Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Part Of The Job Manner. More From Hanson. Father's Office's Managing Partner Recognized. Artist Friend, Rolland Golden, Recognized.

2,700,000 kids have a parent in prison. 
On any given day there are over 400,000 kids in foster care.
And 765,000 kids are separated from their military parent not knowing if they'll see them again.
While the media and Trump haters focus on 2,000 kids who are temporarily separated from illegal immigrants.
Trump 's sense of patriotism is genuine and has roots akin to the likes of John Wayne's. Perhaps not overly intellectual but from the heart.

I share Trump's patriotic views but probably am more cynical. Obama struggled with patriotic feelings and certainly his wife did and I do not believe they could bring themselves to feel and/or comprehend American patriotism. They went through the motions in a stiff, part of the job manner. (See 1 below.)
 More from Hanson. The behaviour of the radicals seeking to take over the Democrat Party are leaving a legacy that will remain a stain on our nation which will prove to be  un-erasable.. (See 2 and 2a below.)
The uncle of the managing partner of my father's firm's Birmingham Office is honored. (See 3 below.)
My artist friend, Rolland Golden, is having a retrospective show:

It has been four years since Rolland had a one-man exhibition in New Orleans, August 2014 at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, and so we are honored to announce his new exhibition. 
Hope you will be able to attend.

ROLLAND GOLDEN,  "An Uncommon Vision", Paintings and drawings  - MAC GRYDER GALLERY, 615 Julia Street, New Orleans, La.  tel: (504) 322-2555
Exhibition hangs through August 31, 2018

Opening Reception: Saturday, August 4, 2018  6 - 9 PM  with a Preview: Friday, August 3, 2018  5 - 8 PM  

To view full  exhibition: - scroll down page to view work.                                          
Golden has 2 Katrina paintings included in the above exhibition, as well as, 2 others exhibited at The Historic New Orleans Collection (533 Royal St. and 410 Chartres locations) for the
13th anniversary of Katrina exhibition.

Rolland is an extremely talented artist.  He is not in the best of health but he continues painting every day.  Rolland also wrote his autobiography several years ago and it is a beautiful story of a man devoted to four loves: his wife Stella, his family, art/painting and New Orleans.

My dear friend, Bill Eiland, Director of The GMOA, is planning a show of Rolland's work .
Let's go local with two stories:

a) This woman is basically bankrupt and  because she is black, graduated from Yale and will get a lot of money from assorted California and New York wealthy radicals and socialists she believes she is capable of running the state of Georgia.

Naturally she has a chance because education among the black population in Georgia is tragic and Atlanta is the tail that wags this state's electoral dog.  Atlanta is loaded with liberals who will be spell bound by her.  She is Obama in a skirt folks. (See 4 below.)

Meanwhile, Maxine Waters has become  the face of the Democrat Party. Throw in Pelosi and that young girl from New York and add a little Stacy Adams flavoring and there you have it. 

Stop and think - Maxine Waters has certain security clearances.(See 4a below.)


b) Speaking of education, I understand Savannah and Chatham County's state school test results were less than  stellar and our local paper is reluctant to publish this fact because it could have election impact among the black community.

The test results of a special charter school, that recently lost it's outstanding principal, will shine, or so I have been led to believe.

Once again, the state's current educational emphasis continues to cheat those who are among the most in need of a solid learning experience because Georgia continues to serve them mush. Crime, discipline, broken families, cultural issues, and drugs continue to plague statewide education because there has been a history of poor leadership and initiatives at the local level.  Racial divide, indifference,administrative bloat and pathetic course curriculum continues to pre-empt education. How sad indeed.
1) Patriotism: The Secret of Trump's Success

