policy.  Her 2018 book, The Marines, Counterinsurgency, and Strategic Culture: Lessons Learned and Lost in America’s Wars, explores the collective impact of three layers of culture: the internal culture of the U.S. Marine Corps, the culture of the U.S. military, and American national culture across 100 years of counterinsurgency operations.  Dr. Johnson has also focused on the application of strategic culture analysis to the nuclear weapons issue and has co-edited two books on that topic.
Dr. Johnson received her doctorate in strategic studies from the University of Reading in 2013.  She received her BA and MA from Utah State University in 1993 and 1995.

We need your feedback on our presentations!
Please send your questions, comments, suggestions, criticisms, accolades, etc. to the SCWA mail box at


Check the SCWA website for upcoming events!

WACA and its associated councils continue to offer both FREE or FEE live-streaming events in this time of social distancing.

SCWA hopes that you and yours are well & safe!

SCWA is resuming in-person meetings, given local conditions and the speakers comfort level! 
The programs will be recorded for later viewing.
Presentations will start at 7:30pm.

Review the Spring program schedule HERE.

The recording of the December 9 program will be published shortly:

Dr. Thomas Patterson, 

Professor of Government and the Press a Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government

"How America Lost its Mind: Our Misinformation Crisis" 

Our next program is Thursday January 20

Ambassador Larry Silverman, 

Retired U.S Foreign Service Officer (30 years) serving in the Middle East and Europe
 will present:

"What U.S Embassies Do for America" 


This week on the Fair for All Substack, law student Chad Williams wrote a powerful piece titled “From white supremacy to race-conscious discrimination.” The essay outlined the conceptual differences between what Williams calls “traditional” racism, which “describe individuals, organizations, and institutions treating people differently on account of their race,” with racism according to the tenets of so-called “critical race theory,” which is defined as “disparities between racial groups.”

Williams points out that these different concepts of racism stem from two types of discrimination according to civil rights law—disparate treatment of individuals versus disparate impact on groups. While everyone appears to agree that disparate treatment is racist, there is considerable disagreement over whether disparate impact also constitutes racism, given the many other causes that can influence group outcomes, such as demography, geography, and culture.

Williams states:

In my view, our concern as black people should not necessarily be with closing all disparities between ourselves and other racial groups, but rather with ensuring that we become ever safer, healthier and wealthier—a process that may eventually close these gaps on their own. Relative success or failure should not be determined on that metric.

Read the full article here.

FAIR Advisors Steven Pinker and Melissa Chen sat down at a FAIR event to celebrate the publication of Pinker’s new book—Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It MattersThey explored the nature of rationality, the power of group-think in corrupting it, and the social dynamics on both sides of the political spectrum that lead people to hold outlandish beliefs.

According to Pinker, “it shouldn't be such a feat of mental gymnastics to both believe that [racism has declined] and to believe that racism still exists in the United States, but I find that it's surprisingly difficult to get people to acknowledge those two ideas.”

Read the full conversation here.

For Newsweek, psychologist Xavier Bonilla wrote about how the word “Latinx,” an “inclusive” gender-neutral term created promoted by activists to describe Latinos, is instead alienating and offending the Latino community. A recent poll found that only 2 percent of Hispanics use the term, and over 40 percent actually found the term offensive.

Bonilla believes that an overly academic focus on nomenclature is distracting many Democratic politicians from understanding the real-world concerns of Latino voters, which is causing many to abandon the party in favor of the GOP. Bonilla states:

[I]nstead of offering Latinos things they actually care about, understanding large parts of this community as sharing the concerns of the middle and working classes to which they belong, Democratic strategists ignore the concerns of the Latino community, and then rebrand it in a language foreign to its self-conception, and even lecture struggling American Hispanics about people living in other countries.

In order to retain Latino voters, Bonilla believes the Democratic party needs to start prioritizing class issues over race.

Read the full article here.

This week, USA Today published the final column by Senator Bob Dole, who died last Sunday. In his column, Dole explained the synergistic relationship between the political Right and Left in America, and “why teamwork is needed in Washington now more than ever.” Dole wrote:

During my years in Congress, Democrats and Republicans were political combatants, but we were also friends. I learned that it is difficult to get anything done unless you can compromise – not your principles but your willingness to see the other side. Those who suggest that compromise is a sign of weakness misunderstand the fundamental strength of our democracy.

Dole is worried that extreme partisanship within both parties is harmful to the country as well as democracy itself. The unwillingness to even speak to the other side on important issues, driven by fear of accusations of guilt-by-association, is unsustainable because, according to Dole, “a functioning democracy thrives on debate between those with opposing views.”

Read Dole’s last USA Today column here.

For Tablet, senior writer Liel Leibovitz describes what he calls as “The Turn”—the personal process of coming to realize the party you had previously voted for no longer reflects your core values.

Leibovitz explains how serious issues surrounding identity politics, COVID-19 policies, and free speech, to name only a few, has caused many to rethink their political identities. For Leibovitz, The Turn caused him to switch his political identity from the Left to Right. He says:

I still remember how confusing and painful it felt to know that my beliefs—beliefs, mind you, that, until very recently, were so obvious and banal and widely held on the left that they were hardly considered beliefs at all—now labeled me an outcast.

