Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I suggest A Prayer Is In Order If You Care About Our Republic. I Do Not Wish To Be Accused of Worse Or I Would Suggest More.



Stretching the truth in order to accord with ill-defined definitions to impeach Trump again and doing so out of mean spirited petulance is what has come to define Pelosi and her brethren Democrat's.  Nothing new there.  They have been trying to wreck his presidency from the git go.

They also seem to have their priorities mis-aligned considering the true threats our nation faces internally as well as externally.

Over the last half century the radicalism and anti-America sentiment that has been boiling beneath our republic has finally surfaced.  It has evolved into the loss of free speech on college campuses, youth whose empty heads have been filled with lust for socialism as opposed to capitalism, toleration of rioting and looting  in cities, destruction and disruption of commerce, acceptance of trade aggression on the part of our adversaries who have consistently engaged  in cyber attacks, theft of industrial and military secrets and you know the rest or should.

We have fractured our society's unity by allowing the weaponizing of just about everything that previously held America together.  Progressive radicals have picked at the fabric of our society by seeking to replace law and order, meanings and definitions and just about anything and everything that makes up the traditional glue that brought us financial and social prosperity and progress. They have demeaned patriotism, religion, have weakened the family unit, pitted race against race and mocked what it means to be white.

They have done this through intimidation, identity politics and most distressing of all the mass media has turned itself into the enemy of the people because of it's singularity of support and bias.

In 2016 those who were called "deplorables" by the candidate of the radical progressives had enough and rejected the path we were on and elected an unorthodox business and real estate developer whose personal flaws were widely known. Several things happened. Donald Trump proved he lacked the type of presidential temperament and orthodox administrative methods we had come to associate with those occupying The Oval Office but we also were pleased to find he adhered to his campaign pledges and, as a result, the economy came out of it torpor and a number of significant accomplishments occurred where predecessors had tried and failed.

During his four years, those who voted for his challenger were unable to accept their defeat and in various ways set about to cripple his administration and engaged in a variety of illegal activities. They lied to courts, besmirched the faith Americans had in key agencies, namely the Justice Department, The FBI and several of our critical Intelligence Agencies. Congress impeached this president on the basis of contrived allegations which proved false and his impeachment was rejected by The Senate.

As the 2020 election neared this same president warned the changing of voting procedures, allegedly due to the then Pandemic, would not be wise and might well cause uncertainty, lack of faith in the election and possibly result in fraud. The election was held and he lost and what he warned about did in fact form the basis for challenges to the results. 

The 2020 campaign itself, was most unusual in two regards:  

First)  The Pandemic disrupted commerce and every day living and caused great harm to our economy, which previously was soaring. Mostly Democrat Mayors and Governors tolerated the breakdown of law and order.

 In addition, Trump performed in ways suggesting he lacked empathy even though he responded to all requests by governors, demanded  the private and government sector to produce, at warp speed, a vaccine that is currently being distributed. He further demanded the vaccine be produced before FDA approval , a most unorthodox action and is being given at no cost to individuals.

Second) His opponent, for reasons relating to a clever campaign strategy as well as his own possible physical and mental infirmities, chose to hide thus, allowing Trump to be the candidate most publicly exposed. Though  it was Trump's to lose, he had lost a significant amount of previous voters because, after four years of frenetic behaviour, they had tired of him.  That said, he also had garnered an increase in the vote of black and Hispanic's because of his accomplishments and economic policies.

Post the election Trump pursued legal challenges, as was his constitutional right, which failed and then he called upon loyal supporters to protest and march on Congress which was engaged in validating the electoral college votes.

At that point all hell broke lose and he has now been accused of inciting a riot, sedition and you name it.

There are imminent lawyers who believe these specific charges do not hold water but do agree that he acted in a manner that could justify his being sanctioned/censured.

In my own opinion, the greatest threat to America is not Trump but the Democrat party, it's current leadership and the radical members who have grown in number and influence. This view is not a popular one perhaps, but time will prove it to be a prescient one if we wish our republic to survive and all I have enumerated above is valid, as I believe it to be.

Liberals are quite adapt at being successful in accusing others of what they blatantly do and the mass media helps them get away with such.

I am not confident our republic will survive because passions mixed with the power and wealth of those who wish to radically alter America and/or bring our nation to its knees are now in control and have achieved  the upper hand.  Technology is also involved and has even been denied the current president.

Stay tuned and if you give a damn a prayer might be in order.  I would suggest more but I do not wish to be accused of inspiring sedition.


Hi Fellow Patriot,

It’s so secret that Michelle Obama isn’t a fan of Trump, but it seems she is letting her dislike for the man cloud her already failed judgment. 

Check out what she just encouraged Big Tech to do to President Trump. 

