Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Long But Deem One Of My Best Memos. Oldest Daughter Arrives Thursday You Have Time To Digest As Am Not Writing Until She Departs Late Monday.

We tried to nation build but Biden equipped a radical Islamist Terrorist Army Instead
My oldest daughter is coming Thursday, the 26th so this will be my last Memo until she departs next Monday.

I have devoted the entire day (Tuesday) after I played tennis and went to Pilates, to this memo.  I know it is long and covers a lot of territory. For those who enjoy reading what I post you will have at least four days to wade through this memo.

Also,. I go for my booster shot today

Stay well, be safe, have a great weekend.  Me


There you have it!

While all of America knows that President Joe Biden just can’t stop having mental lapses and gaffes while speaking on camera, Biden may just have confessed a little too much and the White House is likely doing damage control.

During a recent speech at the White House to welcome the 2020 WNBA champions, Biden hinted that Vice President Kamala Harris could become the President “pretty soon.”

In transcript provided by Trending Politics, Biden shockingly said, “Kamala happens to be in Asia for me right now, but that’s why we have a female Vice President of the United States of America, who’s gonna be, we’re gonna have some [female] presidents pretty soon.”


America Then and America Now.

My view:  America Then

America was established by some pretty intelligent men who were patriotic, dedicated and convinced a democratic society was the path to pursue.

They drafted a document, established a republic form of government which was different than any nation that went before. The rugged individual became pre-imminent and was served by this government whose rights were given to him by God.  

The founders of this republic thought it wise the citizens be educated with a basic and rigorous curricula, various freedoms were embodied in a Bill Of Rights, the government was intentionally small, its three branches were designed to compete and elected official's period of service was deemed to be limited. 

As noted, the citizens were endowed with specified inalienable rights among which were the right  to vote, to be secure in their home, to bear arms, to be free to speak and worship etc.

Because the land was extensive, endowed with essential  natural resources, a varied range of climates and the citizens were allowed to retain the fruits of their labor, were independent, creative, and mostly God fearing rugged souls their republic blossomed under an economic theory called capitalism..

Two very important things happened to plant the seeds of change.

First, the republic prospered mightily and second, the nation was destined to engage in and win wars they did not seek and therefore, to become responsible for rebuilding and leading the world.

These two conditions made them rich enough to be able to sustain their fateful endeavors but they also served to change the attitude and desires of the people, the growth of the government that served them and altered many facets of their culture associated with what it meant to be called an American.

Americans  began to feel omnipotent and powerful and this altered the type of citizen-politician who was attracted to govern their republic.  Power and wealth became attributes of political service and thus, the length of  tenure and the cost of re-election expanded.  Self-serving  attitudes began to drive legislative initiatives which often supplanted focus on the legitimate needs of the republic.

Tax increases were levied to pay for the cost of expanding government and the mounting wants and obligations of the citizenry. The republic incurred debt to provide for the growing appetite for goods and services and the desire and ability  of citizens to have a higher standard of living due to their creative resourcefulness.

Along the way, the republic also strayed from its roots and constitutional dictums because of an amoral pursuit involving enslaved labor. A great Civil War was fought over this issue and the north won over the south. In many ways, the nation never re-knitted and the enslaved were free only to become segregated citizens.

In time, the former enslaved and segregated citizens legally achieved  their civil rights and became full citizens but lacked educational and vocational skills and other personal attributes and became underclass. Some members of their racial class excelled, went on to make significant contributions to the republic and fought and died in it's defense but most still remained underclass.

Eventually, these black citizens learned about and were given the opportunity to pursue the power of elected office and the benefits that accrued from/with repetitive service and the rise in the political ranks. Over time, the guilty conscience of the nation led to "entitlements" to assuage their history of abnegation.  The boomerang effect made them increasingly dependent upon government largess and husbands were unable to compete against Uncle Sam's munificence.  This led to the destruction of the family unit, resulted in disassociation from their church and faith based culture and sowed the seeds for radical protests.

These expanded protests resulted in affirmative actions/legislation and increasing concessions which only led to greater demands and radical pursuits for "justice."