The driving force behind Trump's winning for America is his powerful patriotism.  Patriotism is a virtue that our politicians talk about a lot, in utterly empty ways.  Many Democrats think it is a vice.  The left wing of the Democratic Party mistakes it for white nationalism.  Trump lives American patriotism.  It is the reason he ran for president and the reason he won.  He knows we are a great country. 
Trump recognizes and is comfortable with power – his personal power, America's power.  He does not think power is toxic.  He thinks American and presidential power is wonderful and meant to be used for our common, national good. 
Our president loves to build.  He used to build big apartment and hotel towers with his name on them.  Now he is building up America, because he loves America.  President Trump's patriotism has these two equal parts: a strong economy and a strong military.  His eye is always on the prize of jobs and security. 
Patriotism overflows in his speech on achieving a quarter of 4.1% growth for the economy and the return of fallen heroes' remains from North Korea.
In everything we do, in every action we take, we are fighting for loyal, hardworking, patriotic citizens of our blessed nation.  We're making our country great again.  We're respected again all over the world.  Our military will soon be stronger than it's ever been, by far.
Unlike his political rivals, President Trump wants to use our full power.  We do not need to be intimidated by anybody – not China, not the E.U., not Russia, not Iran, not terrorists.  We are the powerhouse.  Trump seeks to create win-win situations, but he will not compromise on American interests.  If someone is going to lose, it is going to be the other side, not we. 
Trump the builder likes to do things.  He likes responsibility.  He likes seeing concrete outcomes.  He knows that America can do things.  We are so rich and so powerful as a country that we can do everything we need to do to promote American security and prosperity.  Using American power for these ends is nothing to be ashamed of.  It is his job.
We can call North Korea's bluff.  We can bomb ISIS out of Syria.  We can force the E.U. to cave on putting high tariffs on American goods.  We can say no to China stealing our innovations, our products, and our jobs. 
We don't need to fear anybody and anything.  We're the big guys.
We can move the embassy to Jerusalem.  You don't avoid doing the right thing because of threats from pipsqueak terrorists like the Palestinians. 
How refreshing and heartening this is to his voters.  Trump has applied the power of his pugilistic personality to work for us, for the welfare of individual Americans and for our wellbeing as a nation.  He sincerely has heart for ordinary people. 
We see it in how he fights for better treatment for our men and women in uniform – military, police, firefighters, border patrol.  As a patriot, he respects, even reveres, the individuals who dedicate, and sometimes sacrifice their lives, to keep us safe. 
We see it in how he fights for jobs for workers, white, black and brown, men and women.  Patriotism is love of country and loyalty to our fellow citizens.  A steelworker, returned to work under President Trump's flourishing economy, teared up as he told a reporter: "it's just nice to know that we've got someone fighting for us."
We are so sick of most Republican politicians, who seem to care about only their personal wealth and power.  They are not dependent on their voters, and they care only about their donors and relationships with other D.C. power-brokers, and the lobbyists who will hire them after they retire.  They like power – their personal power, power to flout the desires of their voters.   
We are even sicker of the Democrat's anti-patriotism.  Obama's core belief was the moral necessity to atone for American power.  President Obama and his enthusiastic progressive followers, want us to be a less powerful country.   Obama wanted us to have a smaller economy – 2% growth was an acceptable new normal to him.  Democrats actively wish to destroy our coal and fracking industry and jack up energy prices, which shrinks the whole economy.  They want more people dependent on welfare, not working. 
Obama's international policies aimed at less power for America.  He appallingly invited Russia into the Middle East, something American presidents had successfully blocked since Eisenhower.  Obama withdrew from our alliances with Eastern Europe, the Saudis, Israel, and Egypt while building up our enemy, Iran.  He redefined our refugee policy to include every potential victim of domestic violence or crime, throwing our borders open to all the poor people of the world.  He actively worked to weaken our military and starve our forces of the men and materiel they need to protect us. 
Another constructive part of President Trump's patriotism is never recognized and lauded as he deserves.  As the president said, "When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice."  He includes the whole country in his love of country – white, black, brown, rich, poor, male, female, city, country.  He has a heart for the desires of Americans in every demographic category, who want "great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves."  Focusing on these human goals brings us together.
President Trump has earned boasting rights on delivering for all Americans.
We are in the midst of the longest positive job-growth streak in history.  New unemployment claims have recently achieved their lowest level in almost half a century.  The African American unemployment rate has achieved the lowest level in recorded history.  African American unemployment is the best it's ever been in the history of our country.  The Hispanic unemployment rate has reached the lowest level, likewise, in history.  The Asian unemployment rate has recently reached the lowest level, again likewise, in history.  Women unemployment rate recently reached the lowest level in 65 years.  And soon that will be in history.  Give it another two or three weeks.
He wants us all to be winners.  He wants to win for all of us.  And he is.
In a speech to veterans on his first Fourth of July as president, our commander in chief began with a servant's heart.  He got the V.A. reform that has eluded Washington for 40 years – the ability to fire do-nothing, incompetent bureaucrats so service to veterans could be improved.   "Now you can say, 'You're fired.'  I can promise you, we will always take care of our great veterans."
After that, he talked about his vision of patriotism.  He could have been talking about himself.
Thank you.  I love you, too.  You have shared your blood, you've poured your love, and you've bared your soul in defense of our country, our people, and our great American flag.  Your loyalty to our American nation is measured not in words but deeds ... you've run past the gates of hell to fight and to win for America[.] ... The story of America's men and women in uniform is the story of freedom overcoming oppression, the strong protecting the weak and good defeating evil.
Trump's last words to the vets: "I want you all, and all our wounded warriors to know, you have an entire nation, of more than 300 million people behind you.  And our nation is getting strong again.  Have you noticed?"
We have noticed.
2)Progressive Regression

