Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Choking On One's Bathwater. Keep Obsessing On Trump While Biden/Sanders Steal Your Freedoms. America's Filet Period. Mayo Report and More.

It is quite evident Cuomo is a classic narcissist who continues to live in denial.  He was a brutish type and brought himself down. His impeachment should proceed so justice can be served. Apparently the DA did a professional job as to her investigation.

Biden made a fool of himself , once again, by praising the job Cuomo did as governor. 

Cuomo spent like a crazed sailor, God knows how many his Covid response killed and he used state funds like they were his among other more personal abuses. It is one more politician who thought he could drink his bath water without any cost.  

Hypocrisy and arrogance seem to be  traits of politicians who have no sense of responsibility and contempt for those they serve.
19 Republicans lined up at the trough and helped pass a pathetic, misnamed legislation supposedly meant to build bridges etc.

Then this misguided act will be followed by another bill that will cost 3 times the first and have even less relationship to it's intended purpose.  In fact, I suspect it will cost over 6 T by the time the bills are in  and not 3.5T .  When did proposed Congressional legislation ever cost less?

Senate OKs Dems’ $3.5T budget in latest win for Biden

Infrastructure now means spend on anything you want so America can become a socialistic society because a 70 plus year old  jerk of a Senator from one of the smallest states and an admirer of Russia can get what he wants.

Democrats seem not to have any shame as long as they bring home bacon. Renegade Rinos are no better.

"We The People" are told to suck it up while this president is engaged in one of the greatest power grabs ever.  My liberal friends continue to obsess on Trump while all their freedoms are being subsumed by and under government's leaky umbrella.  

Biden also continues to flood the nation with Covid  immigrants who  have been encouraged to break the law because we no longer enforce our laws.

This is the same president who has decided he can force his will on The SCOTUS for a few more months while he thumbs his nose at them as well as The Constitution.

Were I a Republican I would impeach him and if successful and that elevates Kamala to the presidency so be it. 

Condoning an obvious act of contempt for the judiciary and property rights is far more dangerous.
This was sent to a dear friend of mine by a relative.  Some of this has already been revealed in previous Ordman missives:

Israelis do not make islands in the shape of palm trees, towering skyscrapers, expensive hotels, nor do their leaders use cars with massive silver bodies (allusion to Dubai and the United Arab Emirates).The pride of Israel is that its technologies will be able to be used by all humanity: 


***1. Tel Aviv University is developing a nasal vaccine that will protect people from Alzheimer's and stroke.

2. The Technion, Institute of Technology (Haifa), has developed a simple blood test capable of detecting different types of cancer.

*** 3. The Ichlov Center (Tel Aviv) isolated a protein that makes colonoscopy unnecessary to detect colon cancer, with a simple blood test.  Colon cancer kills about 500,000 people annually.

4. Acne doesn't kill, but does cause anxiety in teens.  The Curlight Laboratory has created a cure. Emitting UV rays at high intensity, kills the bacteria that cause acne.

 5. The Given Imaging Laboratory has developed a tiny camera in the form of swallowed pills and transmits thousands of photos of the digestive tract.  These high-quality photos (2 per second for 8 hours) can detect polyps, cancers, and sources of bleeding.  The photos are sent to a chip that stores them and sends them to a computer.  At the end of the process, the chamber is eliminated via the rectum.

*** 6. The Hebrew University (Jerusalem) developed an electrical neurostimulator (batteries) that is implanted in the chest of Parkinson's patients, similar to the pacemaker.  The emissions from this device block the nerve signals that cause tremors.

*** 7. The simple smell of a patient's breath can detect if a patient has lung cancer.  The Russell Berrie Institute for Nanotechnology has created sensors capable of sensing and registering 42 biological markers that indicate the presence of lung cancer without the need for a biopsy.

*** 8. Catheterization can be dispensed with in many cases.  Endopat is a device placed between the indicator fingers, which can measure the state of the arteries and predict the possibility of a heart attack in the next 7 years.

 9. The University of Bar Ilan studies a new drug that fights viruses through the bloodstream.  It is called Vecoy Trap, as it tricks a virus into self-destruction.  Very useful to combat hepatitis, and in the future Aids and Ebola.

*** 10. Israeli scientists at Hadassah Medical Center (Jerusalem) may have discovered the first cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as Lou Gehring's disease, in an Orthodox rabbi.  Stephen Hawking, a famous British scientist, suffered from this disease and used methods invented by Israeli scientists to communicate.
Lamentably, I have always said I was fortunate enough to  live in the "filet" period of  America. 

I am sure the coming years will witness marvelous technology and various answers and solutions to  a myriad of diseases, issues and matters but America will never , in my humble opinion, recapture its former glory, be the kind of nation "the  founders" intended and we might even live subjugated to the dictates of China and other renegade dictatorships.

This was sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader and reminded me of what I just wrote.  

I was born in 1933.:

 A Special Group / Born Between 1930 - 1946. Today, we range in ages from 75 to 90.

