Sent by a dear friend, tennis buddy and fellow memo reader. Some interesting trivia. (See 1 below.)
And then:
Make Men Masculine Again
“Toxic masculinity” is a term that’s thrown around a lot these days. The argument goes like this: Rape, murder, war – all have one thing in common: Men. The solution seems simple: make men less toxic – which is usually just another way of saying, “make men less masculine.” In this week’s video, Allie Stuckey, Host of "Allie" on CRTV & "Relatable" podcast, explains why demonizing masculinity is not the solution, but the problem.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++You decide, Bob Livingston already has. (See 2 below.)
Will Iran collapse before N Korea? (See 3 below.)
Governor "Moon Beam" comes running to the president, he hates, begging for federal government help and money because California is in flames. Yet, when it comes to obeying federal laws with respect to illegal immigrants who commit heinous crimes, Governor "Moon Beam" believes state laws supersede. We know California is the home of Liberal Hollywood Hypocrisy so we should not be surprised. Only yesterday, Peter Fonda, anti-aircraft gun Jane's brother, called for unlawful voting.
Then, move East to Chicago, another liberal Democrat sanctuary city, where 10 people were killed this weekend along with more than 60 wounded, all by gunfire. Once again, Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of that city, hates and defies our president and has presided over black genocide ever since being elected.
Since there is no direct connection between fires in California and black on black killings in Chicago, I see no reason to be concerned at the federal level. After all, California is a nation unto itself and Chicago is an example of a well run Democrat city. Obviously one could ask, as Trump did, what have you got to lose? Since the answer is only lives, why should anyone care since everyone knows Trump is a racist, misogynist and first class bigot! The real solution is to take down more statutes of our history. Incidentally, Chicago has more anti-gun laws than most any city in the nation.
This from the woman who wants to be your governor so she can give your money away. (See 4 below.)
1)I Did Not Know That, did you?
In the old west a .45 cartridge for a six-gun cost 12 cents, so did a glass of whiskey. If a cowhand was low on cash he would often give the bartender a cartridge in exchange for a drink. This became known as a "shot" of whiskey.
American fighter planes in WW2 had machine guns that were Fed by a belt of cartridges. The average plane held belts that were 27 feet (9 yards) long. If the pilot used up all his ammo he was said to have given it the whole nine yards.
During WW1 soldiers were given life insurance policies worth $5,000. This was about the price of an average farm so if You died you "bought the farm" for your survivors.
This came about from the ironclad ships of the Civil War. It meant something so strong it could not be broken.
Most men in the early west carried a jack knife made by the Buck knife company. When playing poker it was common to place one of these Buck knives in front of the dealer so that everyone knew who he was. When it was time for a new dealer the deck of cards and the Knife were given to the new dealer. If this person didn't want to deal he would "pass the buck" to the next player. If that player accepted then "the buck stopped there".
The Mississippi River was the main way of traveling from north to south. Riverboats carried passengers and freight but they were expensive so most people used rafts. Everything had the right of way over rafts which were considered cheap. The steering oar on the rafts was called a "riff" and this transposed into riff-raff, meaning low class.
The Old English word for "spider" was "cob".
Traveling by steamboat was considered the height of comfort. Passenger cabins on the boats were not numbered. Instead they were named after states. To this day cabins on ships are called staterooms.
Early beds were made with a wooden frame. Ropes were tied across the frame in a criss-cross pattern. A Straw mattress was then put on top of the ropes. Over time the ropes stretched, causing the bed to sag. The owner would then tighten the ropes to get a better night's sleep.
These were floating theaters built on a barge that was pushed by a steamboat. These played small towns along the Mississippi River. Unlike the boat shown in the movie "Showboat" These did not have an engine. They were gaudy and attention grabbing which is why we say someone who is being the life of the party is showboating".
In the days before CPR a drowning victim would be placed Face down over a barrel and the barrel would be rolled back and forth in a effort to empty the lungs of water. It was rarely effective. If you are over a barrel you are in deep trouble.
Heavy freight was moved along the Mississippi in large barges pushed by steamboats. These were hard to control and would sometimes swing into piers or other boats. People would say they "barged in".
Steamboats carried both people and animals. Since pigs smelled so bad they would be washed before being put on board. The mud and other filth that was washed off was considered useless "hog wash".
The word "curfew" comes from the French phrase "couvre-feu", which means "cover the fire". It was used to describe the time of blowing out all lamps and candles. It was later adopted into Middle English as "curfeu", which later became the modern "curfew". In the early American colonies homes had no real fireplaces so a fire was built in the center of the room. In order to make sure a fire did not get out of control during the night it was required that, by an agreed upon time, all fires would be covered with a clay pot called-a "curfew".
When the first oil wells were drilled they had made no Provision for storing the liquid so they used water barrels. That is why, to this day, we speak of barrels of oil rather than gallons.
