Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Why The 100 Days? Ross Rants Again. Double Standard Refresher.


Did Sowell jerk Biden's chain while Biden's Committee was Borking nominee Bork?


Let the good times roll and here they come!

Biden's First Executive Orders Endanger U.S. National Security

By Katie Pavlich

Just hours after being sworn in as Commander-in-Chief Tuesday, President Joe Biden has signed a series of executive orders. Two of them specifically endanger U.S. national security. 

The first halts construction of the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan, knowing this order was coming, has been pushing back on the move. The wall stops human and drug smugglers. It allows Border Patrol to better control and understand who crosses into the country. Under President Trump, 450 miles of wall were built. An additional 350 miles have already been approved and paid for.

 The second reverses the ban on travel from terrorist hotspots, including Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia, in addition to North Korea, Chad and Venezuela. The ban was put into place in 2017 against governments who could not provide proper documentation, vetting or identification information for citizens traveling to the United States. It required that "baseline for information sharing to support visa and immigration vetting determinations" be established, that passports were secure and that governments worked to provide information about suspected terrorists.  

"Following an extensive review by the Department of Homeland Security, we are taking action today to protect the safety and security of the American people by establishing a minimum security baseline for entry into the United States,” President Trump said at the time. “We cannot afford to continue the failed policies of the past, which present an unacceptable danger to our country.  My highest obligation is to ensure the safety and security of the American people, and in issuing this new travel order, I am fulfilling that sacred obligation.”


Why does any president allow himself to be hemmed in/pigeon holed by what he does in his first 100 days in office? If he survives in office, presidents have four years to accomplish their goals and are paid a salary accordingly. Just because a deceased author chose to write about a president's first hundred days and therefore, was allowed to frame 4 years in 100 days, is pure nonsense that was picked up by the mass media in order to sell their fish wrappers.


Ross rants again.

Small business is going to get crushed under the Biden economic programs. Although it might seem that as the vaccine is widely applied and things reopen, small business will do very well. On one hand that is true, however, the Biden policies, which are based largely on Bernie Sanders ideas, will have the opposite impact.  The $15 minimum wage is well above prevailing wages in many places.  There are millions of jobs that pay less, including in fast food, and hotels, and the businesses will be forced to raise prices, or go to technological replacements for workers. $15 is the base above which all other wages will be calculated, so all working class wages will be increased as the people earning more will say if minimum is $15, I should get $20, or whatever the number is. It will kill restaurants.

 Bottom line, some American products will simply be priced out of the market as costs go up. Jobs will be lost, as has been proven time and again where wages have been pushed up in this way in places like Seattle. So the real result is we get job loss, and not more prosperity for the very workers they say they are trying to help. There is a world market for labor, and unless US managers can pay a competitive wage, some jobs will go offshore again. When government sets prices, in this case for labor, then the market is distorted, and it rarely works well.

At the same time, with the higher wages and massive fiscal and monetary stimulus, inflation will start to slowly increase, pushing up costs even more. For home builders, it is not even a matter of how much the lumber costs, it is how can I get enough to meet my demand. In CA near the port of Long Beach, even a little distance inland, land prices for industrial land have shot up as much as double, as the number of ships waiting to unload increases. If you are a lender of any sort, you will soon have major new regs and requirements to make loans to people just due to skin color, even if they do not really underwrite well. In time, losses will again mount on consumer loans and mortgages, and rates will rise to accommodate the loss reserves. Costs in various markets will  rise.

Adding to the potential loss of jobs for low income workers due to too high minimum wages is the massive flood of illegals about to arrive. The caravans are already on their way. Biden is so engrossed in left wing mantra on things like this he seems to have no clue about the negative consequences of his actions hurting the exact people he claims to want to help. Just as they took out MS-13 from low income communities, they will now flood back in creating new crime problems that had been solved under Trump. Caravans bring Covid, bring crime, low wages hurting American workers, and since they will be given free medical care that we do not have, they will put even more pressure on hospitals that are already overwhelmed in CA and AZ, and similar places. Maybe Biden suddenly realized what a major crisis he was already creating by inviting massive immigration, and that is why he said wait don’t cross the border. Too late, they are already coming.

The stated policy of the Biden economic team and their advisors is, “we need to solve the short term unemployment problem now, so we are going to do whatever we have to do to stimulate the economy to create jobs.  We realize there is real risk in the long term from all this stimulus, and ultra-low rates, but we are only interested in the short term problem now.” That is the underlying Democratic philosophy. As has been proven over and over, giving people free money does not create jobs, nor improve the lives of poor people for other than a moment. Only a growing private economy long term lifts the lives of the poor as we saw from 2017 thru Feb 2020. And one result of that growth is some people who created those jobs for the poor get very wealthy as the reward. That is capitalism at its best.

Bernie has said in a recent interview, we need to fix the short term, and not worry about what he acknowledged is the long term risk.  One of the top advisors to the Biden economists has said the same thing directly to me. In fact he even directly acknowledged to me, the long term problem that is being created. Reality is, if they will just be a little patient until late spring, and if they would force CA and NY to fully reopen, there would not be a need for any more stimulus. The key to a real recovery is vaccinations, not massive fiscal spending and negative real rates.

They will make unemployment worse again by raising the $300 a week to $400 and giving everyone $2000 which for a family of four is 2x $2000 plus whatever each kid gets. For many families that is more money than they ever were able to save, and it will not get spent as Biden claims it will. Research shows that as much as 80% of the last stimulus payments went to debt reduction and savings. The economy grew from the reopening of business and PPP which was a huge success. That much money given away to individuals, plus the $400 a week that Biden proposes, will also incent millions to not rush back to work. It is massively counter-productive, and is really the left wing dream of wealth transfer they have been talking about, come to reality. Small businesses will struggle to hire workers when the pandemic ends and that will just force wages up even more making small business even worse off. They are just setting up the economy for a future crash as the flood of fiscal and monetary stimulus cash causes the dollar to decline, and the stock and housing markets to reach bubble levels.

The buoyant stock market and housing markets has allowed well run cities to collect more taxes than they expected, and so they are not in bad shape in well run states like FL.  NY has a budget twice FL, but fewer citizens by 2 million. The $350 billion for state and local government is really just a payoff to the unions, and to help Dems stay in power locally. It does nothing good. The extra $130 billion to schools is also not needed. Schools that remained closed are often closed due to the teachers unions putting their own paychecks ahead of the kids. Schools do not need anywhere near that much money to reopen. The $130 billion is a reward for schools remaining closed and ruining kids futures. On a similar topic, DeVos did a great job and is now being heavily attacked by Warren and other Dems. She really made a difference for the kids and not the unions. She did a lot for school choice which the unions hate. She also ended the abuse of Title IX by colleges when a girl made a claim she was sexually harassed, which often was a false claim. 

There are many fund and investment managers, and investors who see a crash coming, but we just do not yet know when. These things take a long time to play out. In May of 2007, there were quite a few of us in Wall St who knew the crash was coming, and discussed it in spring of 2007. In summer of 2008, some of us knew Lehman was going to implode after the Bear Stearns implosion, but it took until October to happen. Today is a replay of 2007. For those of you who were not involved in the capital markets, they began to slowly unravel in late July of 2007. If you recall Greenspan famously claimed only five people had seen the crash coming, but in fact there were many of my colleagues who did, and a few hedge funds made giant profits because they bet on it to happen. That does not instill confidence in the Fed seeing it this time, and in fact, their view is, ultra-low rates into 2023. I find that very disconcerting. They do not seem to have learned.