In my opinion, the election of President Wilson began America's flirtation with socialism. Wilson was an elitist snob, president of one of America's, at that time, whitest shoe Ivy League  Universities  and  a racist.  Wilson was a Progressive Democrat who believed in the power of the federal government to regulate the economy.  He suffered a severe stroke that paralyzed his left side and caused significant brain damage. 

FDR , The Great Depression and WW 2 added more social leaning logs to the bonfire.  The growth in political progressivism, the embrace of Keynesian economics and the radicalization of university liberal arts departments, followed by the Viet Nam Protests, rejection of authority and the lifestyle change exemplified by "Woodstock" left an indelible mark on American Culture .

I urge anyone to read: "The Free World " By Louis Menard and "The Closing Of The American Mind" by Allan Bloom in addition to "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and "The Road To Serfdom" by Friedrich Hayek are essential reads.  

Furthermore, I also believe casual dress that became embraced by the professional world led to a lowering of standards, a sloppiness of attitudes and a lowering of standards. In essence America and the entire world became engrossed in "dumbing down."

One final thought before I conclude with Where is America now?

The election of Clinton, Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Obama led to a variety of changes that also served to "dumb America down" in many ways.

Clinton was a basically an effective president in terms of some of his accomplishments.  He embraced many of Newt's theories, balanced the budget, shifted to the center from a mild left position and were it not for "The Blue Dress" episode there probably would be no asterisks to what will be his recorded history.

The problem is "Bill's" personal behaviour beneath the Oval Office Desk cannot be forgotten and/or forgiven and, as with Picasso, it left America with it's own stained political "Blue Period."

As for Kennedy, the fact that he was  protected by the mass media's portrayal and love affair with his brief term in office equated with and characterized as Camelot was a fraudulent cover up and led, in my humble opinion, to the beginning of the demise of the mass media as a reliable ombudsman role. "Jack's many sexual peccadillos were covered up and ignored and , only now, are we allowed to know the truth about his serious physical disabilities and sexual predilections.

We all knew Nixon had a disturbed and somber personality and an inferiority complex but he was also basically brilliant. Watergate was his undoing and his forced resignation laid the foundation, along with the effort to impeach Clinton, with weakening the Presidency as an institution.

Carter's election was a reactive event. We thought a righteous man of God could wash away the stain of his successors so we overlooked his personality which he displayed when he Georgia's Governor.  "Jimmy" was small, unkind to his wife,  mean spirited , son of a mother who publicly castigated her two sons and then we get to Iran. Carter has been elevated a notch to 2d or possibly 3rd from the last by Biden.

Finally, we come to Obama.  White guilt is, in my opinion, why this empty suit, unqualified movie set fraud and "Music Man" was elected. He did more damage to our nation than any of the above and he continues to do so through those he planted in Biden's Administration. Names like Holder, Rice, Jarrett and other Trojan Horses come to mind.

 I recently posted an op ed entitled Obama's "Third Term."  

His tragic upbringing, his Muslim background and association with the radical Ayres  and Rev. Wright's of this nation cannot be dismissed as mistakes of youth. His end run efforts using a pen and cell phone set dangerous precedents the consequences which the world has yet to experience.  A war, of a nuclear nature, with Iran and the return of Radical Islamism cannot be ruled out as pure mental folly.

His "coolness," his undeserved Peace Award, his intentional effort to cause racial division are tragic legacies when he had the opportunity to be great.
That Obama was re-elected dispels any legitimacy to the claim of white systemic prejudice. It might provide the basis for our being called stupid but it , in no way, can be attributed to/connected with our being racist.

[Obama Removes Ability To Comment To His Posts Temporarily As Afghanistan Backlash Ensues

(JustPatriots.com)- Former President Barack Obama is having a rough time of it lately. After being relentlessly slammed for hosting a massive 60th birthday party bash in Martha’s Vineyard for all his famous friends – and causing a spike in COVID-19 infections in the region as a result – the former president has since been forced to suspend comments on his Instagram page after his old colleague Joe Biden botched the Afghanistan withdrawal.

On Monday, Obama was bombarded with so many Instagram comments from fans and followers demanding he steps in and do something about the failed withdrawal – that has seen thousands of Americans trapped in Afghanistan – that he simply turned off the comments.

