Saturday, August 18, 2018

Out For A Week. Stacey Adams. Mauldin.

Since I will be away an entire week and there will be no memos while I am gone I thought I would supply  you with a week of cartoons.

This will also give you another reprieve.

Have a great time while I am away.  Dick

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Governor's race and Stacey Abrams'.

Outside money is going to pour in to help Stacey determine what is best for Georgians. (See 1 and 1a below.)

Meanwhile, American "technology oligarchs" are determined to intimidate and block the free speech rights of those whose views they oppose. Is Zuckerberg our new dictator?  Have all the circuit breakers that once defined the nation's constitutional protections no more? (See 1b below.)
John Mauldin likes what he sees near term and longer. (See 2 below.)
1) Stacey Abrams' tax scandal continues to linger and the left is working overtime to explain it away.

Just this week, The New York Times published two OpEds justifying Stacey’s poor judgment and shady financial dealings, while attacking Kemp's efforts to keep elections secure, accessible, and fair in Georgia.
Obviously, rattled by what voters might find if they dig deep enough, Stacey Abrams released a TV ad trying to muddy the waters.
Here's what the Georgia GOP had to say:
Abrams has a new TV ad trying to explain away her self-serving decision, citing family as the reason she couldn’t pay her taxes.
"But there has to be more to the story. If Abrams’ family was struggling, why did she lend her campaign $50,000? Or, if her family obligations were met, why didn’t she use those funds to pay her tax bill?"
The Barnesville Herald Gazette weighed in:
"Still, Abrams is all for raising taxes which will be problematic for her in that she readily admits she owes the IRS about $54,000. She also owes $170,000 in credit card and student loan debts. Despite this, she was able to loan her campaign $50,000 in start-up monies."
And the Abrams' scandal popped up again on the Georgia Gang:
“…Stacey Abrams had earned, personally, more than a million bucks over the last five years. Yet, when she got in tax troubles, instead of paying her taxes to the federal government, she loaned herself $50,000 for her campaign…” - Dick Williams
So what's the real story? What's Stacey hiding? This is bigger than just a career politician refusing to pay her taxes. We are dealing with a tax attorney who is gaming the system for political gain.
Stay tuned and focused. This scandal is far from over.
Ryan Matthew Mahoney
Communications Director
Kemp for Governor
1a)Kemp isn't trying to keep minorities from voting in Georgia
It is silly that it must be said, but no, Brian Kemp is not an enemy of democracy. That was an op-ed headline in The New York Times. Carol Anderson, the chair of African American Studies at Emory University, penned the piece. She has also penned such popular hits as “White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation’s Divide” and “Bourgeois Radicals: The NAACP and the Struggle for Colonial Liberation, 1941-1960.”
The New York Times op-ed tries to lay the groundwork for Stacey Abrams’ upcoming defeat through a two-pronged attack on Kemp. According to the attack, Kemp has denied 30,000 mostly minority voter registrations and has thrown numerous people off the rolls. Additionally, voter integrity systems in Georgia are insecure and the Russians are coming.
This second attack is already being echoed by the campaigns of several Democrat candidates nationwide, including the incumbent senator from Florida, Bill Nelson, who is behind in the polls and screaming about the Russians stealing the election. Consider this in juxtaposition to the first attack. With a straight face, Kemp’s opponents argue he is moving too aggressively to stop people from voting, but our systems are so flawed the Russians are going to steal the election.
Here are the facts. The various boards of elections around the state have rejected 30,000 voter registration forms for not matching driver’s licenses or other state data. This was done not by the secretary of state, but by local boards of elections often in heavily Democrat areas. The secretary of state defended the rejections. Many of those rejected were from a nonprofit project organized by Abrams. The law does not require the secretary of state and local boards of election to accept voter registration paperwork when the people filling out the paperwork get basic data wrong.
As to suppressing minority votes in Georgia, the data do not hold up. According to a review by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, between 2006 and 2010, black voter registration numbers increased 44 percent and Hispanic voter registration numbers increased 67 percent. White voter registration numbers only increased by 12 percent. That was to be expected with Barack Obama’s political rise. That was also during Republican Karen Handel’s tenure as secretary of state. What about during Kemp’s tenure?
The AJC reviewed that data, too. Through 2016, “An Atlanta Journal-Constitution analysis of voter registration data shows minority voter registration rose 23 percent. White registration rose 15 percent, and still accounts for nearly 57 percent of the state’s voters.” If Kemp is actively denying black people the right to vote, he is doing a pretty terrible job of it. Note also that requiring a photo ID has not been an obstacle to minority voter participation.
What is missing from the voter suppression arguments is a crucial fact. In 2001, Congress passed the bipartisan Help America Vote Act. The law requires state secretaries of state clean and purge voter rolls of inactive voters. Georgia is actually far less aggressive in throwing people off the rolls than some states. All the claims that Kemp tosses people from the rolls ignores that he is required to do so by a federal law supported by both Democrats and Republicans.
That Abrams supporters are already out screaming about Kemp denying people the right to vote and claiming the Russians are going to steal the election is just the best proof yet they know she will not win in November. Instead, they’re trying to explain to donors that it was not her fault.
Erick Erickson is host of Atlanta’s Evening News on WSB Radio.