I am not suggesting you do anything now other than be invested in equities, but just be aware the time will come when we need to be all out of the market. I delayed my own departure from stocks when Biden got elected because I realized this is a replay of 2005-07 housing and CMBS bubbles, and as the vaccine gets injected massively, there will be a big economic recovery with GDP up 6%-8%, and the Street is making the exact same error as last time. It is focused on the short term, and ignoring the long term bubble being created. They are assuming the Fed will keep rates low for two more years, and so they claim, falsely, that the extra debt does not matter.

Classic Modern Monetary Theory which I believe is a monumental mistake. In time, rates rise, and then it becomes a crisis. The dollar is likely to decline further, and bonds will lose value. Commodities will continue to rise a lot as the world economy reopens. Copper is already up 50% and lumber goes up constantly. Soybeans and corn, base ingredients for many foods, are up over 30%. These are all basic inputs to many finished products. Some claim this is a short term spike, but I am not convinced. There is no way inflation will not increase over time. Combine all of this with the massive increase in regulation that is coming, the shutdown of some fracking through regulation, plus a huge tax increase on corporations and wealthy investors, and you cannot expect any outcome other than a decline in the stock market late this year, or more likely sometime next year.


The fact that the market declined last week when Biden released his $1.9 trillion plan, and spoke of much more to come despite the vaccine now being administered, tells me that a lot of investors are realizing the risk that is being created, and maybe all this stimulus is not a such good thing. I still think the market will be up materially this year due to the massive pent up demand and all the fiscal stimulus. The problem is longer term. I remain fully invested in equities for the moment. It is possible the market could be up another 20% this year. The key is when to get out, and nobody yet knows. The party is now in full swing as the train rushes toward the cliff .  Keep your eye on the ten year to see when things are getting too risky.

SPX is already at 22x, Bitcoin is at insane levels, call options are at a record high, the Citi panic/euphoria index is off the chart, commissions are at zero, Robinhood is encouraging young inexperienced people to play options games, and negative real rates from the Fed are underpinning equities, pushing everyone out the risk curve. This is a recipe for a booming equity market for the next year, but a crash coming sometime in the future. On the other side, 65% of voters now think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Potential domestic violence is ramping up. China is going to make some sort of move on Taiwan unless Biden caves, which he may do. Iran is setting up a crisis unless Biden caves, which he will probably do.  Both these situations only set up the eventual point when there could be a military event.

Just one example of the stupidity of the Biden agenda. Germany signed onto the Paris accord. Result. Energy prices in Germany are up by 4X.  They are now having to build coal fired power plants to supply enough power to grow the economy. Once again, the Dems never look at the proven impacts of what they are intending to do.  They just plunge ahead with their  CA driven policies. Kamala is going to be a very negative impact on the economy.

The flood of email to me since Jan 6 has continued as the situation in DC, and with the loss of free speech continues. I get comments and criticism on both sides. So since I get attacked by both sides, let me be clear. I am a centrist, and I am a major free speech advocate. I try to call it as I see it objectively from the middle. I believe BLM is a very dangerous and Marxist group. I believe Pelosi and her rhetoric, and use of impeachment as a political weapon, is very dangerous and creating a very bad situation and precedent. On some things I am right side, and some, center left. Over the years I have voted for both sides.

I know more about Trump before he was president than almost any of you, so my comments about him personally are based on facts I have.  Don’t conflate what I say about the individual with the things I say he accomplished as president. He is a very flawed personality, who did many very good things as president. My knowledge of his personality, and what he did in private life, is very different than my belief that he did some very good things as president that materially helped the country and the economy, and kept the world safer. None of that excuses what we have witnessed the past couple of weeks in regard to his constant comments about the election.


It is clear to me that in PA and a few other states, there were illegal actions with changing the voting rules, and in illegal votes from dead people and people voting twice. The problem is, it is one thing to go to court and prove PA officials acted illegally by changing the rules, but it is a very different next step to then prove in court what the difference in the vote would have been, and get it reversed, and that was the issue. You cannot get a judge to say PA officials acted illegally, and so we are cancelling the entire state vote and disenfranchise all of the voters. You need to prove the vote would be different by x number of votes, and be specific about what illegal acts took place and the count difference, and that is what Trump could not do. That is one main reason why the courts did not act.  State legislatures need to now act to prevent this from happening again. It is not up to the courts. Republicans need to prevent HR-1 from becoming law, as it is the Pelosi bill designed to cement Democratic control forever. It probably is the most constitutionally dangerous bill ever to be presented to Congress in American history .

As to the insurrection, it is clear it was preplanned by a few people, and it began 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech. However there is still no evidence it was mainly far left activists who led the invasion. They came with weapons and zip ties and clubs, and guns. You don’t come to hear a speech with those weapons. You don’t attack cops. It is also clear the sergeant-at -arms for the House refused to call in the National Guard despite a request by capitol police and warnings from the FBI. He could have prevented what happened had he not tried to be politically correct. The capitol police were totally unprepared despite the warnings.


The issue with Trump is, he is someone who can really fire up a lot of people, and his constant rhetoric over the past two months fired up some of the wrong people who then took things to a criminal level. So now, just as the Floyd death and BLM unleashed riots and looting, and a massive attack on free speech from the left, Trump has triggered a horrible incident from the right. Unfortunately, Silicon Valley and the media are very left wing with thousands of kids now as employees who were indoctrinated in university, so they excuse the BLM actions, looting and riots, but condemn and shut down speech from the right. This all began on campus several years ago, and the refusal of university presidents to stop it in the beginning has led to where we are now. That is how all of this began.

We have a whole generation now of indoctrinated kids who are now in corporate jobs, or teaching in K-12, and in media and publishing jobs, and so we now have little kids being indoctrinated in elementary school, and CEO’s of corporations being afraid to push back, just as university presidents were afraid.  The CEO’s were organized on a conference call led by Jeff Sonnenfeld, a senior dean at Yale, and that encouraged them to hold back money, and to condemn Trump. He emails me almost daily with tirades about Trump, so I know what he believes and says. It gives me a very good look into the campus rhetoric, and the influencers of corporate CEOs. The result is we are in an extremely bad and dangerous place right now, with free speech under massive attack, and we have a new president who is weak and not very smart, who is being manipulated by the left. So maybe that better explains where I am at when I write the Rant.

The threat to our democracy is greater now than ever before, and we all must do what we can, legally, to prevent the loss of free speech, and to protect the two party system. There is one possible legal route to attack the Silicon Valley companies.  It is the Common Carrier legal precedent where in the 1800’s the court forced the railroads to take any customer. There will be other social media sites come up now in addition to Parler, and there will be competition over time. State AG’s will start law suits as N Dakota is setting up to do. Silicon Valley way over played their hand.

Hawley and Cruz had every right to raise questions about the election. People who worked in the administration have every right to have devoted themselves to public service, and cannot be now ostracized and denied jobs because of their service. The cancelling of book contracts and the refusal to publish op eds is exactly the same as what the Nazis did in the thirties. The statements and actions by CEOs and Dems saying the people who worked in the administration or who serve in Congress should be denied their rights and jobs is very dangerous and wrong.

The massive over emphasis on race is leading to all sorts of actions in schools and the workplace that has very damaging impacts. Here is one real occurrence that is a perfect example of where things have gone. In a top NYC private school, a couple was interviewing school for their THREE year old. The 24 year old black woman interviewer for the school said “the THREE year old could identify as a boy or girl and pick a pronoun of his choosing for reference.  Then the parents were told they had to sign an anti-racist pledge. The parents walked out. This is what things have come to. Add this to Dalton, and you see what is happening in the elite private schools in NYC.

