Saturday, January 30, 2021

Newt: "Pelosi Most Destructive Speaker." Biden Funds Bad Ideas So Sinks Our Navy. Dangerous Americans Catherine Woods.


So what's new?

 Newt Gingrich Slams Pelosi As "Most Destructive Speaker In History"

Read the Alert >>


Cuomo Won’t Apologize for Nursing-Home Miscount, Says ‘Who Cares’ Where Deaths Recorded (see below where Cuomo obliquely admits to incompetence.)


Breaking: Biden White House Throws Tantrum at ‘New York Times’ for Mildly Criticizing the Number of Executive Orders

As I feared:

In his quest to make America last, Biden has to pay for all his bad ideas somehow.

Navy Gets BAD News
Great news for China!

The battle for control of the seas could play a decisive role in future American-Chinese relations and global stability. China touts the largest naval fleet in the world, with several aircraft carriers under construction over the next decade. Strategy documents from China indicate that it sees the expansion and projection of its naval strength as critical to challenging the United States. A former Trump administration official urged Biden to preserve gains in shipbuilding.

“Maritime competition is if not the key area of competition, one of the key areas along with cyber and airpower,” the official said. “Do you want to live in a world where the economic and security rules are set by the People’s Republic of China? That’s what’s at stake over the next 10 years or so.”

The Trump administration designed new plans to build up a 500-ship fleet by 2045 and put long term financial resources into doing just that. In many ways, the effort to rebuild the Navy started from the ground up, as the fleet fell into disrepair during the meager defense spending of the Obama administration. By 2015, America’s fleet shrunk to its smallest levels since World War I with 284 warships. At the end of the Trump administration, the Navy returned to a force size of 299 vessels, with at least 79 future ships under contract for construction.

The Trump administration focused on naval build-up in order to counter China’s aspiration to control the high seas.


Breaking: Biden’s first week in office was utterly destructive for America


In my humble opinion, the six most dangerous American men, in no particular order, are and each is dangerous independent of the other and for different reasons:

Soros, Obama, Holder, Zuckerberg, Brennan, Bezos


Hard to believe the award winning governor of New York may have admitted to what everyone already knew - I am incompetent.

Well, Cuomo Finally Admits to Being Incompetent

1There’s always a moment in every story where the villain finally gets his. That time has come in New York when Andrew Cuomo has finally admitted to being incompetent.

What’s amusing is that he’s so incompetent that he doesn’t even realize what he’s said about his own leadership.

In his effort to blame the Trump administration and everyone else on Capitol Hill for the handling of the pandemic, he included himself in the blame game. “Incompetent government killed people,” he says.

Yes, Governor Cuomo, you did. Your incompetence resulted in how many people in nursing homes being killed? 10,000? 15,000? We may never know the full extent of the people he killed since he doesn’t want to release those numbers.

Cuomo can’t say that it was an incompetent government that killed people without including himself. As the governor of New York, the state with the second-highest COVID-19 death rate, he has to accept blame for his poor decisions.

Trump was honest from the beginning – he didn’t know how to handle a global pandemic. The CDC was changing their minds on how to proceed almost daily. Meanwhile, WHO didn’t offer any solutions, either.

So, Trump left the majority of the decisions to be made by the individual states. Essentially, do what you think is best.

When the power was shifted to the states, it was each governor for themselves. If there was any incompetence, it was the governor of the state in question, not Trump.

Wait, shouldn’t Cuomo have everything under control? The egotistical man wrote a book saying that he had all the answers. He explained that he learned his lessons and guided his state through the pandemic. He applauded his leadership skills.

What leadership skills would those be, exactly? Cuomo made bad decisions. He spent too much money. He tried to take away American freedoms. Oh, and he killed people with those decisions.

In an interview with MSNBC, Cuomo not only admitted that incompetence kills people but that “ More people died than needed to die in COVID.”

That’s right, Cuomo. More people died than needed to because you’re an incompetent governor.

Yet, he doesn’t see it that way. He’ll blame Trump. He’ll blame Biden. He’ll blame anyone but himself because he has such a God complex that he believes that he is the second-coming for everyone living in New York.