Donald Trump has certainly changed the rules of presidential behavior, through his nonstop campaign rallies, tweets, and press conferences. What his critics call lowering the bar of presidential decorum by unfettered and often crude invective, Trump dubs the “new presidential.”

His style has become a sort of “don’t-tread-on-me” combativeness. In truth, Trump at home and abroad is mostly retaliatory. His theory seems to be that no slight should go unanswered. When Trump retorts in kind or trumps the original attack, he believes he adds yet another brick to his wall of deterrence—and exposes the sometimes dormant and disguised irrational hatred of the Left.

But what the Left loses in its slugfests with Trump are some once-supposed cherished leftist principles, justified by the short-term advantage of nullifying the Trump agenda.

Indeed, it is eerie that almost all the canons of progressive orthodoxy no longer apply. And they will no longer be taken seriously after Trump is long gone. Certainly, those lost principles will be impossible to reassert when Democrats return to power and seek sanctuary in the very ideas they have now so utterly trashed.

Liberals, who now warn of Trump’s “war on the press” long ago excused Eric Holder’s monitoring of the Associated Press reporters and Fox News’s James Rosen. And they had no problem with John Brennan lying under oath when he claimed the Obama CIA had not monitored the computers of Senate staffers (he would lie brazenly again under oath about drone collateral damage and his role in seeding the Steele dossier).

Likewise, they snoozed after Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied to Congress in his denial of government surveillance of U.S. citizens. Both were seen at the time to be useful liars. Their partisanship and exemption from any consequences for past lying under oath led to lucrative cable news gigs—proof, as it were, of their innate Trump hatred. Their legacy is that lying under oath now is not a sin, much less illegal.

So Much for Civil Liberties
When Trump appeared on the national scene, an all-out assault on civil liberties followed, in a manner that is now irrevocable. The Left destroyed for good the idea that progressives are the protectors of constitutional freedoms.

In fear of Trump, some connected with Obama's National Security Council helped to surveil American citizens, unmasked them, and leaked their names to the press. The press, hand-in-glove, complied in spreading such unsubstantiated dirt.

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice flat out lied in her denial about her involvement in unmasking. The Obama FBI and Justice Department officials deliberately misled FISA courts, on the premise that spying on American citizens even with flimsy or fabricated evidence was OK—if it at least neutered the Trump candidacy and presidency. Had they just told justices something like, “We present, as justification for surveillance warrants, opposition research compiled on candidate Donald Trump, and paid for by Hillary Clinton during the present campaign,” they likely would never have been able to spy on American citizens.

No one again will have much confidence either in the FISA courts or any rationale for spying on any American citizen. They will logically assume FISA requests are political efforts to spread dirt on the opposition—in the fashion that we now have no idea, in the era after Lois Lerner, what prompts an IRS letter in our mail. The legacy of the Obama Administration is that if one is not progressive and loud in the public sphere, he may well be monitored, audited, or investigated.

