Monday, August 23, 2021

A Lot And I Believe All Interesting.


Bob Livingston Alerts

Last year we slept through yet another election. Sure, a few got out and voted, almost 67 percent of those of voting age. Some of them voted, reluctantly, along with a ready pool of illegal and non-existent voters rounded up by community organizing groups, for the man who hid in his basement for many months and said nothing. A few voted for the incumbent, who said a lot, and often.

Dumbed down by government schools, pop culture and a sycophantic media, fed up with the flailings of the administration, driven by emotion and enticed by promises of "free" instead of freedom, they bought the lie that is Joe Biden. Then they smiled, turned over and went back to sleep.

Now it is summer, and some people are waking up to find the robbers, thieves and liars getting too comfortable in our digs, helping themselves to our comfy chair, warm bed and our snacks and looking for even more ways to steal from us and give to themselves – and the other non-producers.

When confronted they always show their arrogance. Emboldened by huge infusions of cash from the Corptocracy known as the U.S. Federal Government, they dismiss us as irrelevant. They now lord over us rather than work for us as they live their easy life being and further ram their Socialist agenda through very quickly, seeking to turn America into a European-style Socialist Democracy.

Sliding in

As points out, "Democrats are not trying to hide the fact ... Sen. Ed Markey (Mass.) said on Tuesday that 'the Green New Deal is in the DNA' of the Democrats' $3.5 trillion spending plan. Markey could have accurately stated that most of the Bernie Sanders campaign platform is in the budget's DNA. Whether it's lowering the Medicare eligibility age, offering universal Pre-K for 3- and 4-year-olds, or providing widespread 'debt relief,' it's hard to see how things would be dramatically different if Sanders occupied the Oval Office himself."

Where is the party in opposition that has not decried its opponents in power as Communists, if not at least Socialists? It is not being heard from because it is compliant.

Let me again give you just a few planks of communism. They show that America is more a socialist and communistic than republican in form of government:

Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. (Private property rights are almost nonexistent today. You don't own your property if it can be confiscated for non-payment of tribute to the king, or if a government agency like the Environmental Protection Agency can arbitrarily tell you what you can and can't do with it. Landlords are now not allowed to evict anyone because of non-payment. We own nothing.)

A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (Accomplished via the American tax system. Enforced via the Gestapo-like Internal Revenue Service and soon to be expanded by our new $6 trillion in spending.)

Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (Accomplished via rendition and drug laws allowing law enforcement to confiscate property if it is suspected of being used in the trade or manufacture of drugs — often without evidence.)

Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. (Accomplished via the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal and doesn't hold "reserves.")

Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. (Accomplished via the Federal Communications Commission and the regulated airline industry, Amtrak, public transportation and the regulated auto industry. Further attempts being made to seize more power through control of the Internet.)

Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. (In progress via Big Agra conglomerates, and Agenda 21, "sustainable development" communities, etc.)

Free education for all children in public schools. (Accomplished via the public indoctrination system called public education under the control of the Federal government and soon to be furthered by "forgiving" student loans.)

These planks are supported by both major political parties. Why? Because politics in America is not a party system. It is instead a repetitive and insulting process of pacifying the national will with the illusion of freedom and political choices.

The nature of government is to perpetually grow, and the nature of politics and politicians is for wealth and power. They represent government, not you.

Governments and politicians mask their agendas and create illusions to deceive and misrepresent. They look upon the public as a herd that should be deceived and led for the benefit of government and the elite.

The answer for us is to inquire into government morality, the nature of which is universalism.

In the vision of utopian universalism, there are no races, colors, creeds nor standards of excellence. Sound familiar?

Universalism organizes around and goes forward under similar ideologies ranging from humanitarianism to egalitarianism. These politico-religious ideologies are akin in their humanist depiction of men as victims of history, victims of other men and victims of God and in the belief in human progress or works as necessary to salvation. Universalism incorporates Islam, Judaism and all brotherhood religions in the religious sphere.

