Friday, August 10, 2018

LYFT Your Spirits! Three Cities Down The Hill. Is John James The Man? Liberal's Weapons of Choice - Character Assassination and Intimidation.

 Paper straws for snorting by Hollywood crowd?

Sources in California say that radical Muslims are planning to kill every U.S. citizen in Los Angeles. Police officials fear the death toll could go as high as 49.                                                                                              
Our oldest grandson making impact.

All our grandchildren are productive citizens.  We are very fortunate that out children have raised them well.  One day I will say the same about our only great granddaughter who is just 1 1/2 - (See her picture in  1 below.)
Tale of once great cities. Three cheers for progressivism. (See 2 below.)


Blue eye's Chicago. (See 2a below.)

Is John James the man and can he make the difference?  Republicans think he can and will.(See 2b below.)
Liberals love attacking one's character.  They cannot stand someone who is effective and doing what they do not like. Character assassination and intimidation among  their weapons of choice. (See 3 below.)
Stacey Abrams wants to be our governor but she does not believe in meeting her financial obligations.  She wants you to elect her because he is black, because she is a woman and because she is radical.  She is Obama in a dress.? (See 4 and 4a below.)

Need A Lyft?

By Ben Falik – Contributing Writer

Native son Elliot Darvick heads regional office involved in uplifting Detroit transportation.

To understand the success of Elliot Darvick — as Michigan and Ohio general manager for Lyft; as a son, sibling, friend, husband and father — you just have to look. I can tell out of the corner of my eye without getting up from his dining room table, even though he’s seated in the kitchen and it’s hard to hear him over the tumbling of my sheets and towels in his dryer.

Lyft is sponsor and partner of the Detroit City Football Club; Darvick shows his support on the playing field at Keyworth Stadium in Hamtramck.. Photos by Jerry Zolynsky
Lyft is sponsor and partner of the Detroit City Football Club; Darvick shows his support on the playing field at Keyworth Stadium in Hamtramck.
Photos by Jerry Zolynsky

But to understand the world of Elliot Darvick — and I’ve been trying off and on for 30 years — you have to triangulate: Mobility. Technology. Humanity. Those three intersecting lines and their many combinations have substantively shaped Elliot. Like few others, he can adapt to all variety of angles while remaining structurally sound in his values, voice and vision.
The triangulation between mobility, technology and humanity explains Elliot’s restlessness and rootedness, his amiable ambition — the man, the mentsh, the method.
Baby Boomer-brand mobility brought Martin (from Brooklyn) and Debra (from Atlanta) together in New York City and then, courtesy of General Motors, to Michigan. From his parents, Elliot got what JFK found wanting in Washington — Northern efficiency and Southern charm — and if you listen closely, you can hear both accents winding around each other like a vocal-corded double helix.
Automotive technology rolled in and out of his driveway with each consecutive company car, and Elliot found something to love in all of them, even the Cadillac Catera (“It zigged!”). In the carpeted confines of his basement, constructing with cardboard bricks and hula hoops (occasionally weaponized by the Brothers Falik) led to tech tinkering, led to web design that could not be derailed by a capricious and cacophonous dial-up internet connection.

Humanity has long filled the Birmingham home where the Darvicks have lived for 34 years. Nurturing relationships and ritual, each family member captured humanity in his or her own medium: writing (Debra), photography (Martin), music (Elliot) and art (sister Emma).

Midwestern mobility took Elliot to Washington University in St. Louis where technology enabled him to create, among other things, a website for a scrappy new Detroit organization called Summer in the City, and the humanity of hip hop-inspired DJ Ellioto and DJ Davizzle led him to share diverse tracks with countless listeners to Falafel Beatz on KWUR, 90.3 FM.
California, by way of Chicago. Success in tech. A JDate that went well. Elizabeth, wise West Coast wife wooed to make the maternal move to Michigan. Raising their daughter, Olivia, who weekly “waves her tiny hands in front of her eyes like her mother does prior to lighting the Shabbat candles.”

Up-Lyft-ing Others

Elliot Darvick, Lyft general manager for Michigan and Ohio, shares the front seat with Lyft driver Mellisa Nelson of Detroit.
Elliot Darvick, Lyft general manager for Michigan and Ohio, shares the front seat with Lyft driver Mellisa Nelson of Detroit.