There are clearly situations where race is used to deny some people opportunity, but it is not widespread anymore, and the actions being taken now in schools and companies is just as bad the other way. The clamp down on police by Dem governors and mayors has led to a massive increase in crime to the degree that NYC is being again destroyed, just as it was under Dinkins. Crime is out of all control in NYC, and the bail law just encourages more mayhem. City council even passed a law requiring the NYPD to reveal all the details of its surveillance programs and equipment. Terrorists were thrilled. More blacks are being arrested because it is blacks who are committing more of the crime, not because cops are discriminating. Until the police are once again allowed to do their job, and judges are once again allowed to put criminals away for long terms, the cities will deteriorate, and the lives of everyone will deteriorate.

We have clear proof in NYC that tough crime enforcement works, and makes a city vibrant, providing jobs to everyone at all levels, and that letting crime occur, as it is now,  just pushes out people who make the cities work, and who provide jobs for the low income workers. Democrats never seem to learn anything from history. Whatever you may think of Rudy now, he did a great job for NYC, and proved that broken windows policing can completely change a huge city, and make everyone’s life much better. Reality check, it is the good people in Harlem and other black communities in NYC who are even more demanding for more cops and tougher enforcement than anyone. It is their lives that are being lost to the mayhem, and their kids futures being destroyed.


There will be a new mayor in November. One interesting demographic: Asians, mainly Chinese, are now the dominant ethnic group in Queens. Their numbers are growing and they now have money from earnings and from relatives in China. They are becoming a political factor to be reckoned with in five years. They are mainly conservative. Some in NYC believe the Asians will have a material influence in elections in a few years. 

Biden wants to make all 11 million illegal aliens citizens. Why.  They then can vote and the Dems assume they will vote Dem. Why do they demand that illegals get counted in the census. Because they mainly live in urban areas and that will give the Dems who control urban areas additional seats in the House. None of this rhetoric has anything to do with rights or any of that.  It is a blatant grab for solidifying power by Pelosi.

For you in NY and CA, here in Longboat our club is holding a huge Valentines Day dinner dance in the ballroom. Welcome to FL and get your life back.

Reality check. Biden can say he will act to speed up shots, but the vaccine producers are running full out. You don’t just set up an assembly line for a high tech vaccine. The real gate keeper is that Pfizer uses one supplier of packaging for the vials. The packaging is very high tech and complicated. The supplier is running 24/7 and they cannot just set up another production line no matter what Biden demands. It takes time to build the factory and to train workers on such a complex product. Under the Cares Act, Hospitals get paid a 20% premium for anyone declared a Covid death if they were in hospice. Guess what happened to the death rate. The true Covid only death rate is well below the number being reported.

To make all of you who play sports feel better, here is a truism. No matter if it is golf or tennis, as you get older, no matter how many lessons you take, or how often you play, the improvement is on the margin. You already have too much muscle memory of hitting the ball wrong, or less than perfect, and the body just does not cooperate as it used to with slower reflexes or flexibility. You don’t see the ball with the same clarity as you once did. Bottom line, be happy you got up this morning, and were able to go out and play, and enjoy yourself. It is a good day when you are on this side of the grass.


Worth reposting:


This nice liberal Rep. SOB, probably never "served" a day in the military except when he visited Pelosi and she "served" him expensive ice-cream:

Veteran Accuses Dem Rep Of ‘Sowing Seeds Of Hatred’ After National Guard Comments

The following video is brought to you courtesy of Fox News YouTube Channel. Click the play button to watch it now

Rep. Steve Cohen, D-TN, said Trump supporters in the National Guard might ‘do something’ at inauguration on a CNN appearance, US Army Veteran Jeremy Hunt reacts.

Dov Fischer recoils at what Democrats are doing regarding impeaching.  He thinks it will backfire. I do as well. The basis for impeaching Trump is hate and that is not an acceptable motivation.

If one reads the newspapers like the NYT's and WAPO, or listens to CNN etc. hard to believe Trump accomplished anything worthwhile.

30 Things Donald Trump Did as President You Might Have Missed 

By Doug Palmer

Many Americans will remember President Donald Trump’s presidency as a four-yearlong storm of tweets, rallies and on-air rants that ended in a mob riot and historic second impeachment. But there was more to the Trump presidency than attention-hogging political drama and conflict; often unnoticed, Trump and his administration actually did succeed in changing some of the ways Washington works.

From imposing a ban on Chinese-made drones to rolling back rules on sexual harassment, from cracking down on robocalls to letting states legalize marijuana, Trump changed some key areas of federal policy in ways that may have lasting impact well after he’s gone.

But here’s the thing — between all the news coverage of the president himself, a global pandemic and various other upheavals, there’s a good chance you missed a lot of them. So here is POLITICO’s list of 30 important policy changes Trump made as president, how they’ve affected our lives, families and businesses, and the prospects they will survive the incoming Biden administration.


Trump didn't repeal Obamacare — he accidentally bolstered it

Pedro Rojas holds a sign directing people to an insurance company where they can sign up for the Affordable Care Act. | Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Trump came into office vowing to repeal Obamacare — and even took the law to court when that failed in Congress. But his most significant imprint on the Affordable Care Act was an accidental boost that happened when he stumbled into pouring billions of extra federal dollars into subsidizing Americans’ coverage.

The move: House Republicans had tried for years to cut off subsidies that helped low-income Obamacare enrollees with the co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles that come with their health plans. In 2017, Trump finally did it through administrative means after the GOP effort to replace the law fell apart — and he immediately drew intense outcry from Democrats and policy experts who called the move “sabotage.”

The impact: The health exchanges didn’t collapse, as Trump had hoped. Instead, health plans and states quickly figured out a way to claw back the federal dollars they lost: They built the costs of the subsidies into premiums for Obamacare’s benchmark “silver” policies. This meant that premiums for these “silver” plans spiked and as a result, the premium subsidies the government had to pay for low-income enrollees vastly increased. The concept, known as “silver-loading,” grew government subsidizing of the exchanges by upwards of $20 billion per year.

The upshot: While Trump’s moves made Obamacare plans increasingly unaffordable for the unsubsidized, Democrats quickly tamped down their criticisms since it accomplished their goal of significantly boosting funding for Obamacare. The incoming Biden administration isn’t likely to reverse course. — Susannah Luthi


Trump refocused national security on great power competition

American soldiers wait on the tarmac in Logar province, Afghanistan. | Rahmat Gul/AP Photo

Defense policy documents are so abundant they could wallpaper the Pentagon. But the Trump administration’s stands out as one of the most important defense policy shifts of the last generation, reorienting the American military to confront rising and increasingly aggressive powers Russia and China.

The move: The 2018 strategy rewired the Defense Department’s vast bureaucracy away from a focus on fighting insurgents and terrorists in the Middle East toward a long-term strategic competition with China and Russia. As a result, the military is changing how it trains personnel, which technologies it buys, and the geographic areas of the world where it prioritizes its forces.

The impact: Already it has led to a reordering of the Pentagon budget and new investments supported by a bipartisan majority in Congress, including billions of dollars to beef up the U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific.

The upshot: Despite differences in tone and rhetoric, this is a refocusing of the United States’ military posture that is expected to continue in the Biden administration. — Bryan Bender


Trump failed to provide workplace guidance, making safety harder for workers

People suit up in personal protective equipment before conducting coronavirus testing in Malibu, Calif. | Mario Tama/Getty Images

Arguably the most consequential decision Trump made involving American workers was something it chose not to do: It declined to implement a so-called “emergency temporary standard” when the coronavirus pandemic hit. Such a standard, issued when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration determines workers are in “grave danger,” would have established immediate and mandatory workplace safety rules employers must follow to protect employees from exposure.