As the paper goes through the rotary printing press friction causes it to heat up. Therefore, if you grab the paper right off the press It is hot. The expression means to get immediate Information
2)Are the media — and the FBI —
Dominating discussion in the political sphere of late is whether the media are the enemy of the people. Are the mainstream media an enemy of the people, as President Donald Trump states?
President Donald Trump differentiates between the "fake news" media — which to Trump means CNN, MSNBC,
Washington Post, New York Times, etc. — and the media at large. But is there a difference? And if they are, are they the only internal enemy the American people face?
In just a couple of months we will begin the 18th year of the longest war in American history, the war in Afghanistan begun in response to the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington D.C. If you believe the official narrative, 19 hijackers, 15 of them Saudi Arabians, commandeered four airliners and flew them into the World Trade Center buildings, the Pentagon and — after a revolt and takeover by the passengers — a field in Pennsylvania.
The attention for a response quickly focused on former? CIA agent named Osama bin Laden (aka Tim Osman), who, we're told, financed and helped mastermind the attack from caves and mud huts in Afghanistan. Within months the U.S. had sided with so-called moderate Afghani Moslem forces against the more radical Taliban Moslems who the George W. Bush regime said were providing safe harbor for bin Laden.
Since then the U.S. has also destroyed the countries of Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen and fired missiles and deployed troops in half a dozen more — all for the so-called War on Terror. But lost down the memory hole is Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11.
This is a deliberate misdirection, ordered by George W. Bush and his globalist masters to cover the involvement of Saudi Arabia and Israel in the attacks.
In alternative media there have been dozens of reports of Saudi ties and Israeli involvement. Those are written off as "conspiracy theory." But even the mainstream media has done a little reporting of Saudi ties that include payments, shelter and meetings between Saudi businessmen and Saudi government officials and those identified as the 9/11 hijackers. When no planes were flying in the days after the attack, Saudis were whisked out of the country on special flights.
FOX News reported the Israeli ties, but that report was quickly scrubbed from Fox's website and has since been shoved down the memory hole.
For years a number of pages of the official 9/11 Commission Report containing information about Saudi involvement was redacted and hidden from Americans. Not even congressweasels could see it without making special arrangements and signing nondisclosure agreements.
The information on the redacted pages came to be known as the 28 pages. Saudi involvement was hidden for one reason: the petro dollar, which has created a "special bond" between the U.S. and the House of Saud.
As John Perkins writes in The Secret History of American Empire, establishing an "oil standard" dollar to replace the former gold standard and ensure that OPEC would funnel billions of U.S. dollars spent on oil back to U.S. companies:
[B]ecause it possessed more oil than any other country, it controlled OPEC; the Saudi "royal" family was corrupt and highly vulnerable. Like other "kings" in the Middle East, the Sauds understood the politics of colonialism. Royalty had been bestowed on the House of Saud by the British... [One of the agreements made with the Saudis that went unreported] Saudi Arabia committed to trading oil exclusively in U.S. dollars. With the scratch of a pen, the dollar's sovereignty was reestablished. Oil replaced gold as the measure of a currency's value.Additionally, the Saudis — and later the U.S. puppet governments installed in Afghanistan and Iraq — contracted with U.S. multinational corporations with ties to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission to build (or rebuild) those countries' infrastructure. A lot of money changed hands above the table and under it — trillions of dollars.
Now a retired FBI counterterrorism agent who had a notable role in investigating 9/11 — he produced a pre-9/11 memo in July 2001 in which he warned that bin Laden was training pilots in the U.S. — has broken his FBI-mandated silence on the coverup designed to protect Saudi Arabia.
Published on the website 28pages.org, Kenneth Williams says he decided to come forward after receiving instructions from the FBI's Office of the General Counsel instructing him not to cooperate with U.S. families suing the Saudi government. The General Counsel's office told him he was not to cooperate with plaintiffs' attorneys because it could impact other pending litigation involving the United States government... and because... the Trump administration was trying to develop good relations with the Saudi government.
In other words, the FBI is obstructing justice for Americans who lost loved ones on 9/11. The FBI — and the U.S. government, including the last three presidents — have sided with Saudi Arabia, the petrodollar and the military industrial complex over the American people.
From the report:
Former Senate intelligence committee chairman Bob Graham tells 28Pages.org that the FBI's opposition to an agent helping 9/11 victims is only the newest facet of a well-established pattern.The FBI has long been an enemy of the people, creating terrorist patsies to arrest while ignoring real terrorists like the Boston Marathon bombers, San Bernardino, Pulse Nightclub, Parkland high school, etc.
"I think they've just thrown the biggest blanket they can find over everything that has to do with the Saudi role in 9/11," he says.
Graham offers a pointed characterization of the FBI's decision to put the Saudi relationship ahead of 9/11 victims: "It's a fundamental assault on the principle of democracy."
The mainstream media have at times touched on the fringes of the government coverups and crimes against the American people under the guise of the government's various "wars" like the War on Terror, the War on Drugs, etc. But it has not dared reveal the truth.
