Saturday, August 18, 2018

If An Important Democrat Just Ignore Behaviour - Mass Media Will Protect You. Tools Of The Left and Unfavorable Societal/National Trends!

In politics when your behaviour and/or life throws mud on your white Sunday shirt the key is to ignore. Let it dry and it will eventually fall off.

This was the "paraphrased" response  given by Alabama's Big Jim Folsom, who was running again for governor, when asked by a Birmingham new reporter about an alleged paternity suit.

If Keith Ellison was a Republican, the mass media would hound him and never let go. Hypocrisy is
acceptable when the left engages, because Hollywood values determine the standards.  (See 1 below.)
I just ordered the book: "Sex Matters"  and it should arrive within the week.

Gender distinction is another ploy by Democrats to cause societal division.(See 2 below.)

Chart stock patterns  tell a visual story of a company's fundamentals.  When the pattern reflects lower lows and descending highs that is not favorable.

Suppose we drew a similar pattern of trends that reflect our nation's direction. I submit you would have the following picture:

Education - a curriculum of mind mush instead of rigorous subjects challenging one to reason. Lowering standards.

National symbols - the picture of kneeling rather than saluting and honoring.

Military strength - weakness rather than strength and acceptance of defeat because of political control.

Law - diminishing respect for the rule of law.

Police - disrespect and distrust.

Budgets - crippling deficits and no plan/stomach for balance.

National borders - open and an invitation for all to come illegally.

Elections - lax verification versus proper identification.

Free speech - intimidation of those espousing different thoughts.

Economic system - Socialism preferable to Capitalism.

Politics - spreading corruption of the process.

Infrastructure - continued deterioration.

Political strategy - politics of hate, character assassination, spreading division, distrust and envy.

Social trends - PC'ism versus common sense.

Racial trends - increasing distrust and discord.

Economic disparities - Widening gap among haves and have nots.  Middle class slowly being decimated.

Mass media - increased bias, partisanship and expanding entertainment component supplanting objective factual news reporting.

Demographics - declining numbers of population embracing America's original values. "Don't Tread on Me" attitude.

American Character - increased dependency, everything becoming an entitlement, lack of independence, responsibility for one's actions, spend rather than save.  No longer believe there are rainy days. Government is our umbrella. Increased need for safe space on campuses.

Health Care - beyond reach of many, government intrusion has elevated cost, reduced efficiency and quality.

Constitution - continuing dichotomy pertaining to its interpretation. "A Nation Divided Cannot Stand."

Yes, I could go on but I hope,by now, you get the point and see a picture that is not constructive.

Meanwhile, I know I too may have gone off the edge but stop and think about Obama's comment to Medvedev  for Putin regarding how he would be more pliable after his re-election.

I have maintained, all along, Obama was involved in and/or knew about the skullduggery going on by Clinton, her investigation and whitewash etc. I am also of the opinion that Brennan could easily have been a coup de gras plant.  As I said previously,  when it comes to the desire to be president, to retain the power of the office, I believe Democrats, the Clintons and Obama would stop at nothing. (See 2a below.)

Why Do Muslim Politicians Push Identity Politics?The 90 Muslims running for office have a choice between the old and new Watch 

#Believe All Women, in 

the Ellison era, looks 

more like #BelieveThe

Convenient Women By Ben Shapiro

This week, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) cruised to victory in his primary for state attorney general, just days after allegations surfaced that Ellison abused his ex-girlfriend, Karen Monahan. Monahan’s son claimed on Facebook that Ellison sent threatening texts to his mom and that he’d seen a video of Ellison dragging Monahan off a bed. Monahan then backed up her son’s statements. Ellison denied all the charges.