Read the full article here.

On her Substack, The Truth Fairy, FAIR Advisor Abigail Shrier reveals what she spoke about in her private talk at Princeton earlier this week. She addressed one of the most commonly asked questions of her—What’s it like to be so hated?

Shrier explains to the students that she is no “a provocateur,” and nor does she “get a rush from making people angry.” Rather, she frequently finds herself at the center of controversy simply because she is “effective, and unwilling to back down.” While many would find being the frequent target of vitriol unnerving, Shrier tells the Princeton students that it’s actually freeing, and urges them to take back the freedoms that they have lost.

Take it back. Take it back. It’s yours to demand. Take back the right to speak your mind—thoughtfully, courteously, with a goal in mind beyond giving offense. The list of unmentionable truths expands so rapidly, without reason other than the attempt to suffocate a free people so that they forget the exhilaration of a lungful of air.

Read the full article here.

For Newsweek, FAIR Advisor Angel Eduardo wrote about the term “Latinx,” referencing a recent poll finding that the vast majority (98 percent) of Hispanics don’t use the word, with 40 percent claiming to even be offended by it.

Eduardo asks “why are we witnessing the ascendancy of a term loathed by 40 percent of the population it's purported to describe?” He believes this is because they are not actually addressing Hispanics at all, but rather upper-class Left-wing activists. Eduardo points out the hypocrisy in this “lexical imperialism,” as he calls it.

So much for being anti-colonization, and not mislabeling others based on preconceived notions about their identity! As if bigotry can be eradicated by breaking a language. The gesture is as empty as it is insulting.

Read the full article here.

For the The Thomas B. Fordham Institute, FAIR Advisor Robert Pondiscio wrote about the phenomenon of “luxury beliefs,” a phenomenon coined by University of Cambridge Ph.D. Candidate Rob Henderson, which are defined as “ideas and opinions that confer status on the rich at very little cost, while taking a toll on the lower class.”

Once you become aware of the concept of luxury beliefs, their prevalence in our culture becomes all too apparent, and that “nowhere is [this] gulf between upscale ideals and everyday reality wider or more obvious than in education policy and practice.” Pondiscio says that:

Too few of us know or have personal experience walking in the shoes of the families and students we claim to serve. Instead, we opine about what’s best for other people’s children from the safety of our respective bubbles, indulging our own set of luxury beliefs.

Read the full article here.


I would not expect otherwise:

China’s Military Will Open Fire On US Forces Who Come to Taiwan’s Aid

The official organ of the Chinese Communist Party, the Global Times, has issued the latest warning to attack the United States. If a battle breaks out between the two countries, it is said that China’s military will assault US forces who come to Taiwan’s aid. According to the report, “such credibility is progressively overriding the deterrent.”

Moreover, China’s threat to reintegrate Taiwan into its orbit comes as the Biden administration grapples with Russian invasion attempts in Ukraine, a circumstance that might force US action. The US has stated that it is ready to fight any effort by China to capture Taiwan by force.

The Global Times, a propaganda source for China’s Communist Party (CCP), has vowed to strike US forces who could come to Taiwan’s rescue. Since the Biden Administration began office, China has threatened to invade Taiwan, prompting the US to strengthen the island’s defenses and caution the CCP against escalation

Furthermore, the editorial in Thursday’s Global Occasions is one of the few times in recent memory that China has openly threatened to harm anyone who could assist Taiwan defend itself.

According to Sullivan, the US is working to guarantee that a solid Chinese takeover of Taiwan “never happens.” The Global Times answered explicitly in an editorial, stating that China will not abandon its reunification efforts. “Don’t have a loudmouth, Mr. Sullivan,” the publication advised, “or you will only shame your nation further.”


Mark Levine is one of my favorites and on Dec. 14 he had one of the best programs on racism and anti-Semitism I have ever heard.  His guests were predominantly black and their  focus was on the New York Times, corporate America, various media platforms like MSNBC, the attacks on the new Lt. Governor of Virginia and  intimidation of those who believe in God and who maintain America is one of the greatest, most diverse nations in the world by these Marxist Organizations, like BLM who attack America and seek to destroy America.

These Marxist organizations, Levine and his guests claim, are parading under the umbrella of calling those who attack them racists when, in fact, they, are the ones committing racist acts and who embrace anti-Semitism. The press is purposely ignoring facts so they can advance their radical ideologies. Our freedoms were derived from God so those who believe in God are dangerous and must be called racists so they will be intimidated and their voices stilled.

Levine also discussed the January 6th attack of "trespassing" by citizens characterized as, elevated to an "insurrection" and the subsequent incarceration and deprivation of those arrested of the constitutional rights. The Marxist radicals, who are swarming America, seek to use legitimate acts of freedom and protest to enslave us through the manipulation of language, ie. CRT.

I will expand on this in a subsequent memo,

Then there is revelation that one of my least liked TV Journalist's is leaving FOX  and is going to CNN where he belongs.

Chris Wallace Leaving Fox News



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