At Lyft, Elliot’s appetite for mobility, aptitude for technology and adherence to humanity align in a way that is both obvious and iterative. Lyft, for the appless, is an on-demand transportation company driven “to reconnect people through transportation and bring communities together.”
Elliot has found kindred company, entrepreneurial energy and passionate pursuits at Lyft. In his own words: “Lyft is a company with tikkun olam at its core. Our mission is very simple: to improve people’s lives with the world’s best transportation. You can find so many examples of this mission brought to life in the decisions the company makes, from programs like Round Up & Donate, where we have been raising millions of dollars for nonprofits by letting passengers automatically round up their fares for charity, to the fact that we literally buy carbon offsets for every Lyft ride to make your trip carbon neutral.”
Two years on — two years in which the company’s valuation more than doubled to $15.1 billion — Elliot lives to Lyft. He obsesses over both sets of his customers: the riders who hail cars via the app and the drivers who pick them up. Greater than the technology that brings people together or the mobility that gets them where they are going, there’s the humanity in both the driver’s and passengers’ seats.
The front passenger seat — if you are like many Lyft riders including Elliot. On the ride I took with him, he had myriad questions and compliments for our driver, a medical assistant at Wayne County Jail who sometimes ends up being the Lyft home for people she served inside when they’re done serving their time.
In the process of honoring the humanity of everyone involved, Elliot has made local out of global — no small service to a San Francisco-based company with its hundreds of millions of rides and autonomous ambitions.

By way of example

DCFC. Lyft is sponsor and partner of the Detroit City Football Club, a National Premier Soccer League team with a feverish fan base and a renovated New Deal-era stadium in Hamtramck. “DCFC and Lyft have a shared value set,” according to Elliot. “Bringing people together and empowering them to build community.” Fans who ride to the game get dropped off at a special Lyft Gate directly in front of the stadium; drivers get free tickets. While their logo adorns the team jerseys, Elliot says, “It was important that it be in DCFC rouge and gold and not Lyft pink. We live by the mantra ‘be yourself’ and this is a team beloved for its colors.”
SisterFriends. Elliot is quick to point out that Lyft “isn’t just for getting to the bar or the ballpark.” To wit, he worked with the Detroit Health Department to give free rides for at-risk pregnant women. Through mentorship and partnership, SisterFriends Detroit addresses women’s “barriers to accessing quality prenatal care, social isolation and stress that can put their babies at a higher risk of being born too small or too early.”
MusicTown. In the Motor City’s gig economy, you never know who will be behind the wheel of your Lyft. Elliot and his team count many aspiring and professional musicians among their drivers and, through a partnership with Entercom (formerly CBS Radio), they can park their cars and book free time at MusicTown’s state-of-the-art recording studio. Some may even be featured among the 50 live performances a year at the Lyft Lounge at MusicTown.
RTA. A Mackinac Future Leader and enthusiastic transit rider — “I take the FAST bus down Woodward to work most mornings” — Elliot threw Lyft’s support behind the Regional Transit Authority, joining 250 other companies and community organizations calling for a vote on the RTA. Lyft, he believes, is not a competitor but a complement, with one in five rides nationally starting or ending at a transit stop.

Elizabeth and Elliot Darvick with daughter, Olivia, prepare for Shabbat at home in Huntington Woods. Photo: Martin Darvick
Elizabeth and Elliot Darvick with daughter, Olivia, prepare for Shabbat at home in Huntington Woods.
Photo: Martin Darvick

I had planned to come over to Elliot’s just to retrieve the notebook he graciously carried around in his Lyft-branded, jam-packed backpack during the DCFC game (I took mental notes). But when I mentioned my dryer had stopped working mid-wash, he insisted I bring the hamper full of wet laundry to his house, apologizing in advance that he would need to “keep his head down” while I was over.
Elliot has his head down to write performance reviews — for the employees he will be bringing to their new Detroit office and driver service center — before flying out to California to meet up with Elizabeth and Olivia. His typing is audible over the wrinkle-release cycle. “My team is amazing,” he says. “I am lucky.
2) A Tale of Three Cities

Charles Dickens wrote the classic A Tale of Two Cities a century and a half ago.  It's a story about two famous cities of the times, Paris and London, around the time of the French Revolution.  These cities were the height of sophistication and enlightenment in the world, long before American cities caught up.
Three American cities did catch up and were at one time shining beacons of American success: San Francisco, Chicago, and Detroit.

San Francisco was the gateway to the Pacific and lands beyond – a beautiful city on hills with the Golden Gate Bridge connecting San Francisco to Marin County, one of the wonders of the modern world.  Chicago was the hub of transportation and commerce, connecting the eastern and western halves of the United States.  Detroit was an industrial behemoth, home of the auto industry and the assembly line, bringing prosperity and convenience to millions.
Songs were written to celebrate these great cities.  Tony Bennett left his heart in San Francisco.  Chicago was Frank Sinatra's kind of town.  And the Motown music genre began in the Motor City.

As Dickens wrote, "[i]t was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness."  Perhaps the best of times for these American cities was 50 years ago, when they and their leaders basked in the age of wisdom.  Today, these cities are facing the worst of times, due to their own foolishness.  What happened?

San Francisco is being overrun with the homeless and illegal aliens due to its sanctuary city status and virtue-signaling leadership.  The streets are littered with human feces, hypodermic needles, and syringes, turning the once beautiful "City by the Bay" into a cesspool.  What's the response of San Francisco leaders?  Banning plastic straws.
Chicago has become more dangerous than many cities in the war-torn Middle East.  This past weekend was another example of the killing fields of Chicago: "[a]t least 72 shot, 13 killed in Chicago over violent summer weekend, police department says."  What's the mayor of Chicago doing in response?  Maintaining and bolstering Chicago's status as a "sanctuary city" and virtue-signaling to fellow progressives, prioritizing illegal aliens over Chicago residents.