Fighting for Freedom, 

Samuel Davis


Hi Fellow Patriot,

Remember back in 2020 when all those not-so peaceful protests were going on? You might have noticed that the left and their new spokeswoman Kamala Harris was perfectly fine with them continuing. 

And yet, suddenly now that those protests have hit the progressive left close to home, they are calling for it to stop. Funny, huh? 

Check out how Kamala and her pals are freaking out about the same kind of things that they’ve allowed to continue for months now. 

Fighting for Freedom, 

Jenny Davis


Omar Calls for Trump to Be Impeached Again

Omar Calls for Trump's Impeachment

Read More Here


Hunter Biden’s exploited laptop computer and other public disclosures show Joe Biden "had at least 10 opportunities to know about his son’s extensive foreign cash flow."

Conservative commentator Dan Bongino tweeted: “The Hunter Biden stuff about to come out is going to deeply disturb and shake you. "

Get the Real Story


Breaking: Pelosi’s Impeachment Article Is Full of Holes, and Maybe She Needs to Check Her Own Remarks


Huckabee On Parler Ban: At Some Point, The DOJ 'Needs To Step In'

A reposting is in order:

Ross Rants:

What happened at the capitol was historically horrible, and was clearly instigated by Trump.  The good news was Pence and McConnell defied Trump, and did the right thing, and saved the country from what could have been a complete breakdown. . The most important thing is the constitution prevailed. When I said last week that 2021 was going to be chaotic, and no relief from 2020, I had no idea how bad it would be in just week one. My view is once Pence refused to overturn the election, and composed his letter, Trump decided his only last move was to stop the proceedings by instigating a mass protest at the capitol to stop the process. It is called insurrection. Whether he ever intended it to become an invasion, we will never know, but he has lost all sense of reality. Now there is serious talk of the 25th amendment. That will not happen with just 12 days to go.


I assume Pence and Meadows will isolate Trump, and make sure he cannot do anything  else to create serious problems. Trump will leave peacefully on January 20, but is unlikely to attend the inauguration. Trump is done.  No bank, no Wall St firm, and no legitimate deal person, no media, will go near him now. It is very possible now that he will be forced into personal bankruptcy within two years. Although I have stated it before, I have always known Trump was a slimeball because I am out of the same NYC real estate world. I strongly disapproved of the person, but I was in favor of much of what he was getting done on taxes, regulation, funding the military, China, ISIS, Mideast peace deals, NATO and taking on China.


When compared to what I see coming from Biden, and his weak and naive retreads, and cabinet of people who qualify mainly by skin color or gender, I do not have any optimism that the next four years is going to be other than very bad.  We had a choice of worst bad. Now that the Dems also control the Senate, we are in for some very bad policy decisions, and real geopolitical and economic damage. Biden is clearly just an avatar, and it is unclear who is really going to be in control of the White House decision making.  It is unclear what happens inside the Republican party now as it is in tatters. There will be a scramble for leadership as many will try to position themselves to run for president.


On the other side, we had four years of what we now know was a fake investigation of Russia collusion, Pelosi ripping up the state of the union address for all the world to see, an attempt to manufacture impeachment, and a complete surrender of their sacred obligations by the press and universities. We have a group of irresponsible left wingers calling themselves progressives who are determined to try to overturn capitalism and democracy as we know it. The press and the left never really chastised the rioters all summer.  They often said they were peaceful protestors even as the picture showed flames. Unfortunately Biden is not the leader to help fix this mess. We are in for a continued rough period.


It is a sad commentary on what DC has become. Durham is yet to report and indict. He is likely to show Hilary was no better than Trump, and maybe he will even indict her. Biden is just an avatar and we do not know who will really be in control of policy. I expect Biden will not make it for more than two or three years. Hunter will possibly get indicted and the real question is how much bribe money really went to Joe. I don’t know where we go from here. The level of power corruption in DC is out of control.


If the Dems get their way on fiscal and regulatory issues, there will be massive new federal debt issued, and that will cause the dollar to decline further, and at some point inflation will rise. As they move to shut down fracking and otherwise regulate fossil fuels, the price of fossil fuel rises, and that causes inflation, as fuel is used for a wide range of things in addition to cars. All of that leaves aside the rise in the minimum wage to $15, which will make many US products uncompetitive. The range of things the Dems will now do drives up the cost of living for low income people- the very people the Dems claim they want to help.  It also means less jobs. That leads to even more subsidies and unemployment spending, and bigger deficits.


