Thursday, November 9, 2017

Is Mueller A Trump Plant? Democrats Are Adept At Marketing. Republicans Are Flops.Roy Moore, My Girl Friend, McConnell and Maalox! Melting.

“Don’t be evil.” That’s Google’s motto. Well, then, why does Google manipulate its search results for its more than 1 billion users? And why does it have an intolerant attitude toward employees who express views with which it disagrees...or merely discuss facts that it doesn't like? In this week’s video, James Damore, former senior software engineer at Google, explains what Google did to him when he stepped out of line with Google's left-wing orthodoxy. Watch James’s story here.
A speculative conspiracy theory. (See 1 below.)
I am generally turned off by Democrat, liberal,  progressive ideas and policies because they tend to be the kind that mean well but create dependency, ruin self esteem, breaks up families, are anti-religion and faith and you know the rest.

What I am impressed by is their ability to verbalize and structure their arguments.  They are truly masters at distortion.  I was listening to a discussion this morning and the liberal was attacking the proposed tax plan and he was saying it is a tax cut for the rich, so they could have second homes in the Alps and this was being financed by taking money from the poor.  The argument he was making was all emotional, totally unrelated to anything factual.

How did the conservative respond? He started citing statistics and my eyes glazed over.  As he was rebutting I kept thinking about what he should have been saying.

Aside from the fact that Republicans have proven how stupid and tone deaf they are they also have reinforced my belief they are incapable of marketing.  If they opened a house of prostitution I bet it would close in a week because they would not know how to attract clients.

My friend, Jim Emery, came up with a very succinct card that focused on a few things that define liberals and conservatives. It went as follows:

Liberals: big government, be more like others, equal rights for all, many Americas. and redistribution

Conservatives: Freedom, exceptionalism, unlimited opportunity for all, one America and Growth.

I also saw a video of Kennedy explaining why he favored his tax cut program.  It was brilliant. It was simple and to the point.  He basically said a tax cut would produce more jobs and income to the government while, at the same time, increase family incomes.  This from a Democrat who saw through the argument being made by those from within his own ranks who opposed then and now the idea of reducing taxes.

The bill proposed by Trump has been scored and is calculated to increase the deficit by $1.7 billion and, all of a sudden, Democrats are concerned about deficits.  Where were they when Obama doubled our deficits?  They were silent.  However, when GW was exploding our deficits they were very vocal.

Also, scoring is like a thermometer.  It reveals your temperature at one time unlike a barometer which tracks changes over time.  Scoring is static and does not capture the effect of lowered taxes going forward.  No doubt, lowering taxes allows people more income to spend as they wish and you have the multiplier effect which scoring does not capture.

Politicians are more full of it than turkeys but the Republicans just do not know how to craft their rebuttals in ways that the common man understands.  The first thing they do is pull out charts.  Ryan is a policy wonk and gets nowhere and yet he is very bright. He loves his charts.  His comforter on his bed probably has pictures of lines. UGH.
Liberals were portrayed on TV tonight screaming at the sky yesterday because it was Trump's first anniversary.  America is full of misplaced, puerile rage. (See 2 below.)
Are women trying to take over the nation by claiming they all have been sexually assaulted, abused, harassed, demeaned by men at one time in their life?  I am sure there is no male in America that has not offended a woman sexually or otherwise. 

I had a girl friend at Penn who actually thought I was queer because I never made advances.  She said she wanted me to be more aggressive.  Today I wold be thrown out of Penn for being aggressive unless I had a signed affidavit from her and then the PC crowd might say it was induced or forged.(See 3 below.)

As for Roy Moore, he is the perfect target because he is an Evangelical and Tea Party type who is rock ribbed in expressing his beliefs which do not square with the PC crowd, the mainstream crowd and the unctuous holier than thou hypocrite oafs who report our news.  

As for myself, were I living in Alabama, I would not vote for Roy but neither would I be inclined to vote for the Democrat because I am not interested in making McConnell's job any more difficult. In fact, I am taking up a collection to buy Mitch some Maalox. Want to contribute?
1) How Mueller & President Trump are Pulling the Biggest Sting in History

By Liz Crokin

On the crisp fall night of October 9, 2016, there was an electric energy in the air at Washington University in St. Louis for the second presidential debate. Hillary Clinton ended the first debate with a below the belt attack on Donald Trump accusing him of bullying a former Miss Universe beauty queen. There was a sense in the air that Trump – famous for his counter punches – would swing back with a TKO, and boy, did he deliver.