Reputations Stained Beyond Repair
The FBI may not recover its reputation. Certainly, the brand of its Washington office is shredded. Watching new Director Christopher Wray stumble about to reassure us about his reforms inspires about as much credulity as a pre-war French general touting the invincibility provided by the Maginot Line.

The Left more or less has canonized a parade of disreputable FBI officials. Peter Strzok violated almost every canon of professional conduct, in his personal comportment, in his blatant prevarication about his own text messages, and in his dogged pride in his conflicts of interest in using his authority to pursue a political agenda. His superior Andrew McCabe, according to the inspector general, likewise lied on several occasions.

So did former Director James Comey when he denied under oath the prominent role of the Steele dossier in FISA warrant applications. Leaking a classified government memo with the expressed intent of prompting a special counsel investigation is not what FBI directors do.

Nor do they deliberately set up a president by not informing him that base accusations against him are the result of opposition campaign hit pieces, subsidized in part by the FBI.

FBI directors do not politicize investigations, in the manner Comey warped his conduct toward Hillary Clinton on the rationale she would be elected. Comey alone has pretty much destroyed any idea that in the near future the FBI Washington office can again be trusted to be disinterested.

Add in the conduct of Lisa Page and various other FBI officials—James Baker especially—who have either resigned or been reassigned.

FBI apologists on the Left are excusing the very weaponizing behavior that they used to rant about in the days of J. Edgar Hoover—who, we think at least, never sought to alter the outcome of a U.S. election.

The Left is fine with the idea that the FBI, with a wink and nod from the CIA, can insert spies into an ongoing presidential campaign, on the rationale that embarrassing information might be collated, leaked, and thus useful to “insure” that a supposedly dangerous man would not be president. Should a right-wing FBI do the same with a candidate Bernie Sanders, reminding us that Sanders went to Moscow on his honeymoon and therefore was under suspicion, what would the Left say?

Any notions of conflict of interest are gone. The Obama Justice Department, FBI, and CIA destroyed that concept entirely. When Loretta Lynch met Bill Clinton on the tarmac in the course of investigations about his wife’s likely illegal behavior or the Justice Department and FBI gave immunity to Clinton’s top aides after making false statements, all credibility was shot.

Justice Department official Bruce Ohr communicated with a political campaign’s opposition research team that had hired his own wife. The deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe oversaw the Hillary Clinton email investigation shortly after his wife had received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Clinton-related political action committees. Rod Rosenstein was knee-deep in the Uranium One investigation, the Clinton email investigation, the FISA warrant applications, and the Trump-collusion mythologies. He should have been recused long ago. If Rosenstein was not recused, there is now no such thing as an idea of recusal at all.

Liberals do not care much whether Bill Clinton received a $500,000 honorarium in Moscow or that Russian interests gave millions to the Clinton foundation shortly before Hillary Clinton urged the government to approve the sale to them of 20 percent of U.S. uranium.

If there is someday a special counsel appointed to monitor the possible illegality of the Obama FBI, Justice Department, CIA and NSC, and many of its legal team proves to be Trump donors, and a few of them are found out to be veteran counsels for Trump-related defendants, or two members are caught texting their hatred for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and bragging how they had schemed to stop such a 16-year envisioned Obama-Clinton continuum, apparently no one is going to complain of any “bias” or conflict of interests.

More Norms Annihilated
Is there still any notion of a confidential lawyer-client special relationship or disdain for stealthily taping private conversations of a client? Apparently not. Former Clintonite Lanny Davis knows the Left saw nothing wrong when the FBI seized legal records from Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen or that lawyer Cohen taped the phone calls of his own unknowing client Trump. Instead, the Left’s shrug is that if Trump was stupid enough to hire such a creepy rake, then he deserves what he gets—legal precedent and civil liberties be damned.

