Saturday, August 4, 2018

I Think I Understand Liberals. You Decide.The Commies Are Out In The Open.

During the "Cold War" you could find a communist under every bed and now they are out in the open running for public office as Democrats.

I understand liberals are unhappy when everything does not go according to their desires.  I understand liberals believe we do not spend enough money on the things they most desire.  I understand liberals do not understand all the money in the world not only would not solve the problem but also might even make it worse.  I understand  liberals believe big government is the solution to every problem under the sun despite evidence this is far from accurate. I understand liberals believe conservative ideas are mean spirited and that is why they feel compelled to engage in identity politics and hateful attacks. I understand liberals believe Russia and Putin have something on Trump and yet liberals eagerly gave Hillary a pass for allowing a Russian company to purchase 20% of our uranium and winked at her husband's $500,000 speaking, I understand liberals are upset their candidate lost the election while ignoring the fact that she paid for a false Russian dossier whose purpose was to allow her intelligence friends to claim "Russian Collusion etc.."

I understand liberals who believe affirmative action is not reverse discrimination. Liberals also believe documentation for obtaining a book from a library is more important than providing same for the sacred right to vote. I understand liberals who want Justices to rule based on their personal and pre-conceived view so as to achieve their our come rather than seek a ruling based on what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they crafted our Constitution.

I understand liberals believe they can drink their own bathwater because their friends, in the mass media, say that is acceptable. I understand liberals prefer equal outcomes to equal beginnings.

I understand liberals believe they are entitled to be in control of government because they are convinced their ideas are superior and they care so much for assorted voting blocs while conservatives believe jobs are a more positive approach.  I understand liberals believe weakness is the best way to get others to accommodate you because you get more flies with honey than vinegar. Not sure Putin likes honey even though Obama, Hillary and Kerry thought he did.  Conservatives, on the other hand, believe if you feed bullies you increase their appetite.

Finally, liberals believe there are free lunches.

I believe I understand liberals but then maybe I do not. You decide (See 1 below.)
Another Rant. (See 2 below.)
1)“The Commies are Coming, The Commies are Coming”
Wayne Root
I feel like Paul Revere. “The communists are coming, the communists are coming.” This is real.

Their new leader is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This former waitress has been called “the future of the Democrat Party” by the DNC Chairman. She is now campaigning across the country for Democrat candidates. She is their great hope.
Democrats used to hide their beliefs in the things Ocasio-Cortez believes in. They acted and campaigned as “moderates.” No more. Now they are right out in the open with their extreme, radical, anti-American beliefs. They are the party of Ocasio Cortez.

It’s time to stop being nice and “well mannered.” Too many conservatives are afraid of offending someone. It’s time to just tell the raw truth. Study the platforms of the Democrat Socialist Party that endorses Ocasio-Cortez. Study the platform of the Communist Party of America. Now compare it to what leading Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez say. The raw truth is…

There is little to no difference. 

So, stop sugar-coating it. Stop calling them Democrats, or liberals, or progressives, or even socialists. This is exactly what communism looks like.

First let’s compare socialism vs. communism. Stop trying to separate the two. They are inseparable. Communism is simply the political system. Socialism is the economic system of communism. That’s the only difference. They are part and parcel of the same system designed by Karl Marx. The same system that murdered 100 million human beings in the 20th century. 
The same system that today has destroyed Venezuela. The formerly richest country in Latin America today has no gas, no food, no medical supplies and 1 million percent inflation. Venezuelans are raiding the zoo to eat Zebras. They are eating wild donkeys in the countryside. That’s socialism and communism at work.

By the way, Cuba is a communist country. But the Cuban economic system that starves the people and places them in unimaginable poverty and misery is called “Socialist.”

Now look at what Democrat Socialist Ocasio-Cortez believes in. She wants Medicare for all. The latest study reports that the cost would be $32 trillion dollars. The budget of our entire country is $4.4 trillion. Income taxes would go to 90% to pay for it.
It’s the same number everywhere. In “The People’s Communist Republic of California,” illegals are welcome, but plastic straws are banned. Waiters who hand a straw to a customer face six months in prison. Yet even in radical California they’ve shelved universal healthcare. Why? The cost would be $400 billion- double their state budget.

If you live in California, state and federal government combined would have to take near 100% of your money to fund universal healthcare. Please explain the difference between that and communism?