Detroit, in 1960, was the richest per capita city in America.  Fifty-some years later, in 2013, Detroit filed for bankruptcy.  Now it's a squatter's paradise.  Homes once owned by residents, then lost to foreclosure, are now owned by the Detroit Land Bank Authority.  Today, it's first come, first served as to who lives in these abandoned homes.  The Detroit Free Press notes "[d]ead bodies, wild dogs, squatters in government-owned Detroit houses."
How did these three beautiful and prosperous American cities morph from the best of cities to the worst of cities in only a couple of generations?  Let's look at who is in charge.

San Francisco has not had a Republican mayor since 1964, the height of Motown music in one of the other cities we are discussing.  For the past fifty-plus years, San Francisco has been led by a procession of Democrats.
Then there are the state and national leaders, from Governor Jerry Brown to Senators Kamala Harris, Barbara Boxer, and Dianne Feinstein, the last employing a Chinese spy in her office for twenty years while accusing President Trump of colluding with the Russians.  She was doing more for China than for her own city.

As a quick aside, Senator Feinstein responded to this news with the following: "The FBI told me 5 years ago it had concerns that China was seeking to recruit an administrative member of my Calif staff (despite no access to sensitive information)."

Note how the FBI told the senator of its concerns.  The agents did not insert a spy in her office, then obtaining a Title 1 FISA warrant to spy on the senator and her entire staff.  This is how the FBI handled concerns over Russians involved in the Donald Trump campaign.  Agents did not warn Trump over their concerns, as they did for the senator.  Anyone surprised?

Chicago's last Republican mayor finished his term in 1931, almost a century ago, followed by a string of Democrat mayors up to the present time.  At a national level, Chicago is currently represented by Democrat senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.

Detroit's last Republican mayor finished his term in 1962, around the time the Supremes were singing "Where Did Our Love Go?"  Now they would be singing, "Where did our city go?"  Since the early 1960s, Detroit has had a succession of Democrat mayors, including Coleman Young and their famous hip-hop mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, now serving a long prison term.  Michigan, similar to Illinois and California, has two Democrat U.S. senators.
Anyone see a common thread here?  Cities run by liberal Democrats, implementing liberal policies, with predictable results.  These are certainly not the only American cities ruined by Democrat governance – there are also Newark; New Orleans; and Washington, D.C. to name a few others.

Then there are entire countries following this pattern.  Venezuela went from the richest economy in South America to financial and social ruin, with starvation and civil unrest – thanks not to the U.S. Democratic Party, but to its international brethren, the socialists.

This is the same political and economic philosophy shared by many American Democrats, including the cheated almost nominee Bernie Sanders and his mini-me, self-proclaimed Democrat socialist and rising star on the left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  She, as another interesting aside, had a bad night in this week's primary elections, with all of her endorsed candidates losing.

As goes Detroit, Chicago, and San Francisco, so goes the nation under similar leadership and guidance.  You won't hear this on CNN or MSNBC, as they are busy running interference for leftist politicians and policies.  Yet their organizations would be the first to be nationalized under a socialistic government.  Not that it would make any practical difference, as the media are already a mouthpiece of the Democratic Party.

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  The tale of these three cities is an important part of this history.  To ignore it means that many other cities, and the entire nation, could rapidly go from the best of times to the worst of times.

Brian C Joondeph, M.D., MPS is a Denver-based physician and writer.  Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedIn, and Twitter.

2a) Chicago: Don't Ask Those Who Caused the Problem to Solve the Problem

Last weekend, Chicago saw 74 people shot and thirteen killed, some of them children.  At the same time, a music festival attracted thousands to a lakefront Grant Park, where they danced with little regard for the deaths and chaos happening just a few miles west.

For some, outside the Chicago cultural bubble, questions are asked.  How could this happen?  What can be done about it?  Why doesn't the mayor care?

Perhaps there are answers to these questions, but so what?  The truth is, given the social, political, and cultural history of Chicago, no one who could do anything about the murders and chaos in Chicago really cares.  Nothing will be done, because death and chaos in Chicago are just part of the cost of keeping the power structure in place.
Perhaps a biological analogy is in order.  Consider an anthill run by a Democratic queen ant.  There will always be a certain amount of death and waste among the worker ants.  That's just the way the biological order is.  Chicago, like an urban organism, is not at all different.  If a few are shot every day, that's the price the Democrats pay for political party survival.

Look at the history of the power structure that runs Chicago to see why no one cares and no one wants to change the social order
Chicago is an urban culture unto itself.  For an outsider, that urban culture is hidden behind the façade of an "American city," yet little things like not putting catsup on a hot dog show us that Chicago is a unique place with its own traditions and political history.  Add to that that about 20 percent of Chicago's population, today, is foreign-born.  These foreign-born individuals often come from cultures different from the ethnic Democrats who populated the city after WWII.