That night on stage Trump made a shocking promise to Clinton in the event he got elected. “If I win, I’m going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation…we’re going to have a special prosecutor,” Trump said. Clinton responded, “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Trump then interrupted and said: “Because you’d be in jail.” Trump’s statement was met with cheers and thunderous applause.

Trump’s famous “because you’d be in jail” line is constantly rotated throughout the Internet via memes and videos on social media to this day; however, what many seem to have forgotten is the first part of Trump’s statement: he promised to assign a special prosecutor to look into Clinton’s crimes. 

Fast forward to May 16, President Trump is now in the White House and meets with Robert Mueller. CNN reported that Trump interviewed him as a potential replacement for fired FBI Director James Comey. As Trump would say, “wrong!” It’s not possible that Mueller could’ve been interviewing for the FBI director position because he already served in that capacity – under Presidents George W. Bush and briefly Barack Obama – and he exceeded the term limit allowed to work in that role. The term limit is ten years and Mueller served as FBI director for 12 years. Mueller got a special additional two-year extension from Obama that the Senate approved. The fake news totally got this wrong — to no one’s surprise.

So what was the meeting really about? I believe Trump was finalizing his decision to appoint Mueller as his special prosecutor to investigate Clinton. Don’t believe it? Keep reading.

The day after Mueller’s meeting with Trump, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller to serve as special counsel for the United States Department of Justice. In the appointment record signed by Rosenstein it reads:

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct an investigation including “any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” 

Trump did not collude with Russia. The left and the media have carried that narrative based off of lies and a fake dossier. Trump allowed them to carry their false narrative because he knew he was innocent and that the investigation would eventually turn to the real parties who colluded with Russia. Enter the Clintons. What stands out in the affidavit Rosenstein signed included “matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation” because they knew an investigation into Russian collusion would eventually lead to Clinton.

Trump is a man of his word and he’s making good on all of his campaign promises, so why wouldn’t he keep this one? The left and the media has been so blinded by their partisanship that they’ve failed to see that the greatest bait and switch in the history of the world is going down right before their very eyes. They’ve naively assumed that since Mueller had been a part of the swamp, he’d protect the swamp. However, just because he’s associated with corrupt politicians like the Clintons for years does not mean that he likes them or has any interest in protecting them at this point. After all, the Clintons did go to Trump’s wedding and you know what they say: keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

So the investigation is steering straight for the real guilty actors and Tony Podesta is under the gun for The Podesta Group’s involvement with selling the country’s Uranium to Russia. This will lead to the indictments of his brother, John, Clinton’s former campaign manager, and, yes, Hillary too! Now if Mueller wasn’t going after Tony, why did he step down as CEO of his company last week? Multiple sources have confirmed to me Podesta is one of the 17 sealed indictments currently sitting in DC.

Other guilty swamp creatures are catching on to the true nature of Mueller’s investigation. On Oct. 30, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi issued a call for an independent investigation into Trump’s alleged campaign collusion with Russians just moments after Mueller unsealed indictments for campaign operatives Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. She’s also softened her tone from calling for Trump’s impeachment to now stating “impeaching Trump is not someplace we should go”.

Last week, top Democrats Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile threw Clinton under the bus by admitting she rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders. Why would they do this now? They’re distancing themselves from Clinton for a reason.

On Nov. 3, The Hill reported that Trump said that he’ll be proven innocent in the Russia election meddling investigation if special counsel Mueller treats “everything fairly”. “I hope he’s treating everything fairly and if he is I’m going to be very happy because when you talk about innocent, I am truly not involved in any form of collusion with Russia,” Trump said on Sharyl Attkisson’s show Full Measure.

When Trump was asked if he’d consider firing Mueller, he responded by stating he was confident he’d be absolved of wrongdoing. If Mueller is so corrupt and intent on protecting the Clintons, like so many on both the right and the left believe, why isn’t Trump sweating? He alluded that he’s not even thinking about firing Mueller. Not only is Trump a man of his word, he’s rarely ever wrong and his instincts are killer. It also should be noted that Mueller is a decorated Marine who served in Vietnam and has received many medals including the Purple Heart.

Mueller was hired to investigate Clinton, period. If my theory proves to be correct, this will go down as one of the most brilliant sting operations in history.