The move: Despite pressure from Democrats, unions and worker advocates, OSHA refused to set rules for worker safety during the pandemic. Republicans defended the decision by saying the burden on companies struggling to stay afloat amid the recession would be too great. In the absence of a standard, employers have only had to comply with a mix of optional guidelines, able to pick and choose what precautions they take.

The impact: The agency’s backseat approach to workplace safety means Americans still face a dangerously unpredictable range of safety conditions when they show up to work. Though OSHA has cited some companies for coronavirus-related transgressions, many large corporations received meager fines even in cases where workers died from Covid-19. Democrats have attempted to include language mandating an emergency temporary standard in future rounds of pandemic aid — but their efforts have been unsuccessful.

The upshot: One of the first things a Biden administration will likely move to do is instruct OSHA to step up worker safety enforcement — including by enacting an emergency standard and ramping up penalties on violators. Biden’s campaign also pledged to double the number of OSHA investigators to enforce the law and existing standards. — Eleanor Mueller

Religion in schools

Trump boosted religious organizations in education

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos listens as U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a briefing on March 26, 2020. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Trump failed to enact any sweeping school choice policy that sends money to parents to help them pay for private and religious schools. But his administration, led by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, a devout Christian, found ways to expand federal support for religious schools and organizations at the Education Department.

The move: DeVos tweaked a wide range of federal education policies, large and small, to bolster faith-based organizations. She changed regulations, for example, to make it easier for members of religious orders to access federal financial aid and expanded federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness to cover clergy members. And she created new protections for faith-based campus organizations at public universities.

At the K-12 education level, DeVos stopped enforcing a policy that had prohibited religious organizations from providing publicly funded services—such as tutoring, technology and counseling—in private schools. And she opened up federal grants for charter schools to religiously affiliated organizations.

The move: Many religious education groups praised DeVos’ changes, which she often described as effort to expand religious liberty. “Too many misinterpret the ‘separation of church and state’ as an invitation for government to separate people from their faith,” she said.

The move: The Biden administration is expected to move quickly to roll back many of DeVos’ education policies, but it’s not yet clear how the incoming administration will approach her various policy tweaks to promote religious organizations. — Michael Stratford


Trump's Interior Department set a new standard for ignoring Congress

David Bernhardt testifies during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing. | Zach Gibson/Getty Images

Trump’s Interior Department set a precedent that, while it may have escaped notice outside Washington, D.C., is almost certain to be influential going forward: It stonewalled Congressional oversight and got away with it.

The move: Interior Secretary David Bernhardt showed up for Congressional hearings that decided the fate of the department’s budget, but otherwise refused invitations from the House Natural Resources Committee to defend its policy actions under Trump. The attitude flowed down to sub-agency heads as well. Scott Angelle, the administration’s head of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, the office in charge of setting offshore drilling safety standards, to answer the committee’s request that he explain its practice of handing out waivers on regulation put in place in response to the Deepwater Horizon rig disaster.

The impact: The foot-dragging in providing even basic information stretched to written requests from Congress and the public. , in responding to written questions, would flood the zone with thousands of documents that had little relation to the topic at hand and even include pages containing . Interior was also sued by outside groups and subject to an internal watchdog audit over complaints it was slow walking public information requests.

The upshot: All in all, the agency got away with it: Democrats complained but never followed through on a subpoena threat. By the final six months of the Trump administration, Interior officials completely stopped attending House hearings meant to flag issues with the department. The behavior all but guarantees that future administrations will follow suit. — Ben Lefebvre


Legal marijuana spreads across most of the country

Allison Johnson, an employee of Buckeye Relief LLC, works on topping a marijuana plant, in Eastlake, Ohio. | David Dermer/AP Photo

Cannabis legalization advocates were alarmed when Trump picked Jeff Sessions as his first attorney general. For marijuana supporters, Sessions’ anti-cannabis rhetoric harkened back to “reefer madness“ days, and they feared he would crack down on the burgeoning state-regulated marijuana industry. Their fears were founded: In January 2018, Sessions , an Obama-era Justice Department guidance that called for deprioritizing marijuana enforcement. The memo had provided some protection for state-legal marijuana markets and informed how state governments set up their own cannabis laws. But a Sessions-led crackdown never materialized.

The move: Despite its anti-weed rhetoric, the Trump administration stood to the side as 18 states liberalized their marijuana laws from 2016 to 2020, including like Mississippi and South Dakota. Despite former Attorney General William Barr’s , the federal government remained relatively hands-off on marijuana policy.

The impact: Cannabis is now legal in some form in 36 states, meaning that a majority of Americans have some form of legal access even though the drug remains officially illegal at the federal level. In fact, of Americans now live in states with full legalization.

The upshot: Cannabis has become a massive business, generating billions in state revenues. The move toward legalization is likely to accelerate under a Biden administration, which is expected to pressure Congress to pass legislation fixing some legal problems for cannabis companies, such as access to banking, and might even move to change its illegal status under the federal Controlled Substances Act. — Mona Zhang

Loan forgiveness

Trump curbed relief for defrauded students

Trump dismantled Obama-era policies that were designed to curb abuses by for-profit colleges, including rules designed to make it easier for borrowers to obtain loan forgiveness if they were cheated or duped by their college. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said the Obama administration’s approach was too lenient, akin to allowing borrowers to access “free money” at taxpayer expense.

The move: DeVos rewrote the Obama administration’s rules that govern when federal student loan borrowers can have their debt wiped out as a result of their college’s misconduct, imposing stricter standards of proof. She also required the Education Department to provide only partial loan relief in many cases, a departure from the Obama administration’s policy of providing full loan forgiveness. Congress moved to block the rules, with 10 GOP senators joining Democrats, but Trump vetoed the legislation and the new rules took effect.

The impact: Borrowers seeking to have their loans wiped out because of the misconduct of their college — such as misleading or deceiving students about their job prospects — will have a tougher time proving their claims. The Education Department estimates that the Trump policy will reduce federal loan forgiveness by hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

The upshot: Biden has already committed to swiftly reversing Trump’s changes to the rules, which are known as “borrower defense to repayment.” But he’s facing pressure from progressives to go further and provide sweeping debt cancellations to all borrowers, regardless of whether they were defrauded. — Michael Stratford

Shell companies

Trump made it easier to prosecute financial crimes like money laundering

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. | Susan Walsh/AP Photo

The Trump administration played a major but little-noticed role in pushing Congress to enact the most sweeping overhaul of financial crimes safeguards in decades, measures intended to stop money flowing to terrorists, drug traffickers and other wrongdoers. The legislation made its way into the National Defense Authorization Act, historically a must-pass bill each year. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin personally negotiated the anti-money laundering safeguards with Republicans and Democrats who crafted the deal.

The move: The new law would require millions of business entities to report their true owners, puncturing the veil of anonymity that shell companies give to money launderers and tax evaders and making it easier for prosecutors to literally follow the money.

The impact: The information businesses report to the Treasury Department would be accessible to law enforcement agencies that would have an unprecedented tool to investigate shell companies. Banks, which are responsible for policing criminal activity by their customers, would also be able to tap into the database.

The upshot: Criminals will keep finding ways to operate in the shadows. But the new disclosure rules could give law enforcement leverage over their frontmen and may make it harder for bad guys to find lawyers willing to help hide their money because of the new paper trail. — Zachary Warmbrodt


Trump shrank the food safety net — a lot

A Transportation Security Administration employee stands at a booth to learn about a food stamp program. | Julio Cortez/AP Photo

Under Trump, the Agriculture Department scaled back the $60 billion Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the food support program for low-income Americans formerly known as food stamps. The administration said it wanted to cut back on waste and save money within the program.

The move: In 2018, the Agriculture Department that aimed to more strictly enforce certain work mandates under the program, making it more difficult for states to seek waivers from SNAP work requirements for able-bodied adults who aren’t caring for children or other dependents.