It used to be a progressive truism that “words matter”—as in the warning not to give voice to violent things because they may happen just because you said them. Actually, words today no longer matter at all. If they did, Madonna, Johnny Depp, Kathy Griffin, Robert De Niro, or Peter Fonda would all be socially ostracized for their threats of bodily violence to the president of the United States or his family.

God forbid that such eliminationism rhetoric will spill over to the next Democratic presidency. But if it should, the Left has now lost all moral authority to condemn it.

By the same token, there is no longer any accepted limitation on presidential hate speech. No one will have a problem with calling any president a Nazi, the new Hitler, an abject traitor, treasonous, or his conduct tantamount to the mass death of Pearl Harbor, 9/11 or the Holocaust. Those who compare Trump to the worst monsters of history regularly appear on cable news and enjoy vast Twitter and social media audiences. I fear theirs will be the new standard: For every Trump Hitler who killed 6 million, we will one day hear of a new anti-Trump Stalin who killed 20 million. All one now needs to say is “President X or President Y is a threat to the United States, and so deserves what he gets.”

Security Clearances-as-First Amendment Right
We have also established a new code of behavior for ex-security and intelligence officers.

From now on, they will really never leave office. Instead, their opposition to the new administration begins the moment they become private citizens—while drawing on and sometimes monetizing their vestigial security clearances to enhance their invective against the sitting president.

Imagine the following: that as soon as Trump leaves office, a paid Fox News contributor Mike Pompeo or Dan Coates begins trashing nightly newly inaugurated President Elizabeth Warren as despicable, treasonous, or the worst something in the history of America—while still privy to some of top-secret communications of her administration. And they will wink and nod at their clearances as proof of their seriousness and of direct conduits to “sources tell me” gossip. To question why they would do so or expect security clearances at all will earn cries from Republicans of “enemies list!”

There is no longer any sense of public and private first families. If Barron Trump can be smeared and ridiculed in print and cartoons, if the president can be accused of incest with his daughter by mainstream reporters, if the first lady can be demonized as everything from an illegal alien to a former call girl, no first family is off limits.

The next time a Democratic president takes office, any call for “restraint” or “have you no decency” to recreate the bubble that once protected the Obama family would be laughed at—and understandably so.

Endless Unchecked and Unaccountable Investigations Special counsels will have no restraints. They will be sacrosanct Roman tribunes about whom any criticism will be tantamount to unpatriotic behavior. They can ignore their original mandate and wander wherever they wish on the principle that they have found their criminal and need only find the crimes by which to destroy him.

The special counsel will stock his team with partisans who hate the object of his investigation, with law firm cronies who share his views.

If he fires one or two of them, he will hide the reasons for their departures and stagger their severance to avoid the appearance that they were connected—in the style of belatedly and separately disclosing the career ends of Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.

From now on, the accusation that a president is a traitor, a colluder, a lackey, a pimp, a whatever of the Russians, or a dupe of the Chinese, or of who knows what else, will be an accepted way to help stall an opposition administration, to smear it as unpatriotic, to use any low means necessary to achieve a supposed high end of destroying it.

Just watch soon what the Left has birthed. Thucydides, writing more than 2,400 years ago about the civil strife on the island of Corcyra, observed that “men too often take upon themselves in the prosecution of their revenge to set the example of doing away with those general laws to which all alike can look for salvation in adversity, instead of allowing them to subsist against the day of danger when their aid may be required.” They are not going to like the results when in their “day of danger” they cry foul and no one listens.

2a) Mueller’s Problem Is Not Trumpers’ Zeal — but the Perception of Inequality under the Law

What is disturbing about the Mueller investigation is not per se that a special counsel is looking into charges of wrongdoing known as “collusion,” but that he is indicting or leveraging suspects, amid a larger landscape of related perceived wrongdoers, who so far have not been subject to the same federal zeal.

We do not know all the details, but the public wonders exactly why Michael Flynn was leveraged to confess about lying to federal authorities (in theory, in part due to surveillance obtained by questionable FISA warrants), while, for example, Clinton aides Human Abedin and Cheryl Mills were given partial immunity for their reported misleading statements about their knowledge of the Clinton email server.