Ellison’s victory is puzzling in the era of #BelieveAllWomen; apparently that hashtag only applies under certain circumstances. When the #MeToo movement first broke onto the scene, a serious question emerged: Had the dawn of a new era begun? Were we watching a massive shift in thinking with regard to the treatment of women? Or would everything go back to normal?
It’s important in this context to remember why the Harvey Weinstein story gained steam: the election of Donald Trump. The #MeToo movement was based, at least in part, on anger that Trump, with his braggadocious past regarding mistreatment of women, had been elevated to the presidency; now there would be a reckoning for men who acted badly. And for a short period of time, the #MeToo movement applied across the board: Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) lost his seat; major studio heads stepped down; comedians watched their careers spontaneously combust.
 But now, the tide seems to have receded.
Ellison survived the abuse allegations without breaking a sweat — his margin of victory was some 30 points. What changed? Well, Democrats seem upset that they ousted Franken while Trump remains in office; they seem perturbed that only one side seems to be playing by the rules. And so their pledge to believe all women falls by the wayside in the interest of defeating the right.
This is, in its own way, the mirror image of the Republican desire to brush Trump’s own sexual abuse allegations under the rug – a direct response to the media’s willingness to sweep away Bill Clinton’s sexual peccadilloes along with the cigar ash.
Once the carousel of partisanship turns, all standards merely rise and fall automatically.
And so Ellison will survive.
Now, we should always have had one standard for allegations – some standard of credibility or investigation that gave the public the ability to presume innocence or guilt. The most stringent version of that standard would require a criminal conviction; a less stringent version would require us to assess the credibility of the players; the least stringent version would credit any accusation. We seemed to be in the world of the latter, at least for a time; now it’s apparent that we’re moving quickly toward the criminal standard. Regardless, what’s driving that movement isn’t a principled attempt to determine guilt or innocence, but a partisan desire to protect those on our own side and condemn those on the other side.
And that is deeply disturbing. Both Democrats and Republicans seem convinced that all standards are malleable so long as their favored politicians achieve victory. Ellison must survive abuse allegations, because Republicans must lose. Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) won’t resign amid insider-trading allegations, because Democrats must lose. Once you’ve convinced yourself that the other side is the root of all evil, nearly any tactic becomes acceptable and nearly any candidate becomes a mere brick in the wall of opposition.
So much for #BelieveAllWomen. More like #BelieveTheConvenientWomen.
Ben Shapiro (@BenShapiro), a lawyer and conservative commentator, is founder and editor in chief of The Daily Wire. The author of seven books, he hosts a daily political podcast, “The Ben Shapiro Show.”
2) Gender Confusion: A Tool of the Left

The Democratic Party has gone off the deep end in many more ways than just pushing socialism.  One sign is the fanatical embrace of identity politics, which has become the hallmark of the Party of Obama (POO).  Look at Vermont.  There, the Democrats' primary race for governor was won by Christine Hallquist.

What is unusual is that Hallquist calls himself a "transgender woman."  To put it more accurately and without any politically correct gloss, Hallquist is a male pretending to be a woman.  His pretending isn't all that convincing, as evidenced by this YouTube clip from Time magazine.

Yes, Hallquist is a man in spite of any superficial changes he has made to his appearance.  The chromosomes of the cells in his body haven't changed, and he can't erase the fact that he fathered three children when he was known as David Hallquist.  Now, it is one thing for an individual to assert himself to be a woman and to act the part.  There are always oddities.  However, it is something entirely different for a major political party to put forward such a confused person for a high-level position as governor of a state. 

Does the primary win by Hallquist embarrass the Democrats?  Not at all.  Rather, it is celebrated within the party, a type of collective virtue-signaling.

All this could come across as comic relief, but it's deadly serious stuff.  The American mind is being stupefied.  For example, right now all across the country, many young college students are reporting to their campuses to be trained as resident assistants or as sometimes called resident assistants (R.A.).

The duties of a resident assistant can be far-reaching.  Part of an R.A.'s training includes being familiar with (and no doubt sensitive to) the various "gender" classifications the students may use.  Even relatively small, respectable colleges use over 30 gender classifications.  Over 30!