The impact: 755,000 Americans have lost their access to food aid under SNAP, according to the USDA’s own estimates.

The upshot: The courts could reverse the change. In October, a judge halted the rule and said that it “radically and abruptly alters decades of regulatory practice, leaving states scrambling and exponentially increasing food insecurity for tens of thousands of Americans.” But the Trump administration , prolonging the legal battle. — Liz Crampton

Overtime pay

Millions of workers lost access to extra pay for long hours

Under Trump, the federal government rolled out a series of employer-friendly rules and decisions, many of which slid under the national radar. One of the most significant: His Labor Department finalized an overtime rule notably weaker than that issued under Obama, leaving millions of workers ineligible.

The move: In 2016, Obama’s Labor Department finalized a rule that would raise the salary threshold for overtime eligibility from around $24,000 to some $47,000 a year, with triennial increases. At the time, only about 6 percent of workers were eligible. But Trump’s White House declined to defend the rule in court, and in 2019, proposed its own, much more lax rule, which would raise the threshold to about $35,000 with no scheduled raises.

The impact: The Trump rule applies to just 15 percent of full-time, salaried workers, whereas the Obama rule would have applied to twice as many. That’s at least who would have been eligible for overtime pay under the 2016 version and now are ineligible; some estimates place the amount of wages lost at

The upshot: Biden’s role in the Obama administration, which proposed the original rule, and his sweeping pro-worker agenda indicate that he will likely overturn the Trump rule and issue his own overtime rule — though when, exactly, that will happen remains unclear. — Eleanor Mueller

Greenhouse gases

On gas emissions, Trump went the opposite direction from the rest of the world

Pump jacks at an oil extraction site are seen at the Maria Fire. | Photo by David McNew/Getty Images

Trump’s attempts to roll back Obama-era rules aimed at cracking down on methane emissions had major implications for not only the near-term warming caused by this potent greenhouse gas, but also shrunk the United States’ stature on the global stage.

The move: The Trump administration loosened the standards oil and gas companies had to meet for how much methane — the largest chemical component of natural gas and a major heat-trapping substance — they could allow to leak out of pipelines, storage tanks and other oil field infrastructure. Senate Republicans had failed to kill the Obama rule at the beginning of the Trump administration, leaving the White House to roll back an environmental regulation even some oil and gas companies supported as a way to keep an increasingly green-minded public on their side.

The impact: Trump’s stance was the polar opposite of what China and European countries pledged to do to rein in emissions of a gas considered one of the leading causes of climate change. The , were considered so out of the norm that even oil companies such as BP and Shell publicly spoke out against them. The French government stepped in to force trading firm Engie, in which it owns a stake, to reject a proposed contract to import U.S. gas, citing reputational risk. Trump’s rejection of strict methane standards has also allowed Europe to claim the global mantle for fighting climate change.

The upshot: Trump’s rule changes are still being litigated in court and will be immediately in Biden’s sights for reversal when he officially takes office. But reputational damage has already been done. — Ben Lefebvre


Trump imposed a near-ban on government use of Chinese drones

A DJI Mavic Pro Quadcopter drone is seen in flight. | Omer Messinger/Getty Images

Like many Chinese products and services, Chinese-made drones became a focal point for the Trump administration. Federal agencies seeking to end China’s dominance of the drone market, amid concerns that equipment could be used to spy, have looked for ways to bolster domestic production.

The move: In late 2019, the Interior Department temporarily stopped all non-emergency use of its mostly Chinese-made drones after officials from several agencies — including the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Justice — warned that drones and drone equipment made in China might be used for espionage. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt further escalated efforts in October when he told department leadership that all future drone purchases should be vetted against a list of DoD-approved, U.S.-made drones. More recently the Commerce Department added China-based manufacturer DJI, which is the largest civilian drone manufacturer in the world, to a trade blacklist, citing concerns about the company’s possible involvement in human rights abuses by the Chinese government.

The impact: DJI’s placement on the trade blacklist doesn’t affect ordinary consumers or businesses, but it’s a significant blow to U.S. companies, such as Microsoft and PrecisionHawk, who do business with DJI including provide components for their drones. This is bad timing for those companies, since the FAA is getting ready to greenlight new commercial uses, such as drone-based delivery services, which will increase sales. What’s more, Congress may soon put even more restrictions on use of Chinese-made technology because of security concerns.

The upshot: While a Biden administration might be less prone to take actions to disrupt the global supply chain, it also might try to avoid perceptions of being soft on China. A Biden administration might use the Commerce Department’s blacklist as a “bargaining chip” with the Chinese government, meaning DJI might stay on the list for some time. Biden also has expressed support for bolstering U.S. drone manufacturing, which could translate to further actions that would reduce U.S. reliance on Chinese technology. — Stephanie Beasley

Defense spending

Trump made it possible to follow the Pentagon's money

The Pentagon makes up the largest slice of discretionary spending in the federal budget, so it might surprise you that until Trump, no one had conducted an audit of where America’s defense dollars go, and its financial accounting systems were notoriously messy and complicated.

The move: In 2018, the Trump administration for the first time attempted a Defense Department-wide audit. An army of 1,000 outside accountants and 150 personnel from the Defense Department inspector general's office fanned out to some 600 locations and collected 40,000 pages of financial documents.

The impact: In the end, as widely expected, the Pentagon failed the audit overall; too much paperwork was missing or incomplete. Officials now predict the Defense Department won’t be able to pass a full audit until 2027 at the earliest. But there are bright spots: for example, the first time around the military pay system, an enormous stream of dollars, came back clean. In follow-up audits conducted in 2019 and 2020, meanwhile, a few more defense agencies and military components .

The upshot: The overall exercise is seen as a milestone in the odyssey to someday verify where all our defense tax dollars are going. What’s more, the audit effort is helping Pentagon managers make their programs more efficient and minimize waste. Efforts to inject more accountability into Pentagon spending are likely to get even more intense during the Biden administration. — Bryan Bender


Trump goosed the economy with tax cuts that didn't pay political dividends

Activists hold signs during a Tax March D.C. event on the U.S. Capitol East Lawn. | Alex Wong/Getty Images

Trump’s biggest legislative achievement was arguably the $1.5 trillion tax cut package Republicans pushed through Congress, which he said would super-charge the economy.

The move: The 2017 tax bill slashed individual and corporate tax rates and made dozens of other major changes to the tax code that affected virtually every facet of the economy, from small businesses to university endowments.

The impact: The tax cuts helped goose the economy before the coronavirus struck, as unemployment fell steeply and the economy expanded, though many economists argued it was a sugar high or questioned whether a direct line could be drawn between the cuts and the good times. Also, the economic impact wasn’t all good — the tax cuts also fueled record deficits. Supporters inside and outside the Trump administration still insist the cuts will pay for themselves in the long run through economic growth — though many economists are skeptical, or outright dismissive, of that prediction.

The upshot: While the tax cuts benefited the economy in the short turn, they failed to pay political dividends for Trump. Polls showed the tax bill was never very popular, with the Democrats doing a good job of convincing voters it mainly benefited the wealthy. Biden has vowed to roll back much of the tax cut, particularly for high earners, by boosting the corporate tax rate to 28 percent from 21 percent and raising the top individual income tax rate to 39.6 percent from 37 percent for those earning more than $400,000 annually. However, he could have a hard time getting that through Congress, with Democrats holding a one-vote majority in the Senate and a diminished number of House seats. — Toby Eckert


Trump cracked down — mostly successfully — on unwanted calls and texts

For years the federal government made little headway against the plague of unwanted automated phone calls that have annoyed Americans — 19 billion such calls last year alone. Despite plenty of rancor, Trump and his agency heads succeeded in working with Congress to make significant headway in curbing — but not yet eliminating — the annoyance.