People rightly wonder whether there will be consequences facing Andrew McCabe for allegedly lying about leaking to federal investigators, or for the flagrant way that John Brennan has so serially prevaricated under oath to Congress (about Senate staff computers, drone collateral damage, and the seeding of the Steele dossier).

If it turns out that DOJ and FBI officials deliberately misled FISA justices by not disclosing that they knew the Steele dossier was a product of Clinton-purchased opposition research, or that the collaborative news accounts they cited to the court were in truth circular offspring of the Steele dossier, then certainly they should be held legally accountable. The logical inference would be that they feared such full and honest disclosures might endanger the granting of the warrants.

By all means press, again, Paul Manafort to the fullest extent of the law if he violated statutes and unlawfully lobbied for foreign interests, but surely, we must treat the possibly same exposure of Tony Podesta in the same manner.

Military and civilian personnel have gone to jail for carelessly leaking classified documents or destroying evidence of interest to federal prosecutors. James Comey and Hillary Clinton should face the same liability, given their admissions that Comey likely leaked at least one possibly classified government document, written on government equipment on government time, and Clinton illegally used a private server which in some cases transmitted classified materials.

It is illegal to leak to the press unmasked names of those swept up in classified FISA surveillance. And yet we know at least a few names of those surveilled were filtered to the press. Those responsible must face the same prosecutorial zeal that Mueller has so far shown others.

And the symmetry should also guide any investigation into whether it was legal to implant federal informants into an ongoing political campaign.

There is much talk of obstruction of justice. Again, let Mueller pursue his leads. But in the real world outside Washington, one can get into deep trouble by meeting stealthily a federal prosecutor in a secret location who is currently investigating one’s spouse.

No federal official, in the manner of Andrew McCabe, should be in charge of investigating a suspect whose campaign affiliates have recently donated huge amounts of money to the investigator’s wife’s prior political campaign. And a DOJ official is required to state whether he has conflict of interests that affect his performance in the manner in which Bruce Ohr allegedly did not cite his own spouse’s employment for the Clinton-funded Fusion GPS Steele project, or his own contacts with those concerned.

No doubt the idea of impeaching Rod Rosenstein may be misplaced.

But Rosenstein himself must know that in such politically charged times he has by needs played some sort of prior role in the Uranium One investigations, the Clinton email investigations, the FISA court warrants, and the collusion investigations, and that these issues swirl around both his current prosecutorial choices and may at some future date put himself in legal limbo. Clearly, if there exists such a doctrine of recusal, he should have long ago recused himself in the fashion of Jeff Sessions, who may have had far less exposure to charges of conflicts of interest.

It wins the Mueller investigation no favors that its origins, by the admission of former FBI director James Comey, were instigated by the leaks of confidential presidential memos by Comey himself — and then coincidentally led to the selection of Mueller, a friend of Comey and for a moment, before his special-counsel appointment, an apparent willing aspirant to be Comey’s replacement as FBI director.

A second worry, of course, is the necessary appearance of political neutrality, crucial for public support for any high-profile federal special inquiry. Robert Mueller needlessly incurred criticism by his own appearance of conflicts of interests, when, for example, he did not disclose promptly the reasons for the departures of Lisa Page and Peter Strzok from his investigative team, and delayed notice until much later after their severances, and seemingly staggered their reassignments to cloud any inference that they were related and prompted by their shared incriminating texts.

Mueller did not need to include counsels on his team, again in such a politically charged atmosphere, who had earlier represented either the Clinton Foundation or contractors for Hillary Clinton under suspicion for the destruction of key evidence.

It would have also been wiser to have gone beyond the law and either have insisted that his legal team’s members had not been donors to either presidential candidate, or, barring that, to have included roughly equal numbers of 2016 partisans. No doubt there are individual complexities and extenuating circumstances surrounding the retirements, resignations, firings, or forced reassignments of a spate of FBI and DOJ officials. But it is not conspiratorial or improper to suggest that something is wrong in Washington when the public was never really told the initial circumstances surrounding the fates of James Baker, Peter Kadzik, Michael Kortan, David Laufman, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, James Rybicki, and Peter Strzok.