If he can’t see the comments then the problem presumably goes away for him…

The former president can’t deny it, either. Visitors to the Instagram page, along with his wife’s page, were met with a message that said “Comments on this post have been limited.”

Hey, presumably Obama saw a few of them, and is presumably aware that Joe Biden has done a horrific job of safely withdrawing U.S. troops.

The Daily Mail managed to find some of the comments that prompted Obama to turn off the comment section, with most pleading with Obama to step in.

“Afghanistan needs your help. Please please help Afghanistan,” the commenter said.

Another said that the blood of Afghan citizens is on the hands of anybody who stayed silent in the face of oppression, and have since made friends with the Taliban.

That sounds like Joe Biden…

The chances that Obama is surprised to read all of this are low. Let’s not forget that during the 2020 presidential campaign, the former president was caught behind the scenes telling people not to underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to “f*ck things up.”

Since Obama turned off his comments, Afghanistan’s government officials have fled the country – including the president – and the Taliban has officially taken over the country once again.

Just another crisis caused by Joe Biden.]

My View: America Now.

What I have written above and the fact that most nations do not last beyond 250 years, in large part, forms the basis for what I believe is America Now.

We have indebted ourselves beyond our ability to meet our obligations and this debt restrains our ability to take other actions that our nation sorely needs. Our military is being outstripped by China, an ominous fact, Our flirtation with all kind of nonsense resulting in the imposition of teaching critical race theories, promotions based on color to achieve diversity in the place of competence further dashes any prospect of America maintaining the best fighting force in the word. These actions are dispiriting and divisive.

And I have yet to discuss what is happening to the essential foundations upon which our republic rests such as the destruction of the family unit, a people less willing to embrace religion and aspire to a higher entity beyond self.  A people who once were constantly seeking betterment  and a nation once always engaged in self reflection and change for improvement. America was the  nation where upward personal mobility was an achievable dream if one put forth effort because they were free to explore and use their innate talent, even fail and yet, could recover and move forward.

Bush's "Points of Light" concept appears to be dimming.

Attacks on our culture, the radicalization of our grade level education system and a weakened curricula leaves future generations  without a  clue about the greatness of our nation and bereft of what our constitution is all about. We are raising an entire generation of under educated children who are being taught self-hatred. How will they be able to compete in a world more technologically oriented?

The negative attitude toward our police and our adherence to remaining  a nation based on respect for law and order is being jeopardized. Lowering of standards in basically every aspect of our culture are not random acts. They are purposeful and intended to destroy America and our values which, to radical elements worldwide, remain a threat to their ascendancy to power and control.

The growth and distance of government is anathema to the strictures of our "founders." When has  bigger government ever accomplished specified goals on time and at pronounced cost?  How does constant disappointment inure faith and uplift one's spirit and confidence in government? Yet, progressives and liberals seem to inhale failure as if it were a fine wine - think War on Poverty.

I submit America is in decline because we allowed ourselves to walk away from the eternal verities upon which  our "founders" conceived and built our nation.

We have drifted far a stream from what Newt said about there being something distinctive and special when it came to being an American.

It is inconceivable to me we have mayors tolerant of thugs who burn their cities, wantonly commit homicides , to become home base for crowds of homeless defecating in the street, robbing stores and pilfering merchants who own the stores and have no one to protect their businesses and other assorted crimes occurring without penalties and/or arrests.  

The last shoe to fall, which would truly become our death knell and last straw, is the corruption of  America's voting process. Our one last right that radicals, like Stacey Abrams, would love to destroy is reliable, believable elections. If we lose confidence in our elections because specious and contrived arguments against identifying you are who you say, a qualified citizen, becomes embraced  and radical Democrats are also able to flood the nation with illegal immigrants who are then allowed the exalted privilege only granted to legitimate citizens, all bets are off on America's future.

Lamentably,  we have had a series of recent presidents who have drawn red lines in the sand only to turn/behave feckless when challenged. This is not the nation I grew up in and which came to be revered as the envy of the world.