The move: At the end of 2019, Trump signed into law carefully crafted bipartisan legislation designed to ensure phone companies would install technology to verify that calls were authentic and bolster federal enforcement powers. These efforts built on work already underway at the FCC and among state attorneys general to ward off the unwanted calls and crack down on the perpetrators, many of whom were slapped with record-setting fines in recent years under FCC Chair Ajit Pai.

The impact: The volume of robocalls in 2020 seems to be on track to be lower than the previous two years, although the global pandemic could be affecting the numbers in ways not immediately apparent (not to mention prompting scams specific to Covid-19).

The upshot: Although these efforts will provide a strong foundation for any moves under Biden to further tamp down the number of calls, businesses say they still lack the legal clarity they need to use automated phone calls and texts for legitimate communication with their customers. Biden and Congress will now face pressure to provide such clarity. — John Hendel

Climate science

Trump exiled climate scientists from Washington—literally.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue speaks during a forum in Washington, D.C. | Alex Wong/Getty Images

The Agriculture Department went to great lengths to quietly quash scientific research conducted by its employees or funded by government dollars, in particular research about how the agriculture industry could play a critical role in combating climate change. Secretary Sonny Perdue was aggressive in reshaping USDA, most overtly by relocating many of the department’s research scientists out of Washington to the Midwest.

The move: Officials that carry warnings about the effects of climate change on the agriculture sector. The department even on how to respond to the climate change crisis.

The impact: Perdue’s contentious decision to relocate hundreds of scientists to Kansas City was among the among department employees, prompting many of them to jump ship, leaving research agencies with a fraction of their former staff.

The upshot: The Biden administration is facing pressure to quickly rehire scientists to get USDA research agencies back to full capacity, and they are expected to boost spending on research studying threats facing the food system, including climate change. — Liz Crampton

Medical records

Trump took a big swing at finally fixing health-care technology

A sign for a medical records department is seen.

Patients who have had to tote x-ray scans around hospitals, or explain their medicine allergies for the umpteenth time, are familiar with the problem Trump tried to fix: that having spent billions of dollars digitizing the health care system’s medical records, the information in those records does not exactly zip around at the speed of the internet.

The move: Early in 2020 — just before coronavirus upended daily life — the Trump administration released a big ball of rules meant to sweep aside barriers to sharing health information. The administration’s rules have several targets but they focus on practices like “information blocking,” whereby companies or providers might not release necessary data for competitive advantage, and require companies to use standardized recipes to exchange information.

The impact: Not much, yet. Providers and other parts of the industry successfully argued that complying with the rules would be too heavy a lift amid the pandemic, so the Trump administration has delayed the effective date.

The upshot: The provisions are, broadly speaking, popular and flow from bipartisan work beginning in the Obama administration. If anything, the biggest critics of the rules want them to be tougher and go into effect faster. For that reason, it’s unlikely a Biden administration will be looking to reverse course. — Darius Tahir

Sexual harassment

Trump rescinded rules protecting workers at federal contractors

On the eve of the #MeToo era, Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress repealed transparency safeguards designed to protect of people working for companies bidding for federal contracts from sexual harassment. Business groups vehemently opposed the requirements, which they dubbed the “Blacklist Rule,” arguing that the regulation was so broadly worded that potential contractors could be barred from doing work with the government based on allegations alone.

The move: In March 2017, Trump signed a Congressional Review Act resolution to revoke a enacted under Obama the previous year that required businesses to publicly disclose any sexual harassment or labor law violations over the previous three years whenever they bid on large federal contracts. The goal of the rule was to prevent federal money from flowing to firms with a history of such infractions. The Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule also barred companies with federal contracts of more than $1 million from requiring that workers address claims of sexual harassment or sexual assault in private arbitration, taking away their option to sue in court.

The impact: Federal contractors with a history of sexual harassment or other labor violations can win bids without having to reveal their problematic history.

The upshot: Biden can reinstate the executive order, but it’s legally murky for the Department of Labor to reissue the rule because the Congressional Review Act bars agencies from issuing “substantially the same” regulation after it’s been overturned by Congress. — Rebecca Rainey

Auto emissions

Trump went all-in on ending curbs on auto emissions, dividing the industry

A hybrid car charges at a charging station at a parking garage in Los Angeles. | Richard Vogel/AP Photo

Obama used his stimulus leverage over the auto manufacturers to negotiate landmark federal rules to curb carbon dioxide pollution from new vehicles through 2025 — a central component of his work to fight climate change. Automakers took advantage of Trump’s election to ask for moderate changes to those targets, but Trump instead completely scrambled the regulatory scheme, attacked California’s special regulatory authority and created a schism among automakers.

The move: The Obama administration’s plan would have required automakers to improve fuel efficiency by 5 percent per year, but the Trump administration rolled those targets back to just 1.5 percent improvement each year.

The impact: Vehicle emissions represent the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. and the rollback was likely the biggest climate-related action of Trump’s term, especially as electric utilities continue to move away from coal on their own and as electric vehicles are slow to take hold in the U.S. But some of the effect was mitigated when the state of California brokered a deal with five major auto manufacturers to meet standards similar to the Obama-era ones.

The upshot: The Biden administration is expected to laser in on the auto rules for reconsideration, but the multiyear lead time manufacturers need to design and test their vehicles means the gains mandated under the Obama-era rules but scaled back by Trump are all but forfeited. — Alex Guillén and Annie Snider


The anti-monopolists started winning — despite Trump at first, then with his help

Life-sized cutouts of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg are displayed by an advocacy group on Capitol Hill on April 10, 2018. | Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

For the past decade, politicians on both sides of the aisle have expressed concerns about the growing size, power and influence of tech giants including Facebook, Google and Amazon, but rarely took action against them. Progressive anti-monopoly advocates were largely overruled during the Obama years at the U.S.’ two antitrust agencies, the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department. But amid growing conservative anger at the tech giants, Trump's regulators eventually joined the fight and dusted off an antitrust legal playbook that hadn’t been used since the breakup of AT&T in the 1980s.

The move: Early on, Trump’s tenure seemed to be following recent patterns by waving through major mergers like the combination of telecom giants Sprint and T-Mobile. But two Trump picks, FTC Chair Joe Simons and DOJ's Barr, have spent the past two years more aggressively looking into antitrust concerns raised by Silicon Valley. In recent months, the DOJ filed a landmark antitrust case against Google, its biggest monopolization case since the 1990s suit against Microsoft. The FTC, meanwhile, is pursuing its own watershed suit against Facebook that could see the social network broken up.

The impact: It’s too soon to tell whether the antitrust actions will succeed in forcing changes at Google or Facebook, but they have sent a signal that there will be more scrutiny of their business practices going forward.

The upshot: Both lawsuits will continue into the Biden administration — and possibly beyond. Major antitrust cases can take 3 to 5 years, and a trial in the Google suit likely won’t even begin till the fall of 2023. — Leah Nylen


A big crackdown on legal immigrants

Leo Wang, whose H-1B visa was denied in 2019, packs a suitcase at his home in San Jose, Calif. | Ben Margot/AP Photo

While it was no surprise to anyone who followed his 2016 presidential campaign that Trump wanted to crack down on illegal immigration at the southern border, his administration also imposed tighter restrictions on legal immigration, even of the high-skilled workers he claimed to want in the country.

The move: The Department of Homeland Security has pushed through restrictions and changes to the H-1B visa program that allows U.S. businesses to hire high-skilled foreign workers for “specialty“ jobs. Businesses rely on these workers to fill jobs they say they can’t fill with U.S. citizens. The administration, however, said U.S. employers are abusing the work visa because they want to replace American workers with cheaper foreign labor. The administration’s most recent rules sought to limit the types of jobs foreign workers can apply for, while also requiring employers to pay them more.