Mueller’s problem is not over-zealous Trumpers who will squash his investigation, but rather a growing negative public perception that he is applying a standard of investigatory zeal to some targets that federal prosecutors are not applying to others who may have as much, if not greater, criminal exposure.

The perception again is that the common denominator to such asymmetries is whether the targeted suspect offers supposed incriminatory information about Donald Trump (and so should be pursued), or, on the other hand, should not be put into a position of offering incriminatory information about either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama (and thus wins exemption from criminal liability).
Given that the above scenarios were actually thematic throughout the Page-Strzok secret-text trove, it is not idle or conspiratorial speculation.

Finally, most of us think special counsels are a bad idea, given their histories of presupposing a guilty target and then finding the necessary criminal violations to indict him. But we are at the homeopathic point in which a bad idea may be needed to rectify a bad idea.

Given the imbalances of the last two years, and the likelihood that they will continue, the only way of restoring confidence in the Mueller investigation may be to appoint yet another special counsel, with a simultaneous mandate to investigate the FISA warrant requests, the NSC unmasking and leaking of the names of American citizens, FBI, DOJ, CIA, and State Department involvement in the use of the Steele dossier, FISA surveillance, and informants in connection with the 2016 president campaign, the so-called Uranium One sale coincidences with large Russian-related donations to the Clinton Foundation and a Russian honorarium to Bill Clinton, and a revisit of the Clinton email investigations and its questionable odyssey during the 2016 campaign.
3) Joel Rotenstreich Honored For Lifetime Commitment To Jewish Community

Joel is being honored by the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center, which receives funding from the Birmingham Jewish Federation's Annual Campaign, for the organization's yearly L'Chaim fundraising event. The article is written by Karim Shamsi-Basha and discusses the many volunteer positions Joel has had in the Jewish and broader community. 

Here is the slightly edited article. 

Humility is the overarching impression you get when you meet Joel Rotenstreich.

Every year, the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center honors a person whose actions have helped not only the center, but life for the Jewish people of Birmingham as well as people from other faiths. This year, Rotenstreich is the honoree.

It would take columns to list the accomplishments and selfless actions of Rotenstreich. His work in education, social justice and interfaith only begin the list.

"My passions throughout the adult part of my life have been education and bringing people together. The third is social justice. Treating everyone equally, equal opportunity, doing the right thing," Rotenstreich said.

Rotenstreich headed fundraising for the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center in 2016 and again in 2017. His face-to-face strategy worked wonders.

"Fundraising for the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center is essential. The place teaches courage, integrity, cooperation, endurance, self-respect, respect for others. We're training teachers to teach the lessons of the Holocaust, and this is happening all over Alabama," Rotenstreich said. "Close to 1,500 teachers across Alabama have been trained by the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center."

Rotenstreich sees connections among historical events that tie human consciousness together. Things like the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing during the civil rights struggle and other world-changing events. He notices these connections especially when he travels to Israel. Introducing others to Israel and its history and culture is another passion for Rotenstreich and his wife, Bunny. They have led 22 trips to Israel.

"We're connected; we are all in this world together," he said. "The four little girls who were killed in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1963 - there is a connection, and we are trying to teach everyone about the history and lessons of the past."

Rotenstreich has served on boards of numerous organizations and led the Anne Frank Tree project in which a horse chestnut tree like one she mentioned in her diary was planted in Kelly Ingram Park and dedicated to the "victims of intolerance and discrimination."

Rotenstreich was campaign chair and president of the Birmingham Jewish Federation, served three five-year-terms on the Mountain Brook Board of Education and was its president from 2000 until 2002.

Kendall Chew, outreach coordinator at the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center, may know more about what Rotenstreich has achieved than Rotenstreich himself.

"L'Chaim means 'to life.' The Birmingham Holocaust Education Center adapted that phrase as the title for their annual fundraiser. L'Chaim honors someone every year who has brought life to the community and the mission we serve," Chew said. "This year we are fortunate to be honoring someone that speaks and walks our mission every day in his life, and that's Joel Rotenstreich."

L'Chaim will take place at the Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center at 2:30 pm on Sunday, Aug. 19.