Universalism is socialism, communism and democracy in the political sphere. Universalism trumpets perfect freedom while resulting in total slavery. In the United States, universalism has led to the state of affairs we find ourselves in.

Getting out

The key question then becomes, "How do people come to accept universalism?" One of the means is by secular, civic glory. That is, public sporting and political events take on a religious fervor, much as they did in the French and Russian communist revolutions.

Politics is not personal. Yet what conversation can one now have with someone who "believes" differently with regard to politics? Politics has become our personal belief system, replacing God altogether. The constant onslaught of humanistic and perverse propaganda disguised as entertainment furthers the universalist slide. Our senses are so dulled that we no longer have an imperative to inquire. There is no distinction in our minds that our individual and personal identity is different or should be different from the crowd.

Inquiry is more than a curious mind. It is a disturbance of thought when values and inalienable rights are challenged and violated. This disturbance welled up recently and was called "The Tea Party" which has since been quashed.

Yet, still, we must awaken, and continue to inquire and disrupt. What could be more degrading and insulting to our being than to imagine that we are free and never inquire? Then we will have allowed government mysticism to create an illusion of freedom that we have accepted as the real thing.

Yours for the truth, Bob Livingston


Save the Military By Starting with a Woke Purge

Kurt Schlichter


Biden's National Security Adviser Exposed Another Biden Lie on Afghanistan Yesterday

Matt Vespa


“The Taliban Now Has US Biometric System Used to Identify Afghans” (VIDEO)


Breaking: U.S. Left Behind As Russia, China Rise In Central Asia


All this news that is bad, negative regarding Biden will fade, in time, unless matters worsen as I suspect they might.  Even if matters do not worsen I still believe America is sinking and in a future memo I hope to be able to explain my rationale. Stay tuned.


Kamala Harris Laughs, Dodges Afghanistan Questions In Singapore

imageU.S. Vice President Kamala Harris said during a visit to Singapore on Monday that President Joe Biden's administration is focused on getting the remaining American citizens and Afghan aides out of Afghanistan as the Taliban tightens its grip on the country.

 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Marilyn for president.  She deserved better than she received, was taken advantage of and never found true love she sought.  Sad indeed but far from dumb. She understood the game, played it well but was very hurt by it and it ultimately led her to take her life after she was rejected by President Kennedy who,  in my humble opinion, only sought a conquest over flesh. 

13 Marilyn Monroe Quotes on Life and Love

From the beginning of the 1950s to the early 1960s, Marilyn Monroe was one of the hottest stars in Hollywood. Her “blonde bombshell” characters, often appearing in comedic roles, lit up the screen, and her colorful and turbulent private life — which often became very public — made her even more famous.

Born Norma Jeane Mortenson, the future star had a tough childhood, moving between 12 successive sets of foster parents and spending time in an orphanage. The movies provided an escape. In her last-ever interview, just days before her death, Monroe said, “Some of my foster families used to send me to the movies to get me out of the house and there I'd sit all day and way into the night. Up in front, there with the screen so big, a little kid all alone, and I loved it.”

Many of her most successful roles saw her playing women who were naïve, artificial, sexually available, or a combination of all three — the stereotypical “dumb blonde.” Her onscreen persona, however, was far removed from the real woman, the real Norma Jeane. As Sarah Churchwell, author of The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe, put it, “The biggest myth is that she was dumb. The second is that she was fragile. The third is that she couldn't act.”

Mailyn Monroe died of an overdose on August 4, 1962. But, as Elton John sang in his 1973 song “Candle in the Wind,” her candle burned out long before her legend ever did. She remains one of the greatest pop culture icons in American history and a screen legend from the Golden Age of Hollywood. And she left us with a wealth of witty, clever, and honest quotes that reveal her true character: a smart, fierce, and funny woman in possession of so much more than sex appeal.

I've often been asked, “Does it bother you when someone refers to you as a dumb blonde?” It never has. You see, I've always known I wasn't. Things go on in my mind that no one knows about. I've always figured things out and done them according to plan. Oh no, I'm not calculating or tricky. But I know what I want.