This is neither a mistake nor an anomaly.  Russell Goldman of ABC News did a study of the various gender classifications used by Facebook (link no longer available).  He identified 58 gender options at Facebook: 
  • Agender
  • Androgyne
  • Androgynous
  • Bigender
  • Cis
  • Cisgender
  • Cis Female
  • Cis Male
  • Cis Man
  • Cis Woman
  • Cisgender Female
  • Cisgender Male
  • Cisgender Man
  • Cisgender Woman
  • Female to Male
  • FTM
  • Gender Fluid
  • Gender Nonconforming
  • Gender Questioning
  • Gender Variant
  • Genderqueer
  • Intersex
  • Male to Female
  • MTF
  • Neither
  • Neutrois
  • Non-binary
  • Other
  • Pangender
  • Trans
  • Trans*
  • Trans Female
  • Trans* Female
  • Trans Male
  • Trans* Male
  • Trans Man
  • Trans* Man
  • Trans Person
  • Trans* Person
  • Trans Woman
  • Trans* Woman
  • Transfeminine
  • Transgender
  • Transgender Female
  • Transgender Male
  • Transgender Man
  • Transgender Person
  • Transgender Woman
  • Transmasculine
  • Transsexual
  • Transsexual Female
  • Transsexual Male
  • Transsexual Man
  • Transsexual Person
  • Transsexual Woman
  • Two-Spirit
Good luck in figuring what's what here.  But this list can't be wrong.  It's being used by Facebook, one of the newly minted Masters of the Cosmos.

Gender confusion is used as a tool by the left to detach America from common sense.  Do that, and then control is easy.  The Democratic Party's nomination of Hallquist is but a symptom, the tip of the iceberg.  Given what is going on outside the general public's view, Hallquist's nomination is not at all surprising.  In fact, it's a logical extension of years of left-wing indoctrination of the young.

Here, the left and its political arm, the Democratic Party, are like a nest of termites.  In the dark, the termites eat away at the structure of a house.  The average homeowner can be totally unaware of the rot growing every hour of every day under his feet – that is, until the once sturdy support beams have innards of sawdust, and the house has to be condemned.  

The cancer of the left has rotted out public education, the media, 

entertainment,  government, religious organizations, the relationship between men and women, and even sports.  Everything the left touches, it degrades.  The façades are there, but the substance is lacking.  Examine the Democratic Party at the national level, and you won't find a single redeeming feature to it – "zip, zero, nada," as Rush would say.  From matters of economics to morals to patriotism, and even to common sense, the Democrats are woefully wrong on all.

I sit here and contemplate the things the Democratic Party supports – open borders, socialism, anti-prosperity policies, government lawlessness, raw racial divisiveness, screwball candidates – and can't imagine a blue wave in November.  But then I hear a whispering in my other ear that reminds me of two things.  One is the ongoing rot of our institutions by the left.  So many come out of school year after year with a head fully of mush...and they vote.  The second is the fact that twice, America elected Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency, and the most corrupt and loathsome person in modern politics, Hillary Rodham Clinton, came within a hair's breadth of winning it in 2016.  Frankly, all that still amazes me.  It speaks not of the America I know.

So it is a delicate balance which way things will tip come November.  Unless the left and its extension, the Democratic Party, are aggressively confronted on every issue, large and small, from the local level to the national – a Terminix treatment, if you will – America will share the fate of a termite-infested house.  These insects have already made great headway in undermining our Republic.  They must be stopped before it's too late.

2a) John Brennan: Give It a Rest Already

John Brennan's security clearance has finally been revoked.  Now he is playing the victim card, but per usual, there is more than meets the eye.  American Thinker interviewed a number of former CIA directors while Obama was president.  Although they may have vehemently disagreed with policy, they did it in a civil manner, without the disgusting hyperbolic language and name-calling.  Brennan should take his own words and reflect upon them.
The argument by a former CIA operative: "Traditionally, since 1947, former directors have kept their security clearances with the idea that the seniors could provide advice, counsel, and become red teams for the current director.  The benefit comes with the different perspectives as they sit in a room together offering a diversity of opinions about any strategic issues.  The only way they could have these conversations is having their clearance maintained." 

Brennan served as President Obama's chief counter-terrorism adviser from 2008 until he was confirmed as CIA chief in 2013, holding that position until 2017.  Yet, since he did not do a very good job in keeping Americans safe, who would really want to consult with him?  Taking a stroll down memory lane, there were numerous terrorist attacks and attempts in the U.S. under his watch.

June 1, 2009, Little Rock, Arkansas: Abdulhakim Muhammed, a Muslim convert from Memphis, Tennessee, is charged with shooting two soldiers outside a military recruiting center.

December 25, 2009: The Underwear Bomber attempts to ignite an explosive on a flight landing in Detroit.