The structure of evil that is the Democratic Party in Chicago has ruled the city longer than the life of the old Soviet Union.  The point of the party is political power, not charity or social justice.  Most people who live in Chicago are progressive and do not see the structure of evil that daily closes in on them.  Consider, for example, how the Catholic Church in Chicago has surrendered to the party platform to hold and keep political power.

The transformation of the Catholic Church in Chicago from a church of conservative Eastern Europeans to the religious arm of the progressive Democrats is one of the most important ironies of our age.  Most of this transformation can be placed at the feet of Irish Catholics, who are involved in both the hierarchy of the Church and city politics.
It is a great irony that Chicago Catholics voted in large numbers for Obama, who supported both abortion and the redefinition of marriage.  This vote shows how many Catholics in Chicago put party over religion.  They do so because the party delivers the goods.

The price for those goods is segregation, murders, the destruction of old neighborhoods like Englewood, and a failed system of public education.  But no one cares.  No one really wants to do anything about the reality that the fog of Democratic ideology masks, because that's the way all the pieces fit together, and you get your piece of the pie.

The day-to-day reality of life in Chicago is that most people who live there really don't want change.  For change to happen in Chicago, it must be brought into the city from the outside.  The established political order has to be overturned by an outside force, the same way the Soviet Army brought change to Nazi Berlin.  How likely is that to happen?

For change to come to Chicago, at the very least, illegal aliens have to be deported along with the influx of illegal drugs and the gang activity drugs support.  Really, who will do this?  These are future Democratic voters we're deporting.

Chicago has some of the most rigid gun laws in the nation, yet year after year, hundreds are shot.  How can that be?  It can be because no one wants to enforce the law.  In Chicago, you get along by going along.
Chicago is the most segregated city in the nation, yet it is run by Democrats who proclaim civil rights and affirmative action.  What a living contradiction that is.  If change comes to Chicago, then it may have to be brought about by the federal government, but that government is slowly being reshaped into the Chicago political model for the nation – a permanent ruling class of Democrats.

Besides that, who has a plan for undoing a hundred years of segregated neighborhoods in Chicago?  What can be done to help an entire generation of minorities whose family structure has been destroyed by Democratic welfare policies, or whose young men have been irreversibly damaged by a failed system of public education?
No.  Chicago is what it is, and it ain't gonna change.  Take your moral outrage elsewhere.  In the words of one Chicago alderman, who turned away a young man who was from outside the ward and wanted to help, "We don't want nobody who nobody sent."

Nothing will be done to change the death and chaos in Chicago that is troublesome to those who read about it in their east-coast newspapers.  The rock concerts will continue in the parks.  Sailboats will tack up and down Lake Michigan.  More towers will rise in the loop as the neighborhoods decay.  The talking heads on the news will shake their finger into television cameras, but Chicago will keep being what it is.

Even if a new political party of Latinos or blacks takes over the city, do you really think they want to stop the flow of drugs or illegal aliens, or move away from the ethnic politics that has characterized the Democratic Party for more than a hundred years?  From the Fort Dearborn Massacre to the Obama Presidential Library, Chicago Democrats rewrite history to favor their political objectives.

Just be careful when you visit Chicago.  At first you may not notice the compromise with evil most Chicagoans have made to live and work in the Windy City.  When you visit, know where to go safely, and don't be caught putting catsup on your hot dog.


White Republican Michigan Voters Chose a Black Guy

White Republican voters chose a black conservative over a white billionaire in Michigan.  How can that be?  Democrat Andre Carson of the Congressional Black Caucus said the Tea Party (conservatives and Republicans) is racist and wants to see blacks "hanging on a tree." 

Folks, as a black Tea Party activist since 2008, I can tell you this is the evil slander of salt-of-the-earth patriotic white voters I have been fighting.  Black conservative John James won Michigan's U.S. Senate Republican primary because he shares the values of most Americans.  James boldly expresses his desire to help Trump Make America Great Again.  Voters chose James because of the content of his character rather than the color of his skin, fulfilling the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

John James is a combat veteran endorsed by President Trump.  But wait a minute.  According to fake news media and Democrats, Trump hates blacks.  That's another hate-generating evil lie promoted by the American left.
It is extremely exciting and refreshing to see a fellow black American in the political arena evoking traditional principles, which lead to real empowerment and success – not just for blacks, but for all Americans.  America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it.  And yet, evil leftists relentlessly seek to hide this truth from the masses, particularly minorities.  Leftists want blacks believing that white America schemes 24-7 to keep blacks down and that blacks' only hope is to keep voting for Democrats.  Disgusting.
Ponder this, folks: most mega-rich black celebs worked their butts off, took risks, made responsible choices, and exploited the opportunities and blessing of living in America.  These blacks would not be enjoying the wealth, power, and influence they have earned had they followed the Democrats' philosophy of relying on government to take care of them – allowing government to control every aspect of their lives.  So rather than wealthy blacks telling fellow blacks to follow their traditional path to success, they tell blacks to stick with the Democrats.  Rich blacks tell blacks to keep voting for Democrats to get more welfare.
Generational welfare leads to wasted lives, anger, poverty, out-of-wedlock births, and jail.  Wealthy blacks ignore this glaring truth and choose to join the American left in hating America, whites, conservatives, and Republicans.  This is extremely unfortunate and counterproductive.

