Friday, August 27, 2021

Make My Day. D.C Is The Central Threat. Does Dick Morris Have It In For Schmuck Schumer? We Know Where The Buck Stops, What About The F--- Up? More.


This is why I write my memo's and why I wrote my Autobiography and Pamphlet on  Why Raising a Conservative Child is critical.

Mr. Eastwood has always had a way with words….even though his below comments are unusually thoughtful, reflective, & cultured!
Preparing to say goodbye... a message from Clint Eastwood
My Twilight Years at 90. 

If you realize each day is a gift, you may be near my age.  As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end.

There will come a clear, cold morning when there isn't any "more."
No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat.

It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let everyone of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, "He was my friend, and I know where he stood."

So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please know this: I voted against, Biden, that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron that spent eight years-in the White House with Obama trying to destroy our wonderful country and turn it into Muslim loving, socialist crap hole like he came from and I don’t mean Hawaii!

Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.

Regards, Clint

Make My Day, and Pass it on!


The greatest threat to our military right now isn’t Russia or China.

It’s Washington D.C.

It’s the America-hating politicians subverting our armed forces with divisive propaganda.

It’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin — restructuring the Pentagon’s training to revolve around the doctrines and false history of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project.

It’s Bishop Garrison — hand selected by Secretary Austin to lead the military’s purge of conservatives, Trump supporters and patriots like you and me.

It’s Admiral Michael Gilday — pitting white sailors against nonwhite sailors, citing the works of America-hating Marxist Ibram X. Kendi.

It’s General Mark Milley  — who sided with violent Black Lives Matter terrorists that torched our cities to the ground, bowing to the Critical Race Theory dogma to keep his job when Biden took office.

 It’s Air Force Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown Jr. (a leading candidate to replace General Milley) — betraying his own country and branch of the military as its top enlisted leader.

And it’s every last bureaucrat that appointed them, nominated them or enabled them.

And that’s why I hope I can count on your support of the Freedom Center as we exhaust every resource at our disposal to save our military, and remove the military officials working in direct opposition to our nation’s values and interests.

My name is David Horowitz, and when I was a young man, I dreamt of a day when our leaders embraced this backwards ideology -- because when I was a young man, I was a full fledged communist.

I was side by side with Huey Newton and the leaders of the Black Panthers. I edited Ramparts – the largest magazine of the radical Left.  I marched, I wrote manifestos, and I attacked America whenever and however I could.

Then the Panthers murdered my friend, and the Left helped the Communists win the war in Vietnam, and my eyes opened to the incredible destruction and evil my “comrades” made possible. So I left.

I cast my 1984 ballot for Ronald Reagan and never looked back. I created the David Horowitz Freedom Center to fight the Left, and dedicated my life to exposing them, and revealing what I knew about them to the rest of the world.
And I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that critical race theory is just Marxism by a new name, and any military official promoting it is a threat to our republic.
With your help, we can cut through this administration’s lies and their media lapdogs’ propaganda -- and tell the truth to the American people about what’s happening to our military on OUR dime.
Will you donate $25 or more to the Freedom Center, and give us the ammunition we need to publish and distribute two original pamphlets explaining what’s happening to our country in detail, petition for the removal of treacherous leaders, and so much more?

These hacks are doing our enemies’ work for them, and destroying our military from the inside out.

They’re sending a loud clear message to the world that the United States isn’t united at all, but divided by race and more vulnerable than ever.

My Freedom Center has stood proudly behind our military for over 30 years -- and that’s exactly why we’re taking on their new woke leadership.

Because the twisted ideologies Joe Biden’s military leadership is pushing on our men and women in uniform is putting them -- and our country -- in immense danger.

But as a nonprofit organization, we won’t succeed without patriots like you by our side

This administration and everyone associated with it projects weakness, fragility and cowardice, and our enemies are circling like vultures.

Without a strong military, we’re at the mercy of our adversaries. Without a strong military, there is no America. And without America, there is no hope.

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

-- Ronald Reagan


David Horowitz
We not only handed over weapons (assets to the squeamish) but names so the Taliban and radical Islamists know where to go and who to look for.

U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate
“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.”

A spokesperson for U.S. Central Command declined to comment.

Our latest coverage of Afghanistan

The issue came up during a classified briefing on Capitol Hill earlier this week, which turned contentious after top Biden administration officials defended their close coordination with the Taliban. Biden officials contended that it was the best way to keep Americans and Afghans safe and prevent a shooting war between Taliban fighters and the thousands of U.S. troops stationed at the airport.

After the fall of Kabul, in the earliest days of the evacuation, the joint U.S. military and diplomatic coordination team at the airport provided the Taliban with a list of people the U.S. aimed to evacuate. Those names included Afghans who served alongside the U.S. during the 20-year war and sought special immigrant visas to America. U.S. citizens, dual nationals and lawful permanent residents were also listed.

“They had to do that because of the security situation the White House created by allowing the Taliban to control everything outside the airport,” one U.S. official said.

But after thousands of visa applicants arrived at the airport, overwhelming the capacity of the U.S. to process them, the State Department changed course — asking the applicants not to come to the airport and instead requesting they wait until they were cleared for entry. From then on, the list fed to the Taliban didn’t include those Afghan names.

As of Aug. 25, only U.S. passport and green card holders were being accepted as eligible for evacuation, the defense official said.

