Sunday, August 22, 2021

Unreliable President Who Chose Poor Military Leadership Because He Focused on Color Not Competence. FUBAR Moment. PIRO Unloads. Semper Fi. Sane Melanie.

I hear a constant refrain 'America is an unreliable partner. ' Perhaps on some occasions that is arguable but we stayed in Afghanistan for 20 years, spent untold billions, lost thousands of lives and our forces sustained terrible injuries.  Thus, I challenge that remark.

What we have is an  unreliable president who chose poor military leadership because he was motivated by seeking diversity not competence..



 Biden Claims Military Advisors Never Told Him To Keep Troops In Afghanistan, But Multiple Reports Say Otherwise

Sent to me by a dear friend of long standing, a fellow memo reader and one of my more informed political and D.C  sources:

The Eagle’s Stare – Pentagon Unaware of State Department Security Alert Telling Americans Not To Come to Kabul Airport

The Eagle’s Stare…

In keeping with the FUBAR dynamic… a deeper, perhaps more concerning, picture is emerging.  The Pentagon held a press briefing today with Defense Department spokesperson John Kirby and Maj. General Hank Taylor.  After initial comments, the first question was about the State Department telling Americans not to attempt to come to the airport.  Kirby and Taylor did not know about it.

Maj General Taylor admitted, “I’m not familiar with that directly.”  [See video 04:08 Prompted]:

Defense Department Spokesperson John Kirby was put in a very uncomfortable position of answering questions about a State Department alert he was not knowledgeable about.

Stand back for a moment.  Was the release from the State Dept timed to catch Kirby and Taylor off-guard?   Having watched these internecine battles unfold amid Deep State institutions wanting to protect their own interests and avoid blame for their part of the FUBAR, my answer is a resounding yes.

The State Department is the bureaucratic scum that creates the environment for DC swamp creatures to exist.  Keep in mind the Dept of State (DoS) is a sister agency to the CIA.  DoS and CIA embed together, operate together and align in common purpose.  As such, the picture starts to gain clarity…. The State Dept is turning against the White House to protect itself.

Now, here is where you need to overlay the narrative engineers.  Remember, the State Dept public relations outlet is CNN.  The CIA use The Washington Post. The FBI use Politico and the New York Times.  I have repeatedly outlined this synergy because it is times like this when that understanding brings clarity to the picture.

At the same time, the Dept of State (DoS) is undermining the Pentagon.  CNN is turning against the White House.  Can you see the ideological framework now?   DoS and CNN have a common purpose and agenda.

Around the world, various governments know that CNN and CNNi are essentially U.S. State Media.  That is why our adversaries talk about CNN as propaganda for U.S. strategic interests.  If you have followed this for years, you have many reference points.

Because CNN is the narrative engineering outlet for the State Dept, CNN is also aligned in favor of their sister institution, the CIA.  Together, the three institutions operate globally with a synergy and collaborative message.

Within this Deep State internecine battle, and with CNN and DoS turning against Joe Biden, that means the CIA now aligns against the White House.  [Tripwire Alert: look for the Washington Post to start undermining Joe Biden/White House].  Keep in mind, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki used to be the spokesperson for the State Department.  Have you seen Psaki recently?   There you go….

Deep State interests in DC are Machiavellian constructs; we have boatloads of reference points from their unified opposition to Donald Trump.  With that in mind, we should watch to see the tell-tale signs of whether Jen Psaki was implanted in the White House specifically as an insurance policy against a Deep State foreign policy FUBAR like we are seeing right now.

In the interim, modify the focus of your prism as you review all new events in/around Afghanistan to see the connective tissue between CNN, the State Department and CIA [strongest institution within the Intelligence Branch].  Then keep in mind, the Senate is in alignment with, and a facilitator for, the Intelligence Branch.  As a consequence, the institution of the senate will align with the interests of the State Department; and, by default align with the CIA, intelligence community and CNN reporting.

The deepest, swampiest part of the Deep State is protecting its interests against the outcome of a crisis in Afghanistan they collectively created.  The picture has now emerged of their plan to blame the White House, and by extension Joe Biden along with the Pentagon.

That dynamic is why Tucker Carlson was perplexed yesterday saying “something is going on here.”  Tucker knows, but he has to pretend he doesn’t know, while simultaneously outlining the ‘curious media duplicity’.  Indeed, if you don’t travel the deep murky water of the swamp, it is weird to see CNN (really the State Dept.) turn against the White House. However, once you know the connections it makes more sense.

Team Barack H Obama is curiously silent as this dynamic plays out.  I would advise to watch for signs of Obama aligning with Team State Department.

The ideological alignment between Team DoS and Team Obama is much stronger than the Pentagon; and Team Obama would like nothing more than to see the U.S. military weakened on the international stage, because that makes their forward efforts (think United Nations) easier to achieve.

BIG PICTURE – Remember, there was a time when the eagle’s stare on the Presidential seal used to point toward the quiver of arrows, while the eagle’s stare on the DoS seal used to point to the olive branch.

This ideological dynamic has existed for a long time.
I often refer to Biden in a disparaging manner, ie. Doofus..  After listening to

Judge Jeanine Pirro's 

  introduction on Saturday night last I no longer feel a need to recant.  Her's was devastating and right between the listener's eyes. She hung some words together that were smack on and awesome.
Semper Fi!

Marines to Spend 2 Years Testing NMESIS Weapon System
Marines to Start Testing New Weapon System

( – Military innovation plays a key role in America’s ability to defend itself and its allies from harm. In fact, the discovery of new technologies empowers US military forces to stay one step ahead of our adversaries. That’s what makes a recent announcement about a new system in testing with the Marines so exciting.

The History of NMESIS

The “Navy-Marine Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System (NMESIS)” is a blend of two existing technologies discovered in recent years: the well-known Naval Strike Missile (NSM) and a remotely operated tactical ground unit known as ROGUE or JLTV. Yet, the combination is different enough to consider the new technology truly unique.

Researchers started with a Raytheon Missiles & Defense-created NSM capable of seeking out and destroying enemy ships from distances of up to 100 nautical miles. The USS Gabrielle Giffords first tested that device in 2019 during exercises just off the coast of Guam. At the time, however, they were firing it from the deck of a ship, rather than from land.

The most recent innovation didn’t occur until shortly afterward. Military researchers loaded Raytheon’s NSM onto Oshkosh Defense’s “Remotely Operated” Ground Unit for Expeditionary (ROGUE) Fires vehicle. This instantly extended the NSM’s flexibility, granting troops access to a far more flexible and highly portable anti-ship defense system capable of firing from coastal regions.

Extensive Testing Planned
While the two technologies contained within the NMESIS system aren’t necessarily new, it must still undergo extensive testing to prove its worth. The US Marines are currently in charge of that process, and apparently, have been for some time. Back in April, a Raytheon spokesperson told Naval News the first such test occurred in November 2020.

The military engaged in another more recent test on August 18, during the Navy’s Large Scale Exercise 2021. That particular event saw troops fire at, and successfully strike, a decommissioned ship from the coast of Hawaii’s Kauai island. Marines also practiced loading the ROGUE and its deadly payload onto, and off of, Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft.

NMESIS will move to Camp Pendleton in October, giving Marines more time to work with the device and test the limits of its capabilities. Reports show it will remain there for at least two years. Thus, troops will have plenty of time to explore its potential.

Copyright 2021,
Rational Melanie:


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