Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Gene Pool Hypocrisy and Media Al"lies." What Has America Turned Into?

The hypocrisy of liberals, progressives, Democrats and radicals is overwhelming. They will never grow up and one need not expect them to do so. Hypocrisy, as I have said before, is n their DNA. Every time they dip their toe in their gene pool they drown in it.
And facts mean nothing to them as well.  They have their media al"lies" to support them.
If we actually have a Justice Department that will pursue the truth and evidence, no matter where it goes, then Hunter Biden's misdeeds will be pursued, revealed and the radicals who are being shrill in their hatred of Trump and efforts to impeach him will live to regret. The same is true regarding Durham's report. 
I would like to think so but I do not believe it because truth is too damaging and Sowell is right.
Time will tell, stay tuned  and let's see do we still have a double standard justice system.
Will the FCC and/or the Justice Department do anything?  Will Congress act as they must? Are we ready to become Germany? What has America turned into?


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