Finally,  we come to Biden, Kamala and Afghanistan and we are witnessing a Taliban leader of a radical group of religious demonic Islamists laying down dictates to our president who believes he can negotiate with and trust them as they manipulate him.  These are The Gulliver's we elected because we were turned off by a crude narcissist who made America First, sought to bring the domestic power structure to its knees and  stood up to adversaries who, for decades took advantage of our blind tolerance because they no longer believed America was awesome and omnipotent and they were right. 

I would like to believe my somber view will be prove wrong but I fear the ascent of our adversaries is swift and our decline even swifter, thus the gap, widens with the passing of each day.

I end by repeating my oft expressed phrase: Pogo Was Right - The Enemy Is Us. 

Yes, you can tread on America.


Taliban Blocks Deadline Extension for Biden to Fix Issue His Administration Caused

(RightWing.org) – Over the weekend, President Joe Biden said he might extend the withdrawal efforts in Afghanistan beyond the August 31 deadline agreed to with Taliban leaders. On Monday, August 23, administration officials indicated they expected Biden to make a firm decision on the matter within 24 hours. However, the Taliban cut him off at the knees before he had a chance.

Monday afternoon, Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen told Sky News that if the US sought an extension, “the answer is no, or there would be consequences.” Continuing, he said such a request would “create mistrust” between the two nations.

Hashmat Ghani, the brother of Afghanistan’s recently exiled president, told Sky News he believed a request for an extension would provoke the Taliban. He also took a thinly veiled stab at the Biden administration by pointing out that other countries, like the United Kingdom, had successfully accomplished timely evacuations in the past.

As it turned out, Biden told world leaders he would not seek an extension during a Tuesday virtual G7 summit meeting, presumably breaking under the mounting pressure.

However this situation ultimately plays out, it appears Biden has shown the world his willingness to allow terrorist groups like the Taliban to take the upper hand. Whatever happened to the long-standing rule that the US doesn’t negotiate with terrorists?

Copyright 2021, RightWing.org


Biden Admin Incompetence: Blinken Can't Even Name Afghanistan's Pres, Says Name from 7 Years Ago
By C. Douglas Golden
Does President Joe Biden’s fogginess rub off on people after a while? Asking for Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Blinken may be establishment city, the kind of claret-sipper who comes across like he thinks blue-collar means someone who had to settle for Middlebury instead of the Ivy League. However, you wouldn’t call him daft. Dull, hazy, inexact, bumbling, ineloquent, dim, diminished — none of these adjectives would usually appear in copy about Blinken.

The last two weeks haven’t been kind to Blinken or anyone else in proximity to the foreign policy and humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan, but no one would ever say Blinken wasn’t up to the job. The wrong man for it, sure — but that’s if you’re a conservative. If you’re the kind of person who thought John Kerry knocked it out of the park the last time a Democrat was in a position to get a secretary of State confirmed, Antony Blinken was your kind of blandly pompous (but reasonably sharp) elitist.

Blinken was confirmed mere days after Joe Biden was inaugurated. That means he’s spent eight months with our befuddled president as his only direct superior. During that time, our secretary of State has apparently regressed to the point where, during the biggest crisis his boss has faced, he can’t seem to remember the name of the president of the country which has precipitated that crisis.

Blinken appeared on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday where he had to face some uncomfortable truths about how far gone the situation in Afghanistan was. One of those truths? The U.S. was negotiating with the Taliban to ensure safe passage for our own citizens to get to the airport and leave the country.

“Face the Nation” host Major Garrett noted this could sound to the average American like “we have to ask the Taliban for permission for American citizens to leave. True or not true?”

“They are in control of Kabul. That is the reality. That’s the reality that we have to deal with,” Blinken said.

When asked how comfortable he was with this, Blinken didn’t answer, instead patting the administration he works for on the back for doing a good job under the circumstances. After all, nobody saw this coming since the president of Afghanistan had avouched he would “fight to the death” before deciding a flight to Uzbekistan would be a better option.
“My — what– I’m, what I’m focused on, what we’re all focused on is getting people out and making sure that we’re doing everything possible to do that,” Blinken said. “And in this case, it is, I think, a requirement of the job to be in contact with the Taliban, which controls Kabul.