Liz Crokin is an investigative journalist and the award-winning author of Malice.
Rage is All the Rage

I read an article yesterday entitled The Rage in America’s Soul which begins as follows:
”I have lived all over the world. And I would like to gently confess: I have never seen a place with so much rage in its soul - not even an iota as much  - as America.”
The article points to the recent mass shootings as well as the general state of social discourse in the US and goes on to ask why – why is there so much anger in our country at this moment? 
It is an interesting article, well worth the read, that explores the question from a philosophical and existential perspective.  Rather than allotting blame to this party or that,  to this class, this race, this gender etc., the author explores the more inward struggles that we all face as Americans – the imperative to succeed, to excel, to stand out, to live the great American Dream.
What is the American Dream?  Is it possible that it has been misinterpreted and/or disfigured?  Perhaps it’s one of those dreams that begins peacefully enough, but gradually grows more strange and menacing until finally we find ourselves sweating, tossing from side to side, and trying desperately to wake ourselves from the nightmare.
The American Dream began as a promise of freedom, equality, and opportunity.  It was an image of a new land where hard work would yield an honest day’s pay; where people would be free to practice the faith they choose; where (ideologically at least  if not necessarily in practice) a person’s race and/or gender would not put one at a disadvantage.
Nowhere in that original dream was there the promise of great wealth or fame.  The dream was not to be better than others, to stand out from the crowd, but rather to be valued equally with others and to have the opportunity to be secure and safe and not to worry whether there would be food on the table tomorrow.
Today the American dream is associated with wealth and renown.  We want to be rich and famous, rock-stars and millionaires.  We’re waiting to be discovered – it can happen to any of us at any time.  Talent shows proliferate, and we applaud children when they get on the air and tell us their fantasies of fame - “I’m here because I want to be a star!”
We live in a land of star worship.  We gaze longingly upward and wish we could be one of those flickering idols.  We awaken from the dream and find ourselves woefully earthbound.  And we are disappointed.  We are disappointed in ourselves, and we are soon angry at those who are somehow responsible for our lack. 
We are angry.  We find someone to blame.  We rail at the injustice.
But who is it that is responsible for our “failure”?  Sure we can point to those who are selling us the dream and getting rich off of our vain attempts to acquire something that we will never have.  But what if we find that those snake oil salesmen are no more happy and no less angry than we are?  They may be wealthy, they may be “living the dream,” but they are also enraged.  They’ve reached the top only to find that money can’t buy you love, that fame is the greatest loneliness, that power corrupts and that in spite of all of their finery, the void within has not been filled.
What if we stop allocating blame, and begin taking responsibility?
It is obvious that there are inequities in our country, that there are many who are hurting,  and many complex problems to resolve.  But it is also clear that our anger is not leading us to progress or relief.  Our rage is exacerbating the issues rather than assuaging them.
The American Dream began with the ideas of liberty, equality and community.   We would be free to disagree, and we would respect one another enough to collaborate and innovate not in spite of, but on account of, our great diversity. 
Rage is en vogue in many circles today, but it will not lead us out of this morass.  What we need at this moment is a re-evalutaion of our dream;  a review of, and recommitment to,  the principles  on which we as a nation were founded; a renewed awareness of the commonality that we share as human beings who are all doing the best we know how.
The way to address and alleviate the rage that is currently bubbling toward the boiling point around us is to identify and mollify the anger that is within us.  We can, and must, learn to passionately pursue the issues that are meaningful to us without alienating and demonizing those with whom we differ. 
It is only as a collaborative that we will be able to assure that the genuine American Dream is available to all, and it is only with patience and compassion that we will convince the other to join us at the table and collaborate.

Once upon a time there

 lived a King who had the

most beautiful daughter.

But there was a problem.

Everything the princess

touched would melt.No

matter what:


Anything she touched

would melt.

Because of this, men

were afraid of her.

Nobody would dare marry 

her.The King despaired. 

What could he do to help

his daughter?

He consulted his wizards

and magicians. One

wizard told the King. If 

your daughter touches

one thing that does not 

melt in her hands, she will

be cured.

The King was overjoyed

and came up with a plan.

The next day, he held a 

competition. Any man 

that could bring his 

daughter an object that 

would not melt would 

marry her and inherit the

King's wealth. 




The first brought a sword

of the finest steel. But

alas, when the Princess

touched it, it melted.The

prince went away sadly.

The second prince 

brought diamonds.He

thought diamonds are the

hardest substance in the

world and would not melt.

But alas, once the 

Princess touched them, 

they melted.He too was

sent away disappointed.

The third prince 

approached. He told the

Princess,'Put your hand in

my pocket and feel what

is in there.'

The Princess did as she

was told, though she

turned red.She felt some

thing very hard. She held 

it in her hand.And it did

not melt!!! 

The King was overjoyed.

Everybody in the 

kingdom was overjoyed.

And the Prince married

the Princess and they

both lived happily ever 


Question: What was in the

Prince's pants????

M&M's of course!  They 

melt in your mouth, not in 

your hand.

What on earth were you




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