Keep in mind that estimate of $32 trillion on the national level

is “conservative.” That assumes healthcare costs could be put under control. They never have been in America’s history. Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to bring costs down? Instead, it doubled and tripled them.

So perhaps the real cost of “Medicare for all” isn’t $32 trillion. Perhaps it’s $64 trillion- 16 times the annual budget of the United States.

But Ocasio doesn’t stop there. She wants free college for everyone. She wants universal income- a welfare check for everyone in America, for NOT working.
She wants a “renewable energy economy.” She reported gleefully in a recent TV interview the cost for this is $3 to $ trillion more. How will she pay for it? She spoke of giant tax increases, a $2 trillion carbon tax, and a dramatic cut in military spending.

She believes in open borders and abolishing ICE. She considers “zero tolerance” for illegal immigration the same as “ethnic cleansing.” So, she’d let in 300 million more of the world’s poor and unskilled masses, doubling our population. All of them would get free Medicare, free college and universal income.

Folks, please stop toying around with words. Today’s Democrat Party is filled with socialists, communists and America-haters. This is insanity, mixed with ignorance, mixed with national suicide. They want to destroy us. They want to wreck our businesses. They want to take our wealth.

Call me Paul Revere. And yes, the communists are really coming.
2)The Fed, for the first time in over a decade, has said the economy was “strong”. It takes a lot for the Fed to use such terms. Inflation remains around 2%.  Wages are now rising for everyone, which is good for consumer spend, which means continued good GDP growth. In addition, the unemployment rate is likely to continue to drop to near historic low levels in the near term, also good for consumer spend, and GDP growth. Closure of Toys R Us accounted for the shortfall of new jobs in July. While the ten year is around 3%, it has been very stable for a long time, and 3% is still over 200 basis points below historic averages-“normal rates” . Even though the Fed will raise rates in September, that increase will not be enough to materially impact real estate and corporate borrowing. It will impact housing as mortgage rates will rise, but the price of new homes and the lack of inventory, especially at the lower end, has much more impact.  Due to over regulation and rising land and construction costs, not much lower cost housing is being built, and surely not in urban areas where it is most needed. This is not going to change. It will mean rentals will continue strong. Baby boomers who are considering selling, are staying put more than in the old days because they now have a 3% mortgage, or no mortgage,  and with house prices high, and retirement savings low, they are better to stay where they are. There is no place for them to move other than a rental or low cost retirement community. This is not going to change any time soon. More likely people will renovate more and not move. Oil prices remain stable and declining slightly. The Atlanta fed just forecast a 5% GDP growth for the third quarter. Jamie Dimon says he sees no reason the economy will slow anytime soon. Commercial real estate now has floods of capital available from a wide variety of sources. Rates are still low, and loan to value is still in the 65%-70% range, plus add on mezzanine debt to get to 75% or 80%. This is heaven for developers and landlords.

The EU economy continues its slowdown. The purchasing managers index is down 5 out of 7 months, and continues down. New orders are down. Services index was revised down. Add to this the right wing governments in Italy, Poland, Hungary, Austria, and Czech Republic opposed to Merkel and Macron, a weakened Merkel in Germany, and now Iran sanctions shutting off that trade, plus Brexit, and the EU will have to concede on trade. They need to make a deal on trade and soon, or they have real problems. Trump played them right. The US is strong economically, the EU is declining and weak, and has political disunity. Apple is worth $1 Trillion. Amazon, and Google just shy of that. The GDP of France is only $2.47 Trillion, Italy $1.86 Trillion, Austria only $391 Billion and Hungary $125 billion, and Russia only $1.3 Trillion. Consider-GE, once the shining example and solid investment, is falling apart, Exxon is now far from the most valuable, IBM is not close, and Ford is stopping making cars. This will give you a clear understanding of what is happening in the modern economy and the stock market, and why the EU is attacking American tech companies with big fines. They cannot compete.

NAFTA will get resolved by September. The trade deal with the EU will happen in October. Japan will be right behind that. In short, we are in a wonderful place in the economy, and there is little reason to think things will go south unless the Dems get control of Congress, and then all bets are off. I continue to believe the Republicans will pull it out as the third quarter GDP and unemployment numbers come out before election day, and as the trade disputes end well, other than with China. However, most people believe China cheats and needs to be forced to do a deal, so it will not be as negative as one would expect once all the other trade deals are done in the fall. Trump will look like he did what he promised, and it will benefit the economy and farmers, even if not in a major way.  