— From a "Modern Screen" interview, 1954

Sure, I posed that way. I needed the money. And it’s not quite true I had nothing on: the radio was on.

— When asked about the infamous 1949 calendar in which she posed nude, Monroe replied in typically witty fashion

Another writer asked me, “What do you think of sex?” and I told him, “It’s a part of nature. I go along with nature.”

— From a "Saturday Evening Post" interview by Pete Martin, 1956

I restore myself when I'm alone. A career is born in public — talent in privacy.

— In an interview with "Ms." magazine in 1972, Monroe paraphrased a quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Talent develops in quiet places, character in the full current of human life.”

The truth is I've never fooled anyone. I've let men sometimes fool themselves. Men sometimes didn't bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn't argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't.

— From Monroe’s autobiography, "My Story," which she wrote at the height of her fame with the help of screenwriter Ben Hecht. It was published in 1974, over a decade after her death.

A career is wonderful, but you can't curl up with it on a cold night.

— Monroe was dedicated to her career. She strived to improve herself as an actress, and was a student of the method acting approach. But she never stopped looking for love, and was not ashamed to admit it.

I am invariably late for appointments — sometimes as much as two hours. I’ve tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong and too pleasing.

— In "My Story," Monroe readily acknowledged her habit of being late.

Once in New York my lawyer was telling me about my tax deductions and stuff and having the patience of an angel with me. I said to him, “I don't want to know about all this. I only want to be wonderful.” But if you say that sort of thing to a lawyer, he thinks you're crazy.

— From Monroe’s 1960 interview with "Marie Claire" editor-in-chief Georges Belmont

You know, they ask me questions. Just an example: “What do you wear to bed? A pajama top? The bottoms of the pajamas? A nightgown?” So I said, “Chanel No. 5,” because it's the truth… And yet, I don't want to say “nude.” But it's the truth!”

— From the Georges Belmont interview

I am content to be Marilyn Monroe, to the best of my ability. Being one's self is a twenty-four hour a day job anyway, isn't it?

— In response to a reader question for an interview in "Motion Picture" magazine in 1954

I really don't think I can go as fast as other people. They get in their cars, they run into each other, they never stop. I don't think mankind was intended to be like machines. Besides, it's a great waste of time — you get more done doing it more sensibly, more leisurely.

— From the Georges Belmont interview

I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.

— This quote sums up the woman who was both Marilyn and Norma Jeane. Kind, but no push-over; a shining star of the silver screen, but far from perfect.

I never quite understood it, this sex symbol. I always thought symbols were those things you clash together! That's the trouble, a sex symbol becomes a thing. I just hate to be a thing. But if I'm going to be a symbol of something, I'd rather have it sex than some other things they've got symbols of.

— From her last interview, "Life" magazine, 1962


The Peter Principle returns in the guise of our president and other commentary:

The Peter Principle

By: Judd Garrett

When Joe Biden first became President, I thought he was the living embodiment of the Peter Principle, an aged politician rising to the level of his incompetence. But that was being too generous to him. The Peter Principle requires that the person has actually accomplished something to warrant his position of incompetence. The biggest accomplishment in Biden’s political career is managing to get re-elected six times.

In 2020, Joe Biden was foisted upon the American public as an empathetic and competent leader. But nothing could have been further from the truth. His entire 40-year political career has been marred with incompetence, dishonesty, and mean-spirited attacks. In 1987, Biden led the dishonest partisan attack on Judge Robert Bork which derailed his Supreme Court nomination; it was the most vicious attack on a Supreme Court nominee until Biden’s “public lynching” of Justice Clarence Thomas four years later. Dishonesty and divisiveness is who Joe Biden is.

