Or daughter, Abby Nelson was on a trip with her
advisors and went to/discovered what is now her
favourite restaurant near their hotel in California.
The liberal Pc'ers unwinding of America continues. (See 1 below.)
A growing number of American youth have indicated they prefer Socialism and would rather live under its dictates. My suggestion is we send them to Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and N Korea for a semester.
No doubt the mass media and the Democrat's ploy of identity politics and attacks on the rich" have caused a misplaced backlash against Capitalism.
Then we have the nonsense about the proposed tax changes favoring those who pay taxes. I guess tax cuts should/could go to those who do not pay taxes and they should/could receive the rebates as an extra/another entitlement.
Obviously the "filthy" rich make no contribution to the "welfare" of our nation. They are greedy, they buy luxurious items, take outrageously costly vacations, drive around in fancy cars and own second and third homes. They are a menace to society.
Strange why most everyone who is not rich wants to become rich and they want to become so without putting in the hours, taking the risks all the while believing the world owes them a living.
I live in a community that has several extremely wealthy people. I even had lunch this week with one who is considered rich. He is the nicest,most down to earth, generous and involved man I have had the pleasure of getting to know. He is a balanced conservative and Savannah is blessed to have benefited from his involvement and charitableness. America would be a far better nation if we had more of his kind in government.
1Liberals have seemingly laid out a plan to completely disrupt the entire foundation of the United States. Members of the Democratic Party have attacked nearly every ideology the nation was founded on, ranging from the Declaration of Independence to statues and important monuments throughout the country. Even the statue of Christopher Columbus in New York City is the target of attacks from individuals who want the monument toppled and destroyed. However, it has now taken another turn, with liberals publicly attacking the Pledge of Allegiance.
When going through the Pledge of Allegiance, there is no bigotry within the text of the pledge. It is straight forward and to the point. Despite this, liberals are saying there are racist connotations behind the pledge and, due to this, the pledge either needs to be changed or scraped altogether.
This is just the latest push by liberals to attack the foundation of the country and alter it to fit their desires and plans. While the Pledge of Allegiance was originally written in 1887 and revised in 1892, it was adopted by Congress in 1945, following the end of the Second World War.
With very little of the Pledge of Allegiance changing over the years (the phrase “under God” was added in 1954), why are liberals suddenly having an issue with it now? T
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