The full story on the conspiracy to stop Trump will come out by fall, and that will be really ugly for the Dems. It is clear there was no collusion, nor obstruction, and Manafort, in my view, will possibly have a hung jury. He will not flip on Trump. The case is just too complex for normal jurors to fathom with offshore accounts, foreign dictators, and how money was moved around through offshore shell entities. He will claim he was the rainmaker flying around the world, and Gates and others were keeping the books and doing the bad stuff, not him. The jury will not be sure what to believe. Manafort is likely guilty, and maybe after the accountants he will be, but proving that to a jury will be very hard, especially with this judge. Cohen has no credibility, so his stories will not fly, even if true.

The stock market has a long run upward ahead into late 2019, and maybe longer, unless Nancy and Maxine get control. Annuities remain a bad investment.  Fixed income remains a loser no matter what happens. The other black swan is the shooting war that is possibly going to happen in the Straits, and around the Gulf in November, when we shut off Iranian oil and close down their access to international banking. Then it is likely to include Israel and Hezbollah and Hamas. It is a race between an Iranian people rising up, and an all-out war.

Government pension plans are only alive for a little longer due to the strong stock market. As I have mentioned for a long time, it is the next major financial crisis we will face. There are massive pension deficits all across the country, and no possible way to meet obligations. Here is the issue.  Government pensions began in the early 1900’s as a trade off of secure jobs at lower pay in exchange for a pension. In recent times, the unions, especially the teachers, bribed politicians with massive campaign contributions and other support, in exchange for breaking the basic concept. Pensions were raised, healthcare for the whole family was added, and then wages were raised to at, or even higher, than private industry in some cases. Then over staffing was added due to the low quality of education in high schools producing incompetent staff unable to do the work efficiently, and so that increased the numbers of people who get pensions. It was a great example of geometric expansion of liability. Now many states and cities are going  broke due to pensions they can’t pay. Some states actually let unions talk them into putting pension obligations into the state constitution as a right, so now the pensions cannot be changed. This is a crash coming at the next recession, and it will be horrible. We are talking trillions of liability for which there is no funding possible. Pensions go down, or taxes go up and services go down.  There is no choice. combine this with Social security and Medicare going broke in a few years, and you see where this is all headed. The Dem’s answer --raise taxes and spend more, and kill economic growth. A recipe for disaster.

Toronto and Stockholm tried minimum guaranteed income plans. Both failed and were canceled. What is CA about to do- various cities starting with Stockton, which is already broke, are going to implement minimum guaranteed income plans just like the failed plans in Toronto and Stockholm. Makes perfect sense. Just not to me. The billionaire kids in Silicon Valley say they are all for this and will fund some of it. I guess they really are feeling guilty being so rich. 

Think about this. Social media companies-Facebook, Instagram, etc, produce nothing of value. They have no product. All they do is sell is your private data to advertisers, and then provide a communication link for those advertisers to pound you with junk ads popping up on your device screen using your own private data to target you . At least Apple and Google produce real products and genuine services, and create value to the economy, as does Microsoft. For this we reward Zuckerberg??? There is something very wrong with this. The Kardashians make hundreds of millions by posing and posting crap on social media, and TV, and again produce nothing of value. They just put a rebuilt pretty face and body to the same junk that social media ads provide. It is a giant scam to me. They are nothing but snake oil salesmen in rebuilt bodies. It is now recently proven that Twitter and Instagram do discriminate against Republicans and conservatives, while the Russians, and likely others, do use the social media platforms to promulgate propaganda.  Too bad Congress is too stupid to figure out how to regulate all this by treating them the same as broadcasters, which the really are. They broadcast garbage produced by all sorts of individuals, foreign intelligence agencies, and whoever, but they are essentially broadcasters, not unlike the old time town crier. Broadcast means --to broadly disseminate information to the public, truthful or not.

Ginsberg says she is staying until 90 years old. Isn’t it time at 85, and in poor health, that she retires instead of being a blatant left wing politically motivated judge by her frequent appearances and statements.. She diminishes the supposed objectivity of the Court. If Kavanaugh did a fraction of what she does he would never be confirmed.

Maybe someone can explain why Google employees think it is fine to create a special search engine for China to allow censorship, but horrible for them to assist the US military with drone analysis.

After extensive research and data analysis I have concluded --I am not getting older, it is simply that the calendar keeps moving ahead making it appear that I am. Some of you may have noticed the same phenomena.

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