In 1965, at Syracuse Law school, Biden was caught plagiarizing five pages from a published law review. He initially failed the course, but was allowed to retake it, and eventually earned his degree. His biggest failure from that episode is that he did not learn from that mistake of his youth. Years later, as a politician, Biden was also caught plagiarizing speeches of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock, forcing him to drop out of the Presidential race in 1988. These revelations were not simply “October Surprises” weaponized to destroy a campaign. These transgressions mattered. They revealed the character of Joe Biden -- Presidential candidate. Biden is what those plagiarized speeches showed him to be, a fraud

He and his family have been exploiting his public office for personal gain for over 40 years. That is why the Hunter Biden laptop story mattered. It was revealing. It showed the voter who Joe Biden really is. But that was covered up by the media, censored on Facebook and Twitter. Imagine if those real stories of his fraudulent activities were allowed to come out. Would he be in the White House right now? There is a good chance he wouldn’t.

Frauds always get exposed sooner or later. In the case of our current “President”, it was sooner. Anyone objectively paying attention to American politics over the last year and a half, would easily conclude that Joe Biden is not cognitively, intellectually, and emotionally competent to be President of the United States, and the very people who are charged to expose his incompetence, the media, not only failed in that task, but they ran cover for him. As a result, the worst Presidential campaigns ever run by the least energetic and inspiring candidate, received 11 million more votes than anyone else in history

During the campaign, Biden hid in his basement for months on end, emerging for brief heavily scripted media sessions, interviewed only by friendly journalists who asked pre-approved questions, and he was allowed to read his answers from note cards or a tele-promoter. That right there was obvious proof of his incompetence, but the media onlookers fawned all over every one of these sessions as if they were witnessing Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address in real time.

The times Biden went off-script were embarrassingly revealing, such as telling a black journalist, that if he didn’t vote for him, he “ain’t black”. His campaign rallies were equally embarrassing. He was unable to inspire more than 20 cars to show up to his rallies in two of the biggest cities in Pennsylvania. There was no energy, no passion from him or for him.

The mainstream media and social media did most of the heavy lifting for Biden; relentlessly attacking his opponent, continually spinning everything he did or said to the positive, covering up bombshell scandals, and censoring his opponent. In the Presidential debates, time and again, the moderators either answered the questions for Joe Biden as he stumbled around to string together a coherent sentence, or they continually cutoff his opponent to the point of silencing his mic because he was continually underscoring Biden’s cognitive decline.

If Joe Biden was vetted honestly during the campaign, all his cognitive decline and incompetence would have been laid bare, and he wouldn’t be sitting in the seat he is right now. Presidential campaigns are supposed to stress the candidates to the point where the voter can determine if the candidates have the mental, emotional, and intellectual ability and stamina to handle the strenuous job of President. But nothing was honest in the last election. The powers to be did everything to prevent Joe from being tested that way because they knew he would fail miserably, so they protected him every step of the way. And when he assumed the office of President of the United States, he was woefully incapable of performing the duties required of him.

Everything that we are seeing play itself out in real time, whether it is in Kabul, on the southern border, in our inner-cities, inflation, energy, every crisis or colossal mistake is a direct result of the fraud that was the 2020 Presidential election. Even if you do not believe that the actual voting process was fraudulent, there was obvious coordinated efforts by the DNC and the Biden campaign with mainstream media, big tech, and social media to manipulate the voters and turn this election in favor of Biden.

Did anyone believe it was going to turn out any differently? The last three times Joe Biden ran for President, and he was vetted properly, he garnered a grand total of zero delegates from his own party, but the puppet masters turned him into the greatest Presidential candidate of all time even though his level of incompetence is unprecedented. He was incapable of running a campaign, or even sitting for a non-scripted interview, yet he was handed the keys to the most powerful country in the free world?

This is what you get when the elites, big tech power brokers, and the media think they are smarter than everyone else and decide to impose their will on the people. They come together to manipulate the voters and the voting process for their own advantage because Trump’s “America First” agenda was too much of a threat to their globalist self-interests. So, they thwart the vote of the American people, the democratic process, and use their power to install a President. For over a year, they covered up the fraud that Biden was as a candidate, as a Senator, and now we, the American people, must live with the fraud he is as a President.