"I am extremely grateful to be honored by the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center," Rotenstreich said. "Getting recognition for what I stand for means something I'm doing might be working."

4)  Democrat Candidate for Governor Is Dead Broke, Owes $77,522 in Credit Card Debt, and Wants to Run Georgia Economy

Stacey Abrams was the guest of honor at the Democrat “Way to Win: 2022 Victory Party” at the party’s annual spring conference.Abrams and fellow Democrats want reparations for blacks and free college for all kids.It’s a socialist’s dream.Stacey wants to run the Georgia economy.But she is deeply in debt. Stacey owes $96,512 in student loan debt and $77,522 in credit card debt.

Bizpac Review reported:
The former state representative has acknowledged that she owes more than $200,000 in student loans, credit card debt and IRS back taxes.“I did not understand that those magical slivers of plastic that I was getting in in college, a $100 purchase was going to cost me like $3,000 over the next seven years,” Abrams stated in an interview with Yahoo Finance. “And that if I didn’t pay the bill every month it was going on some report that was going to follow me even after I had a great job.”

Abrams owes back taxes amounting to $40,201 for 2015 and $13,851 for 2016. She owes $96,512 in student loan debt and another $77,522 in credit card debt spread over nine different accounts. In total, she is about $228,000 in the red. This number is actually higher if you count her $178,500 in real estate debt and her $4,434 car loan.

4a) 6 Reasons Maxine Waters is in Hot Water
By TTN Staff
Maxine Waters is no stranger to insane rhetoric or calls for harassment, that said every week it feels like we report on another Maxine Waters disaster. This is a giant recap of some of her wildest mishaps that have her in the boiling cauldron, here are 6 reasons Maxine Waters is in hot water:

 “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them! And you tell them that they are not welcome, anymore, anywhere” -Maxine Waters (D-CA)

Maxine called for mob action against every White House official, this is unacceptable and unethical alone, but she only gets madder and viler

Maxine allegedly had her campaign funnel money to her daughter who was working as a member of the team at this time, her daughter has received more than $600,000 since 2006.

As the Washington Free Beacon reports:

Karen Waters has been on the payroll of her mother's campaign committee, Citizens for Waters, since 2006. She has pulled in more than $600,000 for her services since that time.

Karen is in charge of endorsement mailers, known as "slate mailers," for her mother's campaign. The slate mailer operation has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for Waters' federal campaign committee in recent years
Mad Max isn’t just in trouble with the law over suspicions payments to family members or the people for her calls to “action” against Trump’s people, she is in trouble with her own party. After her calls to harass Trump officials she was grilled by Democratic party leadership, then she fired back against Chuck Schumer claiming he is just trying to keep his leadership position.

As if all the US railing against you wasn’t a problem, Maxine goes international. After the Trump-Putin Helsinki submit Maxine tried to derail any effort at peace by relentlessly mocking the president and his people. She called Trump's team the Kremlin Klan and Trump, Putin’s Apprentice among other things. Why try to stop a net benefit for the country? Because you are jealous of success and can’t let Trump have it.

As the voyage on the Mad Max Express continues, we take a trip to the Caribbean where we learn about communist Dictator Fidel Castro. In 1998 Maxine Waters Wrote a letter to the Cuban “Revolutionary” that she was sorry she had accidentally voted for a bill requesting a cop killer be sent back from Cuba to the USA. She refers to the cop killer as a “Political Activist” and claims the bill mislead her and other congressmen by using the individual's real name instead of their new name.

Conspiracy theories are nothing new to the left, but this one perpetuated by Maxine is wack.

As the Daily Wire reports:
Waters was highlighting a series of articles from the San Jose Mercury News that claimed to show a connection between the CIA and the drug trade, but the paper eventually backed away from the story after they were eviscerated by various other news outlets. That didn't deter Waters from holding tight to the conspiracy theory.
"It doesn't matter whether [the CIA] delivered the kilo of cocaine themselves or turned their back on it to let somebody else do it," Waters said in 1997. "They're guilty just the same."

Sedona Arizona picture taken by my son-in-law.

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