The impact: Some changes — including those that narrow the definition of a "specialty occupation" and that require employers to pay foreign workers more — were expected to reduce the number of approved H-1B visa petitions by one-third. Those efforts have since been halted in court. Businesses seeking these non-immigrant worker visas also saw an increase in requests to provide more evidence in their applications and a higher rate of visa denials.

The upshot: Biden promised during his campaign that he would support expanding the number of high-skilled visas available, but after first reforming the temporary visa system to prevent favoring “only entry level wages and skills.” That’s likely to be a heavy lift; Congress hasn’t been able to pass comprehensive immigration reform since 1986. — Rebecca Rainey

Toxic chemicals

Trump impeded regulation — even though Republicans wanted it

Trump’s EPA essentially blew up a bipartisan deal to more strictly regulate toxic chemicals that Americans are exposed to daily and instead tapped a group of chemicals industry experts to run and advise the program. The 2016 overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act, supported by both Democrats and Republicans, had given EPA new teeth to go after well-known dangerous chemicals, like asbestos and methylene chloride, in a bid to boost public confidence in the safety of consumer products.

The move: Trump officials muzzled scientists and civil servants at the agency and crafted narrow approaches to assessing chemicals’ dangers that have massive loopholes. Specifically, while under the new law Congress urged EPA to consider all possible exposures to a chemical, cumulatively, whether in the water, air, through consumer uses or exposure at work. But Trump’s EPA opted only to look at risks from exposures that couldn’t be regulated under other laws; for instance, they wouldn’t weigh potential exposure to a chemical in drinking water since it could be regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act, even if it wasn’t. Trump’s EPA also mostly whiffed statutory deadlines to finish studying risks for the first round of chemicals under the 2016 law and was slapped by a federal court for ignoring certain ways Americans are exposed to toxins.

The impact: The administration’s approach paves the way for less stringent regulation of toxic chemicals. If the Biden EPA leaves the laxer evaluations intact, its subsequent regulations will not be able to limit certain ways people are exposed — meaning Americans may not get comprehensive protection. While it is likely the Biden administration will take a more holistic look at future chemicals EPA reviews, it is unclear whether it will have time to re-analyze the chemicals the Trump administration already finished reviewing.

The upshot: Biden’s EPA is expected to take a more holistic approach to assessing and addressing chemicals’ risks, but because of strict timelines set under the 2016 law, it is unclear to what extent it will be able to redo assessments done under the Trump administration. — Alex Guillén and Annie Snider

Internet upgrade

Trump rallied the world against China's 5G dominance

A person looks at a smartphone while walking past a sign advertising 5G services. | Mark Schiefelbein/AP Photo

The Trump administration put national security concerns around 5G in the spotlight, arguing that Chinese equipment used to build next-generation Internet networks posed a surveillance threat to Western countries. In practice, that meant the White House launched a campaign against some of China’s top communications companies, from Huawei to ZTE to China Telecom; even TikTok became swept up in the mix.

The move: Trump carried out a handful of different actions to block companies like Huawei and ZTE from getting any foothold in the U.S. telecom marketplace and limit their ability to trade with U.S. companies. These domestic actions were combined with a global full-court press in which Trump lobbied America’s allies in Europe and beyond to avoid using Chinese network equipment in any telecom infrastructure.

The impact: Trump notched victories in countries like Britain and Australia, who made decisions to reject Huawei from their domestic 5G buildouts. The administration also nailed down plans to force smaller U.S. telecom carriers to rip out and replace any scattered gear from Huawei and ZTE being used in their networks.

The upshot: Although many expect Biden to take a more multilateral approach, Trump’s concerns won bipartisan backing within the U.S. and are likely to keep dominating global and domestic talks. Many countries are still mulling whether they share the alarm coming from U.S. officials. — John Hendel

Farm aid

Trump doled out billions in aid to farmers

Workers harvest wild blueberries at the Ridgeberry Farm in Appleton, Maine. | Robert F. Bukaty/AP Photo

Faced with years of declining prices and shrunken foreign markets, farmers have been struggling throughout the Trump administration. Trump officials have tried to mend food producers’ finances by doling out billions in assistance in order to keep the industry afloat.

The move: Trump’s USDA suffering from tariffs imposed by foreign countries as a consequence of the president’s trade wars, an amount that far outpaced the massive auto bailout in 2008.

The impact: The vast majority of the aid went to traditional row crop farmers, many of whom were part of Trump’s political base. Government payments are forecast to be at their highest level ever and account for nearly 40 percent net farm income this year.

The upshot: Biden faces a difficult choice in deciding whether to continue the payments: The effects of Trump’s trade war will stick around well into 2021, and producers have come to rely on the assistance to stay in business. — Liz Crampton


Trump rolled back rules on banks designed to prevent another financial crisis

Trump fulfilled a major GOP priority in 2018 by signing the first big bank deregulation bill since the landmark Dodd-Frank Act was enacted in 2010. It was a victory for the nation's lenders, which spent years fighting to roll back rules enacted in the wake of the 2008 Wall Street meltdown. Republicans and moderate Democrats had been working on some of the proposals well before the 2016 election, but the Trump administration played a key role in making it possible.

The move: The smallest banks won relaxed mortgage regulations and streamlined capital requirements while escaping restrictions intended to discourage risky bets in bank trading. A number of large lenders escaped Federal Reserve rules targeted at the biggest “systemically important” banks. One of the most controversial provisions in the legislation shields small lenders from mortgage disclosure requirements intended to help fight discrimination. The bill’s opponents warned that it would hurt consumers and wasn’t necessary at a time when the industry was racking up record profits.

The impact: Since the passage of the legislation, large banks that lobbied for the looser restrictions have begun to merge. SunTrust and BB&T combined in 2019 to form Truist, the eighth-biggest U.S. bank at more than $504.3 billion in assets. PNC, the country’s 10th-largest lender, agreed to buy the U.S. operations of BBVA to form another mega-bank.

The upshot: Even with Democrats in control of Congress, it’s unlikely they will try to undo the law, which the party’s centrists helped pass. Biden’s nominees to regulatory agencies may reconsider some of the rules drafted to execute the legislation but it probably won’t be a top priority. — Zachary Warmbrodt

Social media

Trump galvanized an anti-Silicon Valley movement in the GOP

Lawmakers furious at Silicon Valley have for years taken aim at Section 230, a crucial 1996 legal provision that shields online platforms from lawsuits over the user content they host or decide to restrict. But it was a niche issue until Trump escalated the attacks over allegations that social media companies are biased against conservatives.

The move: Trump signed an executive order in May asking federal agencies to narrow Section 230’s liability protections, which Republicans say enable Silicon Valley censorship of conservatives. Trump has also taken an unusually active role in pushing his allies at federal agencies and in Congress to weaken the legal shield.

The impact: Pressure from Trump prompted the Federal Communications Commission to launch a controversial rulemaking process to “clarify” the scope of Section 230. The Justice Department unveiled its own proposal to pare it back. And congressional Republicans once wary of changing the law have rallied around Trump’s efforts by introducing bills to do just that.

The upshot: While there’s bipartisan support for revamping the law, those GOP-led efforts focused on the bias charges are likely to be blocked by Democrats in Congress. — Cristiano Lima

Environmental impacts

Trump reduced environmental approvals for infrastructure projects

Construction work is seen at the 826 and 836 State Road Interchange in Miami, Fla. | Joe Raedle/Getty Images

For a short time during his first year in office, Trump—himself a former developer— was in the habit of whipping out detailing the cumbersome process infrastructure projects have to go through to get approved and completed. During his last year in office, he took his most aggressive action yet to shorten that flow chart and, potentially, shortchange the environmental and community protection benefits embedded in it.