The Rise of the American Nation vs. the 1619 Project

By Theodore Wilson

It was a great textbook.  The Rise of the American Nation, co-authored by renown historians, Lewis Paul Todd and Merle Curti, who won the Pulitzer Prize for History, was used in high school classrooms for over two decades. This description has now been canceled.

Substitute the 1619 Project developed by Nicole Hannah-Jones, a more recent Pulitzer Prize winner. She blames all whites for the ugly narcissistic American culture embodied in oppression and prejudice.

These 18 essays and 36 creative writing pieces place the contributions of black Africans at the core of the economic and cultural development of this nation. White capitalism relied chiefly on the inhumane brutality of slavery from the beginning of the Virginia colony. It was the driving force of our economy and suppresses people of color today.

The philosophical trappings of these works appeal to the woke culture. They substitute their biases and prejudice at the risk of canceling their fellowship with other immigrant groups.

The facts revealed in the Rise of the American Nation describes America as a melting pot of white immigrants across Europe, each country quite different, with their own languages and religions.  Most of the people were fleeing from impoverishment, and they struggled for survival.  Opportunity was their dream.

For this reason, previous American history must be erased and re-written.  Why? The sharp contrast between truth and bias pierces reality.  Our real past paints a picture that describes the 1619 Project as ambiguous, because systemic racism describes all people of color impoverished at the enrichment of all white people.

Digging through the rows of dusty history books neatly arranged in the shelfs of my study in this helpless hour when our avengers alter the truth, I wanted to re-submit history through the eyes of these two great historians as they saw it.  Sometimes it helps to go back and re-read what we once learned.  I offer this snippet on U.S. economic history, a bird’s eye view of America in toto.

The institution of slavery evolved over two-thousand years ago. History points to Africa for its beginning, but American slavery had its roots in Europe and Euro-Asia.  It was predominantly a white institution, mostly Christian and pagan slaves, and some Muslims. Even Jews owned Christian slaves

 There were small scale efforts throughout the fiefdoms to end Christian slavery during the first millennium, but it wasn’t until Charlemagne cut a deal with the pope to crown him king in exchange for his conversion to Christianity that caused Christian slave trade to dwindle.  In 873, Pope John VIII declared that slavery was a sin, and this essentially freed the Christians, but white slavery continued into the next millennium

 Spain began to enslave natives in Meso-America almost immediately on arrival, but in 1493, Queen Isabella banned this slave trade and forbade natives from going to Spain.

 In response, the Conquistadores established the encomienda, a Spanish labor system where the non-Christian natives became vassals and were forced to work without pay to live on the land. Gold, silver, precious gems, and other resources immediately began to flow into Europe.

The Spanish were the first to import enslaved Africans to the Caribbean Islands as laborers on plantations, but native slavery continued.

In response, Charles V of Spain established the Ancient de Negros (1578) as a monopoly contract between the Spanish Crown and merchants for the right to provide African slaves to the Spanish Americas. His primary goal was to stop the importation of native Americans to Europe.

The Spanish traveled to Kansas one-hundred years before Jamestown was settled.  Eight American states were first settled by the Spanish.  American capitalism was up and running by the time Hernan Cortez established New Spain in Mexico.  Europeans fished off the coast of Canada and Main for cod and whales, and sugar plantations were operating in the Caribbean island

 The tobacco industry established in Virginia almost a century later. It was a small portion of the economy in the original 13 states.  Cotton too was a minor product until Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793, but the American industrial revolution was well under way.  By 1800, New York City had undergone urban renewal twice.

 Slavery was both black and white. During this period of immigration, many white Europeans sold themselves into servitude, either as redemptioners, a temporary form of slavery usually for 5 to 10 years, or indentures for the rest of their life.

 Cotton, however, did change the face of our economy in the South. At one point in history, the United States produced nearly 66% of the total world production.  At the same time, the north was booming with new factories in multiple industries, and they opposed slavery.  Act of 1794 prohibited ships under the American flag from participating in the importation of slaves.  In 1808, under the efforts of Thomas Jefferson, slaves were not allowed to be imported.