If a white person suggests that urban blacks follow the same road to success as black millionaires, that white person is called a racist who obviously does not know what it is like to be black in this awful racist country.  If a black person suggests that blacks leave the Democrats' government dependency plantation, stop having babies out of wedlock, stay in school, stop murdering each other, and assume responsibility for their lives, that black is called a sellout Uncle Tom who has abandoned his blackness.

Chicago just suffered another bloody weekend, one of the bloodiest in the city's history: 74 people shot, 12 of them dead.  These egregious black deaths are the result of blacks murdering each other, not racist white cops.  Blacks have been murdering each other in record numbers in Democrat-controlled cities like Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; and Chicago for a long time.  But rather than addressing the problem of black-on-black crime, leftists beat up anyone who dares to mention it.  The American left insidiously creates a media firestorm over rare incidents in which a white person or cop shoots a black.

Chicago Democratic mayoral candidate Garry McCarthy said Mayor Emanuel does not support the police.  Well, duh – the mayor's Democratic Party is part of the American left's coalition spreading the lie that cops murder blacks on sight.

In typical leftist fashion, Emanuel accused McCarthy of pandering to Fox News and Trump-supporters.  Notice the misdirection in Emanuel's response.  This is what leftists always do.  Rather than truthfully addressing the issue at hand, they change the subject by resorting to name-calling – racist, sexist, homophobic, and so on.
Kanye West, Candace Owens, and 37-year-old John James are part of a growing movement of younger blacks for whom the scales have fallen from their eyes.  They see the fraud of the Democratic Party and how it has been playin' blacks for decades.  These young blacks pose a huge threat to the Democrat stranglehold on the minds of up-and-coming black youths.

For this reason, expect the Democrats, fake news, and Hollywood to do everything in their power to destroy John James in his quest to win the Senate race in November.  This patriotic brother will need your support and encouragement.  When the entire wrath of the American left descends about you, it can be extremely challenging.  Ask Sarah Palin.

John James, thanks for your outstanding military service to our country.  Congrats on your win in Michigan.  America truly appreciates you, and we who desire to see our country made great again have your back.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

White Republican voters chose a black conservative over a white billionaire in Michigan.  How can that be?  Democrat Andre Carson of the Congressional Black Caucus said the Tea Party (conservatives and Republicans) is racist and wants to see blacks "hanging on a tree." 

Folks, as a black Tea Party activist since 2008, I can tell you this is the evil slander of salt-of-the-earth patriotic white voters I have been fighting.  Black conservative John James won Michigan's U.S. Senate Republican primary because he shares the values of most Americans.  James boldly expresses his desire to help Trump Make America Great Again.  Voters chose James because of the content of his character rather than the color of his skin, fulfilling the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

John James is a combat veteran endorsed by President Trump.  But wait a minute.  According to fake news media and Democrats, Trump hates blacks.  That's another hate-generating evil lie promoted by the American left.
It is extremely exciting and refreshing to see a fellow black American in the political arena evoking traditional principles, which lead to real empowerment and success – not just for blacks, but for all Americans.  America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it.  And yet, evil leftists relentlessly seek to hide this truth from the masses, particularly minorities.  Leftists want blacks believing that white America schemes 24-7 to keep blacks down and that blacks' only hope is to keep voting for Democrats.  Disgusting.
Ponder this, folks: most mega-rich black celebs worked their butts off, took risks, made responsible choices, and exploited the opportunities and blessing of living in America.  These blacks would not be enjoying the wealth, power, and influence they have earned had they followed the Democrats' philosophy of relying on government to take care of them – allowing government to control every aspect of their lives.  So rather than wealthy blacks telling fellow blacks to follow their traditional path to success, they tell blacks to stick with the Democrats.  Rich blacks tell blacks to keep voting for Democrats to get more welfare.

Generational welfare leads to wasted lives, anger, poverty, out-of-wedlock births, and jail.  Wealthy blacks ignore this glaring truth and choose to join the American left in hating America, whites, conservatives, and Republicans.  This is extremely unfortunate and counterproductive.

If a white person suggests that urban blacks follow the same road to success as black millionaires, that white person is called a racist who obviously does not know what it is like to be black in this awful racist country.  If a black person suggests that blacks leave the Democrats' government dependency plantation, stop having babies out of wedlock, stay in school, stop murdering each other, and assume responsibility for their lives, that black is called a sellout Uncle Tom who has abandoned his blackness.