May 1, 2010, New York City: A car bomb is discovered in Times Square, New York City after smoke is seen coming from a vehicle.  The bomb is ignited but fails to detonate.

April 15, 2013, Boston: Multiple bombs explode near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people, including an eight-year-old boy.

October 3, 2014, New York City: Zale H. Thomson, also known as Zaim Farouq Abdul-Malik, attacked four New York policemen in the subway with a hatchet, severely injuring one in the back of the head and injuring another policeman in the arm before being shot to death by the remaining officers.

December 2, 2015, San Bernardino, California: Fourteen people are killed and more than 20 wounded when two jihadists open fire at a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center.

June 12, 2016, Orlando, Florida: A mass shooting by an Islamic extremist at an Orlando nightclub leaves 50 people dead, including the gunman, and more than 50 injured.

Although not in the U.S., this is also relevant: on December 30, 2009, a suicide bomber kills eight Americans civilians, seven of them CIA agents, at a base in Afghanistan.  It's the deadliest attack on the agency since 9-11.
Recently, on July 17, 2018, Brennan stated, "When I use the term, this is 'nothing short of treasonous,' I equate it to the betrayal of one's nation, aiding, abetting, giving comfort to an enemy."  He tweeted that President Trump's statements at the Helsinki press conference "rise[ to] and exceed[] the threshold of 'high crimes and misdemeanors.'"
There are two points to be made here.  First, Mr. Brennan should look in the mirror when speaking of betrayals.  Former CIA director Michael Hayden, in an earlier interview, told American Thinker how Brennan and those in the Obama administration threw CIA employees under the bus by attempting to change the legal and political landscape.   Two months after becoming CIA director, Brennan did not stand by Gina Haspel, the current CIA director, as controversy swelled around her; rather, he replaced her as the head of the National Clandestine Service.  Brennan said on 60 Minutes and at his confirmation hearing that he had misgivings and concerns about the Enhanced Interrogation Program.  When asked previously about Brennan's comments, Hayden referred to the Showtime documentary Spymasters, which quotes George Tenet, his boss, saying Brennan had never raised concerns, never expressed discomfort, and never said it should be stopped.  In another instance, Hayden also previously commented, "The administration's release of the interrogation memos was a betrayal of trust and fundamental dishonesty."

Regarding the other point of Brennan's quote, that President Trump aided, abetted, and gave comfort to an enemy, Brennan was referring to President Trump and Russia – but what about the Clintons?  Did he ever protest and accuse them of aiding the enemy?  Because these were all under his watch: The Clinton Foundation does business with horrible autocrats that have atrocious human rights records.  In 2010, a Russian company was allowed to buy the business Uranium One.  This was after the new chairman donated two million dollars to the Clinton Foundation, which was never reported, and Bill Clinton was also paid $500,000 for a Moscow speech.  Ultimately, 20% of U.S. uranium was basically transferred to the Russian government.  Maybe someone also needs to remind Brennan that during his tenure, his boss, President Obama, said in 2012, over a hot microphone, to President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia that he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.

Brennan also said President Trump deceives and manipulates others and is "small, petty, and banal."  He has a revisionist memory, considering how he attempted to garner favor with the American people over the Obama administration's handling of the underwear bomber.  This self-serving action blew the cover on a vital covert operation and exposed CIA agents to serious danger.  The transcript obtained by Judicial Watch has Brennan addressing the top terror consultants for ABC, NBC, CNN, and CBS to soft-pedal the thwarted terrorist attack.  First at the outset of the call, then as the conference draws to a close, Brennan twice exposes the covert operation, where the U.S. and its allies had successfully inserted Western spies into AQAP, al-Qaeda's most creative and lethal affiliate.  As a result of his leaks, the undercover operation had to be shut down.

John Brennan is no longer a government employee, and it is laughable to think he would use his national security clearance to advise and help the Intelligence Community.  He is basically a TV talking pundit, using the outlet as his bully pulpit to mislead Americans.  A tweet of his tells it all: "to allies and friends: Be patient, Mr. Trump is a temporary aberration."  Actually, in looking at the CIA directors over the past twenty years, including Ms. Haspel, Brennan is the anomaly.

The author writes for American Thinker.  She has done book reviews and author interviews and has written a number of national security, political, and foreign policy articles.



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