Hopefully by 2022, blacks will figure out the Dems are the worst thing to happen to them. As corporate taxes and regulations increase, corporate profits decrease, and stock prices fall. 401K values fall. As the dollar drops, prices rise on imported goods. As prices rise, the Fed becomes pushed to raise rates just as the economy is slowing due to excessive regulation and higher taxes. Government spending is not the solution.  It is the problem. Biden says the $900 billion is just the start. So as we come out of the pandemic and the economy is rapidly healing, the Dems want to spend trillions more. The housing market will slow considerably as the price of homes has now risen too fast, and as interest rates start to rise toward 1.5%-2.0% on the ten year as the year progresses, and all this excess fiscal stimulus becomes a burden for the bond market. It is clear the Fed is in control of markets for now. The Fed put is firmly in place.


If you think all of this excess spending is good for the economy, during the Obama years spending vs GDP was the highest since WWII at 24.4%, vs an average of 18.9% since the end of WWII, yet the economy flagged, and by late 2016 was slowly headed down. Between 2010-2013 the Fed purchased 55% of all federal debt issued. Despite this massive spending and monetary stimulus, the economy only grew by 2.1% from 2010-2013 as it came out of the recession. It had been projected by the Fed to grow in excess of 3.5%. So much for Keynesian multiplier effects of fiscal spend. The problem was big tax and regulatory increases. Exactly what we are about to see happen now.


Once everyone realized in 2013 that spending was completely out of control, they passed sequestration which had the effect of crippling the military to such an extent it became unable to carry out its missions, and allowed China to leap toward parity. Biden, Schumer, Pelosi and Yellen will now push for massive new “stimulus spending”, which, with higher taxes and regulation, will substitute government spend for private innovation and investment. Bernie Sanders has gotten what he wanted, and now he will be chair of budget-imagine that..


We are now headed for a period where there will need to be more and more deficits to carry the economy as taxes and regulation reduce private potential output, innovation and productivity. The Fed will be forced to buy more  and more Federal debt as there is simply not the capacity in the private nor sovereign markets to accommodate the flood of debt which is already at 108% of GDP.  While there may be a short term boost to the economy and stocks from all of this fiscal stimulus, it will not last long as new taxes and regulations kick in. We are in for a terrible economic mess in a couple of years. Wall St may think all this spending is good for stocks, but it is a disaster in the making longer term.


We are now on our way to socialism defined as when the government is spending excessively and dominating the debt markets, and controlling private enterprise, and the labor markets with excess regulation and control of wages through a high minimum wage. The next several years are going to be very troubling for those who believe unfettered private enterprise grows economies. Low income workers are going to find themselves out of jobs and replaced by automation as the $15 minimum wage and pro-union policies kick in. The worst hurt will be blacks who will see their opportunities for full time jobs go away despite huge pressures on companies to hire them.


Bond investors will suffer as rates rise, and inflation sprouts. Innovation will once again be constrained as it was under Obama Biden due to excessive regulation. Infrastructure projects will again become delayed as new government environmental regulation goes back to impeding any hope of getting projects underway quickly, just as we saw under Obama and his $800 billion of “shovel ready projects”.  Look for the next Solyndra. There will be a shut down of new gas pipelines which will mean shortages of low cost gas in the Northeast, and so higher energy prices in that region. In addition, the US will lose its energy independence, and some real leverage in geopolitics. 


Warnock is a far left radical anti-Semite. He has said you can’t be in the military and believe in God. Ossoff is a radical left winger. I do not understand what has happened to GA. Now Stacy Abrams will become the heroine of the media and of the Dems who will owe her.  She is a very far left person who will become too powerful. Clearly the secy of state in GA blew it with the consent decree and the ramifications are huge. Little things can change history.


I expect the stock market to continue up for a while, due to what will be perceived as massive fiscal and monetary stimulus, the dollar down, gold and Bitcoin up, and inflation to once again appear. Having cash will in time be a good thing. Bonds will be big losers as rates rise. At some point, reality will strike, and it will be ugly. Nothing will be done to solve the government pensions crisis, and nothing will be done to help charter schools nor to make real improvement in bad public schools. Charter schools will suffer as the teachers union will now have total control. Law and order will suffer as cops will continue to be vilified and underfunded. China will act up as will Iran. The world will not be a stable place. It may appear to be for a while, but underneath, China will become much more of a threat, and Iran will create more chaos in the Mideast. Israel will be at greater risk of a war with Iran. The flight from NYC, IL and CA will continue as taxes rise and as there will not be a full return to offices to create the revenue for local support businesses, and especially restaurants.


Now I know I live on another planet after reading the new House rules on what words are permissible. Here is a question- what do they now call the Women’s Movement. Is Mother Teresa now Person Teresa. Is a priest no longer referred to as father. Is Nancy Pelosi no longer a grandmother and now she is a grandperson. I mean, have they really all lost their minds. What happens to Title IX. How do they redefine sexual harassment if there is no sexual definition. University insanity has now reached Congress. We can expect to see a lot more of this insanity for the next few years.


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