Even though the United States navy constantly patrolled the coast trying to capture slave ships, they failed to prevent the mass importation of enslaved Africans.

In 1791, the total production of cotton fiber had been 4,000 bales. In 1830, the U.S. production had jumped to 732,000, and in 1860, more than 4,000,000, but Europe was competing against us.

The element of slavery was driven by the lack of population in the south with approximately 15 people per square mile compared to 75 per square mile in the north.

Two-thirds of the railroads built before the civil war were in the north where the factories were, as well as the Erie Canal that was considered as the eighth wonder of the world.  The north was a flourishing industrial region, and the south, with a limited infrastructure, produced mostly agricultural products and relied on European finished goods.

Prior to the Civil War, tariffs and slavery deeply divided the politicians from the north and south in United States Congress because the economic elements driving industrialism were in opposition with the plantation economy and the institution of slavery. 

These are the facts that dismantle the 1619 Project.  The factory system under capitalism and free enterprise dominated the economies of the northern states, and they opposed slavery.  These northern states made up by far, the largest portion of the United States economy.

The reality was, in 1860, slavery was a dying institution because it was on the verge of becoming unprofitable.  When the civil war ended, the bottom fell out of the cotton market in the United States, not because the slaves were freed, cheaper labor in foreign competition drove prices down.

Up to 1860, the United States had a total of 36,000 patents, but by 1900, we had 112,188, and had become the industrial power of the world without the institution of slavery.

The ambiguous 1619 Project ignores the suffering and sacrifices of the white Europeans who were the backbone during the development of this great nation.  Thousands of children and adults suffered and died when they were settling the open frontier, digging in coal mines and the sewers in big cities, building bridges and skyscrapers. Wives were forced to work because of meager wages, and families lived in overcrowded and unfit dwellings.

The literature of great writers during the Progressive Period remains as a testimony to these Europeans.  Muckrakers, as they were called, like Jane Addams, Upton Sinclair, Edwin Markham, and Ida Tarbell, described in clear and graphic terms the atrocities that existed everywhere in this country.

Blacks have never cornered the market on prejudice and discrimination.  Catholics, Jews, and Mormons, and others have had their share.  At one time, it was illegal for a Catholic priest who was walking across Massachusetts to stop before sundown. He had to move on by sunup or was hung.  When the Irish first came, college was an impossible dream.  Rising to the level of a policemen or railroad conductor, that was the Irish symbol of success.

The world has a long record of atrocities stretching back to the Old Testament. The Jews, Christians, Armenians, American Indians, and Africans are just the tip of the iceberg. Today, a million captives in China are experiencing death in genocide camps. 

It has been a long journey for black Americans in the United States.  In this democratic republic where freedom takes its course, justice prevailed.  Since World War II, the average annual income of black families has leaped up as did the number of college graduates. They were amalgamized into the prosperity of the Jet Age and beyond, experiencing amazing success in every arena of society.

Hanna-Jones and Black Lives Matter disagree with freedom.  They have chosen to drive this nation toward dictatorship. Communists believe that by eliminating freedom, democracy, religion, culture and establishing dictatorship, government can mold all people into a one-class culture and create a perfect life.  In their view, life in Cuba and China is an ideal existence. 

 The 1619 Project represents a tool in the communist workshop for those who desire to engineer a racial clash.  Why?  If they can destroy our democratic republic, the government can declare war against any citizen who supports the 1788 Constitution.

The Biden Administration does not acknowledge the presence of a communist takeover in the United States, a luminous sign of acceptance. We must salvage the truth, not abandon it as Biden did the billion dollars of high-tech military weapons in Afghanistan.

Communist and socialist countries apply their final solution, prisons, and death camps of genocide. Washington’s prisons have already been turned into chambers of torture for those who participated in the January 6th demonstration

History speaks for itself.