Many of the lockdown measures imposed by Governor Cuomo has led to the loss of thousands of small businesses and millions of jobs. So, it’s not just people dying – it’s the state’s economy.

The incompetence of running the economy has to fall squarely on Cuomo’s shoulders. Although all states have experienced at least some loss, only New York and California are flailing – and it’s only fair to point out that both are Democrats.

They’re waiting for a bailout. They want the federal government to come in and fix the problem so that they don’t actually have to lead. It’s yet another way that they’re proving that they’re incompetent.

One would think that New York may actually be able to get on track now that Cuomo has figured out the problem. An incompetent government is the reason for all of the problems that New York is facing.

It’s why there are so many deaths.

It’s why the economy is crashing.

It’s why businesses are closing.

And it’s why the vaccine rollout is such a mess.

However, Cuomo is unable to see his own flaws. He has failed New York so completely and utterly that it’s enough for all of America to shed a single tear for the state. Will he step down? No. He’s blaming it all on Trump. He thinks that things are going to magically change now that Biden is in office.

Biden’s not the governor of New York, though. He’s the president. Cuomo still has to do his job, and that’s where the real problem lies.


Meanwhile, foreign investors favor China over the U.S.

China JUST Overtook America in THIS One Crucial Metric
What will Biden do About it?

China has now overtaken the U.S. in one particularly troubling economic metric: new foreign direct investment.

The metric measures the amount of investment sent by foreign investors into a particular economy. While the overall size of foreign investment in the US is still overall larger than in China, the change in new foreign investment away from America may signal that foreign investors are not confident in a United States run by Joe Biden.

As The Wall Street Journal reports:

China overtook the U.S. as the world’s top destination for new foreign direct investment last year, as the Covid-19 pandemic amplifies an eastward shift in the center of gravity of the global economy…

China, long ranked No. 2, saw direct investments by foreign companies climb 4%, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development said. Beijing used strict lockdowns to largely contain Covid-19 after the disease , and China’s gross domestic product grew even as most other major economies contracted last year.

The 2020 investment numbers underline China’s move toward the center of a global economy long dominated by the U.S.—a shift accelerated during the pandemic as China has cemented its position as the world’s factory floor and expanded its share of global trade…

Foreign investment in the U.S. peaked in 2016 at $472 billion, when foreign investment in China was $134 billion. Since then, investment in China has continued to rise, while in the U.S. it has fallen each year since 2017.


More information on why Trump was knocked off social media:


If you invest I urge you to read the following from Mauldin Economics, for it's interest:

What Are Your Favorite 10 Technology Stocks?

Catherine Wood, founder of ARK Investment Management, was a highlight of my 2020 Virtual

Strategic Investment Conference. I was spellbound listening to her. ARK is a global investment

firm solely focused on disruptive innovation in things like artificial intelligence, DNA sequencing,

robotics, energy storage, and blockchain technology. They seek to invest in tomorrow’s

leading technologies—the breakthroughs that will change and improve our lives. ARK sees

a dramatically different future with mobile connected devises thanks to AI, gene editing and

immunotherapies from DNA sequencing, adaptive robots, neural networks and autonomous

batteries that power cars and houses to frictionless transfers in blockchain technology.

After the conference, I and my investment management team reached out to Cathie and asked

her if she would be willing to work with us. Specifically, anyone can buy her ETFs and they are

very good. We were interested in her highest-conviction stock ideas. After several months of

due diligence work with her and her team, we are thrilled to be able to offer access to ARK’s

highest-conviction top-10 stocks via a managed account on the CMG Mauldin Portfolios

Platform. I encourage you to click here, provide some basic contact information, and my team at

CMG Mauldin will send you a link to the video of Catherine’s conference presentation along with

a description of the strategy and her highest-conviction ideas. I think you’ll really enjoy watching

the interview and learning from Cathie. (Full disclosure: I am the chief economist for CMG.

Mauldin Economics, LLC is not affiliated in any way with CMG.)




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