This is journalistic malpractice and malfeasance. As Jon Rappoport notes, the mainstream media propagates fake news not primarily through the writing of false stories but in its deliberate avoidance of the deeper meaning behind significant events. News organizations will break big stories that give the appearance of the media doing its job but ignore the stories' deeper meaning and deeper importance.
So if the media are covering over these things for the Deep State — whether actively or passively — they are an enemy of the people; as is the FBI, which is even now being uncovered as having attempted — with other aspects of the Deep State — a coup against a lawfully elected president.
The American people have become so dependent on political authority that they do not know the difference in realism and illusion.
Yours for the truth,
![Bob Livingston](https://ecp.yusercontent.com/mail?url=http%3A%2F%2Fplimages.blob.core.windows.net%2Fimages%2Femails%2FPLA_Bob_Signature.jpg&t=1533549193&ymreqid=20e7c163-56ee-f68d-1cad-1701ae014800&sig=cqudrnDjfp0tFs7gOEbiYg--~C)
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™
3) Protests in Iran Hit Boiling Point, Amplifying Calls for Regime Change
New sanctions to further choke an already ailing regime
Protests against Iran's hardline ruling regime hit a boiling point over the weekend, as demonstrators took to the streets for the sixth consecutive day in the face of efforts by the regime to beat and arrest those seeking regime change in the Islamic Republic, according to multiple reports from the region.
Curfews have been imposed in parts of the country amid nightly demonstrations by Iranian dissidents who have been heard chanting, "death to the dictator" and "Mullahs should go away."
At least one protester was shot and killed by Iranian security forces over the weekend, but that does not appear to have quelled opposition to the Iranian ruling regime, which was smacked Monday with the first portion of harsh new sanctions by the Trump administration following the president's decision to abandon the landmark nuclear deal that provided Iran's leaders with millions in cash windfalls.
The ongoing protests have been percolating for weeks as dissidents take to the streets across Iran to protest the hard line ruling regime and its massive military spending, which has crippled an already weak Iranian economy.
Western pressure on the Iranian financial sector heightened on Monday, as the Trump administration imposed the first wave of new sanctions on Iran's gold, coal, steel, and aluminum trade. The sanctions are being supported by new efforts by the Trump administration to warn European countries that any new business with Iran will subject them and their international banking systems to harsh new sanctions, as the Washington Free Beacon first reported on Thursday after conversations with multiple senior U.S. officials.
Video that emerged on social media on Sunday shows a reported 6,000 bus drivers in Tehran, Iran's capital city, sitting in long lines for nearly 24 hours to get fuel, which has been cut off due to Iran's inability to pay its debts, according to translations of the Farsi language videos posted to Twitter.
"Eighteen hours of work and this is the status of our city," a videographer can be heard narrating, according to an independent translation. "We have to wait in line 24 hours to pump fuel. If [Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei] doesn't have enough money, how dare he support Palestine and [the Lebanese] Hezbollah? If he doesn't have money, how dare he provide for those people going to Arbaeen [ Shiite religious ceremony in Iraq marking the death of Prophet Mohammad's grandson, Imam Hossein]?"
"How much more hardship and disgrace are we to endure?" the narrator continues. "Our revolution wasn't for these people to take advantage of us and be cruel to us. Who should I say it to? I'm not saying it to myself. We should gather and go say it. Our revolution wasn't to support Lebanon, Palestine, and that filthy [Hezbollah leader] Hassan Nasrallah."
Dissident protesters appear to have been encouraged by recent remarks by the Trump administration, including the president and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, supporting the right of those to demonstrate against the regime. However, it remains unclear just how far the White House will go to back these protesters as they seek to topple the hardline ruling regime.
On Sunday, Iranian officials imposed a curfew around Tehran amid the ongoing, nightly
demonstrations, according to those familiar with events on the ground. Much of the frustration has centered around the Iranian regime's continued spending on military interventionism, particularly in Syria on behalf of embattled President Bashar al-Assad.
One protester, identified as Reza Otady, is said to have been shot dead during clashes with Iranian security forces and pro-regime militias.
Other protests have raged in major Iranian cities, including Shiraz, Qom, and Mashhad, sources said.
Social media sites such as Twitter have emerged as a prominent platform during the protests, which demonstrators coordinating their moves via these platforms.
The main frustration continues to be Iran's economy, including the plunging value of the rial and the inability of citizens to purchase life staples.
(Athens, GA) - Stacey Abrams continues to shock Georgia voters with her radical agenda. During a campaign stop in Northwest Georgia, Abrams told the crowd assembled that illegal immigrants have the "right to the HOPE Scholarship." In response, businessman and Republican nominee Brian Kemp issued the following statement:
"My campaign for governor is about putting hardworking Georgians first. Clearly, my opponent is more concerned with advancing her radical agenda and appeasing her billionaire backers than looking out for the best interests of our citizens.
"As governor, I'll fight for our families by protecting the HOPE scholarship for Georgians. Unlike Stacey Abrams, I won't reward illegal behavior with handouts, perks, and scholarships as law-abiding Georgians work to make ends meet."
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