“And, look, what we’ve seen, Major, is — is — is also pretty remarkable. Go back a week. The government fell. And, by the way, I was on the phone with President Karzai the day before when he was telling me his intent, as he put it, to fight to the death. Well, the next day he was gone. The military collapsed.

“And in the space of that week, our military went in, secured the airport, got our embassy to safety at the airport from the embassy compound, began this remarkable evacuation effort,” he added.
Since we are on the way down the pace at which we go is of less concern. Thus, I do not agree with John Kass, the author of this article.

As I have stated,  I would not mind President Kamala because 3 years of her banality would most likely insure the end of the present Democrat Party, create the prospect they could eventually return to a centrist party worthy of re-election and capable of a more legitimate challenge to The Republican Party which needs competition to keep them honest. Otherwise we continue to swing hopelessly back and forth and that ain't good either.

The one thing keeping Biden in office
by John Kass

Watching President Joe Biden on Sunday struggle to spin away from his disastrous and inept withdrawal from Afghanistan—leaving thousands of Americans on the ground at the mercy of the Taliban—what worried me most isn’t what he said.

What he says isn’t believable. He’s known to all in Washington, even to the Democratic Media Complex that protects him, as a fabulist bag of wind. And on Afghanistan, the president has flip-flopped and lied far too often for anyone to believe anything he says.

What worries me in addition to his incompetence is his style, the way he presents the presidency to the world, with those watery and unfocused blue eyes, Biden babbling softly while reading his teleprompter in the White House.

Such is the President of the United States of America.

It was like watching some foreign film actor who can’t speak a word of English reciting his lines phonetically for Hollywood, issuing pleasant sounds devoid of meaning in place of cold, hard ideas and realities.

Bela Lugosi, the Hungarian refugee who became world-famous as “Dracula” knew no English when he arrived in America. According to his son, Lugosi memorized his lines phonetically in the Broadway play “The Red Poppy” to rave reviews.

And Yoko Shimada, the accomplished and lovely Japanese actress who starred in the old mini-series “Shogun” was another, making sounds without knowing exactly what they were saying. There have been other such actors speaking phonetically to their audience.

But none of these were President of the United States.

To some of you, Biden’s soft-throated teleprompter speech may have sounded soothing. But I doubt it. It’s clear now that most other Americans are rightly, and acutely concerned, perhaps frightened. Many of us hope that our president stays strong. And count me in on that because Joe Biden is my president, too.

Yet now, as the congenital liars and Kemalist toads among the military brass and federal bureaucracy point fingers at the unmoored Biden/Harris White House—after they themselves lied and lied about Afghanistan to the American people for 20 years—the inevitable is happening.

Many professional Democrats are weighing whether to walk away or distance themselves from the president as the 2022 mid-term Congressional elections approach, as his approval ratings drop, and Americans wonder if he’s competent and focused enough for the job.

And to predatory nations like China, Russia, and Iran, the sound of Biden reading his teleprompter must be delicious, like the painful bleating of a damaged antelope having just escaped the mouth of a crocodile at the waterhole. It limps away, with the hyenas trotting behind.

After Sunday’s robotic teleprompter address, Biden stumbled through a short mini-news conference and took a handful of questions.

“Let’s be clear,” said Biden, who wasn’t, “the evacuation of thousands of people from Kabul is going to be hard and painful no matter when it started and when we began…. We have a long way to go, and a lot could still go wrong.”


The useful idiots among the president’s media supporters willingly devour the road apples that the Biden White House throws in their path—that Biden was bound to withdraw from Afghanistan in a rush because of a negotiated settlement with the Taliban by former President Donald Trump.

Lefist pundits are welcome to eat as many road apples as they wish. The spirit animal and mascot of the Democratic Party is a jackass, after all, and so there is an endless supply of such treats. But they demand their readers, viewers and listening audience also eat them too.

A question: Since when has Biden been obligated to follow Trump policy?


Biden switched Trump policy on Iran. He ended Trump policy on what is now a wide-open Southern border, allowing who knows how many hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to waltz into America, many who are sick with Covid.

And how many among them will be Afghan Taliban fighters?

Former President George W. Bush sent Americans to war in Afghanistan after terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Bush allowed himself to become captive to the neoconservative “endless wars” and “nation building” wing of the Republican Party, that led us to more war in Iraq and destabilized the Middle East.