1b) Worse than Shadow Banning, Facebook Completely Censors PragerU Posts from Public View


We recently discovered that Facebook deleted two video posts from the PragerU page for “hate speech,” and subsequently censored 15 more posts from public view - meaning zero of our 3 million followers could see these posts.   

Screenshot from one of the two removed videos for "hate speech"  - a video about why we need more masculine men.  

While we’ve experienced blatant discrimination from Google/YouTube, which is why we’ve filed legal action against them, this represents a whole new level of censorship by Facebook.
Not only are they obviously ratcheting up their algorithms to target mainstream, conservative content and labeling it as hate speech, but they are now completely blocking our posts from public view. This is shocking and it should deeply concern every single American.
We reached out to Facebook and their initial response provided little clarity saying they would get back to us in another two to three business days, which in the world of social media might as well be an eternity.
However, after media attention on the issue started to gain traction - Facebook finally responded after 24 hours saying that removing the videos was simply a “mistake.”  
Does anyone really believe that removing two videos as “hate speech” and subsequently censoring 15 more entirely from the public was simply a mistake?
It’s not a mistake.  It’s deliberate censorship of conservative ideas - especially effective platforms like PragerU as we continue to reach millions of young people with our videos.

The Good News Economy

By John Mauldin | 
In my business, there is a fine line between standing by your conclusions and being unwisely stubborn. But no matter what I say, people will still label me a perma-bear or perma-bull—often at the same time. It’s an occupational hazard to which I am accustomed.
It’s really a lot more fair to characterize me as the “Muddle Through” guy. There are always reasons to be bullish or bearish. Admittedly, my letter tends to dwell more on the reasons to worry, but I think that’s a sign of the times. We have more to worry about today than in the past (see the 80s and 90s).
Last week, I tried to clarify what some of you perceive as inconsistencies in my outlook. I am long-term very bullish, medium-term very bearish, and short-term uncertain to slightly negative.
If you read social media or the mainstream financial news, you don’t need me to tell you the bearish case. Skepticism abounds in the punditry. Positive outlooks are harder to find, even though they have been largely correct recently. That’s no accident. They’re correct in part because they are out of favor.
I see some major problems coming in the 2020s (and perhaps a bit sooner), but I also see a lot of good things happening right now. The economic recovery, while still weak by historic standards, is gaining some momentum that ought to carry it forward for another year or two, assuming (as I perhaps naïvely do) that we can put this trade war thing to rest. That’s good news because it buys us time to prepare for worse times, but it’s also just plain good news.
We can get so busy worrying about the future that we ignore positive things happening right here and now. That’s not healthy and can make us overlook opportunities. So today, I’ll look at some good economic news that has been lost in the din lately.

Animal Spirits

Economic activity is the collective result of human decisions. We all make choices about what to buy and sell and at what prices we will do so, thereby creating either growth or contraction. These decisions might prove wrong, but they still matter. So do the attitudes and beliefs that lead us to make them.
If, for instance, you’re a business owner and you see new conditions that will make growth easier, you will be more likely to hire, expand, and make capital investments. Get enough businesses thinking that way at the same time and you have the makings of an economic boom… which is what the leading survey of small business owners says is happening.
The National Federation of Independent Business has been surveying its small business members since 1973, overseen by my very good friend Dr. Bill Dunkelberg (Dunk to his friends). The NFIB data is a rich, long-term history of small business owner sentiment, both positive and negative. It has varied over time, as you might expect. Presently, their index is near its most optimistic level ever—0.1% below the 1983 all-time high. Considering where we were a few years ago, that is amazing.