The Third Term of Obama

Biden’s New America

By E.P. Unum

Have you noticed?

We no longer defend our borders, our history, including monuments to past greatness, or our streets. Our cities have become anarchist playgrounds. With each passing days we watch with horror as we become The Welfare State, a nation of dependents, mendicants, and misplaced charity. Our homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens from all over the world flow into our country unchallenged, many with Covid and other diseases and are put up in hotels fed, given health care, all on the taxpayer dime.  Did you approve of this?  I know I didn’t.

While our border agents try their best to stem the tide of illegal aliens, we are on pace to admit roughly 2.0 million illegals in addition to the 1.0 million people from around the world we admit normally in any given year.  And while this is going on, drug cartels are using these people to serve as “mules” smuggling heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl into our country…drugs that kill!  Are you happy with this?  I know I am not.

The President of the United States can’t even quote the beginning of the Declaration of Independence (‘You know — The Thing’) correctly. Ivy League graduates routinely fail history tests that 5th graders could pass a generation ago.  Crime rates are soaring, and the mainstream media blame the 2nd. Amendment and slash police budgets with screams of defund the police.  Do you think this is wise?  I know I do not.

Our culture is certifiably insane.  Teachers are teaching students that there are more than one gender and encouraging young males to think they are women and vice versa. And to use whatever restroom or locker room they choose, depending on whether they feel like a woman or a man on any given day. 

Schools in California and Oregon are no longer requiring students to be proficient in math or English to graduate! Academics continue to pontificate about racism while seeking to convince members of one race that they’re inherently evil, and others that they are perpetual victims. A psychiatrist lecturing at Yale said she fantasizes about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person.’ Are you aware of these things?  I am, and it mystifies me.  By what sophistry of imagination does this thinking arise?  How does this help our children?

We slaughter the unborn in the name of “a woman’s choice”.  But who speaks for the child in the woman’s womb?  And did anyone bother to check what is happening to our birth rate? It has dipped lower year by year for the last two decades.  But hey, that’s not so bad because we are making up for it by admitting more illegals into our nation who will likely vote Democratic. Do you begin to see what is happening now? 

Our national debt is so high that we can no longer even pretend that we will repay it one day. It’s a $30-trillion monument to profligate spending and refusal to confront reality. Our ‘entertainment is sadistic, nihilistic, and as enduring as a candy bar wrapper thrown in the trash. Our music is a noise that spans the spectrum from annoying to repulsive. Do you agree?

Patriotism is no longer fashionable, treason celebrated, and perversion sanctified.  A man in blue gets less respect than a man in a dress.  Do we even teach Civics in High Scholl anymore?  Do our children know how a bill becomes a law?  Do they know the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and how those documents came into being?  Shouldn’t our children know these things…after all, are they not our future? 

Think about this the next time the war claxon sounds and we ask our sons and daughters to go off and fight for a nation our leaders no longer believe in.  And the war claxon will sound, sooner than we realize.  Shouldn’t we be prepared?

How meekly most people submitted to Fauci-ism and his insanity of insisting on people wearing face masks whether they are vaccinated or not!  More than anything else, the unwarranted fear control freaks like Anthony Fauci spread to the American public is unconscionable.  Keep in mind that it was Fauci who approved the investment made by the National Institutes of Health into the Chinese Wuhan Lab, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.  What in God’s name are we doing investing into a Chinese Lab doing very risky research into viruses that can be transmitted easily human to human? Have you thought to ask these questions?  Shouldn’t we deserve some answers?

Today, we see our so-called leaders taking us down a path leading to economic ruin by spending money we don’t have on things we do not need.  Did I mention that part of the $3.5 Trillion spending bill developed by democrats includes amnesty for illegal immigrants…they will become citizens of the United States?  Joe Biden promised he would not raise taxes on Americans making less than $400,000 per family.  With the spending bills recently passed and the $3.5Trillion in new spending democrats are pushing to spend, we will have an oversupply of dollars flooding the markets which will inevitably devalue the purchasing power of the dollar.  In addition, production of goods and services, the hallmark of growth, will not be able to keep up because there are still 10.4 million people still unemployed!  Too many dollars chasing too few goods is the very definition of inflation and inflation, stripped of all sophisticated jargon, is an insidious tax on every American.  And inflation has been increasing by 5.3% last month.  Were you aware of this?  Shouldn’t you be?  Do you really believe America needs $4.7 Trillion in spending with an economy that is just starting to heat up, or should our focus be on getting people back to work?