Chicago just suffered another bloody weekend, one of the bloodiest in the city's history: 74 people shot, 12 of them dead.  These egregious black deaths are the result of blacks murdering each other, not racist white cops.  Blacks have been murdering each other in record numbers in Democrat-controlled cities like Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; and Chicago for a long time.  But rather than addressing the problem of black-on-black crime, leftists beat up anyone who dares to mention it.  The American left insidiously creates a media firestorm over rare incidents in which a white person or cop shoots a black.

Chicago Democratic mayoral candidate Garry McCarthy said Mayor Emanuel does not support the police.  Well, duh – the mayor's Democratic Party is part of the American left's coalition spreading the lie that cops murder blacks on sight.

In typical leftist fashion, Emanuel accused McCarthy of pandering to Fox News and Trump-supporters.  Notice the misdirection in Emanuel's response.  This is what leftists always do.  Rather than truthfully addressing the issue at hand, they change the subject by resorting to name-calling – racist, sexist, homophobic, and so on.
Kanye West, Candace Owens, and 37-year-old John James are part of a growing movement of younger blacks for whom the scales have fallen from their eyes.  They see the fraud of the Democratic Party and how it has been playin' blacks for decades.  These young blacks pose a huge threat to the Democrat stranglehold on the minds of up-and-coming black youths.

For this reason, expect the Democrats, fake news, and Hollywood to do everything in their power to destroy John James in his quest to win the Senate race in November.  This patriotic brother will need your support and encouragement.  When the entire wrath of the American left descends about you, it can be extremely challenging.  Ask Sarah Palin.

John James, thanks for your outstanding military service to our country.  Congrats on your win in Michigan.  America truly appreciates you, and we who desire to see our country made great again have your back.

3) They Won’t Sink Zinke

Environmentalists will find the interior secretary a harder target than Pruitt.

By  Kimberley A. Strassel

To serve in the Trump administration is to deserve hazard pay, and lately that’s especially true of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.
The green-industrial complex claimed Scott Pruitt’s scalp last month, ginning up a storm of ethics allegations that forced his resignation as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Now it has shifted focus to Mr. Zinke. But it’s hitting walls. Mr. Zinke isn’t giving his detractors easy opportunities. He has aides who know and follow the rules, and backing in the White House and in Congress.
Not that the incoming is pleasant. Few movements are better funded and coordinated or more messianic than the environmental left. They despise a Trump team that is correcting decades of backward energy and environmental schemes and are working furiously to bring down the reformers. Unlike green groups of 20 years ago, which focused on policy, today’s effort is focused almost entirely on personal destruction.
Mr. Zinke’s antagonists include the usual big-dollar organizations, like the Natural Resources Defense Council, many of which are now staffed or run by former Obama officials; self-described watchdog groups like the Western Values Project, that are closely tied to major environmental and labor groups; and congressional allies such as Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona, who call daily for investigations. The coalition produces an assembly line of allegations, which the mainstream media dutifully pass along.
Their problem is that they can’t find any real stink with Mr. Zinke. Mr. Pruitt was hit with an array of allegations, many nonsensical, but what tipped the scale against him were those in which he seemed to be using his position for gain or wasting taxpayer dollars. The critics have tried desperately to do the same to Mr. Zinke, with no luck.
One claim was that he secretly arranged a Puerto Rico contract for an energy firm from Whitefish, Mont., his hometown. The Interior Department’s Office of Inspector General tells me it never opened an investigation, and even Democrats have dropped it in embarrassment.
Mr. Zinke’s foes more recently claimed he has misused his office to promote a land development in Whitefish. But the story involves a foundation from which Mr. Zinke resigned upon becoming secretary, and a project that has been on the table for ages.
The groups have also tried to go after him on spending, including three chartered flights. But the inspector general found Mr. Zinke had followed “relevant law, policy, rules and regulations.” It also found all the trips were “reasonable,” save one—and Mr. Zinke’s staff wasn’t to blame since it received prior approval from ethics officials for every flight. Then there has been the attempt to claim he violated the Hatch Act by attending political events while out on official duties. The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (a permanent government body that monitors federal personnel issues) in May said Mr. Zinke had done everything legally. Every “scandal” is of this type; lots of smoke, but never any fire.
Mr. Zinke has an added asset in Deputy Secretary David Bernhardt, who worked at Interior during the George W. Bush administration, where he went through the ethics rodeo. Mr. Bernhardt is hiring an unprecedented number of new ethics officials, including in April two ethics gurus, Scott de la Vega and Heather Gottry, who each bring decades of expertise. The goal is not only to give the political team the best guidance, but to ensure better compliance across Interior’s 70,000 employees.
One final point in Mr. Zinke’s favor: He has support within the administration. One recently departed White House official tells me this is in large part because the interior secretary (unlike Mr. Pruitt) is the “consummate team player,” constantly engaged in dialogue with White House staff, and in particular willing to take direction on how to handle questions and situations.
And there is respect—internally, in Congress, and at the state level—for his reform program, which has been sweeping. The department has been leading the way on swifter, smarter timelines for environmental analyses and permitting. It is tackling the failed Endangered Species Act, jump-starting oil and gas development on federal lands, making sure public lands are once again for “public use” by all, and working to cut an enormous maintenance backlog in the national parks.
All of this is why he will continue as the environmental left’s top target—they despise any plan that envisions our public lands for “the benefit and enjoyment of the people” ( Teddy Roosevelt’s words at Yellowstone). Expect to see more headlines suggesting Mr. Zinke is corrupt. But know that those headlines don’t come via fact or reason or policy debate. They come out of a known take-down strategy from the left—and one to which Mr. Zinke and his team are on guard.
4) Over the last several years, Stacey Abrams made over $1 MILLION as a tax attorney, politician, and radical activist.
But…she refuses to pay $54,000 in back taxes.
On Comedy Central this week, Abrams recalled her conversation with the IRS: “I just told them, ‘I’ll get to you.’" I guess she thought she was being funny.
What’s not funny is that instead of paying her taxes, Abrams loaned her campaign for governor $50,000.
Make $1 Million. Refuse to pay your taxes. Loan money to your campaign for governor.
Kemp's response? "If that's not criminal, it should be."
That’s no joke.
Feeling the mounting pressure from the media, supporters, and working Georgians throughout our state,
Abrams released a new television ad and cited "family" as the reason why she refuses to pay her taxes.
This has absolutely nothing to do with her family. The facts are indisputable.
Stacey Abrams is a tax attorney who is intentionally gaming the system. She refuses to pay her taxes while self funding her own campaign for governor.
It’s wrong and several troubling questions remain unanswered. Someone is not telling the truth.
Ryan Matthew Mahoney
Communications Director
Kemp for Governor