Source: NFIB
As you can see, NFIB member optimism had two prior peaks near the current level. One was in 2004, when the housing boom was starting to take off. It would end badly a few years later, but those were good times while they lasted.
The other peak was in 1983. The Volcker Fed had mostly stamped out inflation while Reagan’s tax cuts and deregulation were beginning to bear fruit. This marked a boom period that would last even longer; the next recession would not strike until mid-1990.
As I like to say, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes. This time, the Fed has been working to stamp out deflation, not inflation, and appears to have made some progress. We also have a new, business-oriented administration, similar in some respects to the shift from Carter to Reagan. This encouraged early 1980s business owners, and the Trump administration is doing the same now.
See that big late-2016 leap in the NFIB index? That happened immediately after the election. If you recall, almost everyone expected a Hillary Clinton win, and business owners had resigned themselves to continued high taxes and evermore intrusive regulation. The Trump win was thus a pleasant surprise to many business owners, immediately visible in the data. (Contrary to some, I don’t think most business owners were thrilled with Trump. They were more thrilled not to have Clinton.)
Now, why does this matter? It matters because NFIB members create jobs, spend money on capital investments that create even more jobs, and develop innovative products that raise living standards. They are more likely to do all those things when they feel confident... which they have since November 2016.
Notably, this confidence has actually grown since then despite all the assorted scandals and criticism surrounding the Trump administration, not to mention the Federal Reserve’s tightening policy. This would not have persisted for almost two years now if they didn’t see reasons for optimism in their own numbers. It is more than blind faith.
In the past, we’ve seen this index decline gradually over 2–3 years as the economy edged toward recession. We see no such thing now. We see the opposite as the index moves up. That suggests, as I heard at Camp Kotok, the present expansion will continue into 2019 and beyond.
Could something change the small business outlook? Yes, of course, but no such event is on the radar right now.

Back to Work

One of the NFIB indicators is the difficulty small business owners have in filling job positions. Right now, it’s at a record high, with many owners reporting qualified worker shortages as their single greatest business challenge.

Source: Daily Shot
This is a consequence of another “good news” item: historically low unemployment. It took way too long after the last recession, but employers are finally willing to expand payrolls. They can do so only because they expect sales to grow beyond their present capacity to deliver, which is why business sentiment is so important.
Moreover, the hardest-to-employ groups (unskilled workers, people with criminal records, those with disabilities) are finally re-entering the labor force. Workers see opportunity to make more money than they can from government benefits or whatever other means of support that have relied on.
Who gets credit for this? It’s true that the job gains simply continue trends begun under the Obama administration. Whether Obama policies did it is a different question. The economy was recovering regardless. Trump could certainly have done things to interrupt the recovery, so give him credit for not doing them. And the business confidence he inspired by being “not Hillary Clinton” helped, too.
My friend—and sometimes debate opponent—Brian Wesbury, who is chief economist at First Trust, has been consistently right about the employment trends in recent years while many of us were skeptical. I’m starting to pay more attention to his outlook. Here is Wesbury’s analysis of the July jobs report, with some key points bolded by me.
The July employment report was sneaky strong.  The big headline was that non-farm payrolls rose 157,000 in July, which was less than the forecast of any economics group.  However, payroll growth was revised up 59,000 for May and June, meaning the net gain for the July report was 216,000, which beat the consensus expected gain of 193,000.  Meanwhile, civilian employment, an alternative measure of jobs that includes small-business start-ups, rose 389,000.
In the past year, non-farm payrolls are up 200,000 per month while civilian employment is up 179,000 per month, both strong numbers.  The gain in civilian employment in July helped push the unemployment rate down to 3.9%, despite an increase in the labor force, which is up 1.5 million in the past year.  Moreover, the U-6 unemployment rate, which includes discouraged and marginally-attached workers, as well as those working part-time who say they want full-time jobs, fell to 7.5%, the lowest level since 2001. The participation rate remained at 62.9% in July, near the higher end of its past 4+ year range (62.3% and 63.1%).  Meanwhile, the share of the age 16+ population that's working hit 60.5%, the highest since 2009.
As always, we like to measure growth in workers' total cash earnings.  Average hourly earnings rose 0.3% in July and are up 2.7% in the past year.  Total hours worked are up 2.2% in the past year.  As a result, total cash earnings—which exclude extra earnings from irregular bonuses and commissions, like those paid out after the tax cut was passed—are up 5.0% in the past year,more than enough to keep pushing consumer spending higher.
We see this in another chart from the NFIB data, showing small businesses’ plans to increase compensation. The expectations line is moved forward six months, showing where the trend is going.

Source: Daily Shot
We also see record numbers quitting their jobs, which is actually quite bullish. You generally only leave a job if you get a better one or at least think one is out there. As Brian said, wages are beginning to grow, too. That is the last piece of the puzzle. We need people to have more disposable income so they can buy the goods and services businesses produce. It finally seems to be happening.
And the simple fact of the matter is that sometimes you have to pay people more in order to attract them. I have been a small businessman for about 45 years and lived through several cycles. Right now, every business owner I’m talking to says they’re having to pay higher wages.