Bush’s successor, former President Barack Obama was in office when the terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden was killed, though it was Obama’s then vice president, Joe Biden, who opposed taking out Bin Laden.

And it was President Biden who pushed this catastrophic and hurried withdrawal from Afghanistan so he could score political points on the 20th anniversary of Sept. 11. He put American lives, and those of our allies in jeopardy, to satisfy his desire for political glory.

As I wrote just days ago, this catastrophic withdrawal is Biden’s disaster.

He owns it.

I support withdrawing American troops from the endless wars hatched by the neoconservatives, Republicans and Washington insiders of all parties, including among them the generals with visions of defense contractor sugarplums dancing in their heads as reward for their lies about Afghanistan, that victory and stability were within reach.

 But it was Biden, not Trump, who closed the Bagram airfield first, though it could have been used to evacuate thousands of Americans and other allies the president left behind. They are now forced to make it past Taliban checkpoints to the airport in Kabul, making them, in effect, Taliban hostages.

Biden has always been a fabulist. On the campaign trail, he boasted of his epic battles as a pool lifeguard with the mythical thug “Corn Pop” who was a “bad dude.”

And he bragged repeatedly of being arrested when he tried to visit Nelson Mandela in prison. That too, was a lie.

But now the images coming out of Afghanistan undercut Mr. Biden’s fantasies. Americans see the panic on the streets of Kabul on TV.

They see the Taliban mocking America in what has been reported to be a propaganda photo, Taliban fighters in American battle gear raising the Taliban flag in the way U.S. Marines raised the American flag on Mount Suribachi after the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Even pollsters are now asking openly, publicly if Americans consider the president to be competent and focused enough for the job. Asked about it Sunday, the president tried to laugh it off, as noted by Miranda Devine in The New York Post.

But there is one thing that keeps Biden afloat. It isn’t his political donors on Wall Street, or titans of leftist corporate America who have become partners with the Democrats and Big Government. What keeps Biden afloat isn’t the teachers unions or Democratic politicians playing race cards.

And it’s not Dr. Jill playing the role of Edith Wilson in the Biden White House.

What keeps Joe Biden afloat for now, is that the American people understand who would replace him:

President Kamala Harris

 (Copyright 2021 John Kass)

The World Turns on Joe Biden

While he and Kamala both have been seen to be attempting to laugh it all off. .. Read The Full Article


There is no diplomatic solution

Better to view the contents of this Newsletter, Here

When Biden took the podium for 10 minutes after being an hour late, he made a tremendous fool of...

Deadly Firefight Breaks Out in Afghanistan As Country Becomes Battleground
(NewsReady.com) – President Joe Biden’s chaotic retreat from Afghanistan turned deadly on Monday, as NATO troops around Kabul Airport fought it out with Afghan gunmen. The violence erupted as pressure continued to rise at the airport, the only evacuation route for Afghans fleeing the Taliban regime.
Around 7 a.m. on August 23, unknown attackers opened fire on Afghan soldiers at Kabul Airport, killing at least one and injuring three more. The Bundeswehr says US and German troops joined the battle, apparently driving off the gunmen. But, tension is growing at the airport as NATO aircraft struggle to evacuate tens of thousands of people, and the deadline for final withdrawal draws near.
Under pressure from British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Biden is now wavering on pulling the last US troops out by the August 31 deadline negotiated with the Taliban. However, the extremist group says that date is a “red line” and they won’t extend it.
With under a week to go, it’s unlikely we can rescue all the Afghans who’ve worked with NATO forces over the last 20 years in time. So, desperate mobs around the airport will keep trying to break through the defenses.
Will there be more firefights around the shrinking perimeter before the last plane leaves?
Copyright 2021, NewsReady.com
Overcoming Our Crisis Of Confidence In Democracy
by Morris P. Fiorina via PolicyEd

Western democracies overcame a crisis of confidence decades ago. Can do they it again?


The Dire Consequences Of Afghanistan
by Richard A. Epstein via Defining Ideas

Biden’s hasty pullout, in defiance of military advice and strategic patience, has raised the odds of both local and global conflict.