Interesting Facts for you.
You are the smallest group of children born since the early 1900s.
You are the last generation, climbing out of the depression, who can remember the winds of war and the impact of a world at war which rattled the structure of our daily lives for years.
You are the last to remember ration books for everything from gas to sugar to shoes to stoves.
You saved tin foil and poured fat into tin cans.
You saw cars up on blocks because tires weren't available.
You can remember milk being delivered to your house early in the morning and placed in the "milk box" on the porch.
You are the last to see the gold stars in the front windows of grieving neighbors whose sons died in the War.
You saw the 'boys' home from the war, build their little houses.
You are the last generation who spent childhood without television; instead, you imagined what you heard on the radio.
With no TV until the 50's, you spent your childhood "playing outside".
There was no little league. There was no city playground for kids.
The lack of television in your early years meant, that you had little real understanding of what the world was like.
On Saturday afternoons, the movies gave you newsreels sandwiched in between westerns and cartoons.
Telephones were one to a house, often shared (party lines) and hung on the wall in the kitchen (no cares about privacy).
Computers were called calculators; they were hand cranked.
Typewriters were driven by pounding fingers, throwing the carriage and changing the ribbon.
INTERNET' and 'GOOGLE' were words that did not exist.
Newspapers and magazines were written for adults and the news was broadcast on your radio in the evening.
As you grew up, the country was exploding with growth.
The Government gave returning Veterans the means to get an education and spurred colleges to grow. Loans fanned a housing boom. Pent up demand coupled with new instalment payment plans opened many factories for work
New highways would bring jobs and mobility.
The Veterans joined civic clubs and became active in politics.
The radio network expanded from 3 stations to thousands.
Your parents were suddenly free from the confines of the depression and the war, and they threw themselves into exploring opportunities they had never imagined.
You weren't neglected, but you weren't today's all-consuming family focus. They were glad you played by yourselves until the street lights came on. They were busy discovering the post war world.
You entered a world of overflowing plenty and opportunity; a world where you were welcomed, enjoyed yourselves and felt secure in your future though depression poverty was deeply remembered.
Polio was still a crippler.
You came of age in the 50s and 60s. You are the last generation to experience an interlude when there were no threats to our homeland. The second world war was over and the cold war, terrorism, global warming, and perpetual economic insecurity had yet to haunt life with unease.
Only your generation can remember both a time of great war, and a time when our world was secure and full of bright promise and plenty. You grew up at the best possible time, a time when the world was getting better...
If you are in this group, you are "The Last Ones." More than 99 % of you are either retired or deceased, and you should feel privileged to have "lived in the best of times!"

HOOVER DAILY (edited.)

Hell No To a Debt Ceiling Increase

Stephen Moore


My friend is a bright star in an otherwise cloudy filament

Cancel Culture and Wokeness Will Destroy Our Country

Star Parker


Obama and Biden believe you can get concessions from bullies and accept the word of terrorists. They obviously live in a fantasy land.

The Taliban had no intention of following any commitment they made while negotiating recently.

The bombing of Sbarro’s and why Oslo failed

Two decades after a terrorist massacre in Jerusalem, the incident remains a necessary, if ghastly, reminder of the essential nature of a conflict that couldn’t be solved by Israeli concessions.


Next month, Americans will mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The trauma lingers in the memory of everyone who was then alive. But while that day of terror will never be forgotten, as an event that informs foreign and defense policy, it is fast becoming as irrelevant as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The last American troops are withdrawing from Afghanistan as Washington is reacting with indifference to the evidence that the Taliban—the group that hosted and enabled the 9/11 attackers—will soon be back in charge in Kabul, two decades after U.S. troops routed them as part of a response to the terrorist attack.

But a little more than a month before 9/11, Israel suffered a terrorist attack that, while smaller in scale than the assault on New York and Washington, was also traumatic. And, in contrast, to the American reaction to the efforts of Al-Qaeda, what happened on Aug. 9, 2001 is still crucial to understanding not only Israeli attitudes toward the notion of a peace process with the Palestinians, but the Jewish state’s need for defensive measures to ensure that the events of that day won’t be repeated.

One year into the Palestinian war of terrorist attrition that became known as the Second Intifada, Palestinian operatives strapped a device including explosives, nails, and nuts and bolts to a suicide bomber. Their objective was a branch of the Sbarro pizzeria chain in Jerusalem’s Zion Square at the busy intersection of King George Street and the Jaffa Road.

The crime was planned by Ahmad Ahlam al-Tamimi, a then 20-year-old Palestinian who chose the site to attack and led the bomber to the pizza parlor. She thought the restaurant was a good target because it was a popular spot for families feeding children lunch on Friday afternoons during the pre-Shabbat rush.

Along with the murderer, 15 Israelis and tourists, including seven children, in the restaurant were killed by the explosion. Another 130 were wounded, including many horribly maimed by a bomb designed to inflict not just death but gruesome injuries.

In an interview broadcast on Palestinian television in 2012, Tamimi remained proud of what she had done—and, in fact, reveled in the memory of being on a Jerusalem bus when the news of the bombing was broadcast and hearing the other Arab passengers celebrating as the rising death toll became known.