Training camp for child terrorists has chilling connection to top Democratic Party operative.


Siraj Ibn Wahhaj Jr., 40, of Clayton County, Georgia, was arrested along with his two sisters and two other adults last Friday in New Mexico on charges of felony child abuse for holding 11 starving children in an underground trailer hidden from view in a compound described as "overflowing" with weapons and ammunition.
But there is more to this story that is not appearing in the nightly news accounts we've all been following.
Nobody is talking about Wahhaj's well-connected father, Siraj Wahhaj Sr., a radical Brooklyn imam who is the spiritual adviser to Democratic Socialist and Bernie Sanders supporter Linda Sarsour.
The elder Wahhaj also has ties to the two most prominent U.S. Muslim organizations -- the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, and the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA -- and he was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
Sarsour, co-chair of the Women's March on Washington, has become the face of ISNA. She spoke at an ISNA conference in Chicago last summer in which she praised Wahhaj Sr. as her "favorite person" and called on U.S. Muslims to wage political jihad against the Trump administration. Since that time she has been working to elect far-left Democrats to public office such as Dr. Abdul El-Sayed in Michigan, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez in New York, and Stacy Abrams in Georgia.
Siraj Wahhaj Jr., according to court documents, was training the malnourished kids to carry out school shootings. Essentially, it was a jihad training camp for child terrorists.
Clothed in rags and reduced to skeletons, the children were living with five adults at the compound in Taos County, a remote area of northern New Mexico. Police found the body of a toddler on the grounds which they believe to be that of Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, the 3-year-old son of Wahhaj Jr. and grandson of Wahhaj Sr. According to court documents, Wahhaj Jr. also faces abduction charges for allegedly kidnapping his son from his mother's home in Georgia. While focused on the boys' military training, he neglected their basic needs while leaving them malnourished and living in horrific conditions described by police as "Third World."
But the media seems reticent to bring up this Muslim "extremist's" family's ties to Sarsour, a darling and rising star in the Democrat Party, as it tilts more to the extreme left to placate its base in the age of Trump. Nor are they posing the question: If Wahhaj Jr. holds "extremist" views, where did he get them from? Could it have been from his imam father?
Father schooled in Wahhabi Islam in Saudi Arabia
The 40-year-old Wahhaj Jr. is the son of Siraj Wahhaj Sr., 68, a black Muslim convert who went on to become a well-known and politically-connected Saudi-trained imam. Wahhaj Sr. was an honored guest at the Clinton State Department and the Obama White House. He was the first Muslim to lead prayer at the U.S. House of Representatives in 1991. He once predicted in a widely available sermon that U.S. democracy would "crumble" and be conquered from within by Islam, and also said it is "our duty as Muslims to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Quran."
Wahhaj has called for death to all homosexuals and lesbians, citing Islamic law.
I pray Allah will bless us to raise an Army, and I'm serious about this. We were very close, recently. We had made intention to raise an army of 10,000 men in New York City. Muslim men to fight in the way of subhanahu wa ta'ala. And this is serious.
So this is the father of the guy who has a compound stocked with military-grade weapons and floor-to-ceiling ammunition in the remote New Mexico desert, where he was training young boys to fight in the way of Allah.
Wahhaj Jr. had lived near Atlanta in Clayton County and none of the information that led to his capture would have come to light were it not for the fact that one of his wives, Hakima Ramzi, filed a missing child report late last year regarding her 3-year-old son. Ramzi said her husband, Wahhaj Jr., took the boy to the park in Clayton County and never came back.
The local sheriff told New Mexico media his department had "suspicions" that Wahhaj and the boy were present at the compound in Taos, but they did not have enough evidence to get a warrant.
That didn't happen until last week, when someone inside the New Mexico compound got word to police that they were starving.
If Siraj Wahhaj Sr. is not already being investigated by the FBI for any possible knowledge of his son's criminal activities, we can only hope that such an investigation will be forthcoming.
It's not as if Wahhaj Sr. has a pristine reputation. He has already been linked in court documents to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and testified on behalf of the notorious "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was convicted for masterminding the bombing.

