Friday, August 13, 2021

Arnold Right On Target! Market Comment Set Against Gathering Ominous Clouds While America's Chamberlain Hides At Camp David. An Eeriness.

The headline tends to villainize Arnold but I am in total agreement with his sentients

Arnold Schwarzenegger Tells Americans ‘Screw Your Freedom’

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t care if being forced to get the Covid-19 vaccine infringes on American’s freedoms. He put it bluntly to CNN’s Bianna Golodryga saying “screw your freedoms.”

The Washington Examiner reports:

Schwarzenegger, 74, stressed the importance of people wearing masks and said it’s best for people to get vaccinated.

“There is a virus here — it kills people,” Schwarzenegger said. “And the only way we prevent it is to get vaccinated, to wear masks, to do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just to think about, ‘Well, my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom — because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. You cannot just say, ‘I have the right to X, Y, and Z.’ When you affect other people then it gets serious.”

“Yeah, you have the freedom to wear no mask,” he said. “But you know something? You’re a schmuck for not wearing a mask.”

“I don’t want to villainize anyone here, but I just want to tell everyone, let’s work together,” he said. “Let’s stop fighting, because there is a virus, and it’s better to be vaccinated and wear a mask.”


My last market comment seems to be playing out. Historically, August is among one of the worst market months.

I will add this one thought.  The collapse of Afghanistan, if showed on TV combined with the rooftop shots of the collapse in Viet Nam will send a reminder message to the world that America is a waning power.  That could well have a negative reaction on the markets psychologically.

America is a receding power, the West is in economic disarray and increasingly dependent on Russian energy, Iran is a rising "nuclear" threat, Biden is a complete disaster, physically weak and intellectually braindead and Islamic terrorists are re-emerging. This is not a particularly favorable background for a recovery that is limping along as an aspect of COVID re-surfaces.


However, my prediction Biden would not last 78 days has proven wrong.  In fact the America I love has taken his place and disappeared.  

Americans are assassinating police , citizens live in fear of their own lives, Afghanistan is collapsing and many thousands of troops are returning to rescue the last human remnants of our 20 year folly.  Our nation is being invaded, actually overwhelmed, by illegals who have been encouraged to come here because our treatment of them surpasses than that we show our own citizens. School openings remain dubious because a variant of the virus has returned while the government issues conflicting advice and we now learn a limited number of the experts lied for political reasons.

You cannot deny what I write. The only thing you can do,  if you voted for Biden,  is defend him and continue to blame Trump. 

 While all of these ominous clouds are forming our equivalent of  Chamberlain is hiding out at Camp David.


More commentary on Tom Sowell:

Glenn Loury: The Life And Work Of Thomas Sowell
interview with Thomas Sowell via The Glenn Show

Hoover Institution fellow Glenn Loury talks about the amazing life and work of Thomas Sowell.


I have not mentioned, for the last several weeks, when opportunity permitted, I have been reading an historical novel about Clementine Churchill. and am at the point where Winston is preparing to fly to America for his first face to face with FDR to enlist our reluctant nation to enter the war against Hitler and, at the very least, supply Britain the wherewithal to continue to take him on alone.

There is an eeriness about this book and then and what is happening in today's world today.



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