Saturday, August 21, 2021

WOE IS Us And The Sinking U.S.S America. Support The Tuttle Twins and Allen West. More.

What Biden has done is tragic on multi levels. In his demonic desire to reverse all the positive Trump accomplished against constantly mounting odds and increasing roadblocks he has left us with:

a) higher inflation and threats to increased income levels Trump achieved for all workers.

b) our borders are flooding with illegals who are mostly unmasked and highly likely to spread Covid.

c) enriched narcotic cartels and those who deal in human trafficking

d) ignored states and cities where rioting and destruction has been tolerates and/or ignored.

e) disregarded the safety of  historically Democrat constituents because of passivity towards defunding the police..

f) allowed a total challenge to our culture and re-instated color to excel over competence,, totally gutting MLK's warning.

g) allowed The Taliban to become emboldened  and walked away from billions of dollars of sensitive and critical military equipment which The Taliban  will now use against Afghanistan's and/or sell to China, Iran and Russia or make available to them.

.h) As for Biden he has spit in the eyes of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, lost untold limbs, walked away from good deeds achieved by our military and trashed the word of the United States as a reliable partner.

i) By allowing Iran to advance their nuclear pursuits he has probably laid the keel of the next World War and increased the likelihood it will be a nuclear one.

j) Finally, he has turned a disaster of a rescue withdrawal into what will become an enormous hostage endeavor and add more casualties and deaths to his ledger.

I cannot look inside Biden's addled mind and explain why except to remind the reader this is a lifelong pattern of behaviour.

I can say the contempt people developed for Trump caused Biden to become president because Biden did not earn anyone's vote.  They simply chose to give them their vote out of distaste for his predecessor. Now they are reaping the rewards.

They thought they were getting rid of a worrisome, nagging hang nail and they actually wound up with cancer.  

In a previous memo I mentioned The Tuttle Twins because my grandchildren love these books. I came across this just recently and wanted to  provide more information.. They are an antidote to all the attacks on our culture, capitalism  etc.

The same goes for my friend and fellow memo reader, Allen West,  He would make a great Governor.  Wish he was running here in Georgia.


Hi Friend, 

Our education system is gone. I’m not exaggerating. It’s taken over by radical leftists. 

You’re probably familiar with what school curricula now teaches: 
  • America’s founding principles are NOT based on liberty, but only slavery.
  • America is an evil, patriarchal white supremacist country. 
  • America today is just as oppressive as it was in the past. 
I asked myself: “What can I do to protect my kids from this socialist indoctrination?” 

I have three kids. I know it’s impossible to safeguard them from everything they consume in the media. But I wanted to offer an alternative that presents REAL history and teaches them the ideas of liberty, personal responsibility, and free markets. 

I discovered the Tuttle Twins.

The Tuttle Twins is a series of books teaching kids about limited government, free markets, individualism, and everything against the plague of socialism in schools. 

Over 2.5 MILLION copies of The Tuttle Twins have been distributed!

I love these books. And the best part - my kids love the books! And now, I work full time for Connor Boyack, the author of the Tuttle Twins. 

Friend, I am emailing to ask you to help counter socialist indoctrination. We are working to distribute another 1 MILLION copies of the Tuttle Twins to schools, libraries, and families this year. 

One more important point… All online donations are being matched by one of the Libertas Institute’s biggest supporters, John P. You can double your impact! If you donate $100, John P. will personally match it with another $100 gift.*

Friend, I’ve seen firsthand how entrenched socialism is in our schools. It’s not only public schools - even private and charter schools are promoting Critical Race Theory and other cultural forms of socialism. 

The Tuttle Twins personally saved my kids from socialism. The only way I see out for conservatives and liberty lovers is to offer an alternative. The Tuttle Twins is doing that with major success. 

We do not have woke corporations sponsoring our content. We rely exclusively on generous supporters who believe in liberty to fund our programs. 

Please help us offer stories of free markets and personal responsibility to kids. Use this link to donate >>

Thank you,

Catherine Hess
Development Director
Libertas Institute & Tuttle Twins
It is coming down the pike and Israel better act or WW 3 will have begun:


In this Biden-initiated border crisis, illegals are flooding over our southern border in historic numbers, with lawlessness, crime, and now a public health crisis gripping the entire state of Texas.

Southern Border

The Rio Grande Valley is being hit especially hard, with most new COVID cases coming from illegals or Texans who have encountered these invaders. As the Biden administration, with Gov. Abbott’s tacit approval, ships these illegals across the state, other urban health centers such as Houston, Austin, Dallas, and others are also suffering.

Richard, the recent revelation that we have hospitals in our border communities such as McAllen that have reached full capacity treating illegals with COVID is very disturbing. Texas hospitals should be treating Texans, but instead, we have a public health crisis because of an unsecured southern border.

Now, due to the overflow of ill illegals, Gov. Abbott has issued an order stating Texans should not have elective medical procedures!

We should not be sacrificing the healthcare of Texans for people who are violating the rule of law, Richard – it’s just common sense.

In fact, we should not be mandating COVID testing, mask wearing, and vaccinations on Texans while simultaneously not requiring the same for the illegals invading our state.

Richard, the lack of leadership in Texas for finally securing our border has resulted in a drug crisis, a rising crime wave, increased sex-trafficking, and a public health crisis across the Lone Star State. We should be putting Texans first, not those who disrespect our sovereignty.


Prioritizing illegals above Texans has pushed hospitals across our state to the breaking point and is forcing Texans to forego elective surgery and other crucial medical procedures.

If I’m elected governor, I will not tolerate the rights and health of Texans to be sacrificed at the altar of a leftist open borders agenda. Texans must come first.

Will you join me in this fight, Richard?

Your generous grassroots contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100 or even more to my campaign will help me reach Texas voters with my winning, conservative message and bring the tough, principled leadership we need in Austin to meet this challenge.

Thank you, Richard – I hope to hear from you today!

For Freedom,
Allen B. West
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret)
If there ever was a weak, pathetic, coward it is president Biden who would be the matrix.  Carter was next and Obama even goes ahead of them but for different reasons. :Woe Is Us.

I wrote one day we would miss Trump warts and all. That time has come. 

I also wrote he would not last more than 78 days and I was correct about that as well but he is still sitting in the Oval Office but  shrunken and so small he can barely mount the chair.
We Have No President 

Matt Vespa


How Are Those Mean Tweets Looking Now? 

Kurt Schlichter


CNN Reporter Chooses the Perfect Word to Describe Biden's Disastrous Exit from Afghanistan

Matt Vespa

Joe Biden Delivered an Afghanistan Address That Was Shredded by the
Media and Even His Own Officials

Matt Vespa


Cowardly Biden Hides from the Press on Afghanistan

Tim Graham


A friend and sometime fellow memo reader wrote this:

Opinion | State Bans on Critical Race Theory Won’t Work"The thought occurred to me this  week that it is quite the paradox

 of viewing people desperately clinging to a United States of America transport plane only to end their own lives amid the  

vain hope of perhaps, with G-d's hand, they would arrive on our shores with their families one day.  Didn't they know that 

America is an irredeemable racist, bigoted country where the privileged class erects institutionalized barriers of 

oppression?  R.H"

My response: 

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