The move: In July, the White House Council on Environmental Quality issued setting shorter deadlines for agencies to complete environmental reviews and federal agencies should consider. Under the new rule, agencies need only consider emissions caused by the building of a project but not the use of the project, such as increased vehicle emissions caused by a highway expansion.

The impact: New projects can be more polluting or damaging to the environment over the long term and still be approved – and community groups will have less leverage to challenge them.

The upshot: The Department of Transportation is moving forward with its effort to implement the new rule, despite multiple petitions to hold off. Five separate lawsuits are challenging the Trump changes to NEPA policy; however, it is unlikely the Biden Administration will continue to defend the changes in court, which makes is more likely they will be overturned. — Tanya Snyder

Artificial intelligence

Trump's White House took quiet steps to promote U.S. development of AI

Director of the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Nand Mulchandani (C), Chief of Joint Warfighting Operations of JAIC Army Colonel Brad Boyd (L) and Chief of Testing and Evaluation of JAIC Jane Pinelis (R) participate in a news conference at the Pentagon. | Alex Wong/Getty Images

Washington is consumed with beating China in the race for technological supremacy on artificial intelligence. Trump took notable steps in that direction, even if some in the industry think he didn’t go far enough.

The move: Trump in 2019 signed an executive order aimed at boosting the federal government’s role in promoting the development of AI and at providing guidance to agencies on how to regulate the technology. The White House also threw its support behind European efforts to develop global AI standards.

The impact: Even as Trump disengaged from other areas of international rulemaking, his actions helped give the U.S. a global presence in the international debate over how to regulate AI.

The upshot: Industry leaders are still looking for the federal government to seize an even more active role in championing AI development, and to provide more funding for R&D. And they’re hoping the incoming Biden administration will go much farther than Trump did. — Cristiano Lima

Housing segregation

Trump rolled back rules on racially segregated housing

HUD Secretary Ben Carson addresses the virtual Republican National Convention. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The Trump administration succeeded on several fronts in rolling back Obama's efforts to combat racial segregation in housing. Arguing that the main barrier to broader homeownership is affordability rather than racial discrimination, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson was eager to pare back an Obama regulation he’d once derided as “social engineering.”

The move: Carson scrapped the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which threatened to withhold housing funds from cities that fail to take active steps to end segregation. The new version also revamped the agency's "disparate impact" rule to make it harder for plaintiffs to bring claims of unintentional discrimination. In addition, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau gave small banks an exemption from data collection requirements that help track racial discrimination in the mortgage market. The agency also dramatically cut back on enforcing fair lending laws during the Trump administration.

The impact: The reduced focus on fair housing comes as the gap in homeownership rates between Black and white Americans yawns as widely as it ever has, including when housing discrimination was legal. About 70 percent of white households own their homes, compared with about 40 percent of Black households — a disparity the ongoing and lopsided economic crisis is expected to exacerbate.

The upshot: Because the 2015 rule was already on the books, the incoming administration can simply revoke the replacement regulation and revert to the original, although it will have to update the data tools that form the backbone of the rule. Rebuilding an aggressive enforcement division at the CFPB will take longer. — Katy O’Donnell

Trade rules

Trump made trade a top priority, but had only mixed results

The World Trade Organization's logo is pictured.

Trump prioritized trade concerns far more than any other president in recent history, pursuing a hyperactive agenda that flummoxed allies and adversaries alike. In particular, Trump shifted the United States toward a more nationalist trade policy characterized by an aggressive use of tariffs and sharp criticism of China, the European Union and the World Trade Organization.

The move: Trump abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement supported by most other Republicans and ran roughshod over the rules-based trading system to pursue his political objective of boosting U.S. industry. He imposed tariffs on more than $350 billion worth of Chinese goods and on billions of dollars’ worth of steel and aluminum imports. He struck a trade deal with China that eliminates many agricultural trade barriers but left many other serious trade issues unaddressed. He also used the threat of withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement to strike a more protectionist version of the agreement with Canada and Mexico.

The impact: Trump elevated concerns about China’s trade practices and acquisition of American technology to a new level and helped usher in what many now are calling a cold war between the world’s two largest economies. He also weakened the World Trade Organization through his willingness to hamstring the group’s dispute settlement system and to unilaterally impose tariffs to punish trading partners and protect domestic industries.

The upshot: Trump leaves office with a mixed record on trade. The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement has groundbreaking provisions on labor enforcement and costly new rules for North American automakers. Trump fell far short on his promise to negotiate bilateral trade deals to make up for his decision to pull out of the TPP, although he did negotiate a number of partial trade deals with the EU, Japan and Brazil and borrowed heavily from the TPP in his NAFTA update. — Doug Palmer


A little historical refresher: regading doube standards:

Remember in 2011 when tens of thousands of Democrats surged on the Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison and physically occupied it for more than two weeks? We were told, "This is what democracy looks like." 

Remember in 2016 when Obama was President and hundreds of BLM blocked interstate highways and violently accosted police (even killing several)? We were told, "To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible." 

Remember in 2018 during the Kavanaugh hearings when a mob of Democrats stormed the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, and pounded their fists in rage on the door. We were told, "It's understandable." 

Remember this summer's riots in major cities across the country when groups of Democrats marched in the streets, set buildings on fire, looted businesses, assaulted and even killed bystanders and police? We were told, "These are mostly peaceful protests." 

Remember when Democrats seized several blocks of the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Seattle, declaring it an autonomous zone? 

Remember the guns ad deaths and utter destruction? We were told, "It's a block party atmosphere." 

Remember when a crazed mob gathered after the Republican National Convention and attacked Rand Paul, a sitting U.S. Senator? We were told, "No justice, no peace." 

Remember how police were told to stand down, governors refused to call in the national guard, and Democrats paid bail for violent protesters who were arrested? We were told, "This is the only way oppressed people can be heard." 


 I have condemned violent protests and lawlessness every single time they've been reported. 

I condemn the actions of those who stormed the Capitol yesterday. But I refuse to condemn hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors because a handful (52 arrested) chose to be lawless and to defy everything the vast majority of the crowd stood for. 

Conservatives are defenders of the Constitution, the police, and the rule of law. Because a relative few people decided to do something stupid doesn't nullify the concerns of the many. 

The real culprit here? The mainstream media has been telling us for years that violence is the only way people who feel oppressed can be heard, it's the only way to get justice, and this is what democracy looks like. 

Apparently, a few who were in the crowd on Wednesday listened to them. The inflammatory rhetoric of the Left caused this, and it's about time Democrats and the mainstream media took responsibility for dividing Americans and attempting to humiliate those who support the President or any conservative ideals. 

They have pushed people to the brink, even while claiming, "It's time for unity." It's time for careful reflection and change on all sides. God help us! 


Juan  Williams said Trump divided the Republican Party.  The Republicans Party was split long before Trump.

Trump simply showed those who have been silent and allowed Rinos to have a field day crushing conservatism they could speak out and express themselves.

Trump opened the tent and encouraged America's  working people of America they had another home if they wanted to break the Democrat handcuffs. Traditional Republicans don't know how to relate to black people.  Trump was comfortable with "deplorables" because he was a billionaire deplorable.

The mass media are going to miss Trump as will Democrat Trump haters because Trump gave them something that allowed them to unify.  The Democrat Party also has a schism that will soon expose itself. Just a matter of time and I suppose this is why they need to keep impeaching him.

Perpetuating division serves their sick needs.


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