Of course, 20 years is a long time ago. Thanks to the building of the security barrier between much of the West Bank ruled by the Palestinian Authority and Israel, events like the Sbarro’s bombing, which had become commonplace during an intifada that focused on such atrocities , are now a thing of the past. Subsequent efforts at Palestinian “resistance” in which the slaughter of Jews is the objective are limited to random stabbings, as well as the largely futile firing of missiles and rockets into Israel by Hamas and Islamic Jihad (though most are intercepted by the Iron Dome and Arrow air-defense systems with many projectiles often falling short of their targets), more Arabs than Jews may be hurt by them.

Why then should we still remember the Sbarro bombing, except to honor the victims?

There’s more to this sad chapter than merely a tragedy to be commemorated. There is a problem with so much of what passes for informed commentary about the conflict in the mainstream media. Those who mindlessly demand Israeli concessions and territorial withdrawals, including in Jerusalem, have seemingly forgotten the slaughter at Sbarro’s, as well as other terrorist attacks that eventually left more than 1,000 Israelis dead. They’ve also forgotten what preceded the Palestinians pointless, if bloody, five-year campaign, and why there is a broad consensus among Israelis that stretches from the center-left to the right that rightly understands that there is no plausible partner for peace of any kind to be found among the Palestinians and their leaders.

In July of 2000, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak went to Camp David where, along with host President Bill Clinton, the pair offered PLO leader Yasser Arafat the fulfillment of the promise of the 1993 Oslo Accords formula of “land for peace.” Arafat was presented with a deal that would have given the Palestinian independence in almost all of the West Bank, Gaza and a share of the city of Jerusalem. In exchange, all he had to do was agree to end the conflict for all time. Arafat’s answer was “no.” It was still “no” a few months later when Barak sweetened the offer in talks at the Egyptian border town of Taba. Contrary to the expectations of many Israelis and most foreign observers, the goal of the Palestinian nationalist movement he led wasn’t an independent state alongside Israel, but a Palestinian state instead of the one Jewish one on the planet.

But by the time Arafat had turned down Barak for the second time, he had given a more definitive answer to Israeli peace offers by launching the orgy of terrorist murder that was sanitized by the neutral-sounding term “Second Intifada.”

In the years that followed, subsequent U.S. administrations tried the same “land for peace” formula again with similar lack of success because Mahmoud Abbas—Arafat’s supposedly more “moderate” successor—was no more capable of making peace even if he was inclined to do so.

The same sort of incitement to murder of Jews on the part of official Palestinian media and educational institutions that led to massacres like Sbarro’s continues. And in a touch of cruel irony, Tamimi now sits free as a bird in Jordan as a result of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2011 decision to release more than 1,000 terrorists, including those with blood on their hands like her, in order to gain the freedom of Gilad Shalit, a soldier kidnapped by Hamas in 2005.

Just as bad, President Joe Biden’s foreign-policy team still acts as if the assumptions about “land for peace” and a two-state solution are as valid as they were when Bill Clinton thought he was about to win a Nobel Peace Prize in the summer of 2000. For them, it is as if the Camp David peace offer and the subsequent bloodshed never happened. They and the base of the Democratic Party that would prefer an even more hostile attitude towards Israel, still act as if Israeli security control of the otherwise autonomously ruled Palestinian areas in the West Bank is an act of oppression rather than necessary self-defense.

The Palestinians and their leaders may understand that those Israeli efforts make a return to intifada-style bombings a non-starter. But they, too, still act and speak as if recognizing the legitimacy of a Jewish state—no matter where its borders might be drawn—is something they will never do. Israelis know that a withdrawal from the West Bank and the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes in Jerusalem and in the territories won’t bring peace. It would, like the retreat from Gaza in 2005, only make their country less safe.

Sbarro’s still matters not so much because of its horror but because the foolishness that set the series of events in motion towards that bout of terrorism is still alive and well in the unrealistic demands for an end to the “occupation” and for support of BDS campaigns inspired by anti-Semitism by those who claim to be only advocating for peace and human rights. Decent people should not only hold the memory of the victims of 8/9/01 for a blessing but also never allow the lessons of the failure of Oslo to be forgotten either. 
For those who have inquired and expressed concern:

Got my report yesterday afternoon from Dr Lee at Mayo in Jax. 

Pretty evident the diagnosis here was confirmed by him but their tests were, perhaps, somewhat more definitive. 

My lungs are basically good for my age but I do have some thickening and at the bottom items that restrict my ability to breathe were evident and it appears I aspirate, occasionally so food goes down my throat and not esophagus which can lead to infection and other issues/complications.

He suggested I go on a  Symbicort Inhaler to rid/ameliorate myself of some of the issues and that might also ,in time, improve my stamina.  I certainly will do what he and my other doctors say because they all seem in agreement.  As to what has caused this, perhaps a response to the chemo, perhaps a bronchial condition that has surfaced.

Lee seems to have ruled out the first connection.

A very early New Year wish of good health to all  my  friends and memo readers.  Stay well, be safe.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Never a dull moment when it comes to politics.  As the Cuomo Drama abates the Newsome period intensifies:

Brown’s Man Gavin Newsom Disses Black Man Larry Elder

Elder on the rise and Newsom “underwater” as recall vote approaches.





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