But here are the questions that are so vitally important for you to reflect upon.  How do nations slip from greatness to obscurity?  Can it happen to America?  The short answer is - You bet it can, and it is happening as we speak.   Nations throughout recorded history have collapsed for the following reasons: See if you can identify patterns with what is happening here in the U.S:

 • Fighting endless wars, they can’t or won’t win,

• Accumulating massive debt far beyond their ability to repay,

• Refusing to guard their borders, allowing the nation to be inundated by an alien horde,

• Surrendering control of their cities to mob rule,

• Allowing indoctrination rather than education of the young,

• Moving from a republican form of government to an oligarchy,

• Losing national identity and pride in their nation,

• Indulging indolence, promiscuity, decadence, and immoral behavior,

• Abandoning faith and family – the bulwarks of social order.

I contend that in America, every one of these symptoms is pronounced, indicating an advanced stage of the disease.

 Even if the cause seems hopeless, do we not have an obligation to those who sacrificed so much to give us what we had, first and foremost our freedom?  If you close your eyes and reflect on our history carefully, you may find yourself surrounded by ghosts urging you on…  the Union soldiers who held Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg, the battered bastards of Bastogne, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Saipan, those who served in the cold hell of Korea at places like Pork Chop Hill, the guys who went to the jungles of Southeast Asia with names like Hue City, Khe Sahn, the Ia Drang, and came home to be reviled or neglected by their fellow citizens, and our young men and women who served in Afghanistan in places like Kabul, Kandahar and others.  All paid a price for the things we hold dear.

This is the nation that took in my immigrant grandparents and parents, whose uniform my grandfather wore in WWI and my father and most of my uncles wore in the Second World War and in Korea. I don’t want to imagine a world without America, even though if we continue down the path we are on it may become increasingly likely.

 During Britain’s darkest hour, when its professional army was trapped at Dunkirk and a German invasion seemed imminent, Churchill reminded his countrymen, “Nations that go down fighting rise again, and those that surrender tamely are finished.”

 The same might be said of causes. If we let America slip through our fingers, if we lose without a fight, what will posterity say of us?  We are in the fight of our lives with an enemy who promises benevolence but delivers pain.  The socialist/communist agenda they are espousing has never worked anywhere in the world throughout history and has resulted in death and despair for millions.  Fight it with every breath you have.  The alternatives are both depressing and ominous.


After the Fall

The people running the country are incompetent. Is there a leader left in America?

By Peter Savodnik


From a dear friend, a former client, and a fellow memo reader. I promised him I would answer, if I can, in a future memo.

"HI Dick –

As you know, I am a regular reader of your blog, and truly appreciate the effort you put in to keeping us informed. However, there is one topic about which I have seen little to no commentary, i.e., why are people not “up in arms” that

We as a nation are spending significant time and resources to find and prosecute those who participated in the activities of Jan. 6, yet have done NOTHING to find or prosecute those who burned, looted and destroyed (despite more than ample video evidence) and

Why is there not more of an outcry that Congress can fast track $2.5 billion for Capitol security, but still cannot allocate resources to defend our borders?

 Sorry, just venting….please give my best to Lynn!




Speaks for itself.  Democrats  have earned a well deserved defeat.  Does the American voter have the common sense to deliver one?

As Biden Faces a Political Crisis, His Party Looks On in Alarm

Democrats fear that if the pandemic or the situation in Afghanistan continues to worsen, their party may lose the confidence of the moderate swing voters who lifted it to victory in 2020.


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