Still, that U.S. officials handed over a list of Afghan allies and American citizens and residents shows the extent to which they outsourced security of the airport’s outer perimeter to the Taliban. The Taliban has gone door-to-door in search of Afghan interpreters and others who helped U.S. and Western forces.

In written and verbal communications, Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, and Rear Adm. Peter Vasely, head of U.S. forces on the ground in Afghanistan, have referred to the Taliban as “our Afghan partners,” according to two defense officials.

The Biden administration has been coordinating the evacuation effort and airport security with the Taliban, which is running the checkpoints outside the airport’s outer perimeter. Officials have been “in daily communication” with Taliban commanders about who to let in, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby told reporters this week.

The news comes just hours after two Islamic State terrorist attacks rocked the area just outside the airport, killing at least four U.S. Marines and wounding dozens more. A number of Afghans were also killed in the bombings.

After the attacks, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) appeared to criticize the Biden administration’s strategy of coordinating with the Taliban, writing in a statement: “As we wait for more details to come in, one thing is clear: We can’t trust the Taliban with Americans’ security.”
Does Dick Morris have it in for "Schmuck" Schumer?

Will AOC Primary Chuck Schumer? Let's Hope So!
Will New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez primary the Empire State’s Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer? She should. She’d win.

Chuck would be prime pickings for AOC and her band of Marxist-Progressives.

The Jewish vote, Schumer’s base, is no longer easily accessible to him. A poll last month by Jim McLaughlin showed that upwards of forty percent of Jewish Democratic Primary voters—mainly the young ones—describe themselves as, “atheist or agnostic.”

To many of them, Israel is just another country and their Jewish heritage has become an anachronism, hardly the basis for choosing a candidate. Religious Jews tend to flock to the ranks of Donald Trump these days and don’t vote in Democratic Primaries.

Against AOC, Schumer sure can’t count on much Latino support and she would probably beat him among blacks.

So where are Chuck’s votes coming from? White Irish and Italian voters? In a Democratic Primary? Not anymore.

Schumer would have gobs of money from every special interest in town, but AOC would reap tens of millions online. Remember how Beto O’Rourke raked in $37 million from small donors in his 2018 race against Senator Ted Cruz.

With Schumer’s and AOC’s national prominence, that kind of money will be child’s play, easy for AOC to raise.

It would be the classic insider vs. outsider battle, once Schumer’s specialty but now AOC’s bread and butter. The establishment of the Democratic Party, from Biden and Harris on down, will rally to Schumer’s defense.

But all the King’s horses and all the King’s men won’t be able to put poor Chuckie together again!

For issues, AOC will dwell on the “failures” of Schumer’s leadership, mainly his inability to break the Senate filibuster of the voting rights act and her other pet projects.

She will hang Schumer’s leniency and weakness toward Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kristen Sinema (D-AZ) around his neck and say Schumer loyalty to the good old boys of the Senate may cost progressives the next election.

Why didn’t he strip the Democratic renegades of their seniority and committee assignments?

Chuck will answer that he didn’t want to lose his “majority” by driving them away, but AOC will have her issue.

Establishment Senators can usually count on fear of a GOP victory to keep primary challengers at bay.

But in blue New York, nobody seriously believes that the bedraggled mess we call the New York Republican Party is much of a threat.

OK, so now we come down to the core question: Why should AOC risk it? She already has a national base, vast fundraising ability, and all the attention she could want.

Answer: To run for president in 2024!

From her perch in Congress, she can’t make the jump. Having defeated Congressman Joe Crowley in 2018 won’t impress people much. But taking down Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader, is another matter.

She could challenge and beat Biden in the primaries of 2024, saying that the old, worn out, decrepit, senile president won’t be able to take on Donald Trump again.

She’ll say that only she can rally the base to a fine pitch of energy and enthusiasm to match Trump’s MAGA millions.

AOC would have a movement at her back, far better than the tattered incumbency Biden or Harris would have behind them.

Why am I, a Republican conservative, advising AOC to do it?

Because, for my taste, she’s the ideal Democrat.

She can’t lose the primary and can’t win the general. Trump will have her for breakfast.

But, AOC, what do I know? Go for it!

Your charisma will fade. But if you run and win the primaries, you’ll own the Democratic Party, even if not the White House.

And isn’t that your real goal?

Dick Morris is a former presidential adviser and political strategist. He is a regular contributor to Newsmax TV. Read Dick Morris' Reports — More Here.
One failure after the other:

Another win for China, another defeat for Kamala Harris! Kamala's trip to Vietnam turned out to be a total failure, and here's why!


We know where the buck is supposed to go but where does Biden's f--- up go? Perhaps in the graves of 11 Marines and one Naval medic among others ?

Biden blamed Trump, then he blamed the military for their advice and finally Blinken blamed the Americans for the evacuation debacle.  

Biden Prepares to Scapegoat Americans He Abandoned in Afghanistan

Katie Pavlich


The Danger of Biden's Fragile Ego

Larry O'Connor


The Coward-in-Chief Refuses to Answer Key Questions on Afghanistan 

Larry O'Connor

U.S. Supreme Court Puts An End to Biden's Unconstitutional Eviction Moratorium

Rebecca Downs


General Says U.S. Relying on Taliban for Protection (READ MORE)



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