Biden has managed to orchestrate four significant crisis's in a few months:

By my calculation they are:

Border crisis - see  attachment below

Afghanistan crisis - see articles above

Inflation (not a crisis) just unnecessary ripoff of America's middle class and poor

Return to energy dependence. Biden has given Russia the opportunity to save their  billion  dollar pipeline investment and now wants them to produce more oil  while he dis-employed tens of thousands of Americans earning fine livings in communities that were booming and now are quiet and lacking activity and income.

DHS Braces for Terror Threat on Southern Border

By Joseph Simonson

LA JOYA, TEXAS - APRIL 10: A U.S. Border Patrol agent takes the names of Central American immigrants near the U.S.-Mexico border on April 10, 2021 in La Joya, Texas. A surge of immigrants crossing into the United States, including record numbers of children, continues along the southern border. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

The Taliban's release of prisoners throughout Afghanistan poses a security threat on the U.S.-Mexico border, according to senior Department of Homeland Security officials and national security experts.

The Taliban freed thousands of prisoners, many of whom either worked directly with or had ties to al Qaeda and ISIS, when it captured Bagram Air Base on Aug. 15. Afghan soldiers surrendered the base with virtually no resistance, leaving U.S. intelligence officials with little ability to track suspected terrorists. The crisis at the southern border could prove an inviting target for terrorists, according to the DHS official, who requested anonymity to speak candidly.

"We’ve always been surprised by the countries of origin we see individuals coming from along our southwest border. It’s more than likely some Afghans will arrive now as well," the official told the Washington Free Beacon. "It’s definitely a national security threat, and the strain of forces currently along the border would make it more likely that some would slip through illegally."

The intelligence community warned the administration about terror threats at the southern border just weeks after President Joe Biden announced the planned withdrawal from Afghanistan. National security officials warned the White House in a classified memo, first reported by the Free Beacon, that border patrol officers had arrested two Yemeni nationals on the terrorist watch list as they attempted to cross into the United States from Mexico. One of the two men was also on the FBI’s no-fly list. Their names have not been released to the public.

The Biden administration did not respond to a request for comment.

Senators from both parties pressed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley on whether the Pentagon would change its terror assessment of Afghanistan following the collapse of the U.S.-backed government. The two acknowledged their report to Congress in June—that Afghanistan contained only a "medium" risk of terror groups—was likely obsolete. 

Individuals who had worked on assessing terror threats at the southern border told the Free Beacon that the surge of migrants has left border patrol officers ill-equipped to face the new terror challenge. Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief of staff Jon Feere said the record-setting influx of illegal border crossings will only exacerbate the threat.

"When it comes to cross-border illegal immigration that goes undetected, there is obviously no background check taking place," Feere, who now works at the Center for Immigration Studies, said. "Customs and Border Protection apprehended foreign nationals from countries across the globe and that means there are likely many aliens from problematic countries getting past the border patrol already."

Border patrol agents already complain about a lack of resources to adequately police the southern border. Biden administration officials have also come to acknowledge the strain. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas privately told border agents, "If our borders are the first line of defense, we're going to lose and this is unsustainable," according to leaked audio of his remarks. 

More migrants were recorded crossing into the country in July—212,000—than at any point in the last 21 years. Illegal crossings jumped 13 percent from June, which previously held the 21-year record. 


Herschel Walker has apparently confirmed he is running for The Senate against Warnock.  I am still inclined to support Latham Saddler, a retired Navy Seal, intelligence officer in Trump's administration, A White House Fellow, a very articulate young man and a far better candidate than Georgia's former football star.

When I think back that Sam Nunn and Paul Coverdell occupied that seat I find it truly sad Georgia politics has reached such a low point that we only have "no bodies" seeking office anymore. and when we have outstanding people like Meg Heap, black voters rejected her and  continue to vote for their own unqualified pols and yet, whitey has shown a willingness to vote for black candidates.  

I do not put Latham in the category of a "nobody" because he has an outstanding record of sacrifice and achievement  but I do our current  two senators, Stacey Abrams and the mayor of Atlanta who I am told is going to challenge our current governor. after doing such a bang up job in my former home.




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