Wahhaj Sr. also serves as the leading spiritual mentor to Sarsour, who last year called on Muslims to wage jihad against the Trump administration and exhorted them not to assimilate into U.S. society.
Sarsour last summer addressed the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America or ISNA. She had glowing words for her "mentor," Siraj Wahhaj Sr., who was sitting in the audience:
And to my favorite person in this room, that’s mutual, is Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who has been a mentor, motivator, and encourager of mine. Someone who has taught me to speak truth to power, and not worry about the consequences. Someone who has taught me that we are on this earth to please Allah and only Allah, and that we are not here to please any man or woman on this earth. So I am grateful to you Imam Siraj, and you might think this is weird, but every once in a while, when I get into that deep dark place, Imam Siraj comes and talks to me. And he helps me to emerge out of those places, so I’m grateful to you Imam Siraj, and may Allah bless you and protect you for a long time for our community, because we need you now more than ever.
Wahhaj Sr. is known for his stridently anti-American views, a theme that Sarsour has parroted in her speeches, though the politicians who openly cavort with her are rarely called into question for associating with her.
"In time this so-called democracy will crumble and there will be nothing, and the only thing that will remain will be Islam," Wahhaj Sr. said, according to a 2003 Wall Street Journal article.
Sarsour posted to her Facebook page (above) on March 5 a picture of herself with Siraj Wahhaj Sr. and CAIR leaders Dawud Walid and Nihad Awad, among others, at an anti-Trump protest rally in Washington, D.C.  
Sarsour was known as the de facto campaign manager for Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, who finished second in the Democrat gubernatorial primary Tuesday, Aug. 7, in Michigan.
Sarsour has also endorsed the candidacy of Democrat primary winner Stacy Abrams for governor of Georgia, who had her picture made with Sarsour in January and tweeted "Proud to stand with activist organizer and @womensmarch national co-chair LSarsour."
Mideast scholar Daniel Pipes wrote in his book Militant Islam Reaches America that Wahhaj Sr. represents Muslims who both despise the United States and ultimately wish to transform it into a Muslim country."
Wahhaj Sr. grew up Jeffrey Kearse in a Baptist family. He converted to the Nation of Islam as a young man and later converted to orthodox Sunni Islam. In 1978, he attended a class in Naperville, Illinois, with 50 African-American Muslims consisting of 40 days of intense training on the Quran. He later traveled to Mecca for more training. He returned to the U.S. and started his own mosque in 1981 and has been, since the early 1990s, one of the most popular circuit-riding imams in the U.S., traveling around the country preaching hatred against America and Israel.
One of his more telling quotes, from a sermon, is as follows:
Islam is better than Democracy. Allah will cause his deen, Islam, to prevail over every kind of system. And you know what? It will happen.
Philip Haney, a retired Homeland Security investigator and author of the book "See Something, Say Nothing," said he wonders if the FBI has been tracking Wahhaj Jr. given the notorious activities of his father. And if there were, why didn't they raid the compound in New Mexico sooner?
Haney said he has been following the preaching career of Wahhaj Sr. closely for years.
"His father is definitely connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. ... This has been going on way too long when Siraj Wahhaj goes around the country preaching hatred and sharia law in our mosques," Haney said. "I've been tracking his career for some time and it's well past time that this information gets laid out on the table."
Haney said Wahhaj Sr. has known ties to the radical ADAMS Center mosque in northern Virginia, and Dar al Hijra mosque in Washington, D.C., as well as past affiliations with Anwar Al-Awlaki, and the "Blind Sheikh."
"Now that this has come out, it shows the American people were really smart not to nominate Dr. Abdul El-Sayed for governor of Michigan," he said. "Imagine if you had nominated this guy with all this new information coming out about CAIR and ISNA, the face of whom is his buddy Linda Sarsour."
Photo: Linda Sarsour, second from right, poses at an anti-Trump rally in Washington in March with Siraj Wahhaj Sr., far left.

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