Cranking Up

Earlier this summer, my associate Patrick Watson wrote about Overheated Highways clogged with trucks. I see the same in private transportation newsletters I get. US railroads and seaports are bustling, to the point that shipping costs and logistical snarls are now major challenges for many businesses. That’s not great… but it’s also not consistent with economic slowdown forecasts.
To be blunt, businesses are spending enormous amounts of money to transport enormous quantities of raw materials and finished goods across the country. They are not doing it for fun, or because they enjoy paying truck drivers relatively high wages. They believe someone will buy those goods at profitable prices despite the transport cost. Maybe they’re wrong, but that is what they think.
Patrick pointed out in his article, “Slow and unpredictable shipping has a domino effect in our optimized, just-in-time economy. One key part that’s stuck in a traffic jam can shut down an entire assembly line, idling hundreds of workers. Then whoever is expecting those goods doesn’t get them on time.”
This is indeed happening. Last weekend, the Wall Street Journal reported Parts Shortages Crimp US Factories.
American factories are running short of parts. Suppliers of everything from engines to electronic components aren’t keeping up with a boom in US manufacturing, which has lifted demand in markets such as energy, mining, and construction. As a result, some manufacturers are idling production lines and digesting higher costs.
As business problems go, this is a relatively good one to have. Transportation bottlenecks are often much easier to fix than lagging sales. And some of the “lost” revenue eventually comes in as companies figure out how to deliver.
To me, the bigger questions are why, given all this activity, GDP isn’t growing even faster than the 4.1% initial 2Q number, and why rising transport costs aren’t yet more evident in core inflation. Yes, inflation is picking up, but not enough to make the Fed change course. Jerome Powell and crew seem content to let the economy run a tad “hot” as compensation for years of not-so-hot conditions. We are beginning to see what “hot” looks like. I think much more is possible.

What Could Go Wrong?

I am well aware of the many less-optimistic signs in the economic data. I also know personally some people for whom the 3.9% unemployment rate is not at all encouraging. They are still digging out of very deep holes, at significantly lower pay than they earned a decade ago.
Likewise, I know inflation is higher than the averages reflect in many places, particularly for housing, health care, and other necessities. Everything isn’t great everywhere… but everything isn’t terrible everywhere, either. Good things arehappening. We should not ignore them.
Eventually, something will derail this recovery and we will enter that Great Reset period I have described. It could be a credit event, liquidity shortages, currency crisis, war, political turmoil, business scandal—the possibilities are endless.
When? I now think we have another at least 1–2 years. Between now and then we could (and I hope we do!) see an economic boom that will knock your socks off. That is how economic cycles typically end. It’s been so long since we saw such a boom that even many old enough to have lived through one have forgotten what it’s like. I remember, and I don’t think we are there yet.
That means we still have potentially profitable business and investment opportunities. Of course, you want to be cautious and thoughtful about seizing them. You should prepare for worse times, yes, but don’t head for the hills just yet.

And the Really Good News

The above is just some of the economic and financial good news in the US. If you want really good news, look at what’s happening inside many companies and industries. The cost of solar panels is plunging, as is the cost of pulling a barrel of oil out of the ground. The energy business is now a technology business.
Massive leaps are being made in 3D printing, robotics, and artificial intelligence. And not just sporadically, but in literally hundreds of businesses and universities all over the world.
I know Elon Musk is a bit of a lightning rod right now, but he was visionary enough to somehow put a rocket into space, launch a satellite, and then bring that same rocket back to earth. He promises to eventually cut the cost of putting something into space by 90%.
Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and Paul Allen are in the same race. Notice a pattern? It is not governments but committed multi-billionaires moving the human race forward. And they are doing it with the bottom line in mind. I know asteroid mining sounds like science-fiction, but there is literally a limitless amount of materials available near Earth. They are visionary enough to see it.
Another billionaire, Bill Gates, has done a masterful job of focusing the world on malaria. Malaria deaths are down by 60% since the turn-of-the-century. There is still much to be done, but it’s major progress.
I can cite scores of statistics (and will in my book) about how things are getting better. And they will continue to get better even as we go into The Great Reset’s financial turmoil. There are going to be so many new investment opportunities that you will almost feel like you’re being whipsawed. And because of the financial turmoil, raising capital will be more difficult, which means you will get better deals for your investment dollars.
And I haven’t even begun to touch on biotechnology and the fight against aging. I truly believe cancer will be a nuisance in less than 10 years, as opposed to what is sometimes a death sentence today. There are so many new therapies coming online. I am on the board of a company whose main purpose is to eventually turn back the aging clock and allow us to live much longer and exciting lives.
Cautious optimism has always been the best way to invest and is certainly the best way to live. Someday in the future, I am going to make a list of all the websites and newsletters that I get that focus on new technology. Reading a few of those a week will help lighten your mood.
If you properly construct your portfolio today, you will be able to enjoy this phenomenal future. It’s going to be fun if you make the proper plans.

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